HQ TU Magazine Scans & Interview w/ Robert Pattinson


Thanks to Twilight Poison for the HQ scans and interview translation.

Interview Translation:

We attended the Cannes Film Festival when we were told we were going to interview the It Vampire. Yes, Robert Pattinson! After a very hectic year, he took the time to walk the red carpets and enjoy the glamour of the rold’s most famous Film Festival. When we arrived to the place where the interview would take place, we still could not believe we were going to talk to him. Outside his hotel there were thousands of fans waiting for him. He’s the guy of the moment and the first thing he tells us when we meet him is that he still can’t believe this is happening to him. According to our chat, he considers himself a normal guy and he swears he has a very boring life. So on top of being increadibly handsome, this guy is adorable and down to earth. How can you not fall in love with him?

Robert, how do you feel today that so many girls around the world dream about you?
Honestly, I think it’s all part of the illusion of filmmaking. I didn’t do anything out of the ordinary to be so famous. It all comes down to those five minutes of emotions that you give to people and that’s nice to feel. It’s part of the magic and everything that comes from making movies.
The expectations, the dreams, the fantasies; it’s all an illusion. I’m a very normal guy, I can promise you that.

Do you enjoy the glamour of this profession, walking down red carpets?
Yes, I love traveling all over the world and being at a Festival like Cannes. Having those five minutes of Glamour and excitement is amazing, as long as I can have my normal life back. Those are the moments that you can only have making movies and you have to enjoy them. But the best part of it is when you go home (laughs).
What has been the most difficult part of being so famous?
Facing crowds. I’m very shy. The fact that I have to walk down the strees and knwoing that people will recognize me and scream my name is something that makes me a bit paranoid. I can’t be anywhere for over 20 minutes, because with the Internet and how fast news travel, I become surrounded by paparazzi and fans.

Tell us the truth, has being famous helped you get more girls?
(laughs) Yes and no. At first, girls can feel attracted to that, but then they realise you’re a real human being, with flaws and qualities, and there can be a certain disappointment. Many times girls find out that everything about you was just a fantasy. I think, in the end, I’m just like any other guy. I can’t be what everybody else wants me to be, I’m just me. And you can find many girls that have preconceived ideas of you, or imaginary things and that can be a problem, because when people find out you’re not really like that, they are disappointed. I have to confess that before making this movie I believed that the being famous could help me get more girls, but then I realized that is not as easy as I thought it was. In the end, if you like a girl, you still have to work hard at winning her over! (laughs)

What other things did you have to learn?
That I have to be very careful with what I say and the information I share. I’ve learned not to share too much. But that’s a life lesson that anyone can learn from. You have to think things through before you open your mouth.

Besides being an actor, what’s your dream job?
Being a pianist. Music fascinates me, I love it. It’s my passion. And I think I could’ve been very happy with being close to a piano and make a living out of it.

Are you aware that this is the moment in which your life is going to change forever? Thanks to this saga you’ll get any role you want.
I know, but sometimes I try not to think too much about it because it scares me to death. I feel that things are happening so fast and I have to constantly choose without having any time to analyze, because if I do, I might miss my chance to do it. You can’t be an actor who can afford to wait five years to do his next movie if he feels like it. You have to find the best job for you in the next months, otherwise, the industry and the people will forget very quickly about you. So you make a comitment to stay eficient and quick when you’re going to choose what’s next. When you have nothing to lose, it’s great, because you just accept the challenge and try to make it work. But when you really want a long term career and build a good image, all of this becomes a very stressful thing.

Speaking of the future, what would you like that new Moon gave to your career?
I want more than the film being succesful, to have more freedom to choose other projects that I want to do later. That’s why I hope the movie does great. That’s how the industry works, and to be able to do what I like to do things need to be able to go well and succeed, right?

People talks all the time about how wonderful you are. Do you agree?
Not really (laughs). The truth is that I was refusing to audution for this role for months because after reading the book I thought it made no sense to show up, I swear! To me, who ever played Edward had to be some sort of model, with the perfect body and someone who was able to do the most physical performance. And I don’t see myself that way at all. So I thought “Fine, I’ll go to the audition, I’ll be myself, and that’s the best thing I can do”. I never thought I would get the lead.

Rob has no luck in love. He said “I’ve never really fallen in love, but I try to be a sromantic as possible. A year ago I could’ve walked up to any girl and neither would’ve been interested. I’m looking for someone with character. If I ever find her, you know what I would do? I would write her hundreds of love letters”.

Is is true that to play Edward you had to work out a lot?
Yes, but I realy started with that almost at the end of the movie. And I did it mostly to feel better about myself. I didn’t just want to have muscles and a perfect six pack, I wanted to be as healthy as possible. That shows in your attitude and in your confidence.

Are you still playing music?
Sure! I played a lot of music in London and I always remember those days when I took a ride in my car and thinking how being a musician was the coolest job in the world. I imagined myself playing in restuarants by the beach, with sunsets next to the ocean. I play the piano since I was five, so music is part of who I am.

Speaking of Edward, what do you think you have in common with him?
I don’t know. I’m very sensitive and shy. I have supernatural powers too (laughs). No, i wish I did. But I’m too normal.

