TMZ: Robert Pattinson asexual?

Oh boy...TMZ seriously? This is some facepalm action.

Watch at your own risk.


womadsart said...

how stupid... TMZ just tries to find anything they can to ruin peoples lives...
NO. Robert is SEXUAL!!!!!!

Temptation said...

TMZ what are you guys on just because the guy hasn't been caught tongue kissing or playing with someone's boobs you guys have to put a Label on him.....


Jaime said...

seriously tmz, seriously???

its a sad day in the world when people are "asexual" because they aren't seen around with many women. Everyone knows how much Rob values his privacy. And did that chick really not get the memo that Rob and Kristen are buying a house, getting married, and having a baby that Rob will deliver using only his teeth??? Lol, but seriously, I can't decide which annoys me more, OK magazines trying to get people to believe that Rob and Kristen are reenacting the Twilight books in real life, or this stupid, simple. prejudiced "reporter's" comments. Perhaps its a tie.

Temptation said...

Jaime I with you - at the moment they are all even on the 'Giving me the shits' scale...I imagine it would be extremely hard to laugh off all this crap if you were in his shoes. It must get to a point where you go postal and crack it...........My meltdown would have happened a long time ago....

Jaime said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jaime said...


For real, it's amazing Rob handles this so well, because at the moment I want to hit that lady in the face with a 2x4. It must be so hard to sit back and ignore this shit, the way Rob does. I would have flipped out looooong ago. Obviously he is an actor and he is going to be in the spotlight and people are going to take pictures and make up stories, it goes with the territory. But how much should one guy really have to take, especially when he does nothing to perpetuate the rumors. He's not one of those famous people who goes out all the time and does crazy and stupid shit that make him the center of attention. He's quiet and keeps to himself and does nothing to create the drama (other than being insanely gorgeous). But this tmz shit is ridiculous. Why does tmz even exist. No one watched that shit right?

Ps imagine what would happen if tmz and OK teamed up for world domination. I can see the headline now "Formerly asexual RPatz gets Kristen Stewart preggers and buys a house for them to share, but then decides to switch teams alltogether and professes his undying love for Taylor Lautner and his hopes of marrying him in the near future."

Anonymous said...

I don't like TMZ at all. They never have anything nice to say about Rob. This is what I think of TMZ *flips the bird*. :P

Temptation said...

I think TMZ's claim to fame is the breaking story about MJackson, apart from that they may be grasping at straws. What is "asexual" anyway ??? it doesn't help either when you have internet knob heads like Ted C. joining in on the party.

A few months back Ted C. had to apologize for saying that Rob was Fucking everyone he worked with. Now TMZ are saying he is not Fucking enough people, what's the boy to do?????

I wonder how do you please everybody that just love making money off you and your failures???

Marna said...

This is really funny, it's just this one woman who was saying it, nobody else on the show was buying into it, but I bet there will now be tons of indignant posts here like this is serious. I think TMZ was laughing at itself.

marce said...


guys these is serious, please pray for the peace in Honduras!! please pray for the people here.

The latest news said that today in guatemala and el salvador venezuelan planes(from the venezuelan army) wanted to land to invade Honduras!. they didn't let them land.

there are mayor disturbs right now. people burning police patrols, burning things, robbing stores, damaging houses.all of this is happening in the capital.
all this is because they want the ex-president to return to the power. but he can't!! he violated the law!.
our constitution do not allow the presidential re-election and he was reforming the constitution wich icurres on a violation to it.

The international community is supporting the ex-president. they want us to return him to the presidence. WE, THE HONDURANS DO NOT WANT HIM BACK!!!
Our authorities Told the OEA, and the ONU he wanted to change our constitution and they said that was an internal problem and they couldn't take any action in the problem.
But now when we did take actions and kicked him out, turns out that all of them can take actions and force us to return him to the power?? that's not fair!!!!

the irony is that cuba and venezuela(both communist countries) are saying we can't allow a dictatorship from any goverment and that's why Zelaya has to come back!! i'm sorry did i missed something??? BOTH OF THOSE COUNTRIES LIVE IN A DICTATORSHIP, ZELAYA(ex-president) WANTED TO IMPOSSE THE DICTATORSHIP!!! wth are they talking about??
we have the right to fight for our freedom that's why zelaya has to go away!!!

