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Robert is the perfect example of what the media and fame are capable of doing. It’s a huge stroke of luck, brutal and well-aimed that all of a sudden launches you to the highest peak of worldwide attention, away from good and evil. Something very tempting and are.“I wasn’t expecting having this much success. It’s something I still can’t understand. The truth is that in certain occasions I feel dizzy and I still don’t know how to handle so much attention” he expresses, in a very shy voice, almost like a whisper, as if he was telling us a secret. His eyes, so clear they’re almost transparent, stare attentively at us and distract us. It’s not easy resisting his charms! His honesty wins us over though, because far from finding a male diva, we discover, little by little a sensitive man. Warm and charming. We don’t hesitate in sharing with him what we really think: luck, yes, it’s fundamental, but if it doesn’t come hand in hand with talent and magic, everything remains just an anecdote. Robert smiles, he likes the idea. For now he knows that in talent he has exceeded expectations but he worries that he might not be up to the hype and the phenomenon that he’s become. It’s clear to us; charisma is authentic. And after this interview, there’s no doubts about it.
Last time we saw you, Twilight was about to be released and you said you didn’t know what to expect of the movie, and that everybody was looking forward to it. After all the success and box office numbers, how do you feel?
It’s very strange. I can say that everything has happened very fast. Like I’m fast-forwarding through life. Like everything around me is happening at 1000 m/p. The way you fast-forward a movie, just like that. I never thought the movie would cause such a stir. Seeing girls screaming around me is so bizarre. Sometimes I can’t believe is all about me. It’s like I’m living inside a movie, but I wake up and it’s all real. I see that it’s real and how much my life has changed. I still don’t know in which ways my life has changed, I’m still figuring that out. And I don’t know why but I think it’s going to take me a long time to figure it out. I guess it’s normal, don’t you think?
Of course! But we can’t deny that you’re already such a phenomenon by yourself. You have fans waiting for your next movie and wondering what you’re up to. Are you aware of that?
Yes, in fact, that’s the most strange part of it. For instance, I haven’t been able to see the final cut of New Moon, and I’ve read so many comments and opinions about it already. It’s something I can’t understand. It’s like everyone else can read into your future or, like they have more information of your life than you do.
Does that generate any pressure for you? Has it affected your work or changed you freedom in doing other things, or taking chances for fear of not acomplishing what others expect of you?Honestly, no. In that sense I feel like I’m the same person i’ve always been and I feel I have all the freedom in the world. I’m still doing my job as best as I can, and most importantly, I still enjoy it. I admit that I do feel more safe in movie sets that on the streets. I never thought that one day that would happen, but I feel that in movie sets I can be myself, and be more relaxed and focused on what I have to do. When I go out for a walk, I have to be aware of everything that’s around me and that’s out of my control. On a familiar set at least you know what to expect most of the times (laughs).
Does it affect you what tabloids say about you and seeing yourself in the cover of these magazines?
Not at all. I don’t like to read them or be aware of what they say. At all. It’s something I avoid completely. I do my work, live my life and follow my intuitions. I make my decisions the best way that I can and that’s it. If you pay attention to any of that, you’ll lose. I’m aware of that and I try to be very careful about it. I try to live away from that, saving my self disgusts and headaches.
In Twilight we got to see some sexual tension between Bella and Edward. That’s something very enigmatic. Will that continue in the rest of the movies?
I don’t think there was sexual tension, nor do I think that that’s the focus of the movies. I don’t see it that way. I think it’s a stroy about what it means to commit to a feeling and to the person that you love. Above all, it’s about finding someone to love despite having to fight so many problems that might show up. What hooks you about the movie, I’m convinced about it, is that it talks about the fear of what can happen to you if you fall in love and give yourself away completely. Realising how far you can go for love, passion and being amazed by it. People identify with it more than you can imagine. To me it’s not even a story about vampires, but about feelings that we’ve all felt before. It talks about the fear of feeling those things. It’s a movie with so many meanings, that’s why I like it and I think that’s why people like it too.
Tell about how you can’t expect what’s going to happen when you go out.
