Robert Pattinson: Arrives @ LAX 10/29

Wowza...poor Rob.




Anonymous said...

I'm sorry, but that one photo showing him walking into the midst of all the papz makes me wanna cry! I can't imagine how horrifying that would be, especially for someone as shy as Rob professes to be. For his sake, once the Twilight mania has settled down, and the next big thing comes along, I hope they back off the poor guy and leave him alone. No wonder he never goes out anymore and always looks so miserable whenever you DO see him. Imagine facing THAT every time you left your house? UGH.

Emily said...

Ugh...that picture makes me feel queasy.

Welcome back to LA Rob. Bet you didn't miss it.

RPLover said...

just sick. :(

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Ugh is right... Why are they such assholes???I saw one of the vids and for once they weren't screaming , but still annoying as hell...don't they get it yet that Neither Rob or Kristen will answer they're lame ass questions?

God just give them peace for a few days before the screaming starts!

Ana73 said...

yeah, i agree that pic was just a big fat "welcome back to LA", yuck :(

solas said...

I want to know how these guys know when and where Rob and Kristen will be in any given place. Do the airlines' people see their names on the roster and let it out? Do the paps in the place they are leaving have info as to when they are flying and to where, and then give that info to the paps in the arrival place?
It seems as if they are trapped, no place to run, no place to hide. :-(

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

I've wondered that too.. They always seem to know... They have to have inside info, then share it with other pappz...

Tiffany said...

this is the saddest thing Ive ever seen.

Emily said...

It's crazy isn't it, solas? I don't know how they get all their info but I know Twitter has a lot to do with it. Plus, a lot of them probably just camp out at the airports. Which, to me, is just pathetic.

Sarah said...

I'm not sure how the papz find out either... I should probably know that since I am studying a lot of media stuff. Maybe they're just pathetic losers that wait all day and night. If it's LAX, they're always expected someone, right? I just don't know if there's any way laws can be passed from them being at AIRPORTS. The idea of airport pics are HELLA STRANGE, imo. And useless other than $$ for those who do it. They're boring and always look the same. I don't understand why anyone gives a crap. I mean, I get no pleasure out of them, Rob gets no pleasure out of them, heck I bet the papz don't get pleasure out of trying to hound over each other to get pics of him at a freakin AIRPORT. It's an airport. Stupidity. Getting so old... and it never was new to begin with

RPLover said...

a couple of days ago (I think) Kate tweeted about that canada autograph hound (asshole!) about not following him after his latest post-did you guys see that? he was chasing Kristen in a taxi and said that the taxi was speeding excessively, and did a u-turn or something to try and get away from him...and he called it an adventure and seemed really psyched about the whole thing. And he gets paid. Some of these people should be in jail-how can they be stopped?

I've got to stop obsessing, nothing I can do and this is pissing me off! sorry :(

RPLover said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Emily said...

I have a whole new perspective on the paparazzi since I've been following Rob for the last year and a half. I'm sure not all of them are disrespectful and horrible but man, it sure seems like it.

I love that he does not give them anything. That would take a lot of self restraint.

solas said...

It IS crazy, and I don't give 2 hoots that it's a 'public place' or a 'free country.' We aren't free to do anything and everything, especially to other people. It seems to me they are obstructing/limiting Rob's and Kristen's freedom and privacy. Isn't there such thing as pursuit of happiness? Does this child look happy???????????

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Who was the old lady on the escalator with him? Does she know how lucky she is??

Emily said...

I know, solas. These people seem to have forgotten that being a celebrity does not mean you have lost your right to privacy.

That makes me sound like a hypocrite though because here I am, looking at these pictures. It's hard to know what to do.

RPlover - I didn't hear about that. That makes me sick to my stomach.

Marna said...

Look at that autograph collector guy trying to get Rob to sign whatever that is. Could he be any more obvious he's going to sell it? It's already in plastic, why would anybody give someone like that an autograph?

xoRobxo said...

Geeze~I just can't even imagine. That really sucks. Sadly the price of fame.

Rpattzgirl~isn't that the same lady that was with him in the airprt some time back~looks like it

anonymous said...

Paparazzi pay people (valets, waitstaff, hotel & airport workers) a cut of the money they get from pics to get the scoop on where celebs are. When a celeb shows up the person calls the pap (or paps) they have a deal with and give them the scoop. That's why they are always in the right place at the right time. Like they say - everyone has a price.

But I completely agree that it is a pathetic way to make a living.

solas said...

