Peter Facinelli through his rep, told Gossip Cop EXCLUSIVELY that Rob “relishes his privacy, but we’re hanging out and he wanted to say hi to the fans.”
Some fan reactions:
beingbold: maybe a pic of Rob actually typing his tweet would make us all feel better...
Pinklien: Was it really Rob?
Lish008: Pfach prob said hey man im gonna tweet n say it was u. And rob was like "whatever"
harrywilllive: Just wondering if @peterfacinelli is being bombarded with..."What the heck was that?" LOL
jessypt: I'm not sure what we were all expecting.... we're talking about Rob here... he doesn't care about this stuff!
Just_Christy: Don't we deserve better than that?
illonlyflyaway : "It's like living only on Tofu, it keeps you strong but never quite satisfies you."; C'mon, ppl werent asking 4 Rob's blood, just was hoping 4 more than a dry crumb.
Late2thePartee: Okay did 7000 ppl just unfollow @peterfacinelli after Rob sent that tweet LOL
And my favourite from JennGW: that was uneventful. the big deal everyone was making it I thought there'd be balloons and confetti and trumpets.
And my second favourite: @seven7000seven #tweetsfromrob Hi, Its Rob!Okay Rob, ima let you finish, but Alexander Skarsgards tweets are better
My reaction? If I ever pimp @PeterFacinelli 's account again hit me on the head with a shovel:) Love U Peter but that was major fail
You don't agree with us? Well, bitch back in the comments :)
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 356 of 356 Newer› Newest»Eeew Pattz, you had to go there with the salad toss! LMAO
Meche you are only half-kidding, he IS perfection and you know it...perfectly know you wanna lick it! Head to toe. Chocolate sauce or no.
Pattz you are going to entertain us tomorrow night fo sho...just don't do anything TOO crazy. I.E. ending up in jail or the ER!!!
Jala-been missing you too! How are you?
CG!!! It's been forever! I'm still here. Still Robsessing. I took a quick detour to go see U2 and MEET BONO (sorta) but the Robber is reeling me back in! How you been hunnybunny?
RPattz-I agree. Totally. I feel exactly the same.
Leann! ((waves))
Leann-pretty good. Bono! He's the coolest. I'm so jealous! U2 rock.
rpattz I know what you're saying girl...I worry about him too, a lot of us do. Rob's been paranoid his whole life, and now he's actually justified in it.
Leann- Yeah, I was fine until I went on thsi site and saw this crap from today.
Delusional bitches like "Kristin" are the reason celebs have security!
Okay here's what Goz said:
My reaction? If I ever pimp @PeterFacinelli 's account again hit me on the head with a shovel:) Love U Peter but that was major fail
You don't agree with us? Well, bitch back in the comments :)
Goz, this is a successful attempt of bitchin'! I got slammed, dawg! ahahaha!!!!
Alright. Pattzy: you're right hun, I've been drinking all day. Right after school when I got Rob's twit.
Jala, sweet pea, I do have a life. A twilife. My website will be up and running soon. I'll keep you posted.
Leann, You never know what you're missing 'til you get one.
Meche, you're probably are right. You are boring. So don't twit coz you'll end up overwhelmed.
To say my piece, we were all bitchin' about today's Rob's twit because it was lame. We were pimping for PFach and we felt like Rob's arm was twisted just so he twit us fans. It was so half-hearted, it was painful. I know for a fact that I deserve more, and so the rest of the people that had Peter followed.
aceybrie said...
Im with you Gozde and Selective Fox...and for all the Rob Sucker was LAME! I love Roblicious too...but GET REAL!
I couldn't agree more Aceybrie!
Lynda, honey, I got screwed today so I'm sorry if I was so fickle minded about this whole Rob thing. I love that bastard so much that it upsets me when he doesn't pay me enough attention. I know though that at the end of the day, his face will be between my legs when I sleep, I mean his face on my pillow in between my legs. hahaha!!!
Hi CG! Yeah...we waited outside the service entrance for the band at opening night in Chicago and Bono stopped to wave hello to everyone...he went around and shook hands with some people too;, though he didn't have time for autographs or pics! There he was, 2 feet in front of me, and I was still holding a CD and sharpie in my hands and didn't throw my hand out in time for a handshake! I coulda grabbed him but just stared instead! I got some cool pics, I'll send 'em!
Sorry about the detour there...back to our regularly scheduled Robgramming!
No wonder Rob doesnt do red carpet anymore. Geez.
Leann, Mech, Pattz-can you believe this heifer?
Leann-Sounds awesome! I so love U2. Bono is the man! I do want to see the pics.
Hahahaaaa Kristen, thanks I knew I was boring already.. chocolate for the news...
Girl seriously I´m a neurologist, if you want I can check your head.. for free.. no charge!
And hrmm... I think this might be my las comment (for today) I have to say goodbye.. "daddy made me do it"
Jala! Hi dear! How are you my friend!
Still feeling like Rob's tweet was much ado about nothing. It's inconsequential. It means nothing to me that he tweeted at all, let alone WHAT he tweeted. It's irrelevant to me. End of story.
Mech-LOL! Night. Take care.
Jala! How goes it?
CG_...Yup. My feelings exactly. Give the poor guy a break already.
It's not his job to fullfill all our needy lives. We don't want to become "Stan" now do we?
