Robert Pattinson in Vanity Fair December


Source ladolcevitablue at Source


lostinphilly said...

Hummina, hummina, hummina...OMFG, this man gets more gorgeous with each photoshoot he does!! These are awesomely HOTTT!!!I can't wait to get my hands on the December Vanity Fair magazine, that's for damn sure!!

...wowie! said...

hyperventilating. OMG OMG OMG

enjoykim said...


I need this mag RIGHT NOW!

WinWin said...

THUD!!! Completely incoherent right now.....
How gorgeous!!!

Thank you!!!!

Angie said...

Oh thank you Kate. Just saw these on Access Hollywood. Can not wait to have this magazine in my hands!

Does that book say Sex-Driven People? Really! Just shoot me.

Suz said...

Fook ME Blind..

They are magnificent.

Do we know who the photog for this shoot is?

Is the Annie L?

Hello, I Love You! said...



Suz said...

opps.. I mean


Hello, I Love You! said...

I sorry, KATE... THANK YOU!!!

Suz said...

Re: The Book he is holding..

Sex Driven People; An Autobiographical Approach to the Problem of the Sex Dominated Personality ,'...


Dominate away, my little darlin

Kate said...

Sorry Ladies my broadband is crap tonight!

Sarah said...

that's what he is.
SEX DRIVEN PEOPLE? Hahahahaha. Whoever decided to include that is just not being fair now.

Lizzyfrommxli said...


The pout in the 2nd picture... And the eyes in the 3rd one!!!!


Sarah said...

Yeah.. Gonna get like several copies of this bb. How hot can it be when there's not even much skin showing? it's crazy.. but it is. They know just how to get into our pervish little minds and give us what we want.. muhahah. like the one in the white shirt when he's getting dressed... they know what they were doin;)

Lizzyfrommxli said...

The first 3 pictures... "Beautiful Bastard"


Skylarking18 said...

Somebody call the Robambulance i need CPR my heart just stop. Sex-Driven People? Is this a subliminal message? I got it Rob!!!

Unknown said...

I call BS on pic 2! Everyone who follows Rob knows good and damn well that he did not button that shirt! If he DID it would not have been buttoned correctly!

RPnKSaddict said...

Rob-sexxed-driven people......
is what the title of that book should say.LOL!!

Looks wonderful are we suprised!!!
Going back for another pass...

Unknown said...

@ Skylarking18




Unknown said...

What day does this hit stands?

Whitney said...

OH goodness..


Jeswah said...


womadsart said...

hay hay hay CARAMBA!!!!!!!!! papacito!

tgill said...

How can they possibly compare Taylor Lautner to That!!! Could the man get any more beautiful!! love the book and the cheeky grin

qiupang said...

Holy SH**! LOVE THE SECOND AND THE THIRD ONE. Is he really reading "Sex Driven People"!!!

txag80 said...

hands - they each have his beautiful hands in them - thank you. VF knows what they are doing - can't wait to read the interview.

Unknown said...

Oh my ... *THUD*

kdc2239 said...

So hot!

RPLover said...

Oh.MY.God. I think I passed out there for a second. And these are just scans. Heaven help me. I know it's been done, but frickin'


qiupang said...

Agree with you. I looked at Taylor's GQ shoots pictures last week, and thinks it is just a joke they want to put that 17 year old in a tight dress shirt and a tie and call that sexy. Taylor is cute, but sexy? Only to the 15 year old girls, probably.

Anonymous said...

holy hell, the lounge chair with the book did me in, hot hot hot phewwwwww

Marna said...

Holy crap!! He is so gorgeous, I can't breathe. I wonder how many other pictures there will be, & how many outtakes we'll see afterwards. I'm going to need 2 copies of this magazine, 1 to save, & 1 to lick!

margot said...

well, thank you verrry much for these :))))
now I can go to sleep !

Diane said...