Please keep in mind our country! pray for the peace in here.
thank u so much!!


sunflower0674 said...

What was that reporter on? Come on. Again, I'm sticking with my theory that because he is not a media whore that the press is trying to find a way to give readers more of what they want - and right now, Rob is hot. So, they make up anything to get viewers/readers.

But seriously, just because he is a quiet, shy, private person who doesn't flaunt who he is dating does not mean that he is asexual.


sassy28 said...

i actually thought it was quite funny its not like anyone will really take notice like the gossip mags we know its all a load of crap just to get attention so why worry .

Anna said...

Robert Pattinson is SEX.

Anonymous said...

Rob called himself asexual once...I believe it was at the Twilight premiere last year. I wish I could find the video on youtube but I'm too lazy to do it. He was funny.

Temptation said...

OK GIRLS, I had to do it, this is the correct description for "asexual"

Medical Dictionary

Main Entry: asex·u·al
Pronunciation: (')A-'seksh-(&-)w&l, -'sek-sh&l
Function: adjective
1 : lacking sex or functionalsexual organs
2 : produced without sexual action or differentiation asexual spores —asex·u·al·i·ty /"A-"sek-sh&-'wal-&t-E/ noun plural -ties
—asex·u·al·ly /-'seksh-(&-)w&-lE, -(&-)lE/ adverb

Now just remembering some wonderful pics posted last week of Rob wearing some very nice Tracksuit Pants. I am sure the regulars know the pics I am referring to.

There was definately evidence of some sort of sexual organ there, now Rob I am defending you so please feel free to confirm via a photo or in person the evidence we are referring to.....

Please.......Pretty Please..........

Rachel said...

I have watched that at cinemax!!!
How silly is that!!!That guy is nuts!!!!!!!!!!!!!Rob is SEXUAL!!!!!

erikitty said...

Teeheehee.... my guy friends keep swearing to me that he is gay. I can't convince them otherwise... I have tried!

erikitty said...

I agree with Marna.

Anonymous said...

Well...I hope he has sex and lots and lot of it. Your only young once.

JandR said...

Little Bear - you got it in one!! And that's the reason we are all here! LOL

Babs said...

If they need someone to prove that RP is not asexual at all, I volunteer LOL

tina tri said...

Rob loves to play around with the media with his quick wit : At the twilight london premiere, he was asked about his relationship with KS (or sexual chemistry) , and he gave a quick answer " I am asexual" just to get it over with and move to another report. Since those trash media don't have anything new they will use any old materials because Rob sells....

Unknown said...

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

This is just the media's way of trying to label Rob and put him in a box, the media love labels,if they cant wrap a label on you (gay,str8,Asexual,bisexual) they become fraustrated because it makes their job harder,what i love about Rob is the fact he refused to be label,he refused to be put in a box, Rob is an enigma,he only gives you pieces of the picture,the other parts are hidden,the media dont have all the pieces so this is why they make shit up, Rob does not make their job easy,he is a blank canvas,+folks+will+continue+to+paint+what+they+want+to+see,will+do+anything+to+connect+the+pieces+of+the+puzzle.

keely said...

I don´t know if I should burst out in laughter or cry. I mean, hellllooooooooo tmz, what is wrong with you guys *stillshakingmyhead*
@Tempt: Girl, did you read the last chapter of TO, yesterday :-)

keely said...

And if Rob is asexual, I wanna be, too. See, we can start a new trend on that ;-)

Temptation said...

Keely - I am heartbroken - I did read the most recent chapters of TO and it's not going the way I hoped. The blonde I take it is going to be the xgirlfriend.

I with you if Rob is asexual then I think I might go down that track, this can be a new excuse for getting out of sex with DH, sorry honey I just found out I am asexual...........hahahhhhaaaahhh

I started Wide Awake today, not too bad a little slow...

orion said...

Hi Tempt! can you please tell me who wrote Wide awake, because I look for it and there are a few.
I won't make any comment about TMZ theory, they are a bunch of idiots.

orion said...

