We will keep reading about people NOT answering the Robsten question won't we?
Do they think that MAYBE someone will slip and tell them the truth?
Well, getting them really REALLY drunk might work :)
Get them totally wasted and then ask them about Robsten. Maybe they'll puke on you :)
From MTV.com:
BOSTON — When we got the chance to talk to "Twilight" star Jackson Rathbone on the set of his new movie "Girlfriend," we couldn't pass up the opportunity to ask someone deeply involved the biggest question surrounding the franchise: What is the deal with Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson?
After a brief pause Rathbone carefully replied, "What's the deal with them? Oh, they're not actually vampires."
Despite our faux disbelief that Pattinson wasn't actually Edward Cullen, Rathbone insisted, "No, he's actually a really nice human. It's crazy, I know. I know. But yeah, the guy's a great guy."
Before "Twilight" had even debuted last November, there were rumors circling Stewart and Pattinson, with tabloids trying to figure out whether the two were romantically involved like their characters. And the fact that director Catherine Hardwicke said the reason she cast the pair was because of their potent sexual chemistry while doing a kissing scene on her bed — not to mention that Pattinson has admittedly proposed to his co-star four times — doesn't help.
"Everybody always asks me those questions about that, and it's one of those things — it's none of my business. I stay out of it," Rathbone said.
But despite the relative silence from the cast on the subject, tabloids — like OK! magazine this week — continue to cover supermarket checkout aisles with conflicting testimonies regarding the actors' relationship status.
"Whenever we're passing through the tabloid articles, we're always like, 'Hey! There's our friends!' " Jackson said with a laugh. "I've been able to stay out of them as much as possible."
Photo credit: London Features International
P.S.: You might notice the ads on the pictures. They are not ads put by us, to bring you licensed pictures we made a deal and the pix will come with ads according to that deal :) You'll get HQs, we won't get sued. It's a win win :)
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Yanno, personally, that last pic there of Rob looking at Kellan, I mean...that speaks volumes. I think they'll come out pretty soon.
Oh come on, you know you thought it too for a second!!!! LMAO
LOL :))
haha maybe Kristen is just part of their plan to stay in the closet? hehe Jackson is so cute and charming! You can see they all seem like a family and protect each other!
no, I didn't. Honestly.
I was thinking that Jackson is quite a character. Look at those glasses!
Kellan and Jackson are attractive in there own ways but standing there beside Rob, he makes them look like trolls.
Its not their fault that Rob is rather offensively beautiful! Ha!
Yeah, you know--not a good look for Jackson. Just....no.
Kellen is Kellen. meh.
Rob, OTOH, looks hot as usual.
"OTOH" - what does it mean?
sorry to ask.
Vanessa - I was thinking Rob was amused but maybe something else was going on??
The photographer got it right though. The camera does love Rob - like we didn't already know that! LOL
But he just jumps right out of these pics and Jackson and Kellan just seen to fade into the background...or is that just me??
chaos - on the other hand
when I first watched Twilight before I met and fell in love with Rob - Jackson was the one who stood out for me. I quickly realised the error of my ways once I saw a Rob interview...OMG - I was gone from that point on..lol
Jackson has the most beautiful voice though - very seductive and such a cute accent. He is a very talented musician so really has a lot in common with Rob.
OTOH--on the other hand
didn't notice-
JandR already answered!
JandR, thanx.
thanx, puddle!
I have to finish my work day here.
Have fun with your Robsession, girls.
I like Jackson's sense of loyallty and humour. That was the best answer!
Hi Solas
I remember in a video with the 100 monkeys when they were talking about their music and the crazy looking interviewer was giving them presents - remember that one?? anyway the guy kept asking Qs about Rob and Kristen and Jackson was very wary and careful with his answers.
It is lovely how protective they are of their friends privacy...and they do deserve some respect and privacy so I'm glad someone is looking out for their interests instead of just trying to sell them out!
@JandR - Jackson was adorable in that interview!!
I agree Hannah - the look of surprise on his face when the guy gave them the album and stuff - priceless!
He is such a cutie!!
Yes, the interview was sweet, and Jackson did indeed handle himself wonderfully. To me, they are all cute boys, although Rob is beautiful as well. I would just love to be the set mother there, baking cookies, being there if anyone needed to talk, and protecting them as best I could. :-)
Personally, I have absolutely no desire to be a "mother" to Rob. Unless, of course, he was into it. *wink wink*
Joking, needless to say. Please don't be offended!
of course he deflects the questions, if he says they're together they'll bash on them. if he says they're not then the reporters say that he had a 'shine in his eye when he said it' and that he was 'just covering for the couple'... they only publish the truth if it's something the public wants to hear. personally, i dont think they're involved...
Puddle--I am totally not offended. :-) I know I am different from most (or all)on this site. I don't see ROb in the same way everyone else seems to; have no physical desire, etc., for him; I desire a man in my age range, who does not need the mothering aspect of myself. I am kind of an earth-mother; I like to nurture and protect, especially kids young enough to be my own. I do think Rob is a beautiful talented boy, and somewhat of a kindred spirit;asI have friends across generations, I would have him as a friend if I could.
I like your comments, Solas.
I too, sense in him a kindred spirit, and it is this, despite his being several years my junior, which has fed my lust--moreso than his outward beauty. But that doesn't hurt either! :)
There are so many ways to love Rob...
YES! Robellan rumors! GREAT idea @Vanessa! LOL!!!
I'm proud of Jacksper's ability to think on his feet. That was a great response the Robsten question.
jackson is a shorty. but I guess when your next to guys 6 -2 it happens.
To myself, that's an impish little grin, like ready to get into trouble with his mates, or just having done so!
yeah, this was not a good look for Jackson, but I have thought before that he can be a cutie...he's got a funny sense of humor, too, that never hurts :) I love his answer here!
And I know that some don't really Kellan is all that great, but I enjoy him, too...he's awesome in appearances, really funny! *sigh* I love the Cullen boys, I really do. LOL
Of course, I love our guy the best ;)
should be "don't really think Kellan..."
I need to learn to proofread! ha
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