Yes, it’s something I’m still taking in. I’m plain, I like normal things. But now there’s rumors about the places I like to visit, and I can’t go to those places anymore. One time I tried. I wanted to celebrate my birthday on the same place I always go to, and it was a total failure, There was so many people, I couldn’t have a good time. From that point on, I try to avoid places where I can be seen and become the object of paparazzi and curious people. I also avoid the hip, famous places where people think I might be at. I’ve changed them for darker places, those dodgy places where there’s good food and music. It’s sounds crazy, but I’ve had to develope strategies to go out with my friends and have a normal life. It’s the dark side of fame. But I don’t complain. I just asume that I have to deal with it now. Not everything can be perfect. I have so much already, having the oportunity of living from acting. It would be unfiar to say that I’m unlucky.
There are actors who would die to be in your shoes. Would you say that it’s a double life? The one that you live in front of the cameras, in red carpets and the one you live intimately?
Yes. In the end you have your real life and the one they make up in inteviews, not caring if what they’re saying is true or false. What’s true is that I’m too normal and I give them no material to write, so I’m an easy prey for make up stories. I should go wild and do crazy things so they have something to write about. My flaw for those tabloids is that I’m too calm and quiet (laughs).
And in those moments of intimacy and privacy, is it true hat you like to play the guitar? What do you do when you’re by yourself?
I do play the guitar. I have friends in Vancouver and I get together with them to play the guitar, listen to music. We spend the nights singing and swapping stories. I also do that when I’m at hotels. It’s relaxing. Music is my other passion. I hope I never leave it.
Speaking of passion and music, we know you write songs. What can you share about it?
I’m trying to write some songs for the next movie. I don’t know if it will be possible because of my schedule, but I want to do it. Music is the other side of me, it’s one of the things that complete me and I wouldn’t want to leave it aside for anything in the world. I have the intention of evolving in that aspect. It’s something I want to develope just as much as acting. I want to have a balance between those two things.
What other artistic endeavours are you interested in?
I always wanted to be a pianist and live in the south of France (laughs). But I’ve learned that it’s not important how you do things, but the final outcome. In life you always end up doing what you like. And nothing completes you more than that.
Do you have a spiritual side?
I believe in Karma. I believe it exists and whatever you do in your everyday life makes the eprson that you are. What you give in life comes back to you. I’m convinced of that, so I’m sure that everyday you have to be a good person and treat everyone with respect. We’re all connected.
We know you can’t say much about New Moon, but don’t leave before you tell us, did you have to go to some place dark to play this vampire again?
Yes, the truth is that the way I wanted to play Edward was less powerful. He’s a character that can’t change his condition, he didn’t choose his fate. He was unconcious when Carlisle turned him into a vampire. When he woke up, three days later, he realized that in oder to survive he would have to kill people. Imagine what would you feel like if you knew you would never grow old and that you would live forever. And what’s worse, you didn’t look for it. You become a sort of Superman without even wanting to be that, you were just a 17 year old kid. You must feel a huge impotence and frustration. Instead of believeing you’re hero, you’re a person who can’t find himself and doesn’t know who he is. Understanding that has been fundamental in understanding Edward. That very human side of him is what I love about him and I feel like I can relate to that. There’s something we all find hard to change and face about ourselves.
Than you to Twilight Poison for the scans and Translation. Please link back to them if you Repost.
Robert is the perfect example of what the media and fame are capable of doing. It’s a huge stroke of luck, brutal and well-aimed that all of a sudden launches you to the highest peak of worldwide attention, away from good and evil. Something very tempting and are.“I wasn’t expecting having this much success. It’s something I still can’t understand. The truth is that in certain occasions I feel dizzy and I still don’t know how to handle so much attention” he expresses, in a very shy voice, almost like a whisper, as if he was telling us a secret. His eyes, so clear they’re almost transparent, stare attentively at us and distract us. It’s not easy resisting his charms! His honesty wins us over though, because far from finding a male diva, we discover, little by little a sensitive man. Warm and charming. We don’t hesitate in sharing with him what we really think: luck, yes, it’s fundamental, but if it doesn’t come hand in hand with talent and magic, everything remains just an anecdote. Robert smiles, he likes the idea. For now he knows that in talent he has exceeded expectations but he worries that he might not be up to the hype and the phenomenon that he’s become. It’s clear to us; charisma is authentic. And after this interview, there’s no doubts about it.
