I picked up my copy of "Empire" Magazine this morning. Here are the scans. The free double-sided poster is HUGE so if you live in the UK I would recommend picking up a copy.

Click and at photobucket click again to read:
Click and at photobucket click again to read:
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 437 Newer› Newest»I find Rob's interviews childish and repetitive. Why is he surprised people applaud. His BFF KStew said the same stupid thing : it's like theater, people applaud at the end of a scene. So? If you think you don't deserve it be grateful the fans don't agree with you. Somebody gives you a compliment - say 'thank you'. I'm sure that's how your mum raised you, Rob ;-) Thanx ROBsessed for the article. Now we don't have to waste $$ on it, so we can waste it on CDs or tickets to 'New Moon'.
There's nothing childish or stupid in this. Chris Weitz said that too when he commented on Italy filming, it was funny to him how extras applauded after every take.
Rob didn't say he didn't think that he deserved he just found it strange like most of them did.
See Sandy, the thing is, if Rob had said "people applaud after every take, and I understand why they do", he'd be crucified for being pretentious. He just can't win, can he.
And if you find his interviews repetitive, well I'd like to see you try coming up with different answers when you've been asked the exact same question for the 500th time.
i agree with you little bear!!!
he gets asked the same thing over and over again ... Well said
@ Sandy
I'm sorry but I disagree with you here. How is he being childish and repetitive? Also if you've ever listened to his interviews be it on TV or Radio and someone compliments him he immediately says 'thank you'...no bad manners there. I think you are being a little bit harsh.
Childish and repetitive......I am sure some one called me that the other day......must be something going around......
Hey tempt! Who called you childish??
Hellllooooo Ladies! Let the games begin! LOL
I cant recall but it made my pink squishy heart turn black and cold............
I had to go into pure porn detox for a whole week.....
Heellloooo my fellow black hearted OZ Girls.....do you have pink squishy hearts???
Nah not childish enough; don't forget there are 12 year olds on here sometimes LOL. Good Friday evening OzPattz, good morning others!
Double whammy: Robdrought and FF detox - not a good combination!
Pure Porn detox thats sounds like a good week - I'm still onto it. Just read The office outtake on that blog I told you about!! Shit Im exhausted by reading that. Very lucky my DH isn't home!
Hi JandR - *waives* its been ages!!
Hi Tempt - went to the movies today and saw my first New Moon trailer on the big screen!! I was just as excited as when I saw it on telly the other night but this time it was only the short version ending with Jacob phasing as he leapt at Laurent! Still good though...the anticipation is building... bring it on! :-))
I do declare it's my fellow OZ Girls here to join me....well howdy doody......
** HOT **
Anyone doing a head count?
Hey Georgie !!!
Georgie - two words - The Sub!!!
then no words after that...thought I'd take a quick look last night at about 11.30pm when I saw you had posted the link on Twitter.
Two hours and 15 chapters later...well you probably know the rest ;-))) *phew* that is some good hot FF!
Yes when we go in November I am planning to wear some of those incontinence pads......it's going to be one dribbly evening.....
Hi Keti - and thanks!! He looked at me with those sexy eyes and I just had to have him...lol
4 so far dont know what happen to the others maybe we scared off Sandy !!
Georgie that recommendation you gave me got a look in this afternoon......
I think it's about time I purchased a riding crop......mmmmmm....does that mean I need to get a horse too.....
Haha hi Keti, Tempt, JandR, where's Orion. So you like the Sub JandR - I saw your comment on FB. Did you feel like slapping Bella for being so....submissive?
What you reading JandR - do tell !!!
Did you like the manip of Domward with his riding crop? Pity his whole body was manipped.
Tempt - LMAO at your incontinence comment! Rob tends to have that effect - i don't know about my heart being pink and squishy but other parts...well the word slick comes to mind LOL
@Sandy -
Please....get real...
I don't think his interviews are childish at all. As far as repetitive goes - it is because
1 - they get asked the same questions over and over
2 - the mags all recycle old interviews and call them new. So, he can have one interview and it will appear in 10 or so mags. Obviously it will sound repetitive but it is not Rob's fault.
I am only on chapter 5 but I can feel it getting that way...except when I get the visuals.....then all is forgiven.....
Orion is late ... tick tock hello where are you ... come and play with us
Hi Keti - at the moment - The Sub - just started and couldn't stop. And Georgie no didn't want to slap Bella - well not just yet anyway, enjoying the whole scenario just playing out...mmm
think I finished on the library chapter...
thank you for the rec! :-)
A friend who works at a nursing home offered to supply (adult) pull-ups for our NM premiere!
