Robert Pattinson: US Weekly "The Sexy Stars of Twilight New Moon"

Robert Pattinson Unlimited has the full 73 pages of scans from this magazine. I chose to post some of the more delicious shots of Robert Pattinson but please go HERE to the source to see the full set of scans.

This is what you can expect:

Us Weekly has released their next Twilight special Edition. This time focusing on they give us editorials on Robert, Kristen, Taylor and the love triangle. Also with special features on all the Cast members they look into the “off the set” activities and before they were stars. There’s lots more and tons of pictures so feel free to browse through and enjoy!


BIG thanks to RobertPattinsonUnlimited for uploading all the scans and sharing with the masses. And a SPECIAL thanks to them for tagging the scans thoughtfully.


Lisa said...

Happy Happy Joy Joy!!

I have to go to the B&N tomorrow anyway, so I'll be picking this up!

Gives me something to do tomorrow night, as pathetic as it sounds LOL!

MMc said...

WOW those pix are great - they caught some great looks.

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

most of these pics we have seen before,no new pics?

Dani said...


Yes these pictures we have seen before. The mag compiled some tasty shots and put it together with info about the stars.

Still...some pretty HOT FREAKIN PICS!

Marna said...

No, nothing new. That's why I didn't even mention I had picked one up last week. It IS nice to see some of these pics on nice glossy paper though, but I thought the posters in the Twilight book were better.

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Oh! Must buy tomorrow!

Khou said...

The Internet has destroyed my need for mags. We've seen all these pics already.

JLD said...

Oh he's yummy. Nice pics. ;) I especially like him in a tux and with his shades on. He looks hot.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Yes, these are old, but the first picture…Oh, my! The eyes!

Dani, thank you for posting these HQ close-ups. First time in my life to say that I'm swooning over an actor. There is something compelling about seeing Rob without the Edward makeup. He is more beautiful. I like seeing the natural eye color. (And KS’ green eyes are beautiful, too.)

Egad! I can hear it now. Rob will say "'s weird". Ay, Rob, let me have my fantasy. Again, please don't change (where it counts).

Magnificent specimen.

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

@Dani :-) i agree any pic of Rob is a good pic Old/New,but i was hoping the magazine had new pics,but its all good...... Love My Rob

sunflower0674 said...

Thansa - I agree with you - this is the first time I have actually been so obsessed with an actor before - and the first time I have been so incredibly turned on by an actor. OMG.

I think one of his fav bands says it best - he is sex on fire!

keely said...

Morning everyone :-) Thanks for posting the pics, Dani! Peters comment about Robs 'Britney Spears' kind of fame. Priceless although I hope it will get less one day :-)

Rachel said...

Robert are always cool~~XD

peeling a fig said...

Totally agree Thansa. I've gotten to the point where, in some photos, I am even turned off by the Edward-makeup. Can't wait to see over two hours of him in Remember Me -- no whiteface, some scruff, lots of plaid. :)

Anonymous said...

oh did this come out yesterday? heading to walmart right now!

Federico Zarco said...

nice pictures, rob looks good.

Treasure_7 said...

One of my favorite things to do is look at Robert Pattinson!! Thanks for the great pics he looks great always. He just has a look that is just so Rob!

Treasure_7 said...

Robert is the sexiest star of New Moon absolutely!

kchambers77 said...

he's in disguise? the hobo hoodie is not a disguise. i really need to send him an fx kit.

Anna said...

there's something extra special about the Remember Me pics... they kill me dead. And I'll be even deader in February.

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

I agree, the RM photos of Robler make me smile & cry...

if you haven't seen it yet, check out the "unoffical remember me"'s really good...

Anna said...

Rpattzgirl - Oh yeah :)))

Angela said...

you know how you guys always say his eyes are impregnating?

Well, yep, they are. I'm pregnant. Thanks Robsessed for finally getting me pregnant after 1.5 yrs trying.

The only thing I did different was Robsess and read LYLS. So I guess Rob and Edward got me pregnant.

Do you think hubby will mind if we name a boy Rob?

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Congratulations Angela!!!!

Rob is a lovely name, I'm sure he wouldn't mind *wink*

Anonymous said...

so i went to walmart and got it and read the whole thing in like 20 mins :)

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

is it worth it?

dina said...

Congratulations Angela your life will never be the same but is so much worth it.Kristen is a very beautiful name for girls too.

CullenGal09 said...

@Dani-I ordered this and got it Thurs.! Love it. The pics, although not really new are great, the posters are beutiful, and the articles are pretty good. You did a great job sharing it. Well done! Thanks for that. NM can't get here fast enough....;)

Ana73 said...

Angela - congratulations :)) robert is a beautiful name but good luck on selling it to your husband especially if he knows that you are robsessed. i think the obsession with rob and all the FF out there has done alot for some marriages, including mine :)

for those that did get the mag. already are there ANY NEW pics or any new articles in there or just the same ones we have already seen here??

Ana73 said...

RPG - how are you liking the Red Line, dont you just absolutely HATE victoria. i think i hated victoria the most in this story than any other.

Anonymous said...

"It's a really emotional experience when people are screaming at you, . . . You feel like you're going to start crying."

And that's exactly how Rob makes me feel whenever I see him!!! He's so freakin HOT that he makes me want to cry! LOL!!!

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

OMG this FF is KILLING ME-Yeah, hate is not a big enough word-and Raven? Die Bitch...

Bella is so strong in this story, and Edward is just killing me-god, how can I fall in love with so many fictional characters????

babbles said...

so pretty, he is just so damn pretty!

Emily said... husband surprised me with this when he got home from work last night.

The articles are about par for the course as far as Us Weekly goes but the pictures and posters = HEAVENLY!

Emily said...