LOL I love you Mech, I'd like a free head check please! Nothing up there but Rob, U2 and some cobwebs right now! LMAO
Hey I might as well through my hat in too...kristen i don't agree with what you said about rob and the twitter. I honestly think everyone here is getting all worked up over one small tweet. And pimping for Peter means what..that you friended him on twitter which takes all of...hmmm..4 what's the problem? Rob didn't post a book report on line? I think it was him..I've met Peter and he is very sincere..and very, very much for his fans. In fact, after a twi con, he missed his flight, and could've gone to his hotel room and had a peaceful evening. Instead, he came back to be with all the fans into the late night. So, I think he's being honest about rob tweeting. And what...did everyone put their whole life on hold just to wait for rob's looong tweet only to have that ruined for them? Wow..
Meche, yeah, and I'm Barrack's wife. LMSAO!
Kristen, seeing as your clearly twelve years old i will not get into it with ya for ragging on my gals... just clarify this statement for me(see below) cause i will admit i am fricking curious as to why ur warped brain thinks u desereve more?? *And going to see Twilight in the theater 30 times doesnt count! That was voluntary we all know that here!
"I know for a fact that I deserve more, and so the rest of the people that had Peter followed."
Kristen, honey... if you want I can show you my degrees, in fact I´m so good at my job that I can tell when someone needs serious help like you.
Kisses girl..
LOL...I know Mechevpao and she really is a neurologist, in med school completing her training to be a neurosurgeon.
Kristen - one of the reasons I love Rob is because he doesn't pretend to be something he's not.
Twitter is not his thing.
If he had Tweeted something fake and uber enthusiastic just because he thought he should, I would have been upset, because he would not have sounded authentic.
This Tweet sounds just like him.
BTW, when you do all the pimping and so forth, you're really doing it for yourself, for the enjoyment you think you'll get at the end. Don't kid yourself on that and then it will be easier to take disappointment when it comes.
KRISTIN! HON! GO HOME, or take a valium and got to bed or something! This is for grown and sane women.
CG. I'm fine. How about you dear. I'm missing you.
Meche, you mean degree right? All of this should be water on a duck's back if you seriously got better education than I do. I mean, a gal who went 10 years to college against a gal who is not even done with high school shouldn't have this much effect on you, right?
I see it's like old times again!!!
What's up Pattzy, Leann, Ja, Mech, Kathy, and CG.
Shani baby! We were wondering where you went! Your avi is truly evil. I am shocked. SHOCKED. *snort*
Bluecanoe-thanks! You sound like a down girl! A true fan.
Kath-AMen! Hey girl!
Leann-U2 sounds good! LOL
and im bored and off of this blog ladies... lata
im on chat though!
Kristen, youre like Paris fucking Hilton annoying thats why people reacted to ur crappy comments... but now we get it cause we know ur twelve.. and with that u just sucked the fun/witty/interesting comments outta this post!
no Kristen, I have to degrees, EEG technician and the one at medicine school, now I´m getting the neurosurgeon with the training; and don´t worry honey, I like you...
Kristen, you are completely ridiculous and delusional. Please go crawl back under your rock...I thought you were done, so BE DONE. Your completely stupid shit is why we don't get to see the carefree relaxed Rob anymore. If you would like to put blame on anyone, CHECK YOURSELF.
Christ, I hope Rob stayed off the internet after he tweeted!
Kristen I think you may be taking this whole Tweet thing a little too sound like you are suffering from the Rob drought...
Shani! What up baby! We need your help. Crazy bitch that wont away alert.
Jala-Muuuaahhh! Hey lady!
THAT'S ALL WE GET??????????
A million followers and that's all he says???
O Romeo, wilt thou leave me so unsatisfied?
RPlover-Thank you! Head check is more like it!
OH dear Lord, here we go again. LMAO Why does anyone care about Rob's tweet? I don't get it!!!
Evening ladies!
Mwahahahahahaha *evil laughter*
Pattz! Kathy! Shani! Come to chat!!!
cool! I got everyone worked up! hahaha!!
Chiennes de bonne nuit!!!
au revoir
Leann, because it is Rob!!!
that´s why we care... ok we care too much.. too much...
RL! LOL! What a bunch of crap. Come to the chat!
Leann-come to chat!!!
OH hell RL is here! hahhahaa!!!! Of course I asked her to come LOL!
Pattzy your last post made me pee myself laughing.
RPLover and ya, love your posts! Even though I don't post around here like I used to.
Meche, stop it, I can feel your sarcasm from halfway around the globe! ;D
I wish I lived in such a delusional world where I felt entitled to so much concerning Rob. The poor man is hounded by the paps and haters all the time. You'd think he could find refuge in the support of his fans. But alas, there are always those who will never be satisfied.
Such a pity. Such a waste of time spent on chastising an amazing man who we should bow to and worship to no end.
Ok-are we done yet? Lord. What a bunch of horse hockey!
Leann and CG - I can't believe I'm saying this. But I really don't give a fuck about this tweet. Rob said what he said and it's done and over with. The boy is probably out having fun and haven't thought another second about it.
And I have a twitter account and hardly tweet. The twit pics are great though. LOL
RL-LOL! Ok, lets not go overboard! LMAO!
ok since all the gals came in i am back!
and CG i love ur "Horse Hockey" term too fricking good my friend! im still laughing!
Did that little girl just call us a bunch of dogs? Takes one to know one, ma petite chienne!
Shani! Thank you lord. The voice of reason! LOL. Come to the chat!!!!
RL-You rock!