Last time we saw you, Twilight was about to be released and you said you didn’t know what to expect of the movie, and that everybody was looking forward to it. After all the success and box office numbers, how do you feel?
It’s very strange. I can say that everything has happened very fast. Like I’m fast-forwarding through life. Like everything around me is happening at 1000 m/p. The way you fast-forward a movie, just like that. I never thought the movie would cause such a stir. Seeing girls screaming around me is so bizarre. Sometimes I can’t believe is all about me. It’s like I’m living inside a movie, but I wake up and it’s all real. I see that it’s real and how much my life has changed. I still don’t know in which ways my life has changed, I’m still figuring that out. And I don’t know why but I think it’s going to take me a long time to figure it out. I guess it’s normal, don’t you think?
Of course! But we can’t deny that you’re already such a phenomenon by yourself. You have fans waiting for your next movie and wondering what you’re up to. Are you aware of that?
Yes, in fact, that’s the most strange part of it. For instance, I haven’t been able to see the final cut of New Moon, and I’ve read so many comments and opinions about it already. It’s something I can’t understand. It’s like everyone else can read into your future or, like they have more information of your life than you do.
Does that generate any pressure for you? Has it affected your work or changed you freedom in doing other things, or taking chances for fear of not acomplishing what others expect of you?Honestly, no. In that sense I feel like I’m the same person i’ve always been and I feel I have all the freedom in the world. I’m still doing my job as best as I can, and most importantly, I still enjoy it. I admit that I do feel more safe in movie sets that on the streets. I never thought that one day that would happen, but I feel that in movie sets I can be myself, and be more relaxed and focused on what I have to do. When I go out for a walk, I have to be aware of everything that’s around me and that’s out of my control. On a familiar set at least you know what to expect most of the times (laughs).
Does it affect you what tabloids say about you and seeing yourself in the cover of these magazines?
Not at all. I don’t like to read them or be aware of what they say. At all. It’s something I avoid completely. I do my work, live my life and follow my intuitions. I make my decisions the best way that I can and that’s it. If you pay attention to any of that, you’ll lose. I’m aware of that and I try to be very careful about it. I try to live away from that, saving my self disgusts and headaches.
In Twilight we got to see some sexual tension between Bella and Edward. That’s something very enigmatic. Will that continue in the rest of the movies?
I don’t think there was sexual tension, nor do I think that that’s the focus of the movies. I don’t see it that way. I think it’s a stroy about what it means to commit to a feeling and to the person that you love. Above all, it’s about finding someone to love despite having to fight so many problems that might show up. What hooks you about the movie, I’m convinced about it, is that it talks about the fear of what can happen to you if you fall in love and give yourself away completely. Realising how far you can go for love, passion and being amazed by it. People identify with it more than you can imagine. To me it’s not even a story about vampires, but about feelings that we’ve all felt before. It talks about the fear of feeling those things. It’s a movie with so many meanings, that’s why I like it and I think that’s why people like it too.
Tell about how you can’t expect what’s going to happen when you go out.
Yes, it’s something I’m still taking in. I’m plain, I like normal things. But now there’s rumors about the places I like to visit, and I can’t go to those places anymore. One time I tried. I wanted to celebrate my birthday on the same place I always go to, and it was a total failure, There was so many people, I couldn’t have a good time. From that point on, I try to avoid places where I can be seen and become the object of paparazzi and curious people. I also avoid the hip, famous places where people think I might be at. I’ve changed them for darker places, those dodgy places where there’s good food and music. It’s sounds crazy, but I’ve had to develope strategies to go out with my friends and have a normal life. It’s the dark side of fame. But I don’t complain. I just asume that I have to deal with it now. Not everything can be perfect. I have so much already, having the oportunity of living from acting. It would be unfiar to say that I’m unlucky.