Congratulations Angela! How exciting. I had my little guy two months ago. So he was born nine months after ROBsessed was started. Coincidence? I think not. Haha!

Anonymous said...

i thought it was worth it :)

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...


cool! I will stop on the way home! Photos alone are worth it. Thanks

Ana73 said...

RPG - yeah i agree with all the different "edwards" it's hard to keep track of his various characters that he is being portrayed. but i am like you in love with them all.

oh, yeah raven is a bitter whacky bitch too :( what chapter are you up to? i told you this one you dont want to stop reading because you are waiting to see what happens next. this one was very well written, IMO.

Emily said...

rpg - SO worth it.

My husband handed it to me and I kissed the front cover. I'm sure he didn't mind...too much.

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

I'm on ch 25-I can not stop reading...I'm even reading at work-

What a sweet DH...

Ana73 said...

RPG - i dont want to give anything away but has charlie came into the picture yet?

Emily said...

Yeah, he has his moments... :)

It was sweet of him. Although I think he bought it for me because he's catching on to the benefits he reaps from such things.

LK said...

In this article says that Rob and Kristen are friends with benefits and that he has dated,Emilie de ravin,camille belle,erica dutra,shannon woodward and of course Nikki reed.The title is:His other women,the women that the cazanova has linked with".I call us WEEKLY A BUNCH OF CRAP.imo,OF COURSE!

Ana73 said...

emily - i had the same reaction from my husband. at first, he was irritated with me being on the computer so much and i told him about my robsession and then i told him about the FF that i read about "edward" and he has no problem with it know. he gets all of the benefits from my obsessions :)) now when he comes home he actually asks me, what's new with the "twilight" people or he asks me what FF that i am reading, so i have made progress.

Ana73 said...

LK - can you really see rob or kristen actually saying that "they are friends with benefits" that is ridiculous. that is why i dont want to buy the mag. because there is nothing new and just lies being told...but the pics are nice.

Emily said...

Lol Ana! Our husbands have so much to thank Rob for. :)

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Oh yes, Charlie has come in, and Edwards parents finally told him their story...I'm dying here...

Ana73 said...

RPG - wasn't that hilarious when charlie met edward for the first time, i was laughing so hard when she jumps on his back (i dont want to give to much away for those who haven't read it). i laughed so hard i had tears coming down.

i love coming here to discuss FF because no one i know reads this stuff so i couldn't wait to talk with you about it.

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...


Yes, that was awesome! Charlie is such a good guy-even when he's pissed off!

Geez, I feel consumed by all of this!

Gonna grab some lunch-bbl

Dahlia said...

Ok, so we've seen them before but still "Yum yum yum! Gorgeous pictures!"

However, am I imagining it or is the first picture flipped? Why do they still feel the need to flip pictures of Rob? Why, why, why?!

LK said...

Ana73,no i don't see them saying that,but i don't see either some of their pals giving such information about them at USweekly as it claims.

xoRobxo said...

Uhmmm.. Rob's in disguse??? LOL...a baseball hat or beanie and raybans... I wonder if that was a actual quote from him, you never know with these magazines. If it was.... Rob baby, no matter what you do (unless it's doning a suit of armour) to diguse WILL NOT work! No man is as beautiful as you... you will ALWAYS standout!!!!

Hey~Just finished Wide Awake, and kind of re-reading because I can never get enough of potty mouth Edward~YUM, so sexy. Anyways can someone post a link to Red Line pretty please. What is the plot~Thanks a bunch

Anonymous said...

anyone else notice when britney broke up with kfed she shaved her head, and when kristen broke up with michael she cut her hair off (of course for the movie too)
just sayin

Ripley said...

RPG & ANA---I had the same reactions to Red Line as you do. This FF isn't for everyone but lots of variety in the story. Yeah Victoria & Raven are just crazy sick.
I've read other various stories but will definitely continue with The Lost Boys by hwimsey. The boys are in a band and the girls live in the flat above them, with supernatural involved. Keep with it. It has some funny scenes.

Angie said...


Here is the link.

Edward is a exotic dancer, Bella is a college student studying psychology and needs a subject to do her thesis on.

Sounds a little of putting. It is very well done and Edward is a sweetie with a lot of issues.

Angie said...

should have been "off" not "of".

xoRobxo said...

Thanks ADM for the link.... Ahh Edward as a erotic dancer....Well....Hmmmm....Ok....I have no words..LOL

Anonymous said...

*Smiles to Sunflower and Peeling

I always ask: Why Rob? What is it? Of course, I know the answers to the questions.

The real question is--what happened to our American male? Where are our American Robs? Are they still out there?
They don't have to be as handsome as Rob; we don't really clamor the buff (well, I don't), but we want IT that seem to have been lost.
Then what is it?

Once again, let's review amongst ourselves the "13 Reasons Why Smart Girls [And Women] Love Robert Pattinson".


Angie said...

You are very welcome xoRobxo.

Yeah, the exotic dancer, thing threw me, too. I had this one on my list for some time to read. Wasn't too sure I could handle that image of Edward. I was hooked with the first chapter.

xoRobxo said...

@ADM~Yeah... I've read "Lost" and "Wide Awake". I love both! And both keep the essence of Edward. It still felt like the character. For me...I just don't want to stray from the "core" of Edward. I'll check it out. Thanks again:)

Ana73 said...

xoRob - for me it was one of the best ones i have read so far, the story keeps you reading but the actual story is really dark and sad. and i agree with whoever said that it's not for everyone but i hope you like it.

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Wide Awake is my favorite..
But, I also LOVE LYLS,AEL, TO and now the red line..

I love all my Edwards (of course, they're all Rob to me)!!

Got my magazine after work!! Need to find new wall space for the new posters!

nzkstewlover said...

Those quotes are heartbreaking.

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