Pattz-bwahahahahahaha....I know horse hockey when I see it! LOL
Shani ~
I wanna lick your avi. And then I wanna make it come to life.
Leann-a bitch calling us dogs? Thats the pot calling the kettle black!
Oh, and Kristin? I can speak french too, bitch! Fermez le bouche!!! (Kiss my Ass)
Shani, you know it girl! Rob is either out having some fun and getting drunk, or spending some quality time with the female of his choice. The Infamous Rob Tweet of 2009 is a nanosecond of his life that he has long forgotten, and rightly so.
RL...what's with this bowing and worshipping? Just 'cause he's probably the most beautiful man on the planet? OK, that works for me. It's Friday night, I'm in the shallow end of the pool.
LOL CG! "Fermez la bouche" means "shut your mouth"...but whatever works.
So Peter promised Rob would tweet. Rob didn't promise anything. Rob did what Peter asked. What the hell is the big deal? Seriously this is nuts. And Kristen, you need to put on your big girl panties if you are gonna hang with grown up ladies. I am so tired of teen fans.
I thought it was pretty neat...
OMG who is this Kristen person!? yiikes....
Give her hell!!! You ladies who have been around Robsessed awhile Rock my world!
It's awesome to see all of you here again! (waves).
Leann, honey...I'm not sure bowing was the right choice of words. You're right. I just know it has something to do with me on my knees...or all fours. Whatever works.
OMG DD, so long since you posted here hehe
Hey RPaddict!!
*waves back at RPAddict* back atcha!
DD! You know I hear that noise. I don't understand any of it. Ignorance is bliss. Jill, I was fine with Rob's tweet too. Made me laugh. I'm still waiting for him to do something to piss me off, but short of killing kittens, I don't see what it would be.
a post or comment can sometimes give you an idea about a person's mental ability or comprehensive skils or sometimes their age,even though they are talking with their fingers,so argueing with someone who by reading their post have a deficiency in reality is a complete waste of time.....oh and Shani i Lovee your avi :-)
Don't see any Oz girl comments on here - oh except Athena - hi girl!!
What did we think girls??
First - hey I missed it I was asleep - it was 3am here lol
Second - Everytime I re-read those words from Hi it's Rob - I feel it is Rob so even though I feel it was cajoled out of him by Peter I think he did it with a wry smile on his face...thinking WTF am I doin' this for!! Oh yeah! His Dad made him do it.
I think Rob is still in that place of his where he just can't believe why people are so interested in every tiny detail of his life.
and someone on here today just hit the nail on the head when they said the Rob we are all here for is different for each of us.
Everything in life is about interpretation, we all have our own reasons for being here, our own opinions about Rob and how what he says or does makes us feel.
Rob gives openly and freely and awkwardly all at the same time. None of this makes sense to him at all. But one sure thing is that his life has changed probably for ever.
So for me I am happy to take whatever Rob wants to give, whether it's a sweet little tweet, a little finger wave over his shoulder, a shy smile or a raise of his eyebrows. I love it all and am grateful for his very existence for how he makes me feel and what that has brought to my life.
Robsessing has brought music and dance and love and joy, friendship and even contentment into my life and i'm taking it with both hands and holding on tight!!! Thanks Rob and thanks Goz, Dani and Kate. Light in my life, love in my heart and peace in my soul for all you give!
*off the soapbox now* lol
RPaddict - Kristen is a high school girl who thinks Rob owes her something. No wonder Rob is on the down-low.
Hi Mech!!! I missed some fireworks it seems.
RL...on all fours! LOL Well maybe the "chiennes" comment is appropos! ;D
Hi all!!
Well she should know now not to mess with the ladies of Rosessed who've been around awhile.
They'll eat her for breakfast!! LOL
Fuuuuck, I'll bark and pant like a dog if that's what Rob's in to. You won't have to ask me twice.
Bow wow baby!
DD come to chat now!! I miss you.
Hi Tempt *waves* - it took me so long to write my post that another 70 messages went up in the meantime! lol - friggin rain - had to get my washing in off the line...real life intruding on my fantasy life lol
JandR, stay on the soapbox if you're gonna make posts like that! ITA. Aussies rule. Rob is making a movie with the hottest Aussie on the planet in a couple of months, and kill me deader than a vampire in the process. Hallelujah!
Hey Meche - Good to see you. I haven't been posting but I couldn't let this one go. The teen crap was too much. I wish they would stick to the Jonas Bros or Miley.
RL LMAO! You know I'm right with you there. Hand out the dog collars.
WHAT has gotten into me tonight? Oh yeah, Rob. I wish.
DD-lol It's been wierd around here lately with some of the posters.
RPaddict, don´t worry some fireworks were kind of cheap, didn´t last long..
Hugs girl
DD, I know, some teens shouls stick to the Jonas or Miley, they all love their fans so much hahaha
JandR- Love...Peace...and soul train!!!
Leann- remember Rob wants you to "feel like it's dirty, feel like it's wrong". No worries.
aww thanks girls!
@Leann - Rob and Hugh...together in my hemisphere...try and keep me away lol
Mech- I'm not so much worried as a little sad. Poor Gozde has fried nerves because of all the craziness. I just feel bad for her because she works so hard on this blog and has to put up with crap like that.
JandR- Rob and Hugh is all kinds of sexy!!!
thanks for the love, Leann! muah!!!