Anyway...Rob can be what ever he wants...still love you babe!!

Haystackhair said...

Clearly that woman is asexual, or batting for the other team if she doesn't see sex on legs when she looks at Mr. Pattinson. And thinking of those pics mentioned by Temptation, is that even humanly possible to not see it?

Unknown said...

The inference being made wasn't that he was asexual, but maybe gay.

That girl was totally lame, and it was funny when the guy said, what's he suppossed to grab someone's boob?

I think Robert is just very discreet and people mistake discretion for that he's hiding something like his sexual orientation.

keely said...

LOL, Temptation, very dangerouse way to choose, don´t make DH dislike our man ;-)
I´m heartbrocken, too, but that makes me even look more forward to the next happy(?)chapter. LOL didn´t know I have a masochistic side in me ;-)I wanna know who the beautiful blonde is assuming it must be Rachel. I´m sure she comes to tell BB she´s going to marry someonelse...
@Orion: I hope you don´t mind me ansering, love, here you find the story WA:
it was written by angstgoddess :-)

LK said...

Rob had said at one of his interviews last year that he's completely asexual,when the reporter asked him what he does to keep up the sexual tension.He was kidding,of course.But TMZ is one of the worst gossip channels,completely trashy.

Temptation said...

Keely the OZPATTZ girls and I have been reading The Bronze Horseman by Paullina Simons. It is a 3 book series and I think I can speak on behalf of everyone when I say we all loved it and Alexander is a total Fucking machine and our new hero.

I must say I loved these books more than Twilight and fell head over heels in love with the main character Alexander. The trouble is they aren't freebies from FF but if you love your romance and sex then this series is a huge HUGE MUST HAVE......

Regarding BB marrying someone else I don't think that is it I imagine it is going to be something very simple.

HI ORION.........very quiet online these days, my eyesight is recovering...

keti said...

Alexander is a sex machine Tempt !!!!!!!! hey.. fucking sex god

keely said...

Tempt, sounds like a good story, you made me curiouse...I´ll see if I can get it here :-)
Coming back to TO, I´m sorry, I verbalized that wrong. I didn´t ment to say that he is going to marry someone else. I thought something like, the beautiful blond-wait thats a BB as well. I´m getting confused LOL...whatever, in the end I think you´re right Christina will give us a better explination :-)
Did you actually had a look to the Wallbanger story ;-)

Temptation said...

Hello Keti - long time no speak and yes I totally agree with you a SEX GOD and my new male hero......

Do you think Alexander is "asexual"............god I cant wait for the movie of The Bronze Horseman to come out.........

Did I read they are making The Host into a movie? I thought that was one of the worst books I have ever read........infact I didn't even get through the first few chapters..

keti said...

which one is TO?? explain ladies lol lol

keti said...

I bought the host but still haven't read it... How can i keep up with all this FF reading... its killing me.

I've been thinking about your kids Tempt. Are they ok?

Temptation said...

Yeah checked out Edward Wallbanger - too slow for me, unfortunately I haven't found one to compete with TO yet.....I love it they jump straight into it from page 1.......I do lack a little patience in my FF Porn, total opposite when it comes down to Literature though.....very weird indeed.....

keti said...

Alexander Alexander Alexander ...

You finished the third book Tempt?

Temptation said...

Keti - The Office - TO......

My son has huge scars on his head we had his stitches out yesterday. My daughter has had to go and stay with her Grandma in the Country she has been getting nasty msn messages and facebook postings........very messy and they are still no where near catching anyone....

keely said...

Hey keti *waves*:-)TO is " The office ".
That´s not weird Tempt, just different sides of a woman :-) That makes you manifold. already do the Kamasutra, you must be superwoman ;-)

keti said...

Let your light shine started a bit slow for me, all the cheesy talk
"my love" "my wife" "my darling" kinda got too me. - I'm enjoying it now, I love the dirty talk
"the office" talk is what gets me going... Tempt which one you talking about "TO" is this a FF read too??

Temptation said...

Yes I finished the 3rd book, I think we have all finished now........each book didn't disapoint but I have to say the 1st was my favorite.....

keti said...