Does he stay up nights just thinking of ways to do us in? Nice touch with the book, Rob. You need to rethink this strategy, or there won't be anyone left standing to buy tickets for New Moon.

Unknown said...

Someone help me!!!! I can't breathe!!! *died*

Angie said...

LMAO Diane, I think he is trying to reduce the screaming masses. Just wipe them out with pure lust.

Sarah said...

lol @ joeya. yeah.. no way rob knows how to button anything.

so... he totally perfects that pouty mouth and he knows it. white shirt pic is def so office like, i'm sure the office staff will have fun with that one! beautifulbastard4ever :P lol, that would've been my screenname if i was 13 right now.

Thu said...

oh my gosh! i can't wait!! Is he on the cover?

Sarah said...

haha @ ADM. seriously, i know we're all just a bit... excited and maybe that's silly to get excited over a couple of pics, but that's just the thing - the man is himself and he looks gorgeous being so. but then i honestly think... Wtf is he thinking doing pics like these? if he was ever trying to calm or settle the female hysteria that surrounds him everywhere he goes... this certainly is NOT going to help, bb, and maybe he's just doesn't see that... sheesh! after all, it's not like he's showing much skin. but as we can very well see, it doesn't take skin to make something sexy or provocative. at. all.

Kate said...

Don't know how I'm gonna go to sleep after these!! But I'm gonna try.
And once again sorry for my crappy broadband!
Night night!

asoihgapoh said...

Panty terrorist, ladies. The man is a panty. terrorist.

Anonymous said...

On E! News they showed a photo of Rob in a creamish colored sweater. They showed it for like a milli second and didn't show it again. I think it was a preview for Monday's show. Pretty sure it was a VF photo. It had that artsy, beautiful look to it. Can't wait for the issue to finally be out! I can already tell it's going to be better than GQ, and that's saying something!

Sarah said...

anyway, thanks for posting kate :) i got my big smile and kick (the book pic. def.) for the day.... off to see mute math!!! :)

Karina said...

Good looking kid. lol

I like the jaw one best, and the sex driven one second. A laughing Rob and a jaw jut pwn all other poses.

idontknow said...

Out of probably a bazillion books he COULD be holding, he's got "Sex-Driven People".

Really Rob?

This from the guy who said "I'll probably look back and see how I could have controlled it better"?

Newsflash: NOT helping. Soooo not helping. lol

And yes, I'm aware I'm waaay obsessed but:
the book was published in 1966 and the summary from Amazon (idunno, i found it interesting):

"Product Description
The cases presented in this book are among the most unusual and interesting ever encountered and are unparalleled in sexological literature. With rare insight that strikes at the heart of truth, R.E.L. Masters makes a decisive contribution to the better understanding of humand and animal sexuality. To be sex-driven is to have an active obsession with erotic release, the gratification of which is not to be denied. Such extravagant behavior may be an appeasement of emotional loneliness, an inability to gain a meaningful satisfaction from one sex partner, an alternative to suicide because of emotional and physical frustration, or a psychopathological sexual imbalance such as is popularly called being over sexed. These honest first-person studies demonstrate that the "world of sex" wherein dwell the sex-driven people is not one to be envied and is not one that any responsible individual would wish to glamorize or make to seem desirable. The sex-driven person's communion with the other residents of the "world of sex" is at best a temporary vehicle for his emergence from a dark and painful singularity. In Sex-Driven People, R.E. L. Masters offers an inestimable service to humanity and broadens the scope of man's understanding in the light of scientific sensibility of the human sexual experience. "

VeilsofLight said...

Hmmm...Ok, of course this man is perfection incarnate. That's a given. And these photos are continued disgusting, torturous proof of that.

However....sorry ladies, these are just a bit too posed for me. At this stage in the game, the man HAS to have a little creative control, and it's a bit much.

Guess I'm more about the candids, sorry.