I don't speak French, so I'm going to guess that she thanked us all for our wisdom, vowed to repent and wished us a good evening! {{winks}}
seriously, do people think that he really gave this a lot of thought?? "let's see, what to do today, hide from pappz and crazy-ass fans, compose my all-important first and last tweet, and...what was that other thing...oh, yeah, WORK!!" ;) ;)
Hi RPaddict
yeah Hugh tipping that water over his dirty sweaty body in 'Australia' and Rob - take any Roblicious moment you want - there's a freakin million of them! That together, how many females are going to self combust with those two together on the screen? Can't wait!
His response cracked me up. I thought it was classic Rob. I think he has his priorities straight and how they best work for him.
JandR, if you have the chance to get anywhere near the Holy Trinity (Rob, Hugh and the Outback,) I will somehow find the money to buy and mail you a mega zoom-lens camera to get high-res pics for all of us Robsessors! This drought is killing us! LOL
JandR-I've already self combusted with them on seperate screenes, don't know what I'll do with them together. Good thing movie theaters are dark.LOL
Your lucky that you'll have them in your neck of the world soon.
The drought is making me cranky. I can't wait for these movies to start coming out. I've been wanting a trailer for RM. Anyday now (taps nails on the desk impatiently).
RPLover, amen sistah, preach!
RPAddict, so true about Goz, we love ya always, even when you call our boy's tweets a "fail"... ;) Even when I don't have time to post, I always check the blog and am so grateful to the mods here for always having the latest and greatest Rob news. Kudos girlies!
Sorry the bitch is back. I got 2 minutes before I go to bed so, as for my post-script thoughts to y'all:
I'm justified obsessing because I'm on that age, but grown women? Neurologist? ladies full of wisdom? C'mon you got to be kidding me! Seriously??? Stef Meyer wrote twilight for teens!!! Rob likes girls! Not grown women!!! Oh yeah, what I said earlier was, "goodnight bitches!" Peace y'all. Goodnight.
Signing out...
OMG!!!! Look who is back!!! Kristen, so nice to see you I thought we lost you, I was worried it was the time for you to go to bed, parents can be strict with that.
But good to see you back!
lol- ignorance is bliss in the mind of this young one.(facepalm)
Kristen - You are up past your bedtime. You need to put on your jammies and go off like a good little girl.
Kristen - In case you didn't notice, this is not a Twilight blog. It is a Robert Pattinson blog. We are here to discuss this man, not the books SM wrote. And you are irritating the adults. Go to bed.
hmmmm, let's see, SM wrote a story for HERSELF and has said that she really didn't realize that the story she was writing was turning out to be for young ADULTS (and I don't think going by your comments that you quite qualify for that title just yet), and Rob has stated that he WOULD date an woman older than him if the situation presented itself, not to say that the classy women on this site think that any of us would actually date him.
See, we know how to separate harmless fantasy and celeb crushes from reality, which, considering you are under the delusion that Rob actually owes you something, you are not able to do. Why don't you head to a blog for little emo-girls where you belong and BE DONE as you said you were SEVERAL posts ago.
Nighty-night, little girl.
Oh, I know what you said Kristen, I had 3 years of French in college.
I think Stephenie Meyers wrote those books for herself. Period. And she's in her mid-30s.
I used to get all worked up over something as inconsequential as a tweet by a celeb I was crushing on too when I was your age. It's kind of cute, until you start believing that your celeb crush actually owes you something in return for your adoration. Sorry you had a bit of disillusionment today.
kristen, for the record, I'm on Twitter and follow this blog's account, several other Twi/Rob bloggers, and all the Twi actors. I still don't get the bitching, but whatevs.
It's been nice chatting with all of you agian.I'm off to the land of FF.
Have a great Robsessed night!!
Everything that RubyDynasty said...and more...
I say, "Thanks Rob, for being you, for thinking of us, and for helping Peter...
And for fuck's sake, NO ONE got screwed and NO ONE deserves more. Stop acting like this guy is a fucking piece of property that you all own. What the hell do you want from him besides samples of his blood or semen?!
Get over yourself and GET A FUCKING LIFE. You people who are bitching and moaning are the very reason that dude craves his privacy so much. You're all psycho!
I mean, really. Get help.
well said, Leann!
See what I mean? Classy. xxoo
Hahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Heather!!! that was so good!!! I think I may have a crush on you naw ;)
Heather - You go girl! Amen to everything you said. People need to get a grip.
305 Comments why is everyone freaking out about this, god are you all bored today ???
Thanks RPLover! I noticed we had the same thoughts about Steph Meyer. Great minds and all that. LOL *high five*
Heather, tell us how you really feel! LOL You go girl!
RPaddict, good to see you darlin', have lovely Robdreams!
Temptation, clearly we are all bored sensless...LITERALLY SENSELESS. I think we need some RobPorn immediately. I can't wait until we start getting some magazine and talk show interviews with HHH for New Moon. The natives are getting restless!
Girls remember we can't turn on each other we are not wild dogs, people can have there own opinions , deep breath, meditate read some FF Porn but do something to relieve your tension......
*high five* @ Leann-couldn't leave you hangin'! :)
with that, night all! 12:37 here and I've got work in the AM. sexy Rob-dreams, everybody, hope it's a little more positive around here tomorrow!
Hi ladies
I find it very sweet of him to tweet.
And say ( my dad made me do it) is very funny I love it.
But I think Rob expects all the reactions when he said (my first and last tweet ).
