Twilight: Go inside the love nest of Twilight stars Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart. As the paparazzi crushes around them, the only true place that these two can seek solace as they film Eclipse is at their palatial pad at the Sheraton Vancouver Wall Centre. Discover how they spend their time together locked away from the world. Plus, meet the newest star of Eclipse, Julia Jones, and has Taylor Lautner found a new love match in singing sensation Taylor Swift?
Gozde: Yes, Rob and Kristen would definitely invite OK! for a sit down interview in their "love nest" bizarro world!
Hi Godze ! Morning or nigth for you ? Love your notes, alwasys make me smiling. But.... I would eat from Rob's cake !
Gozde they so shud change their name to BS weekly!!
I used to buy OK everyweek but since theyve been coming out wiv absolute Bollox about Rob and Kristen they no longer have my custom!! Its pathetic and i really dnt understand how they get away wiv it!
If i was Rob and Kristen ild sue theyre asses, or as u suggested just get Kristen 2 kick their asses!
LMBO, I don't think so, LOL!
I'd love to know where they are getting these pictures of their "love nest" from. What a bunch of bull, but good for a laugh.
Goz, is this 'Ok'mag from Australia? Please!! I hope not.
Who are those people who write at these crappy mags?They really have a sick imagination and they think that their readers are idiots(well,maybe they're,lol).The only thing for sure is that they're not journalists.
They're love nest? Wow...
I'd love to meet the person invited in to that
I'd LOVE, love LOVE to see Rob and Kristen hit these mags with a huge ass lawsuit.....just punch them in the face with "mental anguish" felt due to vicious lies and rumors. Stress related injury....
*sigh* I hate rag mags.....
Congrats Gozde, Kate, Dani..I know there's someone else..!!! Your website is awesome and it's great that you're mentioned in the article. You guys deserve it for all your hard work. I, for one, truly appreciate your obsession. This was a great interview. One of the best of that I've seen.
LMFAO and these mags KNOWS they are full of BS, they cannot even use RECENT pics of Rob and Kristen. Yep sure they um..have been invited there..lmfao! I totally belive this... NOT!
Thanks for the laughs lol!
@LovesJasper - Couldn't agree more. But, let's face it, Rob and Kristen won't because to sue them would be to care too much. Poor kids.
Hahahahaha hilarious but it would have been quite adorable.
"home-cooked meals.." Can't even begin to point out the ironies in that one. But, c'mon - a microwaved carrot and a hotpocket?
Sorry, should add the Campbell's soup and 3 min ramen noodles. By candlelight...
hahaha, why are they so hellbent with turning them into a boring married couple? What's next, Ok! following them along on a Costco run? And maybe the week after that we can watch them refinance at their local Bank of America....
That cover is priceless though, the way they are both smirking about their new "love nest." lol
this is just beyond ridiulous...if they really are dating, they've managed to not officially confirm it for this long, and now we're supposed to believe that they would let an invasive tabloid into their "love nest"? barf.
"Me thinks Kristen would kick their asses all the way to the lobby if they knocked"
You know what? I'd love Kristen a million more if she actually does that. Can you imagine? LOL
I can't believe I wasn't invited to the housewarming!!
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