According to Heat Magazine Robert Pattinson was spotted on the tube this week! The tube being London's subway... See he really IS a wizard! He
apparated from Vancouver to London :)

all together now: WHAT A LOAD OF CRAP :)

Thanks to the
Irish Twilight sisters for the scan :)
He must have learned something from Harry! LOL
Dare I say something about his magic wand?
I don't know I have heard those London trains are pretty fast, the Pom's constantly brag about their advanced Railway Systems.....
I agree Kate which platform was it 9 and 3/4....
Umm...yeah i guess this is rather old. This was before he got waaaaaaay famous...i think over Christmas break...I think his Tubing days are unfortunately over...
he is in my bedroom every night so he really must be a wizard to fly to NY LMAO :-)
OOORRRRR HE has a TWIN! Ohhhhhhh double the goodness!
Story is a load of crap..
Picture is a load of adorable!!
Bless him, catching some Zzzz :)
Could he apparate into my bed, please?
well,his talent is speed maybe that's why suddenly he's on the train in london and btw,i thought he never sleeps lol!maybe rob misses that small thing being able to sleep on a train..being you rob!you always look great:)
He can also get 1000's of women pregnant with one look so he IS a wizard...
Suz.. If that happens to come true for you can I like.. come sleepover that night?!
I just mailed ya ;)
Able to combust multiple panties with a single stare!
"He can also get 1000's of women pregnant with one look so he IS a wizard..."
Yeap true story LMAO
Well, we know that we are all under his spell, lol
The crap just goes on...and on......and on......and on.....
you know we're all Robsessed when we can look at a photo of him and know when,where,who, what, and, why about it. LOL
These mags need Robsessed fans to be writeing their articles just to have some of the facts straight about him.
@RPaddict - I know how funny is THAT?! (or scary!?) ha! And you're so right.. they need to hire some of us to proof read before publishing! LOL!
I knew he had many talents:)
you guys have me LMAO!!! I know I feel the magic whenever I look at him for sure!!!
So nice to have his way with a wand confirmed, Gozde. Ta.;)
Ah, those trusty spies: look, boss, he's on a train...he's on a train...
I don't care for what those mags say... not a bit.
Anyways, isn't this man amazing?
I wish I could wake this beauty up with a warm french kiss..:))
oh yeah...
What a ridiculous story....this is from earlier in the year....before he left for the Oscars in February...and he hasn't been back since...
lolzzzz tht looks kinda fake but hes still delicous
mmm old pic, a litle intrusive, but cute
LMAO @ Rob apparating in the Tube!!! :D
Even if it's old and even if the article is total crap, this picture of Rob snoozing on the train is so sweet! :D *sigh*
How I would like to play Princess Charming and kiss him awake!
Story of the year!
Next issue will be exclusive interview he gave them while train sleep-talking.
(Horrifying thought: Is it the same "Heat" magazine who has Rob's personal New Moon video greeting? No it can't be because this stinks like crap(mag)azine!)
I think it's hilarious that he has a beard in this picture that is supposed to be taken this week...when he is filing Eclipse, and Edward DOES NOT HAVE A BEARD.
moombean - magic wand ?? LOL
oh i want to kiss those lips and say "wake up luv breakfast is ready!" :)
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