So our Rob likes cup cakes I see.......and if that wasn't a 2.30am booty call then I don't know what was....
Did you guys see the article..
Hi Sunflower...just discussing FF, digressed from the topic.
Girls do you want to hear my new idea about the boxers ???
Tempt - I saw that Georgie had twittered it to you yesterday so thought I'd give it a look, it dragged me under...
Georgie LMAO - pull ups.....hahah....we can laminate Robs head on the ass...or better still Team Jacob on the ass...h.e.he
Should I share the plan with our other little play mates or do you think it's "pushing it"
No I don't think it was a booty call, I think he's too loyal to KStew! I reckon it was like someone commented: that one of the other guys rang and made Rob speak into the phone.
I saw the article Tempt. I dont think he called her, thats bullshit!
Now with the cupcakes I think Rob was just being his usual gracious self - ringing those girls at 2.30am to tell them how much he enjoyed their "cupcakes" - what else could he have had in mind at that time of the night??o-0
YES Tempt, share the plan of the boxers....
OH loyal smoyal please...Georgie you are a true romantic.........
Pubes n all!
Reading Robsten FF made me change my tune LOL!
Jandi what else indeed - did you notice where the cup cake smears were ?????
This calls for a full on Detective Investigation......
Now if that gorgeous man rang me at 2.30am about my cupcakes I'd be detecting my way to his door...come hell or high water,
or whips, leather and well whatever else he had in mind... ;-)
I would've licked his fingers so he didn't have to wipe them on his strides.
As you know girls I have commenced my knitting project of the Boxers. I have decided to make them reversable as I know our boy doesn't like to wash and he also eats his cup cakes in a weird way.....
Just for something extra after reading one of my FF stories I had I though, perhaps I should knit in my own pubic hairs, reason being that will be as close to his pubes as I will ever get.......
Beeehhhhhheeeeee - then I got out of my crazy stalker dream and took my tablets.....
Okay Georgie - the Robsten FFs I have noted down are Taking Chances, Just this Once and Tropic of Virgo - or are they just Rob?
I have I love LA noted as Rob and also BTwi - don't know who I got these from but have you tried any yet??
I thought you shed the pubes for your Hamilton Island getaway?
Did you save some for the knitting hehe...
Oh Georgie dont talk about Robs fingers I'm having this major obsession with his long fingers ... THEY ARE SO F* LONG
Georgie I shed nothing.....I hate pain you would not catch me waxing anywhere that has hair on it.....
hello Ozpattz!!
JandR, one that's been pulled from FF.net and is only on Twilighted now is Beyond Twilight. There was a real crazy one on RAOR called You Get Me Closer to God but it's been pulled too - crazy as in...sex on a moving motorbike, sex suspended above the Cullen piano, sex on the NM set...you name it LOL!
Hello little Orion - how is your heart squishy and pink or cold and black..??
You dont wax - what do you do then. Laser ??
*** ORION **** WAIVES !!!
Hi Orion!!! We missed you.
cold and black!
Girls - I actually had a real dream about Rob last night and not just a wet one! LOL
I was sitting opposite him in a theatre (across the aisle) and his BG saw me looking over - actually it was pretty dark but I still recognised Rob of course, and the BG managed to escort me away from Rob...so sad!! :-(
However it didn't end there.
Later on as I tried to get back in to the theatre, Rob and his little entourage were coming out. Everyone else had gone. I managed to get a squeeze and a photo with him and apologised for the hell his life has become and said i hoped I wasn't bothering him but knew how good he usually was with fans.
I was a bit bewildered when I woke up cos although Rob fills my daydreams and nightly re-enactments of FF that's where it stops normally.
This felt so real - wonder if it was a premonition...I can hope ;-)
Anyone else had Rob dreams like this??
I am naturally hairless - like one of those hairless cats.....thats why I may need a pube collection for the boxers...
Shaving...gets a bit prickly though. Veet...gets into places it shouldn't.
Hi Orion - welcome aboard!!
we have the room only for us? lol
Come on Jac - I know you are lurking out there somewhere!! Come and join the fun!
"nightly re-enactments of FF" ROTFLMAO!! No I only sort-of recall vague dreams when I wake up but I think they're my imagination from the night before.
YOur lucky Tempt!!!!
JandR - fingers crossed its a premonition...
JandR, it might be a premonition of Rpattzgirl meeting him this weekend??
OK Girls I have a freaky dream for you and trust me I am not lying......