I am really aggravated about this. ANd to top it all off, a former boyfriend of mine just I-Med me and said he was in contact with Rob and his manager, and he also said Rob deserved what he is getting and that he was stupid to run from the girls and women last summer (when they chased him into traffic!) and that the girls and women 'only wanted to hug and kiss him.'
GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR so glad I did not marry this disturbed person and his disturbed perspectives!!!!

solas said...

Emily--I have said this before and will say it again-- I would much rather do without the current photos, and see photos from proper shoots, rather than have these kids hunted down like animals. ANd as long as people demand/beg for/whine for new photos, and pay the rags that pay the paps, they are contributing to making the kids miserable and possibly (as seen in the posting about Kristen and the cab chase) dangerous, God forbid. And as long as people rationalize that this is simply what comes with being famous and what did they expect, and blah, blah, blah, they not only contribute to the problem, they exacerbate it.

solas said...

Sorry; please excuse the rants--I am usually a voice of reason--am royally p-ssed off right now!!!

xoRobxo said...

solas~Your ex boyfriend was contact with Rob and his manager??? Did I read that right? If so how was he in contact with him

GiGi said...

He looks too clean cut....I like the scruffy Rob!

jmm4832 said...

I'm so afraid Rob's car is going to be chased by the paps and get into an accident like Princess Diana's was. Lord, please keep this beautiful man safe! It's horrifying what they do to Rob in airports. I wonder if passengers on the plane twitter also and that's how his whereabouts are known. So sad.

Unknown said...

They get tipped off, the paps, by various sources. I wouldn't be surprised is Summitt tipped them off half the time!lol Robert's been able to fly in the past more discreetly when it's on his own dime, but when people know the cast schedules and when shooting is done and what not, I'm sure it's easy to figure out when they'll be at the airport, even without tips.

Unknown said...

The paps MAKE the news half of the time too, to be honest.

The reality is, if they can get a response from Robert, of any kind, by saying something crude or rude to him, they get better shots and better "exclusives."

Robert's in an uncomfortable situation because all the Kristen rumors have now affected how she's treated with the paps, and they are very aggressive and crude with her. And when the rumors started heating up, I saw a couple videos of both Kristen and Robert that make your stomach turn. Yelling out things like how good Kristen's in bed, etc., trying to get him or her to react.

It's really disgusting.

MMc said...

As the saying goes - this too shall pass!

It sure makes you wonder what will happen for Rob in the future though - what will he do after Breaking Dawn wraps?

I think I'd hibernate for a couple of years.

jmm4832 said...

When Kristen flew to LAX a week or so ago she was using an IPOD, probably to drown out the bastards, and they are fucking bastards, low lifes, parasites.

Aneska said...

I did not miss "papzz pics" at all.
I always like seeing Rob, but not this kind of pics. If I want to kill those papzz, how would he feel when all those f*cking papzz are hunting him?

Butterfly25 said...

I hate paparazzi.really,they have the worst job ever.
Leave Rob alone you vultures!!!

lelie said...

so the hunt starts again.....

Anonymous said...

The more we clamor for Rob, the more we buy, they more they sell, the more they need more photos, the more photographers.

Print media (esp magazines) want sales.

Rob sells and has gazillions of fans who will buy anything with Rob's face on it.

Print media will pay buco money for Rob photos. Obviously, Rob is a "lucrative" subject.

Perhaps some of these photographers have mouths to feed?

Ergo, photographers (house or freelancer) jockey up even for a single shot. [Of course, now they have multi-exposures, rapid fire, powerful, high-tech cams.]

I'm guessing that there are companies out there whose sole business is to sell photographs of celebrities for publications. So they have their own photographers fly to/stake out places where celebrities might be located. Nowadays it is so easy for these roaming photographers to text, tweet, or email another photographer just to alert them where a celebrity might be heading/ staying/ or doing some activities.

SugarM said...

As much as I am happy to see Rob, the feeling is now replaced with sadness. I understand that there is no way to avoid the paps when you are in as much demand as Rob but I hate more than anything how much they are getting up in his face. This harassment is killing my Rob buzz. I just feel so bad for him :(

Rebecca said...

poor Rob (cry).

Babs said...

What a welcome back...
In one of the pictures someone's trying to make him sign a copy of twilight, while he's mobbed like that and trying to escape. It's just sick.

Pet73 said...

OMG, I feel like crying. This is sooo sad :(. What a horrible situation!

Pet73 said...

Experience shows that LA always is the worst. So I hope his upcoming tour to Europe will not be as horrible.

Pet73 said...

Maybe the next time they can organize a bodygard who at least is the size of Rob and is not shorter than him by almost a head! How shall this short guy shield Rob (and his face) from the Papz - grrrr! Cannes BG def. was the best!