Aw, sorry you have to work tomorrow RPL! Have a good Saturday anyway!
Good advice Tempt...a little wine is working for me! LOL I don't get too worked up over most things...I try to be a duck and let it roll off my back. I do defend the li'l Robber though...I still think he's about the sweetest thing since ice cream and he gives me a nice diversion from the everyday shiz. Peace to everybody and sweet Robdreams!
I went away thinking the board was dead, & come back to see over 300 comments about Rob's tweet? WTF??? Why is this such a big deal? The man doesn't even have a Twitter account, why would you think he's interested in sending out a tweet? It was a nothing, why is everyone losing their mind?
Heather, hahahaha, my thoughts exactly. AlthoughI must disagree about the semen...yes i would like some of that and straight from the man himself...LOL!!
Marna I am not sure although reading through some of the comments it sounds like there was a bitch fight about Rob dating young girls and people being told to "grow up". I only scanned the comments I couldn't be stuffed reading everything, most of it has nothing to do with the tweet, how do we know it is actually Rob Tweeting ???
Here's a tip Ladies the Aussie Girls needed a distraction from the Rob Drought so we all started reading The Bronze Horseman" by Paulina Simons. You will fall in love with Alexander the main character, he is our fantasy replacement until Rob comes back, great sex scenes and a wonderful read....
Thanks Temptation, that sounds a little odd, there sure has been a lot of arguing here lately.
I don't think that Rob should be dating young girls either, he should be dating old, fat women. Like me. :-)
You are an idiot.
Go Twitt, Twitt away...
Btw, i love these women ALOT:
I wish i had been playing on here instead of reading the retarded FF The Submissive. Talk about vapid....almost as vapid as Kristen
first, sorry for my english (i'm brazilian), so here it goes:
the thing is: i love peter and rob, they are my two favorite cast members. that said, here's the deal:
high expetations.
it is not the first time peter makes you pimp him out, just so he get more followers (remember single ladies in the middle of the street?)when peter decided to pimp HIS OWN acount by using rob's fans, they were really excited because they are very enthusiastic about twiter (fan mind: rob + twitter=WIN!), but, people forgot that rob doesn't give a shit about twitter, and didn't realize that rob problably didn't even know when peter mention his name to get more followers (rob mind: rob + twitter=FAIL!). of course they are disapointed that they pimp someone out for a 'meh' message.
what i don't get is: why blame rob? yes, i know it was really meh, but it really sounds like him. he's akward and really shy, from what i remember. i'm all up for freedom of speech, but to reply petter facinelli on twitter saying that rob twit did not satisfy you is beyond rude. he took his time to say hi to us in his own way and that's how you respond? can you imagine if rob would check out to see the response of the fans and see things like: "Just_Christy: Don't we deserve better than that?"? it's like asking for his autograph and saying 'that's it? why didn't you wrote a poem or somehing? you know what: I'M NO LONGER YOUR FAN!'
be upset if you want to, it's your right. but do not blame rob for your disapointment. i think it's still ok for someone to not being excited about twitter as much as you and peter do.
"can you imagine if rob would check out to see the response of the fans and see things like: "Just_Christy: Don't we deserve better than that?"? it's like asking for his autograph and saying 'that's it? why didn't you wrote a poem or somehing? you know what: I'M NO LONGER YOUR FAN!'"
Amen Blondie!
Show bebe! Come up for air from the fanfic! LOL You know we love ya hunnybunny! XOXOXOXOXO
love u too leann. lots. just a tad bit less than full out lesbo love ROFLMAO
Oh jayzus thank goodness for that Show! LMAO I love you too bebe, just a tad bit less than fullout lesbo love, Lordy I can't stop laughing....
OMG. You girls went to town here. I got tired of it all, having said what I had to say, and went off to watch TBMH from the link Yvonne had emailed us.
I come back to find another 100 posts!
Only Rob could elicit 300-odd passionate and strongly worded posts from a random, 14-word Tweet.
ShowMe, you rock girl.
Blondie - very eloquently put.
But I would like to say that no one makes anyone 'pimp' anyone out. You (whoever does it) do that of your own volition. What did you really think you were getting in return? I always understood that there might be one Tweet for the most.
We got the one Tweet.
Now let's move on.
Yesterday there was a quote from Rob when asked if he was the star of “Twilight”: "They say I am, but I doubt it." Everyone agreed it was endearing. Today there was another “My first and last tweet. My dad made me do it.” Equally charming, right?
Apparently not. But why not? Was it because the second was a tweet? Twitter is hardly known for its profundity. It is known for making Rob’s public life a living hell, so it was sweet of him even to acknowledge its existence. Yet some people felt what - disappointed, angry, betrayed? I’d really like to hear what they expected him to say, because I just don’t get it.
thanks, and yes,i'm with you, people make their own decisions. i just didn't express myself well beacause i'm kinda pissed, tired and not sure about my english! it's 4:30 am here and there is no alcohol around!
Well-put as always, my dear Diane and Jala!
It's late here too Blondie and I have drunk all the wine, so there's no alcohol here either. ;)
Leann, your wine's done? Time for bed, girl.
I know I'm headed for mine now - the night is almost done, I'm sad to say.
Robsessing is a tiring business.
Everyone's comments aside (and what an interesting chat it's been), I couldn't resist a final word on the tweet - meaning this in the nicest way: "that is SO Rob" and I probs love him even more now!
