Le Monde de Francesca tells us that the release date for Remember Me in France is February 10, 2010. Two days earlier than the American date, February 12.
France will also watch New Moon before the rest of the world, except for a few other countries in Europe. The movie will be released there on November 18, 2009.
I'm serously considering moving to France - Kate
Source via Source
MWA-HA-HA :)))
No fair rubbing it in LittleBear!
LB :-P
I didn't know you were in France!
You lucky thing!
Would like to be able to travel to France to see it!!
OMG, I can't wait for that one either. Srsly, there is ROB IN BED!
All gorgeous... all...
WAH, no fair! Hmm, contemplating Paris in Feb......soooo can't wait for this movie. THUD
We need to start a community fund so we can go to France in Feb!!!
can not wait for this movie!!
Actually a lot of people will probably be heading there for Valentines !
Aww sorry ADM. If it makes you feel better, 90% of the showings will be dubbed. Can you imagine, Rob not sounding like Rob, but like some random French dude? Sacrilege.
Kate - yeah, that's why I'm always lurking on this blog early in the morning, surrounded by the Australian contingent... damn time difference!
As long as they're showing RM in theaters across Europe I'm happy, even if I'll have to wait a little longer.
I was so afraid it was going to be released in the US only..
Ahh, that will suck to have it dubbed-but @ least his body& face are all his!
I'm sure you girls who are not in France will have plenty of time to go watch both films when it's out. Remember we had to wait until January 7th to watch Twilight. I was seriously considering going to the USA, hahaha!
Holiday on Feb 10th anyone?
I cant wait for this movie!
When its a box office hot maybe then he'll realize its HIM and not Edward we all lust after!!
I meant to type 'hit' not 'hot'.. my fingers auto-type HOT when im thinking of Rob! ha!
hey LittleBear,
dubbing is completely banned for me. Watching Rob and not hearing him?! Oh, it makes me realise I never watched any of the films where Rob is in its french version. Sometimes it's really fun, especially when they chose a voice totally different!
Why did I not pay attention in those French classes back at school?!?! WHY?!
France is only an hour by car away from where I live. But if they dub it Im lost anyway and I would like to understand what they say XD It sucks!!
Hi HiddenFairy - me neither! The closer I've come is watching the Twilight trailer in French. I think the voice was alright-ish, although nothing could come close to the real thing, obviously ;)
(but I do remember they translated "are you scared?" by "j'te fous la trouille?", and I was like, WTF?! Edward is way too proper, he'd never say that!)
LittleBear, sorry to hear about the dubbing. It is not the real deal without the voice!
Know how you feel, Kate, but I will wait for Valentine's Day.
And I'll play "My Funny Valentine" on loop all day. lol. Well, song is not entirely appropriate and yet, somehow, it suits. Don't know why but I'm getting all sorts of young Sinatra vibes when I think of Rob these days. Wierd.
yay, happy to be french for once :-) but I'll watch it in Belgium, they release it the same day without the dubbing...
I'd rather wait the two days and not have the dubbing. I need Rob's real voice.
It's cool gettting to chat with all the awesome ladies across the world. Rob unites us all.
nous avons aussi les films avec les "vraies voix" des acteurs.
Vous êtes tous bienvenus en France.
Rob sera à l'hôtel Crillon à Paris le 10 novembre entre 12h et 14h...
Do you want a translation ? ;-)
Does anyone know when it is coming to Canada? (:
I just checked the film. We can breathe, they litteraly translated "are you afraid" and not the bad bad version. The french trailer is really terrifying (in the bad way). I think their voices are different from the trailer. They are quite similar to the real ones and passionate actually (she sounds older). Not enough to tempt me, though!
lol, thanks HiddenFairy, that's good to hear ;)
Véro - salut! Seems like the CRF (confédération des robsédées françaises) is out in full force today :)
Je connaissais pas les CRF. Comment on peut joindre?
Isn't Bel Ami going to be filmed in France? If so, I would like to go there then - hopefully to catch a glimpse of Rob.
Kate, you could move to Spain too. We will ALSO watch New Moon On November 18th. Lucky us!!
Salut LittleBear !
Happy to join the CRF.
Chez moi on dit "je te fous la pétoche" ."Je te fais peur" c'est pas mal non plus !
I have beds if you want to come, but, sorry, I'm not in Paris :-{ And you LittleBear, where are you ?
Haha, for once WE have to be the lucky ones !!
I'm so EXCITEDD !!
My schedule is already planned !
1. november 18th : New Moon and i think i'm gonna watch it a LOT of times :)
2. I'm maybe going to try to have a glimpse of Rob when he'll be shooting BEL AMI
(I just hope this is not going to be like Remember me's shooting in NY !)
3. february 10th ! Gonna watch RM, with my ROB and his RAY BAN ♥♥
And i don't get it . .why is everyone going on with the dubbling ? We can see it in english with his REAL voice (God i love his voice.) and this is what i'm gonna doo !! :D
Oh yeah, and for the november 10th, i will just be hyper-excited because i'll know that he is in the same town as me LOL
Eh Véro, Haha, c'est quoi cette proposition? La solidarité entre Robsessienne ? Mdr, très généreux dis donc d'offrir un lit
"Je connaissais pas les CRF."
C'est normal, je viens juste de les fonder, pour l'instant y a toi, moi et Véro! (et Anna F, si elle est dans le coin ce soir?)
Véro - sadly, can't offer beds either, because while I do spend a lot of time in Paris I actually live in England (don't ask). Maybe I'll run into Rob in the Eurostar... a girl can dream :)))
Avant Premier November 15 in Greece catch ya ha?
Forgot to say... I love him with that color...
Wow... You just made my day...
I'm so proud of being french right now ^^
But don't forget... we had twilight almost two months after you... Little ashes and how to be aren't even released yet here... So I think there is a word for what's happening :
and I totaly agree with LittleBear : MWA-HA-HA :)))
gahhhh!!!NOW i feel really bad...u guys have to wait a couple of days...I have to wait like a week to see NM and I'm not even sure Remember me will be seen in my country...since is kinda an Indie movie it'd probably take like a couple of months to be release...I feel so sad
I always was a bit envious off the people living in bigger country's like usa or uk, because they have so much more merchandise, magazines, talkshows, comic cons all involving Robward & co... But now I love living in a small European country (The Netherlands) :) I can go see NM in Belgium on the 18th, the movietheater is only a 15 min. drive. And then again the day after in Holland, because there it will premiere on the 19th :D
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