Robert Pattinson No1 in Russia's "Yes" Magazine
Rob makes No 1 on yet another HOT list.

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Kate, that has to be the freakiest thing I have ever seen.......
wow!congratulations rob!you deserve to be #1..
Temp you mean the K Stew pic?? Isn't it just weird???
yep, very weird...first pic of Rob is such a hot one, though :)
Do you need a translation guys????
Hi Tempt! weird pic, lol
Rob = sales.
or, Rob = sells
Brilliant marketing strategy on their part,
weird pics.
Rob = SEX
Wow..everyone is trying to cash in on Rob...he looks amazing as always...
Kristen is beautiful don't know why they always try to change the photos.
Wish these cheesy mags would stop pimping out Rob's image for monetary gain........on another note......anyone reading PA on FF? new chappy is up.iam here on pins and needles waiting on EP, i hope she update soon,the anticipation is killing me.
that pic is really weird where they replaced kristen. i agree they are cashing in on anything they can that has to do with rob.
rptmo : are you talking about his personal asst?? and yes i am awaiting the next update on EP it so freaking good. i think after it is DONE from all the updates i am going to have reread the whole thing. what are you startiing on next??
In my opinion, Kristen's "look" at Comicon wasn't anything special so why did they want to copy it? She's worn much nicer outfits than this, unless they love the mullet look, lol.
The photoshopping is out of control ....
Ana 73,
After the extreme tension of reading EP, I started a lighter ff.
It is Acclimation Diaries
It is sexy and very funny at times.
It is Edward acclimating himself to Bella before the wedding. They are trying all kinds of sexy stuff. And he gets advice from the other vampires. Which is too funny.
This one is complete and it reads pretty quick.
@Ana73 oh yea iam talking about 'Personal Assistant' great story HOT,
yes i patiently waiting on EP,
i also started a new one called (Near you always) its very good,lots of lemons *Wink* edward is a Hot EMT in this one or Paramedic (spell check) Lol
anyway its good. :-)
@Ana73 any lemons in that one AC ?
iam looking for a new FF to read with lots of Lemons with a great story and a Hot and jealous and posessive Edward. :-)
rptmo - on HPA did you get the feeling that bella is questioning edward's feelings at the end of the chapter...and she wrote that there is only one more chapter then the epilogue. i really wished that someone will write about a "wedding" and preparations because i think the characters would be funny preparing for a wedding. i have so many to choose from dont know which one i will start next.
oops i meant @ADM Sorry my bad,
its not good to type when you are drunk lol :-)
ADM - i will check out Acclamation diaries, at least it's done.
but i am kinda liking the ones that aren't a continuation of SM's twilight. i think i like the stories that have nothing to do with the "twilight story" a little more.
@Ana73 yes i was under the same impression,but he pushed her away because he was to chicken to own to to his own feelings,Dr.Cullen is also to blame.
Did everyone read Red Line already. I have been reading this one in between waiting on updates.
rptmo - yeah but she is wondering how he was able just to shut her out so easily without even trying to stop her from leaving. so we will see if she addresses it in the next chapter.
teri - yeah i read the red line already, very sad story. but i like it because it was so tragic and i thought it was very well written. poor edward so tortured, what do you think of it so far?
Kristen should go to Russia. She'll never get recognized cuz they have no clue what she actually looks like. This is so lame that I'm speechless.
ADM, Ana73 & rptmo,
FF is making me nuts!' I'm reading inked wile waiting for EP, I'm sill reading my yes my no and dark side of the moon.. And now these other 2 sound great also!!!
She may be putting up ch 50 very soon... I'm loving Tatward right now...
Ana73 and RPTMO,
I usually like the ff that is not based on the Twilight story, too.
However, I just jumped into this and I am dying laughing. Chap 5 and 8 Emmett gives Edward advice and I am cracking up over it.
So far it is pretty hot, I have read 8 chap.
I wanted to read something very different from EP, and this is.
Yes i read the RL and it was a very hard read for me but well written...........one of my friends told me about 'Land of Milk and Honey' iam scared to ask what this one about,
I think it’s time we that like Rob/Kris support them, specially Kristen BC people are misjudging/misunderstanding her actions/words everything, as we can see all the celeb that work/worked with her just praise her so much, so what’s the problem with these gyus??? Everybody knows how shy and private she is and so is Rob. And why is just Kris wrong? They’re wonderful/magic/nice/happy/hot/beautiful/romantic/fairytale/ couple…wow…and she really makes him happy all the time and vice-versa. You can’t deny they’re together and they’re very protective with each other, if it wasn’t they wouldn’t put up with this horrible situation, like f*k crazy fans, paps… Jesus let’s support this COUPLE. Read this, she’s supporting Kris and you? http://pattinsonintoxication.blogspot.com/2009/08/defending-kristen-stewart.html.
Thanks a lot,
Yay, don't you love tatward! Loved very strong Bella, too.
Read The Red Line. Very good story, very hard to read. Loved it.
I am on chapter 9 now. I feel like I can only read a chapter a day b/c it exhausts me.
Yes red line broke me..but I loved it. Balancing so many Edwards my head & heart are spinning! Off to read more..bbl
I am waiting for updates on The Land Of Milk and Honey. I LOVE it!
Guess what, just checked to see how many chap. there are, she has pulled the whole story.
I am not happy!!!!!!!!!!!
@rpattzG ,Ana73,ADM i like my FF with lots of lemons and i also love the dark an posessive edward,this is why i love EP so much, when Edward beat up James,mike Newton and Jacob for touching Bella i was screaming,i LOVEEE EP Edward .......i started reading inked but the Tats Turned Me off,iam not against Tats but the idea of Bella with Tats does not fit the image.