I was in Paris and I was staying in a small villa, I was outside and it was dusk.....I was over there writing so I was sitting on a bench seat out the front...He came down and sat next to me and said he was tired and he had people following him...we went into my villa and had wine.....anyway the freaky part was the next day in my emails I received a writers course information package to go to Paris......when I checked out the places they were staying it was nearly identical to my dream..
Well Georgie The Sub did give me some new ideas last night when I finally got to bed...but without the er... tools... so to speak, just had to make do with the God-given assets! LOL
Thats Freaky Tempt ! Shhiiittt
Tempt - serendipity? LOL
Jandr, lucky that you can dream with him when you sleep, I'm only dream with him when I'm awake...the good thing it's I do it the way I like it
Gaaahhh Tempt: that might be a premonition of when Rob's in Paris to film Bel Ami??
...so I have very hot scenes in my head,lol
sometimes it's not good because I'm driving
I need to up-grade my toys... its just really embarrassing going into those places ...
If I had the money I would be booking my flight right this minute.......
Don't they have a big security blitz in Vancouver at the moment, it is going to be goddam hard to get a glimpse.....
JandR - no whipping bench at home then? Although you're married to a bikie so there should be lots of leather around...
LOl orion - PULL OVER
I think we all have some of those freaky moments. I said to my daughter yesterday to be careful with a glass she was using and later on she broke it. Then she reminded me of how i came out of the shower once to warn her to be careful with a knife and she had just cut her finger while trying to cut throough pumpkin. Another one is when my daughter was on leavers we were gardening and I suddenly went inside got the mobile and turned it on - it was the exact same time as she was sending me a message! I love all that psychic stuff they have on telly...even went and stayed in a haunted manor house in Tassie hoping to see the resident ghost! Didn't though! ha
ME TOO ORION, I'm a bit worried about my Rob-dreaming while chugging along on the motorway and suddenly I'm 10km further on than I was aware of.
OH SHIT i forgot to tell you....I was working on the neighbours set today and I was with a guy who taught Hugh Jackman how to ride a motorbike in Wolverine.
So what you say....well who is Hugh doing a movie with soon ????? building networks slowly....
AHHHHH Bel Ami....I forgot.......
Keti, If I have to pull over, will be every 2 minutes lol...we do it a lot, you know?
Georgie - biker not bikie! and no leather, apart from my own leather jacket lol
Keti, I heard an ad for Naughty But Nice on the radio today, open 7days a week haha
....sometimes the scene take a while to finish...lol
Oops yes of course...biker!
One of the girls at work has a ghost in her house. The owner told her it was her brother, that died nearly ten years ago. Her partner saw him coming into the hallway late at nite when he went to visit the little men’s room. She is really scared. Doesn’t sleep with her legs hanging out of the sheets anymore!!!
Who deleted their comment?
See I miss you girls, the fun thing is we can all talk about different things and still have an understanding of what everyone is talking about.......
Get the boys from Supernatural In......Now those are a couple of very fine looking brothers....yummmy
Tempt, that is a fairly close encounter re Hugh Jackman...you go girl and build those networks! Remember your friends LOL!
OMG that's scary Keti! Is that in Sydney?
Georgie was me that deleted because I made a mistake
Tempt who is talking dirty...?? there no dirty words lol
maybe on line shopping georgie
Tempt be very nice with that man, do the net....like a little spider
Keti, talk to Tempt about such toys!
Tempt - I'm just laughing at the thought that people might think the scans have generated an amazing amount of interest in such a short time on the blog..haha
Some nights I will make a comment, go to bed and wake up to find 542 comments in my hotmail inbox!
That's when I stopped ticking the box for follow-up comments! LOL
We've hit the ton!
...sorry 'the web'
Yes in Sydney, She is scared shitless, she only just moved in. She hears doors closing her floor boards being walked on, with her only in the bloody house!!
Why blame me ??? I haven't said a rude thing all night...
So no Georgie you are telling me now that you are a FF Addict that you have now gone from Fantasy into reality and think R & K are doing some FF of their own.??
tempt, georgie here is telling me you have toy suggestions??
That's not bad, I think there were only 24 when we started. Turns the page at 200.
Tempt nobody blames you! you asked.
Keti tell your friend to hell out of there!! Hey still on for tomorrow?
Keti Georgie is being very delicate but what she is trying to say is I used to own a sex aids business.....so if you need some advice I am always around...
Quiet frankly I hate dildo's they are all made in china and smell like rubber.....totaly gross....
Helloooo Ladies.....I'm here!!!! Just catching up on readings posts. Good to see us all here!