There are actors who would die to be in your shoes. Would you say that it’s a double life? The one that you live in front of the cameras, in red carpets and the one you live intimately?
Yes. In the end you have your real life and the one they make up in inteviews, not caring if what they’re saying is true or false. What’s true is that I’m too normal and I give them no material to write, so I’m an easy prey for make up stories. I should go wild and do crazy things so they have something to write about. My flaw for those tabloids is that I’m too calm and quiet (laughs).
And in those moments of intimacy and privacy, is it true hat you like to play the guitar? What do you do when you’re by yourself?
I do play the guitar. I have friends in Vancouver and I get together with them to play the guitar, listen to music. We spend the nights singing and swapping stories. I also do that when I’m at hotels. It’s relaxing. Music is my other passion. I hope I never leave it.
Speaking of passion and music, we know you write songs. What can you share about it?
I’m trying to write some songs for the next movie. I don’t know if it will be possible because of my schedule, but I want to do it. Music is the other side of me, it’s one of the things that complete me and I wouldn’t want to leave it aside for anything in the world. I have the intention of evolving in that aspect. It’s something I want to develope just as much as acting. I want to have a balance between those two things.
What other artistic endeavours are you interested in?
I always wanted to be a pianist and live in the south of France (laughs). But I’ve learned that it’s not important how you do things, but the final outcome. In life you always end up doing what you like. And nothing completes you more than that.
Do you have a spiritual side?
I believe in Karma. I believe it exists and whatever you do in your everyday life makes the eprson that you are. What you give in life comes back to you. I’m convinced of that, so I’m sure that everyday you have to be a good person and treat everyone with respect. We’re all connected.
We know you can’t say much about New Moon, but don’t leave before you tell us, did you have to go to some place dark to play this vampire again?
Yes, the truth is that the way I wanted to play Edward was less powerful. He’s a character that can’t change his condition, he didn’t choose his fate. He was unconcious when Carlisle turned him into a vampire. When he woke up, three days later, he realized that in oder to survive he would have to kill people. Imagine what would you feel like if you knew you would never grow old and that you would live forever. And what’s worse, you didn’t look for it. You become a sort of Superman without even wanting to be that, you were just a 17 year old kid. You must feel a huge impotence and frustration. Instead of believeing you’re hero, you’re a person who can’t find himself and doesn’t know who he is. Understanding that has been fundamental in understanding Edward. That very human side of him is what I love about him and I feel like I can relate to that. There’s something we all find hard to change and face about ourselves.
Than you to Twilight Poison for the scans and Translation. Please link back to them if you Repost.
this is the rob we all LOVE!
Totally agree TS and best answers I heard from him about some subjects...
Beautiful pic and lovely, lovely story from the Rob whom I adore and miss hearing speak.
Thanks! ROBLOVE.
I could stare at that picture all day. His eyelashes GAH!
Beautiful words from a beautiful man! You had us all at hello! Karma baby! It's all good! I'm just so happy you exist!
Hey Thirty!
How's the weather?
Verrry nice pic! Seem familiar for some reason. Interesting interview too. Was he really trying to write songs for Eclipse or something else?
Oh Yeay-ah. Come and lie on my couch and smolder at me for a while, hon.
Enjoyed the interview.
wow, what an awesome interview!! I only wish that this was a video instead of an article, but whatever, I can still hear his voice in my head when I read it! LOL
Thanks, Kate! :)
Rob always was saying that he never did anything normal in his life and now he says he's too normal.He was always making fun of Edward and now he speaks really seriously about him.It sounds like he loves his character.Last year he was always saying how much he hated Edward and his perfection.Generally this interview sounds too serious.Rob's interviews were funny and witty.What happened to him?Why SO serious,Rob?Please bring the old Rob back!We miss him!
Rob sounds very positive in this interview. Maybe it's not his usual joking self, but at least he's not a prisoner of the paparazzi like the tabloids claim (roll eyes).
Like this very much: his voice.
"dodgy places where there's good food and music" and Karma. Will go for both.
I love that it's a new interview instead of the same old re-hashed ones that we've had to read for so long! There will be loads more new ones coming out over the next couple of months in the build up to NM. Thank God!
