Robert Pattinson's Hands...Now Digital...

Do you remember Robert Pattinson leaving his "oh so gorgeous!" handprint in clay at Planet Hollywood?

Well that was literally "so last year!". They now have the digital version up...
Where is the world going to? ;)

And a montage I made last year. We didn't even own the domain back then :))


Suz said...

Put your hands on me Jack..

I mean.. Rob!

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Large feet large hands...
Large special parts?
Oh yea! I'll take mine to go!

RPLover said...

cool video! I've never heard that one from Sting before.

Anonymous said...

Oh, how I would have loved to have been that woman, so gently pressing Rob's sexhands into the wet cement...gently caressing those knuckles, lovingly wiping them off afterward, sneaking in a hand massage, imagining them massaging me back...

Oh, Gozde, you are so right...long fingers, large hands, large feet, large_________(fill in the blank) (okay, I will - Sexy Parts!) Oh my, I've died all over again and bought a one-way ticket to RobHeaven! Happens on a daily basis. Does that qualify me for frequent RobFlier miles???

ROB PATTINSON for Dummies said...
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rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

uh huh girl!

RPnKSaddict said...

Here we go with the HANDS and the microphone...damn!!
His lips are so red and kissable just like in Suz's avi. Want to bite them.

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

large hands,large feet,long fingers,long TONGUE,big ___(i assume)..... rob was built to satisfy a woman

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

NYC is the best there is no place like it but i agree rob being here made it hotter

Lisa said...

Oo that would look so awesome hanging over my bed....I'm just sayin' ;)

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...


omfg no kidding. He was built to satisfy a woman...

Krissy said...

PLEASE tell me the digital hands of Robalicious are animated...

Lie if necessary! ;)

Ana73 said...

krissy - animated hands now that's a thought... LOL

SluttyPattz said...

Krissy! Animated Hands - OH MY. I snorted when I read that. LOL

Kelly said...

OK Seriously... where can I get one of those.. I'm F*CKING Serious.. I want one.. I would totally hang that up... that's normal right?

Krissy said...


Hang it up...Hang over it...Hang however you want in order to best enjoy some serious APPLAUSE!

I would definitely give it a Thumbs Up.

And, lookie loo...NO need for Gloves!

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Jesus Goz, I finally got to watch this video and it made me fucking cry..

This is my all time favorite song by Sting...and to put it up against Rob was almost too much...

"I dont take coffee I take tea my dear
I like my toast done on one side
And you can hear it in my accent when I talk
Im an englishman in new york

See me walking down fifth avenue
A walking cane here at my side
I take it everywhere I walk
Im an englishman in new york

Im an alien Im a legal alien
Im an englishman in new york
Im an alien Im a legal alien
Im an englishman in new york

If, manners maketh man as someone said
Then hes the hero of the day
It takes a man to suffer ignorance and smile
Be yourself no matter what they say

Im an alien Im a legal alien
Im an englishman in new york
Im an alien Im a legal alien
Im an englishman in new york

Modesty, propriety can lead to notoriety
You could end up as the only one
Gentleness, sobriety are rare in this society
At night a candles brighter than the sun

Takes more than combat gear to make a man
Takes more than a license for a gun
Confront your enemies, avoid them when you can
A gentleman will walk but never run

If, manners maketh man as someone said
Then hes the hero of the day
It takes a man to suffer ignorance and smile
Be yourself no matter what they say

Im an alien Im a legal alien
Im an englishman in new york
Im an alien Im a legal alien
Im an englishman in new york"

I bet that's what he feels like most places he goes...

God, my heart is broken just a little bit..

Kelly said...

@ Krissy gives a hole new meaning to Put your hands on me... :) He'd be feeling up a whole lotta ladies if the sold that baby !

Haystackhair said...

OHHHHH Goz. Bendy Rob!!! THUD!!!

kimberlesk said...

All I remember about the Planet Hollywood vid is wishing desperately that I was the table. I remember things got started late and the cement had "hardened" (hehe) and Rob was pressing his groin into the table trying to apply more pressure to leave his prints. Yes, if I could have been that table, I would have been happy the rest of my life!

Krissy said...



Hardened Concrete?!

Does ANYONE know where that slab of rock went?

(And we all know it would be one homgowa huge slab of concrete!)

I'll trade you my spleen for the general location of where said groin imprinted concrete slab is hiding.

Thanks in advance! ☺

SluttyPattz said...

OK just saw this video and had forgotten about some of these pics. S I G H ***


keti said...

ummmmm look at those large hands- so fucking perfect. I want this
Digital print in my room : ))))

SluttyPattz said...

OK one more and I am done. THIS ONE IS MY FAV!!!

kimberlesk said...