Oh the office (TO) derrr... silly me... Yep thats the best one so far.. But I have too say I loved Wide Awake.. I was very upset it ended.

Hi Keely!!

Oh Tempt, your poor Daughter. Hope your doing ok ?

keely said...

Oh my, I´m still sad about that story, tempt :-( I hope they will catch them soon and that your kids will be released as soon as possible :-) Did you contacted a trauma expert? We made very good experiencce with that in the hospital wher I work.

Temptation said...

MY GOD this is getting confusing - The Office is the FF with Edward being Beautiful it...

Let your Light shine is that the Breaking Dawn version of FF, I loved that one but found the sequel really slow..

Hey did you read in someones comments that I was not the only one that saw a visual in Robs Tracksuit pants....

keti said...

The First book was the best I agree. Alexander killed me in the Third (wont say cause I dont want to spoilt it if Keely reads it) but you know what I mean Tempt?

keti said...

What visual in Robs Pants ??

Temptation said...

We are doing OK, Adele is seeing a counsellor and Brice is very impressed with his scars......

Although my 18 yo son did tell me to lock the door when he went out the other night.......he has never done that before.....

keely said...

That´s very nice of you keti :-) Don´t tell me anything, even if I ever bag you to do ;-) I just went to Amazon and now I can´t decide if i should buy it in english or german. My mind seems to be a bit upside down nower days with all that language changing.

Temptation said...

The pics that were posted and then taken down where Rob looked extremly horny in a pair of grey tracksuit pants and a Tshirt with Vest. I swear on one of the pics you could see bulge, now it wasn't like that runner Matt Shervington bouncing around but there was bulge..........

This coming from a total asexual women....hehehhe

keti said...

Up to you Keely, buy it and read it. The books are so much better than Twilight. You will love it.

keti said...

fuck i need to go through my pictures.. why were they taken down??

Temptation said...

Soooo much better, loveeeeee Alexander......yuummmmmooo

orion said...

hi Tempt!Very quiet all around...Tempt I'd ask you who wrote Wide awake because are different ones on FF

Temptation said...

Apparently it happened when I was away, big drama the RP Aus site was shut down for showing I hear anyway......

You would have remembered these photo's RP just looked extreme, scrumptious for a asexual kind of guy.......

Temptation said...

In fact I think our little ORION may have some illegal copies of these pics, could this be true.....

orion said...

Hi Keti! long time no see you

orion said...

Tempt check FB the pic I post and tell me what you think...I sent you by email a site where I have a video that I made

keti said...

Hi Orion, I remember when the aussie Rob site went down. I have too look through my pictures... shit i'm excited too see the bulge!
Orion do you have these pictures??
This is for Wide Awake. I loved loved this so much. My second favourite for sure!!

orion said...

yes. I send it to you if you want it

Temptation said...

Did you get the author Keely responded......Wide Awake the only one with 42 chapters
it was written by angstgoddess :-)

That will keep you masturbating for a while 42 chapters..........yipppeeee.

orion said...

Thank you Keti!!

keti said...
this is my work email.. i can view pictures better at work.

Thanks Orion. You will love Wide Awake.

Temptation said...

ORION did you pick up on the Bulge too or is it my perverted eyes leering at this poor asexual young boy...

Suz said...

And the award for the ditziest woman on earth goes to........

Asexual? pfffffffffffffffft!

Pity women today don't recognize a gentleman when they see one

keely said...

Girls, you dont mean this once, do you?

Real life is calling, it was nice talking to you :-) Have a nice day everyone!!!!!

orion said...

Thank you Tempt! yesterday I'read the new chapter of the Office, bloody hell, I just want to kill her, (the one that is writing it) now don't know how long we have to wait for the next one...Bitch!

keti said...

Tempt Wide Awake has 52 chapters?
I'm waiting on the Epilogue to be posted. CANT WAIT!!

Temptation said...

We had to wait a while for those extra 2 chapters so I wouldn't hold my breath........

Temptation said...

Really - what the hell am I reading then ?? Im pretty sure it only has 42, my brain is FF PORN FRIED......

orion said...

Why Tempt? why you are asking me if I pick up on the Bulge?

keti said...

tempt go too her live journal...

jmm4832 said...