And that picture GAH!
I so hope this interview is real and that he's said these things.... DREAMY!!!
"dodgy places where there's good food and music"
-that was my fave part to 'A'
Dive bars are always better IMO
After reading this I'm even more "in love" with him!!!
The pic is dreamy too. Thud. Sigh....
gorgeous picture indeed. will be so glad to see/hear his video interviews that are sure to come as it gets closer to NM.
Again that is one gorgeous
Very sweet; thinking, thoughtful; very mature and sober, but not boring. Can't always be the court jester, even in the coat he borrowed from James Dean. ;-)
keely: yes, so honest :)
chi!!! long time, no see!
the weather is absolutely perfect here in indiana... today it's about 75 and sunny, with a nice breeze.
Robert Pattinson = A Magnificently Beautful Soul.
Thank you Joy Magazine.
Joy indeed.
Translations are subjective and always difficult to do but this still sounds like Rob albeit a little more serious than usual. There is something inherently seductive about a sweet man, and Rob is one sweet man. What a lovely pic. Thanks.
TS, that´s it and I missed those answers so much :-)
Thanks for posting this and to the person who took the time to do the Translations for this great interview! I loved it...Rob seems like he matured alot in the past year. I respected the fact that the interviewer did not delve into the Robsten sitch, to me it showed alot of respect for his privacy (Im sure it was on the no-no list of what not to bring up!) I also loved the interviwers take on the "not just luck" anology...bravo! I love me some Rob even more! Didn't think it was possible..our little sugganuts!
I've go the joy joy joy joy down in my heart where...down in my heart.. to sray...sorry that song.
Yes TS Rob we all love <3...
Thanks for posting. Love the interview and love the pic! That's the Rob I enjoy!
Great picture, just can't help looking at his hand and imagining that it belongs to a fan hiding behind the cushions sneaking up on him...
I didn't hear Rob's voice or personality coming thru in that interview. So, I don't know if it's all his words or if it was lost in translation? Or if he was just in a somber analytical mood that day (which he sometimes is) in interviews too.
Would Rob really say there was no sexual tension in TW?
Before, I thought he was great; now I think I´m in love, hehehe.... I loved the way he referred to things like he understand that there is not absolute perfection in life and that for all the good things a person can have, something must be "taken" to have a balance and to not complain about it because the good things he has in his life are really good in comparison. I also loved how he talked about karma; the way he expressed what the Twilight books are about and his understanding of the character; his passion for his music…. My goodness is this boy 23 years old??!!!... how long has he been 23?? Hahaha
A lot of things may get lost in translation but Rob seems to have many sides, when he is interviewed by a journalist that tries to look like an smart ass; he sort of play the game and takes out that dry sense of humor and talks a lot sarcastically; while in other interviews with a journalist that seems a little deeper in the questioning he approaches it in more analytical ways; there are interviews from last year when both aspects can be seen, so I´m not surprised about the analytical mood he showed here.
Happy, happy, joy, joy . . . indeed. What a beautiful soul this man has and so down-to-earth it's amazing! I'd love to meet him in a dark dodgy bar with good music, those are the best kind!! And the pic is Oh. My. God. So Dreamy!!!!!!!
Laurie and are spot on with your comments.
It is good to read an interview that is not looking for the 'sensational' angle.
Thanks Kate ..the picture isn't bad either!!!
and yes I licked and saved...and realized I need to clean my computer screen??......urgh!!!LOL
Totally agree.
Love back.
Thanks Kate...stunning pic and great interview....
I love that the interviewer like so many others got distracted from looking into Rob's eyes. LOL
Overall great interview.
I think this comment Rob says speaks to why there is no PDA.
"When I go out for a walk, I have to be aware of everything that’s around me and that’s out of my control". He is a private person.
Mech- Your right that he has many sides to him. And when an interviewer ask him a serious or light question he answers back in the way it is asked. Rob has always been contradictory in his answers.
So we finally know which movie he is doing music for. Great.I hope he can get an album together instead of a few songs on a movie track.But he is really busy. I guess like the old saying goes "good things come to those who wait".
