From: The Associated Press
"Twilight" collected four awards: Best fantasy film, best fantasy actors for stars Rob Pattinson and Kristen Stewart (who weren't in attendance Saturday) and breakout performance for co-star Taylor Lautner, who introduced world-premiere footage from the film's next installment, "New Moon."
Thanks to our lovely Suz for the link
Before any one says how old the pic is, I know but it's so cute! LOL
It is adorable Kate! but Rob looks all of 15!?!?! It makes Kris look like an older woman!
Was he this young even at the Twi audition? Anyone know when this could have been taken?
It is photoshopped right?
I think that's a manip, the original picture I think is with Michael's head on it..lol...who cares though, Rob looks cute....!
Its photoshopped, the original picture is her and michael
thanks for clearing it up, I thought it looked strange! cute manip, though
weird, where'd the photo go?
He looks... mmmm... "cute"; though I'm sure it is a manip.
It WAS a manip :) I changed it...
OMG, Gözde! Thank you!!
Now I should rewrite my previous comment...
That new pic, oooohhh THAT NEW PIC is one of my fav.
How can he be so beautiful??
Here is the proof of God's existence!
I totally believe!!! :))))
I give Rob the best fantasy actor award every day.....
can't say I am surprised, he is, the best :) Glad Kstew won as well and Tay
So are the awards to be televised? Do we get to see the new footage? And Rob is the best actor in my fantasies too!
Thanks for clearing it up Gozde, he just looked too short and too young. Gotta curse photoshop at times, the photo "truth" doesn't exist in the digital age...
Jewels: I award him best fantasy inspirer and performer every night (and worst work inhibitor every damn day)!
Sorry ladies, I fell that that one. I had that saved on my computer and genuinly didn't know it was a manip. Sorreeeee xx
From what I've heard about the Scream awards is that Taylor went but Rob and Kristen didn't. You would have thought that with New Moon only a month away from it's debut that all main actors would make an appearence especially Kristen since she has the main role. So then how come Taylor turns up at these events, and not Rob and Kristen?
Taylor can handle screams better.
There was a set of high quality close-up photos. This might be one of them.
I believe they were the best of Rob's non-made-up, non-film photographs.
I thought the photos were taken at the Oscars, but the photos I saw were mostly HD closeups. (Almost whole page closeups.) And this is one of them, if I'm not mistaken.
(I can't remember where I saw them. Dratz!)
OK I'm going to be a bitch here so sorry in advance, but how does Taylor rate the breakout performance award was he even seen in Twilight for 15 minutes total??
Personally I will reserve judgment on his acting ability until after Nov 20.
@JLD: because Rob is working and Kristen had to be elsewhere, after working. Also, Taylor is doing his stint on the PR bandwagon - and can handle aspects better, as has been said. I don't think either Rob or Kristen would grudge him the gig. lol
Are any of these awards really about acting chops? I can't think so. I hope Taylor does hold his own in NM and Eclipse. R & K should have someone at their level to play off for that part of the story to work.
oh!this news makes me calm now,rob as best actor is better than breakthrough award..taylor now deserves it lol!
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