What a jerk that woman is! I hate her. Of course Robert is sexual.

Temptation said...

You know who I want to Kill.....that bloody money making hag Stephanie Meyers......I am hanging out for the book that she 'started to write' and then stopped because someone posted it on the net and she was BETRAYED.......

I have forgoten the title - you know the one Twilight from Edwards Perspective, loved it and then after reading it found out OOOOPPPSS sorry not sure if I will finish the rest ?????

keti said...

you have more too read Tempt... Get onto it. Select the tabs on the left hand side of the screen.
52 chapters, and very very sad it has ended..

The office lady is bloody slow... its killing me.. the wait oh my god

Temptation said...

ORION you have a good eye for detail, I can tell your avi has Kellan's nipple in it.....others may not have noticed....also Robs tongue...

keti said...

Midnight Sun Tempt?? yeah I know. Cough it up SM .. just finish the bloody book !!

keti said...

I need to see this Bulge!! I'm going through all my pictures tomorrow.. need too find the Bulge need too find the bulge lol lol

Temptation said...

YEAH Thats it you old Money Making Hag, you wait she will drag it out until Christmas next year or something , when her book sales start to decrease which I don't think will be in the near future.....everytime a movie is made they relaunch the cover so she sells more books...

orion said...

Haahahaha!! tempt! what an eye! lol
definitely your leering eye is good, very good usually

orion said...

Tempt,did you check your email?

Temptation said...

Go for the full body pics in the Grey Tracky dacks and you cant miss it. Subtle but sexy and as soon as you find it let me know I am starting to think that I am getting a little weird and perverted.....

Temptation said...

HOW COOL - how did you make that it is just so perfect.......

I swear if we could all get paid for Reading Porn and downloading photo's we would be very rich women...

keti said...

can you email it too me orion.. ?

orion said...

hahahaha I'm glad you like it! nice pics ? I'm doing other one but it's no finish I have to find a song.
@Keti, I'm sending the pics, so tomorrow at work you going to have a long and relax time...

Temptation said...

You have inspired me Orion I may have to utilize my in between job time and try something different.....

keti said...

love you orion.. i cant F*king wait!!!

Temptation said...

Check out the new pics of Rob as Cedric - Peaches and Cream baby skinnnnnnn............soooo nicce..

orion said...

did you check the pic on FB? I want to know what do you think

orion said...

Oh!! such a baby...

Temptation said...

Orion I cant get onto FB because of maintenance......I will check it out in the morning.....

I think I will say night night ladies and do some girly things before bed.......God I love my Jaw Porn Avi it has everything ...... the beanie and total moody pouty face and jaw porn in total asexual package.........

Temptation said...

KETI you are not going to get anywork done tomorrow those pics are to die for......

Orion you are now the One Stop Rob Shop ... if you want something Rob then Orion has it........

orion said...

I love your avi too, tempt! see you later girl...

keti said...

Tempt I haven't been working at work.. All I'm doing is reading FF!! Honestly I cant wait too see these pictures... is it 2moro yet??

JandR said...

Tempt - I can't believe you are still here on this post - you started at 1.30pm today?? (or maybe 3.30pm your time)
Hi Orion!
Haven't started TBH and met the other Mr Sex - Alexander but will be shortly.
Trying to plan to be in Melb next week but it may not come together...if it does will you be around Tempt if it is school hols??
Hey Jac - where are you hiding?
Come out and play! :-)

keti said...

ok, I need to read some FF.. Porn reading . AH gotta love it.

orion said...

Keti forgot to tell you, that I finished all the Alexander books. Thank you very much, I really love it.

orion said...

I'm reading now on FF 'a live extraordinary', did you read it?

keti said...

How exciting Orion!! How good are they??

keti said...

I'm reading Let your light shine. I'm enjoying it, But not as much as Wide Awake and The Office.

jmm4832 said...

Where can I find the fan fiction? Please!!

orion said...

A life extraordinary, is the continuation of let your light shine. The books, love it!! when I finished it, I didn't know what to do...I was lost, lol
Completely in love with Alexander

JandR said...

jmm4832 - just google Twilight fanfic and the name eg Wide Awake or The Office and it will bring it right up. There have been heaps of recommendations on this site - I have a few listed if you want more - but these two are the best for me!

keti said...

