These are cards from the New Moon Board Game
they have some new stills on them. I've only posted the ones with Robward to see the rest click on the source below.
You can order the New Moon Board Game for $13.12 in US
and for £22.99 in UK

Source Twilight GuideYou can order the New Moon Board Game for $13.12 in US
Umm, Hello! I'm here :)
See the grief stricken card looks like Edward in rio... I wonder if they put the rosalie's call scene...
Kate, thanks for these, its a very nice Sunday Surprise. Can't wait to see Shirtless Rob in New Moon. It's gonna be epic!!!
god the first one is stunning
You´re her
I´m here
awww cute
and could anyone tell me if there is really a new ne wmoon trailer premierd at the scream awards??
I read in the raw sript there is a little scene which shows edward in an appartment in rio, but not during rosalies call, he is just watching the picture of him and bella he took with him
I love the pics, new stills are great.
Scene 6!! I love it!! I can't wait to see the movie! Arghhh!!!! And I will cry like a baby.
Scene 6 good lord the man is a GOD
I secretly chose Edward. :)
I'm so ready for New Moon!
Ooooh, they did the scene from the book where they enter an elevator to go see the Volturi! And Edward and Jacob confronting each other (when he returns Bella's motorcycle)! And they did keep the scene from the early script showing Edward in Rio looking a the photo of himself with Bella! God, I can't wait for this film. I will need two boxes of Kleenex to watch this one, because if the book made me cry the first read, then just imagine the breakup heartbreak and the reunion on film...God just look at Edward's expression on the Scene 6 card!!!!
God, more shirtless Edward pics - I'm gonna die, gonna die, gonna die such a sweet death seeing these 50 foot tall shirtless Edward on the big screen....Gaaaahhhhh!
Thanks Kate!!!!!!!!
OMG scene 6!!! Did you see it?
(((DID YOU SEE IT????)))
My eyeballs popped out!
"Tortured shirtless Edward", oh my...
I bet I could teach him a "game"...
Just saying...
@ RPG ~
"the man is a GOD" :)))
wow...i cannot wait to see the movie...1 MONTH!! exactly 1 month! for me at least! 18th of november seems soo far away...
love robward in scene 8!! jawporn for the win...
Ok, in the pic with Demitri holding Robward by the neck - anyone else hoping for his pants to slip just a bit further down?
*hangs head in shame*
lol raizie!!
I DO! For sure... ya'know... he was wearing ONLY those pants... 0_0 O.N.L.Y.!!! **grin**
Girls, you always make me laugh. You express what I feel in such a funny way... It's 2:27 am and I'm laughing all alone in front of the computer, and looking at hot Robward with my heart beating fast. I think I should go to sleep, sweet and spicy shirtless and ____less Robward dreams ;)
Looks like we're going to see quite a bit of shirtless Rob indoors not covered with the red robe...can't wait - 1 month to go!!
gee, I wonder which team I would choose...hmmmmm...LMAO
@agnes: just between you and me I think I'll choose Edward too. shhh.
But I'm also going to Follow Janeeee. Everyone does it...
Ohhh... This movie is goin be so good. CW is a God.
I bet Rob is just hatin all this merchandise with him on it. Obvs comes with the territory but I remember in the very begining of Twilight him saying something about seeing his face everywhere and at the time it was basically like shirts and posters. I'm sure any serious actor doesn't want to see himself on band aids, lunch boxes, tootbrushes, board games, greeting cards, trading cards and so on.......oh well. I just hope they don't get to silly with it... like HSM
Oh God, help me! I will have to have a damned straight face on, while watching this for the first time - with my daughter and her friends.
Hmmmm... Rob will be up there, 10 meters of shirtless Rob, out by the clock, inside the Volturi's place, kissing Bella, al'looking tortured Rob, all yummm..., all hot, damn, DAMN, (((DAMN!)))
And crazy vamp with her best straight face... Rob leaving Bella, Rob shirtless, Rob kissing, Rob tortured,... oh shit!
oh, thanks WKR :)
And Thanks Kate of course.
I forgot!
It is not "Rob", it is "Edward".
CV, it is Edward!!
Oh so what???
god, scene 6! edward...holy cow, look at them. Every time i see them together i see sex. they ooze chemistry and intense passion.
it's something we would love to have but can only desire through the actions of bella and edward.
these two are bloody beautiful.
OME!now i can't wait for movie even more!if that's possible.
Um, hello? You're here, I'm here, you are shirtless, I could be in one second....let's get busy!!! LOL
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