Why so disappointed? Don't get me wrong - we've all got a right to feel what we we want and we're all free to opine on a subject in whatever way we choose. I'm just trying to understand why so many are taking this so...personally - as if they've been cheated somehow.
What I'm getting from the "cheated" among my fellow Robsessors is an absurd sense of entitlement -- it comes from believing one's devotion to an actor/performer means you are supporting or sustaining his career. That's not the case.
WE DECIDE to make this dude a daily presence in our lives (we could always ignore him, right?) and HE'S supposed to respond to us in kind? Seriously? How arrogant is that? And how self-illusory? We're not in an intimate or even social relationship with this guy, don't get it twisted.
We paid the price of admission to see his movies. that's bought us a performance, that's it. If you went out and grabbed the GQ issue with his pic on the cover,then you got your pics and your interview - you got "your sexy", cuz that's what you paid for. And that's all you get! You like his personality and think he's sexy? Well, you can have at them for as long as you want on youtube for free - enjoy!! But that doesn't mean RP wants to shoot the shit. Cuz we're anonymous strangers, Helloooooo???
It's like that guy that frequents a strip joint to see his fave lap dancer and deludes himself into believing his time with her is based on shared intimacy and mutual affection. Umm, it's not. That stripper is happy to turn him on -- it's her job after all -- but when her shift is over, she's prolly not going to socialize with him. And it's nothing personal - it's just that the transaction is over, services have been rendered. she may say smile and say "hey" if she runs into her "client" on the street but that's as far is it goes. Expecting more than that is silly. She's not his private dancer (shout-out to Tina Turner)or his girlfriend or his mate.
Rob has a job, he's an actor and his work comes with certain responsibilities, but doing stand-up comedy on Twitter for the amusement of fans isn't one of them, despite what some may believe.
honsetly i don't know why you all get up set...This is just SO ROB! He doesn't care for this kind of stuff, doesn't mean he doesn't care about his fans...just imgagine his face when typing "my dad made me do it" is making me smile already...or my stander is just too low?
I thought the tweet was cute. It was very Rob. I'm glad he took the time to do it, no matter how short it was. He could have said no and that we're all psycho or something and Peter would have probably had Taylor do it. Let's face it, Taylor would have probably been MORE than happy to do it. Don't get me wrong, I love Taylor, but he seems a bit more "commercial". I think he (Taylor) kind of knows that he has to try harder to get people to like him, and Rob can just pop in for a second or less and everyone goes crazy -- I mean, look at us on here! He said one thing, and we all went CRAZY!
My point is that we should be happy he did this. It sucks that he's only doing this once, but I'll take it. I like reading all the magazine interviews and all, but this seems more personal, like he's acknowledging all of us who are fans and admire him and follow Peter. Whew! I think I'm done now...
::gets off soapbox, bows and exits::
XTYN said...
"I felt like I was in a middle of a crowd being laughed at scornfully with all forefingers pointing at me. I felt like I was treated like a dirtbag. a hungry dog waiting for some crumbs to eat. FAIL! MAJOR FAIL!!! MAKES ME WANT TO RETHINK ABOUT LIKING THESE ACTORS! IS HOLLYWOOD GETTING INTO THEIR HEAD?"
Not to be an asshole, but you really SHOULD rethink the whole liking actors thing. no one was laughing one was pointing at you. as fans, we have a very superficial relationship with these actors - it's not deep at all and it's suppose to be fun, enjoyable. and it seriously shouldn't drive you to this level of anxiety. It's not good for your mental health.
"Time for me to look for that next big star who would love his fans more. The Rob I used to know is gone. He's now surrounded by people who wants to make money out of him. Sorry but it's true."
Kristen, FYI: you never knew him. none of us do, really. and yes, RP is surrounded by people who want something from him. And you want (or wanted) your pound of Pattzflesh as well. Some perspective, please...
Well it's the start of another day and I've just read all the 200+ comments that I missed when I went to bed...and it is so nice to see so many people defending Rob. I was really fed up at the negativity surrounding this little incident but thank God there are plenty of people willing to stick their neck out for Rob. YEAY!!!
And YVES - as usual I love your comment so eloquently put...could not agree more.
So is it time to brush it to one side and move on?
I think Rob had better come out of hiding before we all implode!
@lizibee. Right back at ya'! Good morning, by the way!
Good Morning Yves!
Lets hope today is a better day!
OK - now I have been drinking and I must say anything over 5 lines is just too much for me too read. You guys overanlyse things and it is painful, the guy is in the middle of a movie, how many time do you get to see actors mid movie ???? guys relax and enjoy the break --- Rob stop tweeting it will cause havoc in the universe, Saturday night in Aus and I am in total confusion with the universe, I think I need to re-evaluate my goals and values on life. Sorry Rob I dont think you tweeting is in those values....hahhahhaha
Hi, I've been looking at this site for a while now but never written to it - love it! I'm a huge fan of Rob's. How do I get to Peter's tweet? Not familiar with tweeting unlike everyone else in the world, it seems!
Good Morning CaroleUK
Are you a fellow Brit? LOL Don't seem to be too many of us on this site! It IS a brilliant site though isn't it? I'm well and truly hooked!
I haven't got a clue about Twitter either but don't think I'll bother! My 19 year old daughter doesn't rate it and she's generally on top of what's what (except she does NOT get Rob at all...LOL Silly girl!)
Hi caroleUK
welcome aboard - the more the merrier!!
