IrishTwiSisters contacted Jonathan Ross (BBC) to ask about Rob appearing on his show and here's what he said
From IrishTwiSisters :
So, thru twitter I DM'd (Direct Message) Jonathan Ross of the BBC show 'Friday Night with Jonathan Ross' (UK) a few weeks ago. I told him some of the Twilight cast would be in London on the 11th of November for a Twi Fan event - details of which still have not been released by E1 entertainment. I asked Jonathan if any of the cast would be appearing on his show to promote the release of New Moon (show recorded on 12th Nov). Jonathan very kindly responded that RP may be appearing.

Tonight in response to my tweet that he should dress up as 'Edward Cullen' for Halloween (LOL), it appears he did confirm RP's appearance....
Kate: I would be so happy if this is true because it would be a hilarious interview. I guess we'll just have to watch and see what happens!
From IrishTwiSisters :
So, thru twitter I DM'd (Direct Message) Jonathan Ross of the BBC show 'Friday Night with Jonathan Ross' (UK) a few weeks ago. I told him some of the Twilight cast would be in London on the 11th of November for a Twi Fan event - details of which still have not been released by E1 entertainment. I asked Jonathan if any of the cast would be appearing on his show to promote the release of New Moon (show recorded on 12th Nov). Jonathan very kindly responded that RP may be appearing.

Tonight in response to my tweet that he should dress up as 'Edward Cullen' for Halloween (LOL), it appears he did confirm RP's appearance....
Kate: I would be so happy if this is true because it would be a hilarious interview. I guess we'll just have to watch and see what happens!
Damn that pic is hot,
great angle shot i love the smile.
Will we be able to see(or hear) this here in United States? I'm not familiar with this show. Please inform. Thanks
Oh i SO hope Rob does go on the Jonathon Ross show it would be fab!
i will check bbc america and see if mr ross is one there...i have direct tv so lets hope!
Oh for all thats holy please let it be true!!
I love Jonathan Ross and hes a hilarious host!!
The show is only shown on BBC One in the UK but usually its up on youtube very quickly. Especially if its someone as popular as Robert. Someone is bound to record it and put it up :) Ive seen some interviews go up 30min after they aired on TV :)
@ lostinphilly57
On Friday 12 June 2009, the show began airing in the United States on BBC America at 8 p.m. EST.>that´s what wiki says.
I´m hoping for youtube since I won´t be able to watch it here in Germany.
Would love to see Rob at a comical chat show,hopefully unfiltered.
ok if anyone get bbc america and the show is called friday nights with johnathan ross then yes it will be on..yesssssss!!!!
I hope this is true.
I confide in the power of YouTube to get to see this one! :)
oh man i hope this is true, Jonathan Ross is hilarious..
*** the power of UTube ***
the Aussies dont see his show
Wahoo!! LOVE Jonathan Ross! That interview would be hilarious :D
It's about time! Could be funny, or terribly bad! dependng on how cheeky Mr Ross is.
Oh I hope so! It will be so nice to get a current interview where we can actually see & hear him speak. I'm so tired of the same quotes in magazines.
ooooooo i really hope sooo!!!! im in the uk n tht interview would b great 2 watch!!!! oh please god let this happen!:)
LOVE the new banner ladies! HOT!
If he is I shall be so glad coz we seem to be lacking in anything Rob or even any Twilight related stuff over here in UK.
Being from the US have no idea! Any live Rob is good!!!
glad that he is going home. he will be able to re-charge :)
I hope if it doesn't show on BBC in America that someone posts it on youtube for us.
@rpattzgirl: I realised I was redundant. lol. Lots of others mentioned Ross is on tv in US. There is an online site for him also, I think.
ok well I'm easy breezy...as long as I can see him or others can & record it, I'm good!
It's Sunday night 6:15 drunk ass hanging with my daughter even though she refuses to talk about rob,... I'm good!
I'd LOVE to see him on Graham Norton
well NOT lit'rally
(tho Graham would not put up a fuss!)
In the US: I was able to find "Friday Night with Jonathan Ross" on BBC America Friday nights at 9:00pm.
What would you ask Rob is you were able to sit down and interview him?