I think I'm drunk its my 3rd glass ........... i think
yeah it's one of about 8 FF's I have on the go - just a bit of a different perspective...
Hey Jacqui!! we are complete!!!
Don't forget Keti you can always order the sparkly vampire peen that someone had a link to once.
Hi Jacqui, how's the house selling going? Don't envy you girl, it's a big thing especially if you're a hoarder like me.
We we are still on for 2moro orion, Yes. Still ok with you. Wat time ?
One big happy family of P*******s
Hi Jac - we managed to lure you here at last! :-)))))
No I dont want that Tempt. I need something ... else, I need a new toy. This FF reading is killing me. I need something.... i dont know - shit
around 3 keti, but 2morrow I'll call u to give the exactly time, but I don't think will be later than that, it's ok?
Hey remember Veronica from Uruguay that used to come on here? Well I saw a comment from her last week I think and she calls herself Cheshire now. I wish she'd come on again.
Georgie - the sparkly Edward dildo did get me interested ;-)
and Tempt - a lady of many hidden talents, sex-aids - well you will be able to answer all our questions won't you??
Georgie are you talking about sex toys? ummm
I'm going for a cuppa
But the catch is you have to take the vampire peen outside in the sunlight to see it sparkle!
I'm easy orion - you call me and I'll meet you. After 3 is perfect...
Yes Orion - just got myself a cuppa - I'm in for the long haul! Wonder how long it will be before Linda and Mandy put in an appearance. Oh and is Cindeeloo going to be around tonight??
And Sarah-Bella - hello sweetie - hope you can join us?!
I'll have one too Orion please - earl grey tea with milk, no sugar thanks :)
Does it glow too lol lol
SEX TOYS is the trend word for them now....KETI you have me interested....what are you looking for ??
Perhaps you are a little like me when I read these works or art (ff) I often wonder "what the hell happened..when did I miss the sex gravy train"....
Could this be so.......or perhaps a pair of LaPerla panties will fix all of your woes....
Keti and Orion meeting up physically, I thought you were talking about the blog haha. That's cool!
Yes and KETI just declared to everyone that she was 'EASY'......I always knew
Vote for ROB!
ugh so sick of Taytay!
* I don’t know Tempt… I’m getting a bit embarrassed now.
What do you suggest … I was reading that chapter in the office you know when Edward and her start using toys … um something like that maybe … I’m blushing : (
HEY GIRLS have you all been entering your Today Comp........it would be so cool if one of us ended up going to LA.......
Keti is it something you wish to use on your own or perhaps with your DH...dont be embarrased we cant see you....
Tempt - any particular toys you can recommend? lol - what seems to be popular?
I knew that someone would comment on the EASY comment lol lol
Twigirl, I tried to vote but it wouldn't let me push the button, maybe can tell that I'm not a teen LOL! I'll try it in another browser.
on myself Tempt - I pleasure him enough!
i never win anything.....
Glow in the dark hot pink vibrating toys, there was a particularly nice one called The Dolphin, the front part which was the dolphins nose had like 10 speeds and rotated and then the rest of it was the dolphins body which vibrated and rotated at the same time....GOD DAM ....... how can a guy compete with that....
Rob could!! Just sayin'
Keti are you looking for toys or for a new man? LOL
Does it have an added tickler to the dolphins nose ??
RIGHT...when I see him in Paris I will ask him if he has more than 10 speeds..hahhahhha
I'm stuck with my man orion...
SEX TOYS - i'm in the market for buying some new ones !!
Hey, not only one of us, will be nice if we all going? that will be fun. Girls pray with me to win the Ozlotto next tuesday and it's a deal we are going to Vancouver or to NZ
The nose is the tickler, picture it like a big p**** with like a twirly attachment at the front that goes around in circles.....
He wouldn't need the speed...I'd be spinning out of control at my end...
KETI make ORION take you shopping tomorrow HHHHAHHAAH ... for crying out loud Sydney is not short of shops........just letting you know the mark up on those things is ridiculous.......
Tempt - Rob has delicious 10 VERY LONG fingers, I’m sure they will be more than enough!!
Orion, that'd be great!! I haven't bought a ticket in ages, only when there's a humungous jackpot.
Whens the sexpo in Sydney ... ??
AH YES ... that I did forget...nothing like natural thats what I say........and I imagine they smell like cupcakes and not rubber.....
Keti: your "Alexander" + dolphin = win 4 sure!