You go online to and sign up for an account...simple as that. Then search for people you want to follow and tick the follow box. Then check back into your account periodically - daily is good depending on how many you follow lol - good luck! Hey people post links to great pics so it is well worth it to keep up with Rob news!
Hi Tempt - on my way out shortly for dinner and a few wines! Missed chatting with you guys on here - where TH is Orion??? She is always here. I know what Georgie's up to. And haven't seen Jac on here for ages. Slow on the Rob news front but hey I got the twitter from Peter Fac - only about 8 hours after it happened!! LOL
If you are lurking guys - big hi and hopefully catch you soon here or on fb. J xxx
Whoa! I went and watched "Jackie Brown", fed my cats, got the coffee maker ready for the morning, did some dishes. Came back and figured that this had died down.
I just spent way too much time catching up on all the posts since my last one. Poor Rob..He'd better wear that T-shirt soon before his Twitter fans all spontaneously combust.
One thing's for sure....he won't be 'twitting' again.....
Kristen I am sad you are done, it is unfortunate that you no longer feel attracted to someone who is well how can I put it, currently untouchable. It is interesting how the dynamics change and how someone can feel that they are being neglected by others, I believe it happens in relationships, one partner missinterprets what the other is thinking.
By the way I am still totally pissed but my fingers are stilll working, how bizzaree.......
OK I have never commented on this blog but I read it quite often.
I felt I had to defend This person 'Kristen'
You fans have given alot and its endearing to see how much you still love and support Rob and of course its all done willingly - you give love and you truely expect love naturally back, you may never get it but you are human and so expect it. Twilight has built a relationship between you and Rob in which Rob feels he owes you nothing and you feel that although you also owe him nothing you still can show your love in ways. So what is so difficult in Rob taking the single minite which 'he clearly will never do' to say something lovely - like " I love my privacy but also love you guys (fans) very much" this way he has sent two messages 1) he would like you to respect his privacy and 2) that he loves you all the same very much - He can make thousand of girls go crazy at this and am sure they would respect his privacy too and that is cute.
But you all must agree that he has not put a thought into his tweet. he should have - its not rock-science to figure that out, I know he is prety lame generally and i also understand the expectations - its because fans have missed him so much...and needed something more concrete and loving to keep the draught going and that is normal.
I think from what I have seen of him in interviews that he really would do better with less attention and he is right - but he also should know that this is God;s plan for him - some people are just chosen from heaven and by the time he is 35 and no longer crazily in love with Kristen he will be craving for this attention he is now ignoring - coz he is only seeing Kristen at this moment in his life and that is understandable - don't get me wrong he is a lovely chap thats why women have chosen him, he is not the most good looking chap or clever, or funniest or even a good actor BUT some super power has chosen him for the crowd and he has been caught unaware within the web - so he should learn how best to deal with his crowd - people adjust and hopefully he will adjust too. Look at president Obama, who knew he would face direct racism in his position but its happening and he is dealing with it and this is all because he wants to reform the health sector! So Rob can give a little by a little he is not under age or an imbecile - he has to figure it out and find a balance.
And for those fans who feel too disapointed - here is my advice - he still does not deserve that love so go slow on him expect nothing back, infact give his less attention, try and do other things. do not watch his movies 30 times - this will only heighten your expectations and critisizm - just let him be - so he can find himself. And for those who feel he can do no wrong - continue and till you too will be tired at some point .
(I may be repeating the gist of others’ inputs; I’m not going to read all of the 300+ comments. Early in the day [yesterday], when I had the chance to read the comments, there were only about 40 or so-- so please bear with me. I love this site. Rob’s fans are so obsessively passionate.)
My two cents.
I “see” both sides.
Again, let’s not discount (nor diminish) the feelings of others just because their reactions to the tweet are different from ours.
Actually, my initial reaction would have probably been classified as lame, too. I doubted that it was RPatz, because PFach was still waiting to reach the millionth tweet, and I thought perhaps fans had been badgering him? On the other hand, the opportunity probably presented itself—RP was nearby and available. Also, the “My dad made me do it” sounded like RP.
I think the “bitching” or “lame” comments from people regarding this tweet were not directed at anyone in particular. Certainly not at RPatz. It’s because we love seeing Rob and hearing his voice, the recent RP sighting droughts (we got spoiled with Remember Me papz feeders) are creating tensions, short tempers, and impatience (waiting for NM). And these “bitchings” were just reactions to the miniscule tweet message. So I agree with others – it’s not the message nor the messenger – it’s the limitations of tweetering. We want more.
I admire PFach for his humanitarian spirit. He’s been able to tap into the massive Twi fans to help his charitable causes. When he asks us to help him (e.g., tweet him and in return he’d have RP tweet back), we don’t disappoint.
I don’t begrudge PF; I think he’s a nice guy; although sometimes I feel like a rabbit always being bated with carrots; and I “run and bite” – this time just to be able to imagine RP tweetering about 40 or so letters with his long (and feminine) fingers.
Also, my desire to see more of RPatz compels me to participate in increasing vote-for-best-whatever contests. Not only because I want him to win and for him to know that his fans are behind him, but also because there’s a chance to see him in the audience or on the stage, or see his new photos. It seems that every broadcast and print medium has its own vote-for-best-whatever contest. We know that it’s all for marketing purposes. Frankly, I’m starting to get tired of these contests. However, we have the free will to participate or not participate.
