Here is the latest Australian Famous Magazine. I know you missed their crap :)

It's quite ironic to read "Umm, has it gone too far?" from Famous Magazine who doesn't seem to comprehend what "going too far" is...

Thanks to the lovely Orion for the scans :)
Public Service Announcement: A cute puppy dies and a unicorn sheds a tear every time someone buys these magazines. Trees are killed so they can have paper to publish crap on. I'm just sayin' no pressure....
i just noted 5 thing with these sh-t!
1)Blah blah blah...
2)Blah blah oh and before i forget it BLAH.!
3)Kstew is GORGEOUS.
4)MA hasn't get over the puberty yet.
5)*tear coming out* i'm so sorry for the puppy, the unicorn and the tree...i can't believe some people buy this BS.!
We buy - or borrow - these mags because we're Peeping Toms.
OMG, this sounds almost exactly like it's been lifted out of a Robsten ff that's out there, minus the "lemons" haha. I wonder how closely aligned Famous and OK mags are in Australia for peddling this so-called intimate knowledge of the pair. crack me up! Although I don't agree w/#4 as MA is something like 4 years older than KStew so he may look young but he's in his 20's. I think he's a cutie but up against Rob....he looks like a baby!
Rob is totally jawporn gorgeous!
Desi: I bought that magz just to send it here, but I didn't read at all. It's pure rubbish. And like I said to Goz, the australian media has a lot of imagination...
*heavy sigh* i spoke anout this at length yesterday on the other blog,i refuse to do it again today,this is what i meant when i said this CRAPSTEN bull sh** is in your face every day,where ever you go you cant get away from it,so iam taking a much needed break from this CRAPSTEN saga and the mess its creating.
Sorry girls got caught on a phone call...damn
Lest I gag on my nice Irish oatmeal again, let's keep in mind what I commented the other day-- the hunters (paps/snaps/psuedojournalists) hunt because people buy their modern-day ivory and furs: ragazines with their photos and other garbage. If we don't buy them, they will not hunt.
I would like to know what Rob thinks of all of this: IF he is amused and shirks it off, then we can just laugh about it and not kill any 'puppies and unicorns.' But if it really stresses him, and makes him unhappy, and if the paps/snaps/hunters, etc make his life miserable, compromised, or G-d forbid unsafe, then why not mobilize the hundreds of thousands (or is it millions by now)of fans and boycott not only the magazines, but also whatever products they have supporting them. (I don't read them, so I don't know which products, but I know most magazines do have ads to add to revenue. I am sure someone can list for us the companies advertising in these ragazines). And let it be known the reasons for the boycotts.
oh yea MA is cute in a little brother pinch his cheeks type of way,next to rob he is invisible NO COMPARISON lol
LOL - that eye roll is CLASSIC! ... OK's BS is not - fail!
I think Michael is adorable and totally appealing. I loved him on Will and Grace too. He is precious! He is a total catch all on his own w/o any of Kristen's drama.
Georgie u r indeed 100% right, it's a FanFiction but it's really crappy, i could write better...RPAddict i know he's in his 20's but wth is wrong with his seriously, a baby looks old next to him...and @Orion thnxs for expose urself to this sh-t just for send it here, ur a true fan hon, and thnk god u didn't read it all..and what's up with the australian magazines?? when i thought nothing could get over OK! and Life&Style they come and prove me totally wrong...*shake head*
And am I the only one who detests this name game with joining names??? as in RObsten? Or mushing first and last names? As in Rpattz? It was clever way back when they joined ben and jennifer, and made it Bennifer. It was acceptable when they did it for a ballplayer (ARod). But Good Gracious! Is there no creativity? Must we constantly suffer aeons of mistakes born from one bit of cleverness?
...I rather like the name-joining thing (said sheepishly)
so we moving here?
I must admit I do cast my eye over the mags - especially as sooo many of them have Rob just drawing my eye to them!! But when we get all the pics and all the gossip here first and have already analysed the death out of it and then the mags just have churned over pulp BS - nothing out there is worth buying. Now if I could buy me just a little bit or pure Rob himself that would be different ;-)
yes, you totally right Jandr. Tell me, don't you think that Rob looks different in that pic?
What I meant to say was I fell in love all over again with mexican Rob. That little wall slide and head down smiling...adorable and I want him back. Where is he???
