Ted wants Rob.....

.....in scrubs!


Georgie said...

OMG Ted has it as bad as we do..."I'm in heaven....too hot to pass up" - my sentiments exactly!

Anna said...

Seems like Ted C. has embarked upon a personal crusade to get Rob on TV.

Haystackhair said...

Sigh. He's creepy.

Krissy said...

Robalicious on House?!

Oh My Word! That would be too much to take for this here Hubba, Hubba Hugh Fan.

(That's Hugh Laurie...the actor who portrays *House*. Just in case some folks don't know. ☺)

It truly would be tremendous if Rob would be on "House". I could then die a completely Happy and Content Cougar.

kespax said...

Ewwwwww that guy is beyond creepy/slimey, and why does Rob need to do anything on TV?

He's not going to have enough time to do more than an interview here and there with all of the other filming he's got booked. He boosts ratings wherever he goes so they are all hunting & bugging about gettin Pattinson.

Agnes said...

Robert and Hugh Laurie together...? *faints*

Temptation said...

Im with you Kespax it seems everyone wants a piece of Rob pie at the moment......

Agnes said...

I agree with Kespax in general, but Rob guest starring in "House" would be heaven for me. That's a great show, the only reason why I turn on the TV sometimes. In my opinion, playing a dramatic role in this show would be a great chance for Rob to show his skills as an actor. I wouldn't like to see him dying though. :) SNL would be another good chance to prove his talent to a wider audience.

TJ said...

OOohh, Rob in scrubs...YUMMY!!!

laura.giurgiu said...

Rob AND Hugh Laurie? PERFECTION :D

Gemgirl65 said...

I would LOVE to see Rob on House, but I don't see Rob doing TV guest spots anytime soon, unless it's interviews on Leno etc. The SNL spot is a greater possibility, though considering how nervous and stilted Rob is in that sort of setting, it could be like a train wreck! A very beautiful, entertaining train wreck.

Man, Ted has such a hard-on for Rob it makes me laugh.

Cristin said...

I would have to call in sick to work if Rob was going to be on House. And he better play a gynecologist... just sayin...

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

For the love of all that is holy.....Ted C gets on my last nerve,the man is f*** annoying and Rob is an A list celeb now no way in hell his handlers would allow him to do TV, except for interviews, once a star hits a certain level doing TV is going backwards, so Ted can dream all he wants its only wishful thinking.

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Rob in scrubs? Omg. I would need mouth to mouth, body to body for sure

thanks Kate!

kespax said...

Hmmmm, so dickhead Ted with his tongue hanging out asks every freakin person - is Rob going on your show, is Rob going on your show, pant, pant, slobber, slobber.

And everyone just says yeah sure -creepy stalker guy, just get away from me - and they all run away and laugh.
Creepy stalker guy is so deluded.

Anonymous said...

wow! i would love to see Rob on House. I watch that show every week. it would be great if he was one of the patients that House had to work on, but he would not do a full episode. too big for that.

bonemama said...

I want to see that interview with him and that gorgeous beard. Can anyone find that one for me?

Krissy said...

Have to say I'm tickled pink to see so many Hubba, Hubba House fans here in ROBsessed Land!

TWO *Very* talented & Gorgeous Male Brits.

Could be a Brit Sandwich.

YUM! ☺

:::krissy goes into a daze:::

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

Whats with all this Rob and Megan Fox pairing?? the girl is a joke,Fake sex appeal can only take you so far, her last Movie Bombed Big time, all that Sluttiness and No one paid to see it,what a pity and what a shame.men would not pay for something they can see for Free.

jmm4832 said...

That's why Ted C. wants to know Rob and Kristen's relationship cause he wants to know if Rob is "available." Gross. Ted C. grosses me out.

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

How ya liking the red line?

I am loving it...Edward is killing me...he's so broken, and I just want to snatch him up and cuddle him...and kiss all his boo-boos.

Hannah said...

Why (pause) does Teddy C (pause) talk like (pause) this..

How annoying is that?! His Rob crush is funny though.
It wont be happening anytime soon but the thought of Rob in a pair of scrubs... Hmmmmmm..

RPLover said...


That said, Rob in scrubs would be totally hot, but I really don't see it happening.

Cheshiregirl said...

Hey! just got here to say Hi! Been quite busy so I've been following but couldn't comment... =(
Oh, just realize my identity changed... but it's me VerĂ³nica the girl from Uruguay (hi Aussie girls!)
Hope everything's ok Gozde!

By the way... Rob on House would be great, but I'd choose he go to SNL if he were doing just one...

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

@rpattzG good morning :-)

iam loving it but he is so tortured and vulnerable,not the edward we are use to seeing,

iam also loving the bella in this one,she is strong and independent not like the Bella in The Sub.

i dont like the fact he Hooked up with Paris Hilton YUCK but i guess its all part of the job,

iam to chappy 12

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...


Yeah, agree-ewww...I'm on ch 10.

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

i love FF because you get many edwards not the one dimentional edward we see twilight, we get the rich and powerful Edward in TO,we also have the perverted one in The Extrai and the confuse edward in The Sub/Dom, but now we have edward being the victim,the concept is hard to grasp but its more realistic him having so many issues.

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

I love all the Edwards-WA & LYLS are still my fav's but this one is getting there....

Luxie said...