Here's mine:
1. What American customs if any, have you adopted?
2. What do you like best about your profession?
3. You've said you don't care who directs a movie, as long as the script is good. Is there a director you want to work with?
4.Is there a part that you really want to portray?
5. Are you happy?
6. Besides family, what do you miss most about home?
7. What do you dislike the most about your profession?
8. What is the best time for a fan to ask you for a photo or autograph? What's the worst?
9. Do you still want to write, and if so, what do you want to write?
10. Is there something you really want to do, and can't?
These are my top 10...
Rob on Graham Norton and Im in heaven!! That guy is so insanely funny.
I once saw him giving Brian Molko from Placebo a toilet seat shaped like a guitar. I swear I wet my pants!!
from rp life on twitter:
Source: Rob and Kristen are doing new photo shoot this week in Vancouver. Can't give out deets now. More later this week.
OMG, this is old, but look at the eyes, the hands, the crotch, the sez boots..
Sorry, sex not sez, drunk blogging!
@ rpattzgirl ~
My interview would have to be in a (very) special channel... My questions would all be about sex, sex life, what he likes to do, what he likes the girl to do, etc.
oh my... *long sigh*
keep dreaming, crazy vamp...
crazy vamp,
LMAO! Those would be the "special" questions after drinks.
Those were really great questions..
The writing question would be one of mine definitely and the family question as well.
1. What state in the US would you most like to be able to vacation free from work, and any Landmarks you'd like to see?
2. For someone who hasn't been to England, where would you suggest are your top places to visit while there?
3. Does it creep you out that my 70 year old grandmother says and I quote "I LOVE HIM"?
4. What is your favorite Holiday?
5. Favorite Female musician?
crazy vamp is sleep talking at the computer, AGAIN! lol
I love question # 3!! LMAO! He gets creeped out with the 8 yr olds, what about the old ladies?
I know right. I'd like to know what he considers too old.
OT - I finished Red Line today I was so emotional that read.
Those are all great questions.
1. What do you really do with your day off?
2. What do you want to be doing in 10 years?
3.What's up with the buttons?
lol the buttons great question
Love the button question! How about what's up with the sewn together cloths, who really sews them?
@ Teri,
I know...Red Line killed me..but so good, what'cha gonna read next?
I have 5 different ones I'm waiting for updates on...
"What is up with the buttons?"
I loved that one. I want to know the answer...
Am I the only one sleep talking to the computer here??? Humm???
Oh by the way I have a ff to rec!
Deconstructing Dracula by hmonster4
Bella goes to Londonfor 6 months to work on her disertation about
Dracula. She sets the wheels of fate in motion, radically changing the lives of 4 people.
This is very good. It is lemon light, however. There are lemons, just not many.
No, I'm sleep talking too, drunk, trying to focus on what I'm typing and failing miserably!
not sure...waiting on TO, EP, Betwixt and MYMN to update. I hesrd clipped wings is good but not sure any suggestions?
No crazy vamp, you are the only one that I catch!
Yes, who the hell is the horrible seamstress, or is it really you Rob?
Can you imagine him, sitting in some hotel room with a beer, needle and thread, trying to match up the seams, the color? Fuck a duck! I can't see him doing that, but I bet he does..
God, I have way to many things to read for my classes... I promised myself I would NOT start reading FF... This blog thing already takes a lot of my spare time.
But my daughter might enjoy them. Are they adequate for a 13 year/old?
He is so freaking thrifty that he most likely does do it himself.
NO crazy vamp!!!!!!
They are mostly x rated.
There are teen rated ones. But, you would have to find them for her. Or risk her reading things that you might not want her to read.
ADM... really? Ratz! I'm glad I asked...
My daughter and her friends dig so much in the internet, that it is hard to believe that she never heard of them.
Well (x rated, right?), she won't hear that from me...
Like the questions all would ask but I, of course, only have two:
When will you be doing another open mic?
When will you release your album?
How many songs do yo have on the soundtrack of Remember Me?
Oh, picky..picky. Yes, it was 3!
Forgot to say Deconstructing Dracula is COMPLETE.
Also, good questions A.
Teen ones? Hmmm... might be risky. She would find the others too... she reads a lot, and is too curious.
Anyway, she read all "True Blood"'s books ~ and they have a lot of sex also...
I was so stupid about those things at her age...