And the pic is yummy!!!
loved the interview and i am so happy that it is a NEW one to read. cant wait for nov. 20th :))
love the interview and the pic is just breathtaking! Love him!!!!!!!
Oh his eyes in that photo are gorgeous aren't they?? against the green cushions?? How can he get more beautiful all the time. Kate - thank you for the new interview and new insights from this intelligent, gorgeous man. He will never lose an ounce of his charm and endearing personality. I'm so excited to see where this takes him.
I care for and respect this man more and more every day. I don't know when this interview was taken but it makes me feel better to hear him say that he is dealing with all the pressure and madness from the fans. I also read a really lovely review of Rob's life and career on the Remember Me website if anyone is interested
Yay new interview, thanks Kate!
Hi LindaRose, Temp & fellow Robsessed.
Have I mentioned how much I LOVE this man!
This statement could not be more true
“It’s clear to us; charisma is authentic.”
I’ve never a doubted it! :)
It's so great reading a legitimate Rob interview again...the stuff he says what I love most about him.
I love those eyes!!!!!!!!!!!! picture it gorgeous n interview is beautiful. Fall more n more in love wiv him everyday :)
I adore him.. simply, plainly, with all my heart adore him
I want to buy the magazine just for the picture.. I don't care if I can't read it :)
I miss Rob so much. I love this interview.
Mech, I love your comments.
"Sometimes I can't believe it is all about me."
You'd better believe it Rob - it is ALL about you.
"I do my work, live my life and follow my intuitions."
Good to hear this confirmed in what sound like his own words - just getting on with it and ignoring all the shit around him because it is not his real life - only he is privy to that and that is how it should be.
"I'm plain. I like normal things" Nothing but plain but do appreciate having to strategise to meet up with friends.
This guy is such a creature of habit - sad that he can't go back to some of the places he loves because once they are connected with him they are swarmed with fans/people/others. But hey the dodgy dark places sound good to me! I'm all up for good food and good music.
and speaking of music - hope he does to get to write something for BD - can't wait for more of Rob's soul to explore and enjoy.
Thanks so much for posting this article - it is great to read something new that has the ring of authenticity to it.
Karma?! Well... I've been an especially nice person... any chance Rob will be my reward...? hahaha... just jokin'.
He is seriously beautiful. People who don't recognize his beauty are brutes. The jaw... the eyes... the FINGERS. *sigh*
OMG - that pic of him is hot - can look in his eyes forever.
Good interview - I've always liked how open and honest he is in his interviews.
The man is perfection!
This is perfection Rob.
I can die now. Again!
Hello Ladies!
I love Rob answers and love the picture too , he looks gorgeous as usual.
I love this man so much.
Thank you Kate.
Bless him. He's sweet and I wish him every success.
The Rob is back! :D
I really loved this interview! It's been such a long time since I last heard his take on things :)!
There are things he hints at that get me worried, though... I really hope he will soon be able to walk around again without having to be "aware"... he shouldn't have to do that, he shouldn't have to avoid places because he is going to be swamped by people that want a piece of him.
Wise move not to read tabloids, though. Smart man! :)
Dear Rob, strangely this:
"I’m too normal and I give them no material to write"
"I’m too calm and quiet"
is exactly one of the things I like about you :). That you are truly one of us.
And this:
"I’m trying to write some songs for the next movie"
"I have the intention of evolving in that aspect."
is something I really hoped to hear!
About Karma: I am glad that Rob got it while he's still so young :).
This is the Rob that we all love, this is the reason that so many people truly adore him; he is truly a good, down to earth and spiritual person. His parents did a very good job of raising him and teaching him values, how to respect people and good manners.
Yes he's very good looking, handsome and so on, but if he would have a lousy personality even with all the good looks people wouldn't be attracted to him as a person at all. There are lots of good looking men in Hollywood but many have horrible personalities.
He's right, Karma is key in life. The way you treat others will come back to you three-fold. That's why he is having so much success, because he's treated people with respect all his life.
Looking forward to more of the Rob interviews.
And to his parents, Kudos for a great job with your son :0)
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