Damn we know where he is and that there is so little chance of seeing him for a while - the glimpses are too few and far between to feed my obsessive compulsion for all things Rob *sigh* Roll on New Moon - we need new pics and new interviews - we want the old Rob back!
Oh, maybe he's waking up right now, he hates waking up early, poor babe
Jandr: I don't think we are going to have him back, not for a while...only papz shots that's it. Maybe when Eclipse finish...I want him back too, miss him a lot...
that's right Orion - it is about 15 hrs time difference with Vancouver(oh for me it is) 13hrs for you??
It's like the media is being relentless. Stories like these will persist until one of their reps either confirms or denies a relationship exists between Rob and Kristen. Everyone suffers. They suffer the lose of their privacy, and the fans suffer from overexposure, [thus threatening their careers] I'm sure it's frustrating. I'm frustrated for them and it doesn't even concern me.
Orion, Georgie, Jac - have you all watched The haunted Airman?? I have seen a bit on youtube but if I get the gist is it sad and a bit spooky?
where is rob?i MISS HIM (shed tear) i guess the drought is back,I WANT MY ROB
7 hours, now in Vancouver is 6.12 am, here 11.12 pm
I still have faith that Rob will appear and promote NM on some of the big-name shows - like Ellen de Generes, Letterman?
Yes, I watched it, it's spooky, didn't like it much.
Oh yes JandR, I've caught as many snippets of the Haunted Airman as I could. I'd like to order the DVD but don't know if it's compatible with my computer or DVD player.
We are being a bit greedy aren't we?? A google of Rob Pattinson brings up 18 and a half million hits in a millisecond - so imagine just how much Rob is out there in cyberspace - not to mention in hard copy etc - we should be able to find plenty of Rob material to tide us over for a brief time until he can emerge again...
Orion, not even to see Rob...with an older woman?
rpattz: everyone miss him, with Jandr we were saying just that.
I must admit the only good thing I can find about the mags is that standing at the checkout in the store has never been more beautiful....I dont have to even pick it up & read the crap inside the cover, particularly given I know it will be absolute BS or a recycled interview I have read way too many times.... but right there in the store, staring at me from every different shelf & angle as I wait to be served is....Rob! It certainly brightens the boring experience of grocery shopping!
Do you know if any of his other dvd's are available in Oz yet??
Georgie--I forgive you. :-)
Hey--if you take Michael Arangano and Kristen Stewart, you have MYwart. :-D
I like him, and specially the kissing part, but didn't like the movie much. I liked 'the bad mother handbook', Little ashes'and 'How to be'...and I'm trying to get 'the summer house'
Yes Jacqui, I agree; it instantly "lifts" doing something mundane like grocery shopping. Similarly at the hairdressers recently - when I popped in to pay for my daughter' hairdo - there were a pile of those rag mags and each one of them had Rob on the cover. As I tried to nonchalantly have a look, my daughter was onto me with a warning: "Mum!" So I had to pretend that I was looking at things other than Rob!
going on youtube to watch the robbliss vids and the sex on fire vids,hopefully it will cheer me up.
Children!! why all are like that? I don't care anymore if I like it I look at it.
@solas: LOL; and how about Jackson and Ashley "Jackash", Nikki & Kellan "Nikell - but I'm doing it wrong: not joining front and back of names. Oh well.
yes even turning on the internet and getting Rob stories on the news feed...he is ever present and sending me his secret messages with those gorgeous eyes and smile
Hey, I just look again at the pic on famous magz of Rob, He looks different there? don't you think?
Ladies! I'm off to to be bright & alert tomorrow! Catch you all tomorrow night.
Orion, yes...I should start dropping my inhibitions so they won't get such a shock when we go to Sydney and meet up with you guys and see our reactions to NM, LOL!
Dang. I know Australia is a bit far away and all.. but to be this outlandishly out of touch... fabricating the ridiculous!
Honestly.. The Pretty© needs a team of lawyers stat.. it's time for action. This is abysmal.
The OzzPattz girls have their work cut our for them.
Poor Pretty©
(Although am I the only one lol-ing at the thought of Rob getting all bad azzz up in Oregano's face?? Bwwwwwwaaahh! I mean I love The Pretty© but I'd not choose his side in that duel!)
Yeh Orion, I think that's an RM shot of Rob in his khaki shirt.