Today on twitter I saw a twit from Peter Facinelli that said "today played veterinarian for the favorite wolf"
Keti buy one online, go to a site find one you like and then I will check it out for you (as in look)....You will be up for around $70 - $100 for a decent one.....
I think we all plan a trip to Vancouver …. What do you think girls? Hold up signs saying we are from Aus land - and then we'll go visit that Cupcake shop…
I'm just imagining all Rob's hidden talents now! mmmmmm
long, long fingers and a very flexible tongue action, sex stare that automatically impregnates and panty-melting aura - what else could a girl need! LOL
Did you see the pic of Beannie Rob on twitter, I think it is posted on RP Australia..........I will pop in on Facebook....sooo cute..
Keti Rob has more than 10 long fingers!!..you know....long legs, long feet...
I also want to visit the spa where Rob gets his massages and lay on that table...
Alexander - I forgot about him today .... I miss reading him
Hey Tempt we should check to see if there is Alexander FF reads
Always I said the same must be everything long on him
Oops! I'm crossing the line here??
I just heart him to death - he's perfection!
Those fingers get me going - his hairy arms I LOVE !! he would be magic... everything is extended on rob
I'd like EVIDENCE Orion LOL!
Alexander.....ooohhhhhh ... now that is one "BIG" read....I do miss him sooooooo...
I made the mistake of lending my book to a girlfriend, I hate loaning out my fav's I am dying for it to come back. The Bronze Horseman is getting another read....
Okay Girls....How good to see you all back here at the same time...i was trying to catch up but the phone rang so now I need a summary if there is anything I need to know.
Georgie - house selling is not nice...I have to remember to pick up my dirty washing & make my bed every day!
its bucketing down here... (raining) do you hear it Orion ??
The little curly chest hairs..."early pubes"...
I think they've forecast another dust storm for Brisbane over the weekend.
I find your comments childish...you obviously don't know that much about Rob, so maybe you should go play somewhere else...
Morning ladies! I see some smut @ FF talk keeping everyone happy!
It's 5:15 am for me...woke up at 4 and put twlight on read some FF... Having some nice Rob fantasies'
leaving at 7 this morning-will go hunting as soon as I get to couve & try to check in with everyone...
Love all the girls here (well not All) but most!
ORION what did you put in that tea you made ????? calm down lady....
TBH is the best read ... I miss Alexander too Tempt. Looovvvee him.
He has big everything too.
Remember Tatiana seeing his penis for the first time that wont fit alexander !!!!
Hey rpattzgirl I thought you were already on your way. Hope you had enough sleep for the long drive. Don't forget to tweet :))
It's coffee, Tempt...maybe to much caffeine lol
Yeah!! raining a lot...
MMMMMMmmmmm don't recall that chapter...hhheeehh.
What's the weather like in Vancouver ??? be honest girls if you do catch up with Rob will you be a blubbering mess and find it hard to string words together........
This twitter thing is interesting, started getting into it this week, as its been quite on here this week that is…
Well Georgie, I'm trying for days looking for 'evidence' on the internet...I just find few...no much
its the first time they have sex Tempt in the tent??
I started mine up again.......I can only do it from the computer do you have it on an iphone.???
But they said...sorry...Tempt is going to be upset with me if I explain that to you....bloody coffee
Yeah I was just a lurker on twitter but I now have some followers and it's been fun.
KETI I KNOW....I am just teasing you.....it was the best part of the whole book.....infact the whole 3 books....
Hi RPattzgirl - I thought you would have left already too!! I had a dream last night that I met Rob and the girls here thought it might be a premonition about you meeting Rob in Vancity this weekend. Fingers-crossed!!! Will be closely monitoring twitter just in case! LOL
Rob hides his light under a bushell with those loose pants LOl!
twitter is just on my computer... its fun hey... thanks for following me Tempt!!
ORION why am I going to be upset with you ??? what have you done ???
Well I have 2 books to go on Alexander, so no spoilers please...please tell me there will be more hot insatiable sex though!
Georgie - not always well-hidden by the evidence I've seen lately! ;-)
UPDATE me here: Rpattzgirl is going to Vancouver to find Rob !!!!
Georgie he keeps it going until he is old and grey......nothing beets the first time though.....
Shit shit shit sorry Georgie .. What i mentioned was from book 1
Tempt, because I'm talking about the long things on Rob...Georgie ask for evidence...and I want to give her a theory but you said calm down....coz I was talking too much
GIRLS we have nearly hit 200 yipppeee...
You'll have to visit the cupcake shop RPattzgirl!
CHIN he has a lovely long sculptured chin............
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