Start with this one Jmm... enjoy

orion said...

Keti, all done, the pics are on your email, enjoy!!

T said...

I am in the middle of the 1st Bronze Horseman book and I am loving it. I read The Office and loved it as well. I haven't been able to find a FF that I like as well as I did that one. I will keep looking though.

Unknown said...

hey temptation

i HAVE those horny pics, i think
going back to look at them now

i was smart and saved them

keti said...

your the best orion... thanks heaps !!

keti said...

LB have you read Wide Awake. Thats also very very good

orion said...

You're welcome... after tell me what do you think, LOL

Unknown said...

yep i got 'em

Unknown said...

hey i have the pics temp talked about, now where is that bulge??

someone tell me!

keti said...

i'll email you 2moro orion... cant bloody wait !!

T said...

keti - I haven't read Wide Awake yet. I will give it a try.

orion said...

He's bloody hot on those pics! specially one...that practically all the OzPattz found very, very hot and horny, lol

Unknown said...

orion which pic is it?

Unknown said...

all i can see i rob's tack pants pulled way down and underwear showing

keti said...

Read it on her live journal
(Wide Awake) it has 52 chapters... its the best!!

I"m Devastated that I've finished it.

orion said...

One of the pics of Segal photoshoot

Unknown said...

alright orion, got all the pics now which one i want specifcs

stop teasing me dammit!! lol

Unknown said...

orion the day they were posted for some reason, i decided to save them all

Unknown said...

hey temptation,

i've got all those pics from the segal photoshoot i need to know which pic it is.

orion said...

Oh, sorry apprenticeic! the one I'm talking about I will put it on my avi so you can see it. Anyway, this pic it's very hot for us because we have a very wide, open and horny imagination lol

T said...

keti - Thanks for the link. I will check it out.

Unknown said...

ok orion

i sooo wanna see that pic i must have missed something

orion said...

this one!!

orion said...

you know we were talking about the position on the pic...I'd tell you we are a bunch of dirty women, lol

orion said...

So? what do you think?

keti said...

Goodnight Orion, thanks again... I'll chat too you 2moro : )

Unknown said...

love that pic

but where's the pic with the BULGE?

orion said...

Bye Keti!! see you tomorrow

orion said...

Ah, the one that Tempt was talking?

Unknown said...

i've got all the pics but i'm not seeing a bulge

Unknown said...

YES orion THAT one! lol

Unknown said...

you shameless tease!!


orion said...

hahaha!! I'm not teasing you. When Tempt was talking about that pic, I asked her she didn't answer but I think we are talking about the same pic, lol
Anyway, I'll ask her 2morrow

orion said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

hey orion i've got your avi pic but i don't get it where is the bulge in that one. what did they do, crop it?

Unknown said...

in that pic rob looks like you're keepin him from "eatin at the y" should I say and he looks like he doesn't like being "kept " from his treat


kchambers77 said...

so what? i'm asexual. it means you haven't found anybody to worth boning. kind of like "being single" but you just don't want to even hook up with anyone.

that's what asexual means.

Anonymous said...

Oh Please!!! *rolls eyes* That's all I have to say to this newest load of crap. At least a couple of TMZ people defended him to that stupid chick!! You know just like Rob said once in an interview, the quicker you shoot to stardom the quicker they want to shoot you down.

jmm4832 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
orion said...

Apprenticeinc, You know what? I can't see it either! I'd check the pics and I can't see any 'bulge'. Tempt has a wide imagination, lol. 2tomorrow I'll ask

Unknown said...

yea, orion, please ask her

have her show it to us "play by play" if you will lol

orion said...

hahaha yeah!!

orion said...

I think Tempt is reading to much FF, lol

orion said...

...and because we are in the middle of 'Rob's drought' so she start seeing things...

Ana73 said...

i saw this monday night. it's just a way to get people to watch TMZ. at the beginning of the show, the showed a pic of rob and the girl made a comment and did not run this nonsense until the very end of the show. they know if they say something about rob people will watch.