I think most of Rob’s fans would be content admiring him from afar. We all know he values his privacy, and I believe most fans respect that; but would it be too much exposure (or too much to ask) if his manager could, with RP’s (and Summit’s?) permission, send a picture or two (e.g., from film stills, behind the scenes) to his fans, say, once a month? every three weeks? and send them via, maybe, one of the cast members’ official site, or via NM/Summit’s site? (of course, they’ll probably point to their official posters and trailers; although we all know, fan-made posters and trailers seem better produced).
This way, they’ll be able to control the type of photos going out, and fans will not be clamoring for Rob sightings, which feed the papz which feed the fans which…cycle.
I will not go so far as to say RP does not owe the fans anything as some have commented. Just imagine RP agreeing and saying “Yeah, I don’t owe my fans anything.” However, I will accept that he is not obligated to agree to have his photo taken with fans, sign autographs, nor to acknowledge/ interact with them-- even with fans who wait day and night near his movie sets. (Unless his contract provide such specific obligations, which I doubt.)
There are other items that I would like to comment on, but I’ll cut it here. Thanks. :)
(I apologize for my long ramblings.)
Negotiations? Are we there now? We as fans want to sit down and strike a bargin with Rob? Do we hire a mediator? Am I reading these posts right? I hope NOT!
Speak for yourselves people, really, do you want to go _there_? I certainly don't. I'd be ashamed of myself for thinking I had any right to dictate to Rob a set of terms to which he should show his ♥love♥ back for my loyality as a fan. This is asking 1,000 times more then we've (as the general public) have ever asked of any celebrity. There's thousands of photos of him out there, I didn't realize it, but over the months I've collected over 2,700 of them on my computer. That shocked me, I have every facial expression he can possibly make, large photos, small photos, covering every event he shows up at, candid shots, official photo shoots. I've seen videos of signing hundreds of autographs, hours of taped interviews, long footage of him addressing hundreds of fans at appearences. I don't see the man being rude to his fans, just the opposite. He's been kind, welcoming and warm. Just last weekend we saw him bend down touching his fans as he walked out on stage at the VMAs. So Please!
He's working on a movie right now. It's his job, and Eclipse is a very active shoot, you have to has to be pretty intense, I saw that Rob had a nasty scrape on his hand at the VMAs in those photos.
As for Twitter, I said it before, but I will say it again. He doesn't like Twitter, he's made that very clear to everyone. Twitter is a thorn in his side, people tweet and give out all the information about him that has destroyed his private life for months now, I'm surprised he even did that tweet, he must have done it for Peter, certainly not the fans who regularily stalk the poor man and have ruined his chances for a nice evening of normalcy. I said this before, but I will say it again. George Orwell would be very pleased with Twitter and all the stalkers robbing people like Rob of their privacy. Not only is Big Brother watching now is there?
Isn't it ironic?
He does not 'belong' to us, we choose to follow his career, enjoy his interviews, watch his movies, he's been more then gracious in return. MORE then gracious considering some of the icons of the past.
Get a grip people.
well said, Lynda!! right on!!! :)
* woke up with torn Rob posters in my room*
*went in shock and retraced what happened last night*
*opened laptop, went to Robsessed, read the comments*
*bows head in shame*
*remorse, cry, remorse*
Did I really say Rob and I are done? I must be in serious depression over a Rob drought.
I'm so sorry for all the things I've said. Especially to Mechepao and crew. I was drunk-blogging last night.
After a good night sleep, I realized, over a cup of hot chocolate, that Rob and I cannot be done. After all, I got myself a new moon ticket already. LOL! I was disappointed and I let all the bad air out ranting here at the site. So sorry Goz that I dragged your name to it.
Thanks PartyG for defending an unknown entity.
I reread the comments and I must say, that was a good discussion!! I mean the comments shoot out to 350! hahaha!!
I gotta go and fix my room. Iron out posters and tape it back :(
Oh My Goz! Even my calendars are on the trash! NO!!!!
Kristen, darling... a good night sleep and thinking it with the pillow is always nice. If you wanted to be over with this Rob crush (that we all share) no one was going to say to you, that it was not right as anyone is entitled to anything... anything except to hurt other people’s feelings and, I understand that you felt disappointment over his tweet and acted out on impulsivity about that, but the way you were pushing it into others was what caused the reaction we all had. Anyway good to see you back and robsessing; and please no more drunken typing…. there should be a law for it, like it is forbidden drunken driven hehee..
PartyG, I like that you tried to state what could had been Kristen´t opinion; but the rest of it, I´m sorry to differ, but it sounded as if you knew Rob, as if you could tell what´s in his head and that puts me a little bit on the uneasy side, since not anyone of us know him, his thoughts or his feelings; because what we see in interviews or in photos, it is only the 10% or even less of who he is. The rest is just guessing and the ideas we project on him.
Kristen- I hope you weren't drinking sweetie since you said you are in high school.
On a serious note:
Underage drinking = fail.
nice post mech....drunk blogging is not the best especially being upset and aggressive. peter is a great guy and very dedicated to the fans so i doubt he'd screw anyone..he tweets which is a good thing and he's very funny. rob is not obligated to give us anything except good movies...i know we all want more..heaven knows i want a lot more of him...but it doesn't mean we should get all pissy about it.
Thanks for all the concern Meche and Shani.
Moving on... this blog is soo yesterday! :)
Just popping back into to high-five the chicks that responded to my comment. And Kathy, you're right -- I want some of that semen as well! ;) ;)
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