I don't think we're going to see him do anything close to this. I think he's doing anything in his power to not be too overly exposed.

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

Over exposed?? umm i think its to late for that,the damage already been done,i dont blame him he had no say in the matter,he have no control over the media/gossip mags/Tabs,iam hoping the over exposure turn into a positive and not a negative.

Pet73 said...

Rob on House would be great - two Brits teaming up :p !

Btw, I think Hugh Laurie's not only a cool guy, he is also a great actor. I already liked him in Sense & Sensibility.

GiGi said...

Oh...House is my favorite show..another sexy, older, Brit. Hugh Laurie is sexy in a whole different way...and Rob there with him?? I would just faint....

Krissy said...


Just an FYI:

Hugh Laurie just turned 50 in June. I know this because his Birthday was a week after my Beloved Husband's 50th Birthday.

So cool to see so many House/Hugh Fans here in the Land of ROBsessed!

And now back to drooling over Robalicious! ☺

Anonymous said...

I like Hugh Laurie...he was brilliant in 'Blackadder'...do you ladies ge this in the States...He's no looker but a very well educated, talented actor. I would love Rob to work with him....think he (Rob) would learn a lot from him. Hugh is the same age as me. I've sort of grown up with him LOL. Nice to see him doing so well because he was overshadowed for years I feel by the brilliant Rowan Atkinson ( MR Bean?) Hope and pray Rob follows suit! Wonder if he'll be at Sam's concert tonight?

CullenGal09 said...

I agree with the ladies that this is beyond wishful thinking, but I also agree it would be terrific! Just a guest spot....nothing of course regular....I could live with that....;)

Oh, and yes, he and Hugh would be double hot on there. Love the show-it's great.

Oh-and one last thing-HI LEANN!!!!! ((WAVES)) ;)

jmm4832 said...

I would just love to see a new interview with Rob.

GiGi said...

@Krissy.....yes, I know when Hugh Laurie's birthday is. He has always been my celeb crush (now he's taken 2nd place to Rob). He is not gorgeous and beautiful like Rob...but there's just something about him that I find very sexy...I'd date him in a heartbeatand Hugh is definitely closer to my age than Rob... I think to have them both together on the screen...just kill me now! But I agree with the other ladies, I don't think it will happen.

Krissy said...


I'm MUCH closer to Hugh's age than I am to Rob's age.

Heck, I was 23 when Rob was BORN. So, I'm literally a LIFETIME older than him...and I do not care. ;)

Just wanted to let you know I totally agree with you about Mr. Hugh Hotness. That man has got something...very nice somethings, I'm sure! ☺

And both men have got KILLER eyes. OMWord. It's getting way too warm in here!


Robert looks "awesome" in red! House is a great show.
I have never left comments before. I have been following ROBsessed for months.
I am a little confused about the FF stories. I have read Let your Light Shine and A Life Extraordinary. I loved both stories. I was wondering what TS and TD are? And is TO The Office? There have been other suggestions like The Red Line, Submissive, Wide Awake, and Blood and I think Lust. I want to make sure I am reading the right stories. Some titles have many authors. If someone has the time and knows the information I would really appreciate it.
A Big Thank You to Goz, Dani, and Kate. You guys are the greatest. I love your site.
Thanks for any info

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

TS 'The Submissive' TD 'The Dominat' you have to read TS first,TD is edward's point of view of the same story (Great Read) and the sequel is called The Training.

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

oh you are right TO is 'The Office' and i meant to type 'The Dominant'


Thank you for the information!! I went to FF and I found it. The author is Tara Sue Me. All 3 look like they will be keeping me up at night.

Anonymous said...

I love Hugh Laurie and I think Rob would be great in House, LUVIN the suggestion that he plays a gynecologist haha. I would also love to see him in Nurse Jackie.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Agnes,
Rob playing a serious role well in a well respected show like House would earn him a lot of credit in the acting community. He should go for it!

Thomas Dekker (John Connor from Terminator TSCC) was on House years ago and he was AMAZING! Shows like this give young actors a chance to shine.

Athena said...

If I were Rob, I wouldn't do TV ever, just to spite Ted C.

Love House and Hugh Laurie, though...

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

@LLovesE You are Welcome (hugs) :-)


Its great to be able to talk to other people who feel the same about Robert as I do. Your "About Me" information are my thoughts exactly!! I love it.
I feel at home here..
Thanks, L (hugs):)

PS. I figured out The Office after I got to looking on FF.



I almost forgot ... I am so glad I am not the only crazy for Robert one out there.
L :)

GiGi said...

@krissy....yes, I could be Rob's mama too! Hell, I have a son almost his age! HA! So I kinda stick to the likes of Hugh, but Rob just has something that is so hard for a "mama" like me to not sit up and take notice! He's a special boy indeed...(can you believe I called him a boy??) o boy!

Anonymous said...

As much as I want to see more of Rob, I don't think he should do TV, (i.e., SNL; etc); with his current status, he does not need it. TV interviews are fine, he can be himself and be spontaneous, without scripts. I hope his handlers do not try to convince him to do TV; and I'd bet that if it were up to him, he would not do it.

I love the versatile, talented dramatic actor, Hugh Laurie. I like the idea of Rob learning from fellow Brit Hugh, but no House, please. That’s still TV.

Check this out. Here’s one of Hugh’s bests – classic:


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