Anyway ladies, I'm off to bed too - nearly 11.30pm here. Good luck with your i/v Jacqui!
Night night and Rob-dreams!
Jac - good luck girl - you'll be fine - I want to hear all about it!!! xx
Bye Jacqui! good luck tomorrow!
Goodnight Georgie - I have got work to do yuk so have to get off. Catch you all soon - bye**
I'm leaving too, OzPattz! I'll see you tomorrow. Have a Robdream....fur rug, fur rug, lol
chau, cya
Haha Suz, do you have "copyright" on the Pretty?? Yeah these mags will give Rob a bad impression of all thing Oz...except Kristen's mum, and maybe Emilie, oh and Hugh!
Bye Georgie, bye Jandr!
Bye Rob...see you in an minute
Georgie LOL How about Nikki and Kellan Lutz as NiKlutz?
Oh before I go - big HI Suz - I am shamefaced cos I backed out of sending my nasty email to OK Australia earlier today...sooo embarrassed - they need their asses kicked but I didn't want to divulge all my personal details to them...will find another way to protest their complete and utter BS though!!
And now I see that the original separate balcony pics have somehow become as one. PLEASE!!!!
Suz my impression of Rob in a fight over a girl is that totally girly ducking and diving Hugh Grant and Colin Firth did in that second Bridget Jones movie LOL - so pathetic. I don't think Rob has it in him to pack a decent punch ... he's such a puppy dog, cute and adorable but aggressive - nuh - just don't see it!
@solas ~ I hate the name combining too!! I refuse to use it and if I do it's always in quotes.
Morning Ladies!
have a good night ladies,happy rob dreams,its only 9.36am here in NY.*sigh* i would love to visit austrailia aome day i think koala bears and kangaroos are CUTE.
Hi JandR ~ I can totally visualize that! LOL!!! Sometimes Rob reminds me of a young Hugh Grant but sexier. Love Colin Firth too!
Hi LindaRose - how's your morning going over there?? I am coming to the end of my day here - too many late nights chatting on the blog lately and then no sleep once I get to bed after reading FF ;-)) And check out the hot one DesiEnM put up the link for earlier - it is only one page but HOT! Oh maybe save the link and check it out at home later tonight...
Hey how bout a foursome - with Hugh, Colin and Rob...oh think I just melted into a puddle... :-)
Hey rpattzturnsmeon
Koalas and kangaroos are soooo soft and have cute faces. Come and visit some time - we are really not that far away and we have a lot to offer...;-))
And for my last laugh before I have to get serious for writing once again: Take Ro from Rob, T for his middle name, and -ten from Kristen. And what do you get?
Heh heh ;-)
Georgie..why YES.. yes I do have copyright on The Pretty©
: )
@JandR THANK YOU! (big smile on face) :-)
JandR ~ How funny I just wrote to you about Never Think in my email. See, great minds think alike!! Sorry I missed you but I know what you mean didn't get to bed till 12:30 last night because I was reading "The Office" and I get up at 5:00 am!!!
Wow, I'm so sad for Rob today. I hope all this bs is not going to kill his career. I hope there are enough of us Robsessed girls to keep him in films because the general world population is probably sick of seeing these covers and believing everything they see. I hope this dies down soon. Maybe by 2012, when last Twi film comes out. Hopefully he can stay focused and strong.
pics or didn't happen!
that's my motto and i'm sticking to it.
rags 99% made up crap all the time
this is just more lies...blah, blah, blah... could you really imagine rob saying those things. it sounds like part of new moon, they are changing the new moon story to fit rob, kristen and michael. especially the part where kristen says "it's killing me" didn't she say that about filming certain parts of the movie. i really dont understand how all of the ragz can just print lie after lie.
all this speculation will die down when rob and kris properly define their relationship,i know they have said many times in the past that they are JUST FRIENDS but their actions this past couple of weeks have caused more speculation and rumors to surfaced,their words and actions do not match now we have MA back in the frey (sigh) until their is some clarity this bull sh** will never end,keeping quiet is not a good plan,just my two cents.
I agree, I think both versions of OK! are confusing Rob and Kristen's lives with the plots of NM and Eclipse.
Most people know those mags are full of BS tho, and I truly think that laying low as they've done over the last few weeks is the best way to put a damper on some of this. OK! is clearly trying to draw them out, and I hope they just keeping doing what they're doing and focus on their lives, whatever may or may not be going on.