Or maybe I'm still reeling from the Peter F. interview below. Wow. NOTHING could knock me from my Robsession, but wow, I am temporarily disabled in a slight Peter crush.

OK....I'm back. Rob is a god among men. Whew, that was a close call.

asoihgapoh said...

I don't know - I feel like the sex-driven people book is a joke. Not implying that HE'S sex-driven (which...just...yum) but that his crazy ass fans are. Which is why he's hiding out at his J Crew cabin. Where I'm inside baking his fine ass some cookies and where we later test ourselves out to see just exactly how sex driven we are...

Nora said...

Please... PLEASE let there be a video.


Kate said...

Some more pics added. Really going to bed now! LOL

Suz said...

OK. November 2009 is going to kill me




nicole said...

andddddd im dying and dead!
wowwwww. pretty sure i can die happy now!

Angie said...

The bib is cracking me up!

asoihgapoh said...

Suz: word.

Kate said...

Added vid, it's only 6 sec :-}

Unknown said...

Ugh! I want to get this sooo bad! Tell me it will be out by monday...?

Alice said...

I love that he's eating lobster! They should have let him wear his hat in that shot though.

MMc said...

Jeez - I love the one of him putting his coat on - he looks so powerful and confident there and like........I own the world - which of course he basically does.

Makes me wonder why he complains of so much attention and all the mad fans so hot for him.......and then does that!!!! The Sex Driven Personality! Is that supposed to turn us OFF??

If he doesn't want attention from us why does he do these things that drive us WILD@!@($*@)

He's quite a puzzle.

Anonymous said...

@ Veils..

Agree. They are hot, but a bit too posed.
Rob and candids = dynamite.

We've seen Rob in other photoshoots where he was more in his element. And they were amazingly potent.

The photographer could have just let him hold a book he really reads...

That reminds me....any new Rob- reading-book sighting?

Alessandra C. said...

SEX-DRIVEN PEOPLE!!!! oh my Robert!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't breath. I want to jump in his arms and never let go! goergeous gorgeous gorgeous gorgeous gorgeous gorgeous gorgeous

Ripley said...

DAMN! He's hot! The pic with the piano - that posture. GAH!

whocares said...

can't... breathe...

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...


Take me now, this man is the death of me...

WinWin said...

OMG, the one with the lobster bib is precious. LOL. Oh god. I will not make it to my next birthday! He is too hot on the beach!

Thank you!

jc(britlover) said...

Thanks for the preview! Obsession with Rob will be neverending it seems. Thank God for this special man.

spunkinator said...

oh dear god kill me now.
rob has destroyed half my panties.
i need to go but new ones.

the piano picture is beautiful.

Anonymous said...


Love him with the piano!!
Takes me back to that scene in "Pretty Woman".

This is not a humble man.
And yet....*thud*

SluttyPattz said...

HOLY, OOOH MY, SERIOUSLY, THESE PICS "POSED" OR NOT ARE FREAKING HOTTT. My vision blurred at one point b/c I refused to blink.

wintermistake said...

Sex Driven People!!! The piano!!! OMG!!! NO WORDS!!!

bonemama said...

Im gonna have to purchase a personal difibulater if this kinda stuff keeps up! hehe..

Very gorgeous..very classy..yess piano on the beach..

Can you imagine the out takes if we ever get to see them?

spellbound said...

Out.Takes....Oh yes....can't wait for those. They're usually as good or better than the published ones! I know the book is just a prop but from the summary of it, I wouldn't be surprised if he did read the smile in that one btw! Rob, eat more lobster...or something!

Twilusted said...

OMF, I AM DEAD!!!!! I have a gasp still stuck in my throat! I can't take this anymore Rob! Stop making me yearn for you and not doing anything about it.

Gah, I LOVE you Kate!

kat said...

oh lordy.
the first three.
just when I think I am moving on with my life....

Lizzyfrommxli said...


The piano on the beach (The most beautuful picture)... His lips while he drinks beer...

