Robert Pattinson Naughty, Naughty

Pic is a close up from the CinePremiere scans that we posted yesterday. You can see the full scans here


TINK said...

LMAO i love it

Krystle said...

What's with heating pad on the ground?? lol. For someone's butt or does someone have menstrual cramps? haha

WinWin said...

lol. So cute. : )

NerdieHunnieBunnie said...

I would let him eat whatever he wanted....

Anonymous said...

What is your guess that Rob is sticking his finger in?

Haystackhair said...

Hmmm, I'd share anything he wanted!!!

nextstopsf said...

Just the way I like him!! ;)

margot said...

hmmm ... have you noticed Taycob's Nikies ? First Rob, then was Kristen, now it's Taylor, lol

Marna said...

Oh God, how many people are going to look at that picture & say it's proof Rob & Kristen are a couple? LOL

RPLover said...

If Rob stealing my scooby snacks will make us a couple, then-

*waves hands in the air* Rob! Over here! I've just been to the grocery store, you can have what ever you like!!


Athena said...

Rob... I have Tim Tams *wink wink* :D

Anonymous said...

I'm guessing they don't pay for those Nike shoes.

Nike just drops off several pairs every now and then. No payment necessary. Just continue wearing them.

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