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

this shit happens when you are the most famous guy on the planet.

JandR said...

I really hate the media frenzy shot - but I guess without it we wouldn't see any of these new pics of our divine Rob. How excrutiating!!!

fauki said...

the photos are disgusting. But think about it: as long as people do publish these pictures, there will be someone who will take them. please, Robsessed: don´t publish those pictures.

asoihgapoh said...

Ug,gross. I love seeing pictures of him, but the papz are so in his fucking face. I don't want pictures of him where he looks unhappy, and that's all you're going to get from the paparazzi these days. I wish there was a way to just make them fucking stop.

Anonymous said...

Don't think I can look at candid shots of Him any more. It's to depressing. He looks so sad & drawn in these, I'm sure he's exhausted as well, but still He never used to look quite so drawn. Can't we be happy leaving him the hell alone & making do with professional photo shoots?

Jo said...

Poor thing. I feel really sorry for him.

And a PS. Dear Rob. Get someone to help you button your shirts. Please. :-)

mya bluesky said...

i feel so bad to see him being mobbed by the paps.i search everywhere to see his happy face and finally found pict of happy rob. here's one of a happier Rob

although i dont like lainey, but im sure he has a better version of rob's happy face at lax.

Anonymous said...

Am I the only one wondering about the size of his rucksack??? The boy has been filming for months, and all he brought with him is in that tiny bag..... Boy REALLY needs to buy him some more clothes

JLD said...

The papz are vile. I think it's awful the way they treat people and get away with it. I really feel for celebrities who get hounded like the way Rob does these days. There should be more restrictions laid down by law that will protect celebrities from the papz. Government bodies need to act. At the minute the papz don't seem to have many boundaries and therefore they can get away with alot.
The treatment that Rob and Kristen receive from the paparazzi is out of control and it needs to be controlled before someone gets hurt or killed even.

solas said...

xorobxo--yes, he SAYS he was in contact with them, but he (the former boyfriend) is manipulative and disturbed, so I am not sure I believe him. For all I know he wrote them or emailed them and then deludes himself into being 'in contact' wtih them, or stalked them as he does myself. :-(

Pet- I have thought about the bodyguard shielding them as well -- surrounding them with taller guards, or with guards holding up something, perhaps reflective, to louse up the cameras.

jmm--I also worry terribly about the cardriving/papchasing/diana scenario, G-d forbid. I don't wish any accident upon himself ever, but nevertheless I hope Volvo gives him a good safe protective car in any case.

Rosa-- the paps DO shout terrible things at them both, trying to get a reacton. It is bad enough at Rob, but to shout such vulgar and vile dung at a young girl, is just so reprehensible. If I were the mother of either of them I would try very hard to protect them, and make life miserable to whatever extent possible for these 'creatures' (paps doesn't quite convey how I think of them). Even if they are punched out by people who have had enough of that dung, the ones who punched, the ones who were offended, are the ones who get in trouble. So I am hoping that if Rob and Kristen cannot get body guards to totally shield them, that they at least keep ipods on really loud to block out what is being shouted, and keep their minds in a 'happy place' so they can ignore the dung around them.

solas said...

Agnete--I personaly like the way Rob and Kristen dress (jeans, old stuff, tshirts, etc)and I hate when people suggest buying them/himself a wardrobe, dressing him up like a doll, but I have a feeling they either send stuff ahead so they don't have to check in luggage, or else they at least have someone wait at the luggage turns to get their stuff for them. Can you imagine how hideous it would be if they had to wait there for their bags??? They would be mobbed and someone would end up going around those moving luggage ramps.

solas said...

JLD--that is an interesting idea. Perhaps there is a way to apply the stalker law to celebrities, so that the paps have to at least keep a certain distance. No one should have to walk through the gauntlet or pap-strewn walkway like we just saw Rob having to do.
I don't know enough of American law to figure out how to pursue this. Anyone?

Athena said...

Speechless. And not in a good way :(.

You girls said it all.

Katie said...

I can't help but notice that you tagged this post with "Airport photos are crazy" and "Why so aggressive papz?" *sigh* I love ROBsessed, but I can't be the only one to have realized that the reason the photos are being taken is because they're being posted on blogs such as this one.

I respect you women so much; I think you're classy and have your heads on straight about this sort of thing, which is why I am surprised to see these pics (in such abundance!) be posted.

kchambers77 said...

i hate these. i hate these. i just want to put an invisible cloak over him and rush him through the leeches.

having said that i LOVE his jacket. i want it. so badass. ok moving on. hi guys! *waves*

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