This is too much for me...

The pictures are georgeous, classy, funny, sexy... DUH! Of course there is no other way with Rob!

Kelly said...

Bless me father for I have sinned....again...and again...and.. A...g...a...i...n..

I'm pretty sure God is good with it though.. he created him after all

Emily said...

Whoa, whoa, whoa...I step away for a few hours and this is what I miss?

This is pretty much guaranteed to be VF's best selling issue EVER.

The piano...I can't get over the piano one.

Anonymous said...

Or, maybe that book is not a prop, and is, actually, his current reading material.

The book shot is the most natural-looking of all of these takes. [He is smiling. I like.)
It looks like the photographer arrived, and said, "Hold it Rob -- no need to get up yet." Click! Click! Click!

I can't wait to see the rest. I have I feeling there are loads of breath-holding, heart-stopping ones.
The guess-who-these-lips-belong-to picture is not here.

Anonymous said...

* a feeling

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

ugh who would've thought Rob wearng a bib and sucking on a bottle (of beer) could be so HOT, I betcha the photographers (especially the female ones) have a ball photographing this Man!

SarahBella said...

O-M-G!!!! I can't breathe! Could he be any more gorgeous?!? BB-esque pics too???? I think this one shoot single-handedly counteracted months and months of his hard work in trying to stay out of the public eye and disuade female fans. Pfffffft. He messed up this time.....we are yours 4 LIFE now, hon!!!

May I suggest that theatres around the country have the foresight to bring crash carts to every New Moon screening? Maybe provide feminine wipes as

Oh....and "Sex Driven People"?! Okay, that's just mean! I can't believe they would do that to us! ::whimpers:: We're aleady...I just.....I mean, you can't just he really reading.....

Where's that crash cart???? :(

skorpia said...

This man is too sexy! I cant wait to buy the copy and read the interview!!

wintermistake said...

@SarahBella LMFAO crash carts and feminine wipes

PerfectDate said...

The pic with the piano........

Anonymous said...

omg yum yum yum!!! piano on the beach .... now im dead *thud

Anonymous said...

off topic but i know you ladies luv the office :)

JandR said...

Can't wait for this to hit the shelves!

RPLover said...

@robmyluv-omg, that was HOT! thanks for the link! ;))

Unknown said...

LOL, when I first saw that lobster on his little bib or napkin or whatever, it reminded me of that baseball cap he wore that one time, the one with the lobster on it. I was all like, "OMG, return of the lobster!" xD


Oh. My. God.




Bootstrap Intern said...

These pictures are great!!! I can't wait to get my hands on this mag.

TwiHartRK said...

MFBS all over again.

Annette said...

HOLY CRAP! These are the best pictures I've seen yet - drop dead sexy and gorgeous and just... GAH. I love them all and the one that is my undoing is the one with him holding the book titled "Sex driven people". Mmmm.... are you sex driven, Robert?

Anonymous said...

man he can't get any gorcious thann this i can eat him up oh oh, i love all the pictures but love the one with the piano looking good omfg thanks for uploading them need to get my hands on that magazine.

Kelly Louise said...

Oh holy hell. *drools*

Where can I order that book he's reading? Title sounds very interesting.

Athena said...

Holy shirt!


I. Iz. Died. Dead. +_+

Pet73 said...

O M G! I'm speechless!!!! What else is there still to come?!

Pet73 said...

Okay, I catched myself and think I'm now able again to type correctly :).

I love the one of him putting the coat on (and pulling his eyebrows up - sigh ...) and the one of him slouching on the chair (man, those jeans are tight ...)

Does anybody know the photographer? Would love it, if it was Annie L.! She's great (and presently here in Vienna for her latest exhibition :p).

Okay, now back to starring at the pics again!

Pet73 said...

Oh, I forgot: Thank you girls for putting up the pics! They're such a nice view to wake up to :)!

Lizzie said...