I think anyone with even the most basic form of intellect will read this for what it c..p.
I recall many years ago (yes very many!) when I used to visit the States with my friend and we were really into the would be early '80's and we used to buy all the mags which we couldn't get here at the time including Star and the National Enquirer. I soon cottoned on that they were away with the fairies when stories involving aliens, Marie Osmond and Elvis Presley featured...Same sort of reaction now to this load of manure. Mind you...what's the betting there is some sort of lifeform out there that would believe it..LOL
when there is no clarity it leads to confusion,which leads to speculation which leads to gossip, lies and mis placed facts and so on and so on,i think you guys get my drift.....clarity is the best medicine for speculation.
" . . . both versions of OK! are confusing Rob and Kristen's lives with the plots of NM and Eclipse."
Stacy (wlt Nikes) ~ You hit it right on the nose!!
Accckkk!!! It's like Groundhog's Day...or that episode of Buffy in the magic shop...over, and over, and over...I won't comment, I can't comment...this is me not to work.
JandR- You definitely missed the fight scene vid that Rob did for Remember Me. He was not ducking and diving or acting like a cute puppy.
He was very aggressive, fast and wouldn't stop after the director told him twice. And if you saw how he looked walking away after that scene you wouldn't be thinking that he was so soft. That boy can throw some punches. He is not a pussy. He is a man that could knock somebody out.I wouldn't want to mess with him. You need to find that vid and watch it.
When we saw it that day, everybody was blown away. And said it was hot as hell to see him be a man and pound into somebody like that.
Thank God we all finally know the truth.
Sorry nature had to be sacrificed for our sakes.
Twiheart, how are you?
would love to see that vid of rob all angry mmmm would be a total turn on.
@rpattz tmo ~ Here's the link to the fight scene in RM. Rob is in plaid (what else! :))
LindaRose - thanks!
As for Rob and the fight scene ... he's a method actor. He's said so himself. He was in character for the whole shoot, including walking away after the camera's quit rolling. Of course he was still acting tough.
There's a big difference between acting like you can throw a bunch on camera and actually doing it in real life, IMO. I don't see how you can tell what he's like in real life from that one little clip, lmao.
I personally think Rob is a lover, not a fighter, and that it would take a lot to provoke him. He seems pretty passive to me. I do think that once he loses his cool, he really loses it, but I'd guess he'd be the kind to run off at the mouth rather than hit. He even said at the MTV Awards he'd never been in a fight, lol.
Uh.. I must remember never to read tabloid crap while eating food in lunch break, I just chocked with my food laughing at loud at so much crap.. Who rights this FanFictions? All gossips are the same, they are confusing the plot of the Twilight Saga with what ever Rob and Kristen seem to be... I must admit that sometimes it looks like gossip is fed up by fans´ convos on blogs and vice versa; it is a circle that never ends...
It is funny how we have just some candid pics of him, some interviews and we have this idea that we know so much about his life; I don´t remember any other actor that ever had so much crap written about him with so little real info about his personal life... Too many sources running their mouths and it is obvious this sources are people with a lot of imagination that like the attention that comes from fans and some gossip mag.
Hi Stacy and Mech.
Stacy, I totally agree with you. He was in character. So the video only shows him as Tyler getting into a fight.
Mech, it's like reading the comic strip these days. All for laughs. I love these sources. I need some sources myself.
Still bummed by Bella's wig. Seriously awful hairline. lol
Got the morning off so I just had to add that not only are Rob and Kristen inviting Michael and Catherine to move in, but I'm next in line after Nikstumarcmegsammileybobby!
(It has 8 bathrooms, I hear, so we don't have to share. Big relief. Would not like to find myself walking in on Rob in the shower... Oh, wait, he never showers. Shit!)
Has it actually been confirmed that they are shacking up in Vancouver in the hotel or is it just some other rumor?
I mean do people KNOW for real that they are staying together in the hotel or is it like always that a "Source" at the hotel said so?
I still think this two are just really really close friends and are laughing their asses off with all this Robsten rumors.
maybe they have a little bit of a friends with benefits thing goin on but i doubt it goes further than that.. but if it does then good for them!
Maybe Rob and Kristen should just come out and say they're really good friends who like the occasional sleepover/slumber party, LOL.
