As we cautioned you yesterday the Breaking Dawn casting rumors along with the Portland location are confirmed to be false by Summit. I guess we won't be posting anything from (previously known as again...
Thanks Twilight Lexicon
Damn! I was already to learn Portuguese and dye my hair black to be the maid on isle esme!
LOL rpattzgirl.
I forgot about Rob speaking Portuguese. Mmmm...that is one sexy language.
Emily true it will be nice to hear him speak in portuguese.
Rpattzgirl - I love that new eclipse pic. It melts my heart, and Kristen's wig isn't bad in this pic.
I agree! I'm an avi junkie too, change it all the time!
Bellas wig looks way better... I think David is doing a great job do far,
can't belive they're almost done with eclipse!
I cannot believe that this guy is still allowed to spread his misinformation. Even more sad if ppl are actually falling for his stupidity and buy his "info". Anyone can claim to be an "industry insider" but with this much fail with such big production as the Twilight saga is. I would say this is all talk and no substance..
Rob could speak in pig latin and it would sound sexy. Umm, could they add a little of Rob speaking Italian
into New Moon?
I can't believe they're almost done with Eclipse either. Love that new picture!
My 5 yr old granddaughter stayed home with me today (and I'm hungover, ouch) and asked if she could watch twilight.
her mom doesn't want her to because she's afraid she'll get sucked into my obsession!
Anyway, I let her watch it, and she asks "Are Edward & Bella a real couple because they look like they are"
Oh, what have I done?
No kidding, pig latin!
I want to hear him speak french like in the office!
You are raising a shipper! lol
rpg - So cute!
Don't feel bad. My two year old daughter recognizes Rob's picture. When we were at the store the other day, she saw a magazine with his picture on it and I said, "Who is that?" She said, "Rob. He's cute and he has pretty hair." Smart girl.
By the way, my husband isn't exactly thrilled about that. :)
I know! I need to take her to a bookstore now and bribe her to make her forget!
LOL rpattzgirl, my 6 yr old son has not seen twilight but he thinks the vamps in twilight are cool. Apparently, all the kids at his school talk about twilight. FIRST GRADERS. Hilarious.
LMAO Emily!
Ok, off to Barnes & Noble
Ah, French. He spoke a little in one of the youtube vids of when they were in Paris promoting Twilight and it was beyond sexy. *sigh*
Emily, I have an almost two yr old daughter who calls every man she sees in a picture Daddy. So whenever she sees a pic of Rob - well needless to say she sees them a lot - I have to remind her that's not Daddy. Then I bring up a pick of my DH and then she squees and screams DADDY!!
he think he is karate kid...
Teri - LOL! That's cute. She's probably thinking, why are there more pictures of that other guy than of my dad? lol
Lotsa drama in my life today :(
I read these comments and it just makes me smile the biggest smiles :))
I heart ALL of you!!! (alot)
Thank God for this place... @@@ of course for the Beautiful Bastard himself!!! LOL.
That clip with the sneezing never gets old.
RPG, you're even growing heart-shaped tomatoes! Honey, you're gonna spawn another hopeless romantic if you're not careful! Show her some Little Ashes, quick!
RPG that is so funny!! and Suz SO TRUE! LOL
Cindeeloo {{HUGS}}
And ya I don't think we'll be trusting this source again, you like to give people the benifit of the doubt but three strikes and you're out!
Loisada, lmao about the tomatoe I thought it looked like an effed up swollen va-jay- jay!
sweets, I'm sorry things are messed up and glad our silliness puts a smile on your know I heart you!
Okay the only reason I care about this is because I live in Portland, but I have followed that acting blog through all the films and the info always seems accurate, or maybe I didn't have anything to compare it to. How do we know Gossipcon is right and he is not? Anyway he has a rebutle to Gossipcons claim, and it sounds pretty convincing to me.
The Portland Examiner is also reporting that BD will be filmed in Portland...Oh how I hope they're right.
I was so happy for the Robsessed/Portland girls... rpattzgirl even "allowed" me to stay in her place... :(
@ Emily ~
Thank you for the comment about portuguese being a "sexy language". I am a portuguese native speaker :)
I could coach Rob for this! :)))))
God! He will look so HOT speaking portuguese!
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