OMR....what are they doing to us?? This is a perfect Christmas present....can anyone look more gorgeous?? I don´t think so....*died*


I love picture number "3" and the one with the piano. He looks so damn HOT! They are all awesome. I can't wait to see these pictures in the magazine. I might have to buy more then one book!
He is so gorgeous!!

Anonymous said...

GAAAAAH - I think I might possibly die from these pictures. Him with the piano on a field/beach *drooooool*.
I think I have to succumb and buy my first Rob-mag! I just want to jump him....

Anonymous said...

I truly think this has been Rob's year for photo shoots...he's been seriously working the camera lately... he's looked the best I've seen him in his solo shoots this year... specially his recent ones (i.e. carpet pics, porch pics, classic b+w pics, GQ....I KNOW you know what I'm talking about...) it just feels like rob is just getting more and more good looking to the point where you feel like anymore handsome and he'll just combust into pretty pieces...the recent styling has really brought out rob's attractiveness.. i love him like this...clean faced and stylishly desheveled hair... not to mention that jaw that's ever so prominent ... i think that jaw alone is better looking than anything i've seen in person ....goodness... honestly i pity myself for thinking i knew what handsome was before rob came along ;) and to top it off he's a nice and humble handsome guy... who has talent... wow. just wow.

TheMissMod said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Dahlia said...

Wowza! Whoever took these photos/organised the shoot sure knows what we want/what drives us crazy!

Linda said...

OMFG....he just keeps getting more and more beautiful with each passing day.

TheMissMod said...

Blimey! There's no way I can work now - not after this! I'll just start after lunch, it'll be fine...
Of all the pics, its the piano one that gets me the most! I play piano myself so maybe that's why...but just the idea of Rob playing piano makes me swoon - the beach adds to the romanticism. @Luffscruff - nice one, does make you think of that doesn't it? Move over Richard Gere!
'Lead me not into temptation - I can find the way there myself! Amen!'

Mrs. Spunk Ransom ;) said...

there are no words for this.


(see how I used Breaking Dawn for my incoherency?!)

*claps self on back* lmao

wow, just WOW.

xLove2rpatzzx said...


Candy Girl said...

He has such an expressive face on top of being drop-dead gorgeous. @luffscruff said "This is not a humble man." You can be confident and still be humble. I hope he doesn't lose that, cuz it just makes him hotter!

kchambers77 said...

he is one fine bitch. i love the piano one.

shirleegirl said...

I can see why Rob doesn't dress up all the time - women would be passing out on the street at the sight of him - just beautiful, don't know which I like best

roxiegirl said...

F*ck me. That's all I can say. The one with the piano....OMFG. I can't wait to read the article...what new goodies will we learn?

jmm4832 said...

This is not going to be a popular opinion but I love and adore all the pictures except the one where Rob's reading the sex-driven people book. I think it's cheesy.

spellbound said...

I can see why you think that about the book pic but imo I think he's doing that with tongue firmly in cheek (no pun intended...*ahem*). That's why it's the only pic where we see a smile...I'll bet he got a huge laugh from that one. It seems to fit well with his sense of humor. I wish we knew how it came about, whether it was really his or someone handed it to him to hold & what he said if they did! lol

womadsart said...

Oh my goodness!!!! For me.... That picture with the piano is the sexiest of ALL!!!!!! I wanna be that piano!!!!!..

Katherine said...

He is sex.

Mrs. Spunk Ransom ;) said...


lmao, couldnt have said it better!

aimary said...

OMFG...I can't write, talk, breath...I'm dead..I need a CPR now!!!!!!who said he can't be a model?? how dare?? this is the best photoshoot EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

@ Spellbound - I thought so, too.

I thought the book might be a prop to excite the ovaries off of his female fans.

On the other hand, it might also be his current reading material, to immerse himself in preparation to his Bel Ami role. You know, understanding the sexual and mental profile of the handsome, sex-crazed Georges.

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