@Krissy -- yep, that vid was hot and it wasn't even meant to be, just the way he was leaning, pressing, dare I say grinding????

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

groin and table :-) me on the table probly,one of my fantasies,i also have fantasies of rob involving food.

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Fuck!!!!!! Me!!!!!!! I've never seen that one...for the love of all thats holy...

Fuck Tyra...just sayin...

SluttyPattz said...

I know rpattzgirl you just took the words right out of my mouth. He went into bite and I swear she was tempted to lick him Watch her tongue. I am not making it up.

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...


Marble counter, just sayin....cashmere rug....special toys...

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

teri, I love how the back round music is "what's your name. Who's your daddy, is he rich, is he rich like me,,has he taken anytimem to show, to show you what you need to live..tell it to me slowly,,tell you why, I really want to know, it's the time of the season for loving..

God lord, think I lost my virginity to that song!

SluttyPattz said...




I have to get off youtube soon or its going to get ugly. I just keep finding stuff.

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

I just flashed back to 1968-good times....the zombies, how appropriate since Rob plays a vampire...

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

give it to me right, or don't give it to me at all....

FF is going to my head or my va-jay-jay..

SluttyPattz said...

OK so this is the last one I promise.

WARNING: This video may contain images hot enough to smoulder computer screens. If you do not want to risk this... look away now!!! ;) (But we all know it's a risk thats DEFINATELY worth taking! *swoon*)

zlove said...

I miss last year when Rob was doing daily interviews and provided hours and hours of entertainment...i'll just have to keep myself entertained with the remixes

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...




I heart you...

SluttyPattz said...

LOL thx I am going to go read some fanfic tomorrow.

Goodnight all, sweet dreams.

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Me too, now that I;m all hot & bothered!

Krissy said...


I can sorta kinda go along with the Cashmere thing and the marble countertop...

but for the sake of everything that is holy, Dear Gal...


You've got that magnificent plaything on *THREE* legs and you need TOYS?!

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

what was I thinking? Lmao!

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

@rpattzgirl OMG you naughty toys...rug....Rob mmmm but you are forgetting one thing 'LUBE' must have lube and make it strawberry....for the 'beautiful bastard'

Krissy said...


1st we have chatter about the need for toys...

Now the need for Lubes?!

I could take care of Nascar's entire starting line up just looking at the picture of Robalicious grinding his hands into the concrete.

If I had any more *lube* I'd slither off the marble counter and break my booty on the way down...

and NOT in a good way either!

Krissy said...

And now I'm going to go attack my beloved and currently slumbering husband.

Time to wake him UP.

At least a part of him!

Nighty Nite. ☺

DesiEnM said...

SHOCKER...someone wants Rob...get in line Katy...GET IN LINE...

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Oh yea the lube the rug the piano
why am I single? So not fair...
That's why I have toys
night loves. Sweet dreams!

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

David beckam the second hottest guy on the planet after my Rob,today i saw a pic of him in a plaid shirt and i was shocked,i never him dress that way before,today he was dress like rob torn jeans and looking all yummy,i think Rob started a fasgion trend.

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

i meant to type 'fashion trend' lol and @krissy so true with rob you dont need lube what was i thinking.

Tenneil said...

"Lay you hands of me" Bon Jovi comes to mind..TEE HEE


Anonymous said...

You don't see too many photos of Rob smiling like that anymore :( I miss his smile!!

Anonymous said...

I have this song on my Sting CD and love do my kids! I can't believe how appropriate the words are in relation to Rob especially when he was in New York filming Remember Me and all the crap that he endured from the PAPS. I've never really taken notice of the lyrics but I agree with makes me feel sad too.

Anonymous said...

Zlove, I haven't checked lately, but you might still find some of the many broadcast interviews and appearances with Rob. I don't know how long Youtube keeps those postings but you might still find them. Just Youtube "Robert Pattinson TV Interviews and appearances" or "Robert Pattinson Radio Interviews". He did a lot of radio interviews [US and abroad], which were excellent. You hear a lot of the many reasons why we admire RP.

One thing I like about Rob is that he does not act macho. And that attitude actually makes him more manly in my eyes. He's not buffed [well, now, he hits the gym] and yet, to me, he exudes virility.

Once again, as a review, all together now, let's Google: "13 Reasons Why Smart Girls (and Women) Love Robert Pattinson".

dina said...

One of my for ever best songs,this is Rob's national anthem. Everything fits perfectly. You can picture Rob in every word.(leave out the tea and the walking cane) Tt makes me sad though.

dina said...

I sing aloge now. Let's google. 13 reasons why smart girls (women also)love Robert Pattinson

dina said...

sorry along

Kelly said...

You know he mentioned in an interview having done a body cast for HP GoF... wonder if we could get our hands on that hmmmmmm?

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