Clipped wings is Sooooooo good! Waiting for updates... Tatward has me hot & bothered!
rpattzgirl, did you see my rec @ 10:18?
I liked it a lot.
Ok so now Clipped Wings and Deconstructing Dracula are new on my list of must reads.
Thanks ADM and rpattzgirl :).
By the way - Looks like I missed one hell of a blogging session last night. Were people ripping on Gozde? I couldn't read all of the posts far too many.
I had called someone out before I left to go to a concert last night and then when I logged in today I saw the last few posts on that thread. What's the scoop?
I will try DD next I love finding new FF!
It was bad last night,,,
first just nasty shit about us... Then Kristen then Gozde. But we kicked their asses and shot th down...
Kate & Kelly were awesome as all the other girls...
We may not all agree on shit but we stand strong and fight to protect our own!
Good I am glad. I said something to Monika b/c she only posts stuff about Kristen and Rob so I referred her to the robsten blogspot. She got a little miffed about it, but like she said freedom of speech and all that shit right?
I could not even read that thread. It gets too crazy. I do not understand the need to get so ugly.
I know.. There are Jack asses out there that lurk and them jump on just to stir up shit...
But once you disredpect the blog owner, you're toast...
Omg, footloose is on! Love that cheesy ass movie! Gonna chill for a while...
Luv all you guys... I'm a sentamental drunk!
I try to always keep a level head but when ppl start attacking Gozde, Kate, and Dani that's where I draw the line. Its probably a good thing I was at a concert last night.
I mean I don't agree with everything that is said on this blog, but that's the thing I love about it. We disagree but everyone is respectful. But then a "few" bad apples can spoil the bunch.
rpg is watching "footloose" ~ good! I like that one 2.
I just watched "Dirty Dancing" with my daughter on tv ~ it was the first time she watched it. She said that Swayze was hot; then I told her that he died a few days ago, and she looked sad... :(
Have a wonderful week, al'Robsessed girls!
FYI - New Chapter of Edward Wallbanger just posted.
Okay, curiosity got the best of me. I read the damn thread.
Damn, there are some crazy ass people out there. Glad I am safe at home. *looks around* yep, just me and the dogs.
Thanks Teri, that is where I will be.
Night all.
yw ADM night all!!
Good idea about the question asking, my top three are:
1. what do you do to get into character right before you go to shoot a scene?
2.Have you gotten to try on your new Stoli shirt?
3.If you were the interviewer what question wuold you most want to ask your favorite actor?
Love the buttons ?. lol
Wow..so many actions I have been missing!!
I just feel like I don't belong..but hey as long as you girls share the same interest, it's called home to me!
I just like to know, are they starting to promote New Moon in the US already??(or any part of the world for that matter), the date here in my country was moved, from Nov.20, it's now Nov. 25.
Sam Bradley went here but I was unfortunate enough to not catch him!(rolling on the floor crying like a baby..) He's like the closest thing I could get to Rob!! And I just lost my freaking chance!! I heard him over the radio and the female dj's are just drooling over him!!! and I didn't get the chance to even see him!! I'm sure he looks drop dead gorgeous (but of course not on any level as ROB)..
This is interesting! I wondered if we might see him one day on this show. I can't stand Jonathon 'Wossy' Ross but I have to say I think he might get a good interview /reaction from Rob!
AND...who is 'Wossy' big buddies with???? Yes...that other twit Russel Brand who hosted the MTV Awards last month.
It'll be good to see Rob on a British chat-show....don't think he's ever been on one before.
I hope this is true, it would be a so funny.....and also Jonathan Ross is also for grown ups, so horrah for not having to buy Mizz magazine for any other teen crap. Plus it means Rob would be back in the UK which is always a good thing!
oh God i hope this is true!
love Rob
LOVE WOSSY, best chat show eva! Rob would be a perfect addition to the guests. Jonathan knows when to be funny and when to ask serious questions and I think with Rob he'll be very funny as Rob is so laid back.
For all you Jonathan Ross virgins out there, search "Jonathan Ross Daniel Radcliffe interview 2" on youtube. Dan was promoting Equus and it's the most hilarious interview i've ever seen (besides Robs DVD commentary of course)
I hope Ross asks Rob about his writing and music compositions...
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