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

i think they were using the Asexual comment as a cover,if you read between the lines what she was implying is that he is Gay,that is what she really meant ,but were covering it up or to afraid to come right out and say it. either way who cares about TMZ.

Mechevpao said...
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Mechevpao said...

The TMZ little thing was funny because the girl said that and the rest of the people there started to laugh at her, which proved it was more a joke about the stupidity they say when they have nothing to say than what they had to say about Rob... beside as Tina Tri said, Rob himself made fun of that at the London premier.. have a good laugh, no one is buying that just like no one has yet claimed he could be gay, when we could name many other actors that had the "closet gay" label as soon as they became famous.
Geez, we used to be funny around here hahaa…. Take things more lightly please ;)


little bear u'r right ROB IS SEX he's so sexy that if he would be caught with another person we'd be death of his sexiness jaja

Anonymous said...

who goes to tmz looking for the truth anyway...?

pffffft. who cares what they say.

Hannah said...

In Hollywood you're either a Playboy or Asexual.
What a lovely place.

@TS - Your avi is fucking killer. I LOVE him fully bearded. I hate him clean shaven all the time when he's filming Edward!

Dazzle said...

OMG....who the hell is asexual? We are all sexual beings, one way or the other. HE IS GAY!!!! Wake up gals!

CullenGal09 said...

@Temptation-you're spot on. TMZ are douchbags, and a joke to journalism.

@marce-I have seen some on the news about your plight. You have my prayers, hon.

CullenGal09 said...

@Dazzle-uh, I hope you're joking. He is def NOT GAY!!! Please. He has been seen with several women-Nikki Reed, Natalie Portman at Oscars, Erica damn Dutra at Cannes lest we forget, and now Kristin. Hello! Pffffftttt.

@Mech-LOL! Lighten up, indeed. Loves ya gal.

Dazzle said...

Of course I'm joking... ;)

Dazzle said...

Actually, I looked up the def of means "sexually confused". I believe he is definitely that!

Anonymous said...

@ orion or apprenticeinc or anyone else who have the pics

Could you please send them to me too?? I have never seen them because I missed the post... When I came on they were already deleted and now I'm almost dying because from what you tell they have to be incredible hot.

my e-mail:

marce said...

thank u!
that helps a lot, your prayers are the only thing that can help us. we are praying that this finish too. my country is way too small for a war!

thank u so much 4 reading that!!

Loisada said...

I recall someone saying there was very clear view of a very sexy bulge in Goblet of Fire underwater scene. Anyone remember that?!?! Cedric for one was a naughty sexual boy! Who's got the movie and can review for us? Simply as means of gathering confuting evidence of course!

Tenneil said...

Wow... now there is a piece of info to line the bird cage with...
Trash just plain trash...

whatever ...lets move on:)

Shani said...

That girl is such a stupid twat. I watch the show and every time she talks about something they laugh at her.

Her father is this big wig producer and is friends with a lot of A-list stars. So she grew up around celebrity making her possibly jaded. Really she is only use to that LA trash with their sex tapes. So Rob has mindfucked her by NOT flaunting who all he has been with. She can't recognize a gentlemen when she sees one. So sad and pathetic.

Actually Rob went out with a few girls last year that TMZ caught him with. So if she is so WORRIED about his sexuality she can ease her mind by looking at the TMZ archives.OK!!

monika said...

oh look who's back Dazzle, lmao you make me laugh..go back to whatever shithole your pathetic ass crawled out of. Have you taken your meds today?

monika said...

dazzle, you're the one confused lol

time, it's time for your meds, the nurses are calling you...

Dazzle said...

Hahahaha.....Yes, I'm just a pathetic realist. Oh that really hurts me ;) Have you ever wondered that since this gals father is a producer and she's part of the hollywood scene she might be in the "know".... HELLO......
Ya, I'm gonna go back to my pathetic hole I crawled out of...I'll check back later and see what other entertaining things you all have to say........

LM said...

Don't think I've laughed so hard in ages. You guys are the greatest. Rob radiates sex. You would have to be asexual not to notice it.

Sadrilil said...