What are we going to see with this new movie?
I can’t say much because it’s a secret. The idea is to surprise people and eventhough it’s based on the books, Chris Weitz gave it his touch, so you have to go see it! What I can assure you is that it will be visually stunning. chris is a genius and he loves to explore the New Moon world to the fullest. You can’t miss it. I haven’t seen it and I’m dying to see it.


katie said...

He has such a good head on his shoulders. I don't think it's all talk either-he seems to see through all the bs around him, thank God, cause there's a lot around him.

RPLover said...

I wish I could believe that these interviews are all real, but sadly, because so many magazines make stuff up or rip off his answers from other interviews I'm never sure if it's legit or not.:( does anyone know if this one is for real?

it sounds like him, except for a couple of things-saying that he's never been in love before...I thought he was with that blonde girl for like 3 years and he's been quoted as saying that he loved her, right? Not sure he'd take that back now. and the thing about looking forward to seeing the movie-he's said several times that he never watches his own stuff, and that he had to run out of theatre when he was watching Twilight and he had a panic attack.

Gee, Rob, think I was paying attention? ;)

If it is for real, though, *heavysigh* @ the love letters part!!!

katie said...

Some of this interview does have echoes of older interviews, i just don't know if they are snatched from those older interviews or if he's just repeating himself with tried and true answers to common questions.

I've heard him say before he hasn't really been in love, but I have a feeling he wouldn't really share that aspect of his life if he had at the same time.

Anonymous said...

He always sounds so much wiser than his 23 years, and much more articulate than most young guys. I really do enjoy most of his interviews.

Mechevpao said...

Well this is an interview translated many times, English/Spanish/English, a lot gets lost in translation so of course it would not sound as Rob; but it mostly sounds like him in the sense that there are some answers he would give, like those about the BS around fame and the pressure he is feeling now that so many people are looking at him.
About him saying that he has never been in love before, he has said that in other interviews; and he referred his ex (or the only ex he has mentioned) as someone special in his life for three years, not someone he was in love with, but also at the same time… remember Rob tells a lot of personal things in interviews, but he does not tell everything and he has a dry sarcastic sense of humor, so nothing he says can be taken too serious.

Suz said...

I am so in love with Robert Pattinson.

Just swayin'

RPLover said...

I totally agree that most of this really does sound like him, just a couple comments kinda threw me off I guess. :) new photos reguardless, and they are frickin' WIN.

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

I wonder if he would give the same answers today that he gave just 4 short months ago?

Seems like things have changed a lot during this time.

I'm glad he feels he's normal, but we know he's not like anyone else... And we just love him all the more.

There's such a different vibe between NM and eclipse .. He doesn't go out near as much, hardly any fan encounters and fewer smiles.

I just hope he's still happy and that the pappz haven't ruined it for him.

He could write me love letters anytime!

love him more everyday

nzkstewlover said...

Rob needs to realise that the reason we love him is because he IS normal.


Maryann said...

DiamondWings AMEN to that, I am quite HAPPY over the fact he is just a normaly guy, with flaws and all. I have no interest in the "perfect" guy cos that to me seems so shallow. A normal GOOD guy is what I think he is, in an extraordinary job. The fact that he seems so grounded, down to earth and not sure what to think of all this insanity and just still deals with hit the best he can, is one of my fave traits about him.

Kathy said...

I believe he's already found someone with "character"....Kristen. Hmmm..I wonder if he's writing her love letters? I wish it were me. How many guys would actually admit to wanting to write love letters to their girlfriend? Just knowing that makes him even HOTTER than he already is. (SIGH)

monika said...
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monika said...

Old quotes, those mags really should stop recycling old stuff

"If I find her one day, do you know what I will do? I am going to write her hundreds of love letters."

Date: january 8


monika said...

@Kathy lol yeah, the guy's so into Kristen, he sure idolizes her, it's really sweet, and I'm glad he has someone like her, and is not going through all of this alone.

KStew on Rob in 17 mag( the quotes are old, think the interview with her was done around the same time Rob's was, ie during NM filming, but don't think they're recycled)

'He's sort of impatient and that's something I admire. He gets very frustrated with himself, but he shouldn't- you have to be bold and he's like that. He's daring.'

*the twilight audition

'To be honest, it wasn't even a great audition. Everyone was nervous and weird. But that was what was right about it. We were just very natural and real together. It was instinctual- it was like he was the only choice, and there was no one else.'


dina said...

Wow she did say that didn't she?

monika said...

If anything fame has made it that much harder for him when it comes to love life, always wondering if someone wants to be with you for you or for your fame and fortune. And not many women would be willing to go through what KStew has to put up with for him.

xLove2rpatzzx said...

The bit bout the love letters is sooooo sweet!
I absolutely adore him!!!:))

Anonymous said...

where can i give my address so that rob can send me love letters :)

Shani said...

Yep, I love these old comments. It just reminds you of how special he really is.

I'll take a normal,shy,and sensitive guy over an egotistical ass any day.

suasiddau said...


I think alike.BIG Hugs;]

Unknown said...

Awwww what a lovely interview. Rob always seems so humble and down to earth.

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