New Moon Scenes From Rome Film Festival (spoilers)

As you may know Rome Film Festival was today and they showed a new New Moon Clip. It contains spoilers so I'll put it after the cut :)

Remember Rome? We sure do:

Spoilers after the jump

PDATES via @yunfa

Clip1: behind the scenes of the Volturi cove, more Robward @ the ground, the fight & Aro talking..Scary!

Clip2: Edward leaving Bella in the woods. Very very long dialog, "I won't come back" & more. It's gonna be SO good!

Clip3: motorbike scene from ComicCon we already saw..

Clip4: Montepulciano, Porsche, fountain, naked Robward we already saw in the trailer. Still very hot!

Clip5: best one. Behind the scenes in Itay, R&K talkin bout the experience: R says he's happy we clapped him!

Edward leaves Bella:

Edward is waiting for Bella at her house, because they need to talk. He tells her he needs to leave Forks because Carlisle is raising suspicions in town.
At first Bella is convinced that Edward wants to take her with him, but then starts realizing that's not the case.
She asks Edward: “What do you mean by “us”?”. He responds: “Only my family.”
Bella gets upset. Tells Edward again that the incident with Jasper was nothing, and Edward answers that is exactly the problem: “Nothing compared to what could have happened.”
He tells her she doesn't belong in his world. Bella answers “Well, that changes many things.”
That is when Edward says line we've seen in the trailer “This is the last time you'll see me.”
Bella tries to convince him to stay, that she's not afraid to lose her soul, but Edward doesn't give in.
The scene ends with Edward leaving. Screen then goes to black and we see Bella fall to the ground.

Sources: @mayfrayn, RobPattzNews, RPSource,


Elizabeth O'Brien said...

oh my! I can't wait

tnan said...

hm, wonder if we'll get leaks of the clips.. can't wait!

Cherry clockwise said...

No no! I won't read it! Be strong! You can do this!
Thank you Gozde for cutting the clips part, you're helping me there!

Haystackhair said...

PLease dear GOD let someone post these on youtube or something!!! GAH!! I want to see this movie, like, YESTERDAY!

Haystackhair said...

Oh, and RomeRob is f*ckhawt. Sex on legs!!!

Melissa said...

GAH! I LOVE the pics of Rob from Rome. They are my second favorite after the Sex Drive premier pics.

AND I cannot effing WAIT for NM.

Thanks for posting, Goz!


Angie said...

ahhhh...Rome Rob...Rome Rob...
love...Rome Rob

RPnKSaddict said...

mmmmm Rome Rob...
Please,please, let there be youtube footage...I'm greedy like that...

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Rome Rob....oh my~

Bring on the spoilers!!! I love them

Carole UK said...

Well, here come those long forgotten hormones again!!!!!!!!!!!!!


OMG!!!time pasess so slowly this month...Thanks GOZ for not putting the clips I refused to read and see the break up scene..that would ruin everything x me..I prefer last year when I didn't know anything about the movie until I saw it on the teather

Anonymous said...


Rob is sexalicious!

Oh! *orgasm*

JandR said...

Rome Rob was the best ever. He is divine in every one of the Rome pics and I am waiting for Rome Rob to return, one f* hot sexy dude, grow hair, grow!

Guys you can post these pics every week if you want, every day - I will never get tired of them.

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