You know Rob cant win.. He cant say he is dating anyone because everyone would have an opinion he cant say he is dating no one because again everyone has an opinion and now because of it they are making the next leap and saying this crap.. Leave the man alone TMZ, OK, all of the craptastic mags and rags and shows out there..

The only thing that is truthful in any of these things is Rob is amazingly sexy..

jmm4832 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Shani said...

Dazzle- Did you even look at the video??? I saw this last night on TV and I watch them all the time. That girl doesn't even know Rob and anyone around him. She is talking about one pic of him walking by himself.She is NO insider. BE FOR REAL!!!

Stop your silliness. Your becoming a pest. Your insulting Nina who had a 3 year relationship with Rob. He was so heartbroken that it ended and didn't want to talk about their love.Plus all his ex girlfriends. Like the Asian girl who was in HP with him, Marquita a T4 reporter who is best friends with Lilly Allen, and an ex girlfriend who is going out with the lead guy from Rob's old band called "Bad Girls".Oh yeah, and the girls he went out with on dates last year that TMZ caught him with. And whoever else...

Anonymous said...

If its true or not - HEY everyone I thought we love Robbie unconditionally? Right?

In anycase, Asexual is not the right word in what TMZ was
trying to communicate, but we got the drift.

jmm4832 said...

Robert's not asexual or gay, for chrissake...

If you want to view Rob's bulge, google Rob in his underwear. For some reason I can't seem to post the link here.

lostinphilly said...

I've said it before and I'll say it again...out loud.....

TMZ is scum,just plain f**king scum
TMZ is at the bottom level of the food chain......there.......I'm saying it again.......OUT you think they'll hear me?

First of all, with the way Rob dresses in his own hobolicious way is he gay.
Yeah, if he's gay then I'm the queen of England. Nuff said.

Unknown said...

Hi Temp!

I just finished the last chapter of Wide Awake..umm is it the same with Wide Awakening??(forgive me if I'm mistaken), I was just wonderin'.

Anyway the last chapter I read was chewy granola grievances but I think that's not the ending, I am having difficulty registering in the live journal so I can't see the updated version of it and I sooooooooo want to finish it.I was thinking maybe you can help me with it, umm...can you give me a link to it's updated version!! I would be very very thankful for it!!


Angie said...


The last chapter of Wide Awake is 52. Angstgodess has not posted the epilogue, yet.

Unknown said...


Yeah I've seen her profile but the thing is I can't register to livejournal so I can't read the other chapters, I have only read 42 chapters so far, and I so wanted to know what happened after chapter 42.

Is it updated already in the FF?? They don't have a search engine for me to type it there..right?

Unknown said...

and oh yeah just to comment on the topic at hand, I haven't seen the tracksuit Rob but I did also notice a bulge when he was wearing a grey tux while filming RM, and it was very VERY OBVIOUS!! (I thought I could make out the head..teehee!!)

Temptation said...

SOOOOO - my so called Rob Soul Buddies are debating my "bulge" detection in a past photo......

Hmmmmm - Orion - So you think I have been reading too much porn hey, perhaps, or perhaps it could have something to do with my FANTASTIC iMac HUGE computer screen that enables me to see things others may miss......this could be a new add for Apple....

Or I could claim to be a crazy fan who has xray vision and can see things on Rob that others cant.....perhaps this is so.....

My final word on this is the Lesson of today

Too many bright colors
Can blind your eyes
Too much sound
Deafen your ears.
Too much spice
Can burn your tongue.
Wanting more
Can drive us crazy.
Therefore the Tao woman
Rejects excess,
Turns from externals,
Embraces the inner wisom.

Crazy or burnt out porn freak.........u decide....

Rachel said...

However...PROVE that!!!!!!!!!!!!TMZ

Kathy#1 said...

I'm coming to this thread late, but it is hysterical. Obviously those guys at TMZ have not spent much time around him or all of the rest of us who are dying to shag him almost every minute of our lives. Wow..that's all I can

Anonymous said...

Just so you guys know the definition for asexual in the dictionary is not what they are talking about. there is also asexual orientation.

The definition for that is a person who has no desire to have sex.
There are different types of asexuals as well. Have any question my e-mail is

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