Robsessed, pardon? Hmmm....we should have trademarked our name.

I am skeptical about this nonsense using our good name but if you wish to purchase this DVD set you can go HERE to do so.

And to make it super clear we (Robsessed) are in no way affiliated with this DVD.

Thanks to LovingRob for the news.


keti said...

Dani, My heart just sank!! I'm sure you guys should of but a trademark on your fantastic name??

keti said...

I keep looking back and I'm not liking it :(
Stealers !!!

Rhonda said...

Rip offs. We all know you are the only ROBsessed! And what crap are they peddling with that vid anyway? Interviews you can find on youtube for free? Their product description does not even say. Loser copycats!

Noe said...

what biters! get your own name dvd peeps!!!

Lorabell said...

Woah... fail!
- Lorabell :(

SummerGirl said...

I LOVE you guys -- but Robbie Williams fans were first with the Robsessed moniker.

He is all over the UK press today!!

(Williams, not Pattinson)


SummerGirl said...


SummerGirl said...

THIS blog far better.

Now I feel guilty :(


Gozde said...

LOL, no don't feel guilty. Of course we are not the first Robsessed and won't be the only one. I was telling my friends how I didn't like Robbie williams because I couldn't register Robsessed when I was starting the blog :)

Gozde said...

Dani was just being cheeky :))

Haystackhair said...

Cheaters! LOL. too funny

Suz said...

I say we boycott these obvious name thieves!

I WON'T BUY THIS.. not even if Rob sings a song called I Love You Suz Only You Forever, Suz.. Naked -- As Art, with a long harmonica solo. (yeah, I said, LONG!)

Nope..not even.

Love you Goz.. Queen of RoBsessed! The ONE the ONLY.. ORIGINAL.

(I hate copycats)

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Ahh, we know who's the best....

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

what would they think of next? this site is the only sane robsessed the others are f*** crazy.

Anonymous said...

Is it too late to trademark the name???

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