Not that I believe any of this crap, but if you read the article which unfortunately I did here online, Kristen is the one looking at the house and buying it. She just happened to show Rob pics of it since that's just human nature to share something exciting in your life with your friends. Hell I showed pics of my house to co-workers when I was buying it! How that turned into they are buying a house together and are engaged to these rag mags and gossip idiots is beyond me. Just had to vent ladies!!
Linda - is she even looking at a house? I thought that was bs too? And yeah, that's natural. The idea of them buying a house together when Rob isn't going to be in the same place for long for at least the next year is hysterical.
Dilia - no nothing of the sort has been proven at all. In fact, those rumors aren't even showing up anywhere unless you count the delusions of Ted's followers and these crazy mags.
Hi Mech and Win:) You ladies know I agree completely!
Great, more crap to make us Aussies look like twits.
Stacy (wlt Nikes) ~ Oh I have no idea if she's looking for a house. I just wrote my little rant based on that ridiculous article! :)
I think Angarano is cute and LMAO at the Kirsten gif on top of this, I can literally see Kristen do this every time some lamass rumors shows up. I am in Vancouver now and MOST I have spoken to here mostly do not give a crap-sten lol.
@Nicole ~ we don't think your twits! We just think your rag mags are! :)
MA is cute in his own way. If Rob and Kristen are dating, and that is a Big IF, Kristen just got out of a 3+ year relationship. They are probably taking it slow and seeing how things go and how they really feel about each other. Also, I'm sure Rob doesn't want to be the rebound guy. I'm not speculating anything because it is their business and I'm so tired of this crap but it's just a thought.
And I totally agree with your last post!
Stacy- Method or NOT the fight scene still shows he can throw some really good punches.He ACTED DAMN GOOD. Because the reactions from the people that day here on the blog was one of awe. He showed through his FAKE fighting he had skills and the ability to knock someone on their ass.
And since you don't believe in his abilities to fight when he needs to. I'll advice you to go to Van right now and get in his face. Try your luck if you want to. But he is a gentlemen and wouldn't fight a women. But...LOL
And since your questioning me. How do you know what Rob would do? When he went off on both of those paps, that showed him in a totally different light.He will put up with so much and then blow up. Let him be alone without cameras and then come at him. Ok!!
And what is up with you questioning me all the time lately? This is so ridiculous. We have a better relationship than least I thought? You are going wayyy overboard with this. And pushing me to the edge. I'm trying to be respectful because I love you to pieces. But girl,DON'T keep on with this BS. We are beyond this shit and you KNOW it.
i am a complete shipper and just get sick when these stupid magazines think they can print this garbage.
Please just leave them alone!!!
I like the check-out lines now too, just because I can look at his gorgeous face. I saw a huge poster of him at wal-mart and it is one of my favorite pics to boot. Trying to decide which wall that I am going to put it on. I know that my kids will laugh at me but I will remind my daughter that she walked the aisle to "Remember Me".
Shani I would love to see that vid..can you tell me where you saw it? Can I see it on youtube?? Please you have to tell me..then I'll go right down on it!Thanks!
Oh Shani sorry I didn't read the rest of the comments, I saw LindaRose's link..Thanks LindaRose
@mary ~ Your very welcome!
As for the other girls on here, retract the claws ladies, stop the catfighting and be nice to each other!
Hi LindaRose - if you are still around - I will check on a newer thread! But in regard to the Rob fight scene - okay he can pack a punch when he has to as an actor - but still he is one laid back dude - I can't see him being a bad ass without some serious provocation and even then I don't think he would be proud of allowng himself to be provoked. He has shown extraordinary patience with the craziness his life has become. We all know he is a sweetheart, generous, loyal, loving and great with fans so I think that is more the real Rob - a gentle delicious man with a beautiful soul!!
Australia has become a total embarrassment with their magazines...
I just saw the vid and I just can't believe how lucky people in NYC were because they were able to get a glimpse of Rob...
and I must admit that kind of access can make someone more obsess and nuts, just like the girls taking the vid..they were like "can I scream can I scream" and every move Rob makes just makes them all the more giddy... nevertheless they were still able to see him, unlike girls like me who are oceans away from him (I'm dying of envy here!) Rob when you have time could give a lil' country called the Philippines a visit so your million of fans here will be able to see you even for once!
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