Some people like to play with photoshopping... My teen son does, too. At least he does not work in a mag... yet...
If you like Darkward, you would have loved The Land of Milk and Honey. Can'tbelieve she pulled the whole thing.
That Edward was mysterious, dark, sexy and British accented. And he could go all night long.
Don't know if she will rewrite or if is just GONE.
ok i will check out 'Milk and Honey' right now iam reading 'Near you always'
all the FF stories are killing me :-)
He's just so damn pretty.. he's a lot more too.. but really he's just so damn pretty... I just want to look at him...and look at him.. and look at him.... and do him... and look at him... and look at him..
You know what I mean?
It is no longer available. She pulled the whole thing!
Yes Kelly
I do know what you mean...
ok ladies iam drunk and horny and my mind is in the gutter (as always) so iam going to give you an image,
are you ready? brace yourself........Rob in a soldier uniform Hot Damnn......can you see his 6'2 lanky frame in army greens and black boots.... YUMMY!
rptmo - you are funny, is that from Near You always - or is that your imagination running wild??
ADM- that is weird that the whole story would be pulled, thank god i wasn't reading that one yet.
You would think the Russians would have at least one Stoli pic!
FF - I'm obsessed with EP too, awesome, best since wide awake, thank th elord she writes fast.
Yummy Edwards in Lost boys, I adore this one it's very Robward; The Blessing and the Curse is dark and mysterious stuff - but on a break.
Nothing I love is updating, Wingman where are you, Vampire in the Basement is taking so long and I adore it so.
So I go to comedy for relief, Cullen Family therapy is possibly the best laugh I've had from FF.
But you have to check out The Good Looking Loony Tunes Stalker Guy; and The Good Looking Loony Tunes Vampire Guy; and Eddies Little Secret - all by Jajo, they are all crazy funny.
Ladders by Marve is OCD Edward, a complete story I liked.
kespax - wow you put up so many thank you i will check them out. is there anything in there that is as good as EP or WA or close to it.
@Ana73 its from my imagination Lmao my Rob dreams........and i also find it strange the whole story would be pulled,i wonder the reason behind that. sounded like a really hot story with Darward going all night.... Damn
RPTMO... I'm think more Navy.. dress whites.. Or fighter pilot gear.. YUMMY YUM YUM!
@keepax what is 'Lost boys'?? is it as good like EP or WA
Rumor has it that some one stole her work. It is too bad. She had a seriously good story. I was HOOKED.
Me so sad.
rptmo - i never thought of rob as military but hey it's your fantasy and go with it...have fun in your thoughts. lol
ADM - i had read on some of these that people are really stealing stories, that is crazy. i cant remember which one it was but the author wouldn't post another chapter til the other ones were taken down and i guess the readers helped her out.
@kelly oh yea :-) The image of Rob in any uniform is a big turn on.
Yeah, even Angstgoddess has had trouble with this. But, she didn't pull the story and leave people hanging.
Maybe, she pulled it out of anger. In that case maybe, she will repost when she cools off. One can hope.
@RPTMO Or out of one :P
stealing stories Wow.....the whole stealing thing is funny and ironic because they are using the twilight characters for their own plot,
i guess FF is cut throat.
Chap 50 of EP has been posted, run ladies run!
@ADM ahhhhh OMG its up thanx :-)
Edward in uniform - Behind Enemy Lines is damn good and complete.
Lost Boys is awesome, check it here - http://www.fanfiction.net/s/4869271/1/The_Lost_Boys
Three young woman, three young men, a potentially haunted Victorian that's falling apart around their ears, unrequited love, and an up and coming band. Take all that, shake it up, and set it in romantic San Francisco. All human, usual pairings.
This description doesn't do it justice - Edward is very Robish, tortured mysterious awesome musician, and it's a real mystery story with ghosts and cool stuff. It's at times lots of laughs and then all angsty, lemony delish.
The ones I am really impatient for updates for are on a break & it's killing me, Blessing & Curse is almost evil Edward really intriguing; Vampire in the Basement is just heartrending and gorgeous.
can anyone send me the link to the FF "Red Line" and also if you ladies can give me the links to the other fan fiction you are reading. Please and thank you
Rather than plodding about to find my links - go to places where you can grab them easily, and blogs, sites with recommendations.
I use Random Acts of Rob - has a weekly fanfic recommendation blog, imdb, lazy yet discerning ficster blog, and all of the awards for fics sites.
imdb has a lot of the links on fanfic threads on Robet Pattinson's board - try here
Also use Twilighted top 10 lists etc
Where does everybody else get clues to what they might like to read?
thanks. I'll look into that.
Who is #3 on that Russian magazine??
I don't recognize him.
Hi! I'm from Russia and i can try to translate it to you) If you want) But my english isn't very well(
to femroc: Number 3 - it's russin pop singer)
Wow. Now we know ~ Rob's name looks fantastic in any language.
Maybe the photoshopped picture over Kristen will make sense once this is translated?? Maybe it's a 'put your face here' thing? am I reaching?
You understood this picture correctly) It's just explanation how to copy Kristen's hooligan) style) i don't know why they put this girl into picture instead of Kristen) May be it's just to show how they able to work in Photoshop))) As everybody in other magazines)
Okay... I studied Russian for 3 years so understood some parts. Is it only me or the last 2 questions are made-up? The rest of the interview is mish-mash of old interviews but don't think I've read these two.
Oh, Rob, you're wrong again. Sex is really important :))
AND you're THE sex-symbol. Period.
Мда, Роб рулит даже у нас :-)
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