It did confirm 1 thing for sure : Robert Pattinson DOES NOT HAVE TWITTER...
Thanks to RobsButtonsBabe for making the manip. It's very sweet :)
And since the "fan ractions" I posted seemed one sided last night (the reactions on twitter were %90 this way at the time) here are some other reactions :
pswlrw: I thought it was adorkably Rob, I thought it was lovely of Peter to make it happen.
Emily: I'm confused as to what people were expecting. I thought it was funny. "My dad made me do it."
rpattz-turns-me-on : Go Rob!! Love Ya. Omg iam so happy he tweeted,thank you peter :-) so happy right now.
Sadrilil: I actually loved it. Real or Fake I think PFach is a trustable guy and lets face it Rob is not a twitter kind of person otherwise he would have an account.. I love that he was what seems to be himself and blames "his dad" for making him do it.
Anna F: I don't see what's lame about that tweet, and I'm disappointed by all those negative reactions. Rob has always been quite random, and this tweet sort of represents his "what the hell can I say?" attitude very well, but in a sweet and funny way.I prefer that to some "thank you to all my fans for their support" or whatever of the kind.
Confessor: I thought it was kind of cute. I remember thinking that twitter was kind of lame (before my addiction to it) and that's about what I would have typed if someone made me do it.
sarabooluvsU: I think Rob's tweet was absolutly adorable and we all know that he doesnt like twitter so we are lucky he did it anyway! A true Rob fan would be happy with simply a "hi" from rob. So really guys, back off and be happy, I know I am :) (Gozde: Most of the "positive" reactions were in this line.I guess I'm not a true fan :) Is there a certification program? I'd like to attend :))
And thanks to ADM for expressing what I couldn't: I do not think anyone is pissed by the tweet. I think everyone is confused by their own reaction. No one knew what to expect. It was short and cute. But, not what most thought it would be. Since no one knew what that would be in the first place.
Gozde: After sleeping on it, it IS very Rob like to tweet something like that. I'm gonna go with "shock" and "my Mediterranean blood" for my reaction. Moving on now :)
P.S.: For people asking how they can follow Peter Facinelli on twitter. Here are the accounts of the "confirmed" Twilight Cast Members. Just get a twitter account and follow them.
Peter Facinelli:
Jamie Bower:
David Slade :
Michael Sheen:
Billy Burke:
Christian Serratos:
Edi Gathegi:
Anna Kendrick:
Gil Birmingham:
Justin Chon:
Jodelle Micah:
Charlie Bewley:
No more with Twitter....the Ladies are not coping well at all.......
Seriously... :)
Seriously....some of the girls are ready to throw in the towel and give up on Rob because of the lack of emotion in his last Tweet....
I have to say I find it a little judgmental and pathetic that someone takes a comment so it's saturday night in Aus and I am pretty tanked so it would take a lot to upset me at the moment....
What cracks me up is they bitch fights turn into degree fights and we have this argument happening over who has the highest degree.....
Comforting for Rob I suppose if he want's a fuck he can get it here and choose which sort of degree he would prefer, arts, history, maths you name it we have it.....that's if he likes to talk during sex of course otherwise what use is a degree during sex ???? unless we get into positions and angles then that is a whole new calculation....the mind can only wonder.....
Don't feel bad for your reaction yesterday Gozde. I was definitely confused at the tweet. After sleeping on it I agree with you it is SO Rob. Regardless, I think pfach is legit and it was the real deal.
LOL Temptation that is so funny. OMG I program pension calcs all day long, that's the last thing I would want to think about in "positions and angles".
Now I am just about to go and watch 'Dirty Dancing' a bit of pelvic thrusting for a saturday night entertainment.
By the way I don't have a degree in anything but I am familiar in the Karma Sutra and am very flexible, thats just for you GOZDE in case you were curious.....HAHHAHHAHH....
OH Teri surely you have thought about certain angles while you were in the middle of doing the deed....come on fess up.....haven't you ever thought, I wonder if we tilted it this way what would happen...AHHHHHHHH
I'm sure Rob would be very interested to know that Temptation :))
LOL, caught, you're right. Can you imagine Rob in Dirty Dancing "No One Puts Bella in a Corner!" Swoooooon
Next time you two are Tweeting let him know you have a friend who has trained in the Karma Sutra and to keep those tracky dacks on (easy access).
Have to go and watch a little Patrick now catch you ladies tomorrow.........
Chill Ladies it is all good.....
Teri before I go you should get into some of the Fan Fiction Porn, man I never dreamed they could do things in certain ways, I think I missed the gravy sex train or the girls at FF have been watching a lot of porn. There are angles there you will not believe....Rob you have to get into it, hey what else are you doing but sitting in your hotel
The whole thing is pretty hilarious. And that picture is very cute :)
LOL Temptation I am reading A Life Extraordinary now about 33 chapters in and I know what you mean.
I think was sweet, and totally Rob. The problem is that every1 was expecting that Rob will start 'tweeting' every single one...
I think was sweet, and totally Rob. The problem is that every1 was expecting that Rob will start 'tweeting' every single one...
i think somr folks need to chill out read some FF and get their freak on .....and i wonder if it was Taylor who tweeted if folks would of given the same reaction,or if they would of cared at all?? the reaction to this event is a testament to the power of Rob,there is only one man capable of causing such frenzy and strong emotions from around the world with one tweet.
Love the manip and in my head that's exactly the way I pictured it!! LOL
I have to admit I'm on the "is that it" side! I was expecting a bit more but after all you only have 140 characters with Twitter! ;-)
iam curious to know if 'Taylor ' tweets what the reaction is going to be?? you know tayl is going to declare his love for the fans and say all the sweet robotic stuff that the fans want to of the reasons why i love Rob and Kpattz is because they are not Fake,they refuse to play the hollywood game even if it means anguring their fans,this is why i laugh when i read folks saying R and K relash is Faked or they are pretending for summit,these two would never hang out or be with each other unless its+of+their+own+free+will+and+choosing.
rpattz: I totally agreed with you...and I don't understand: What the hell are those girls expecting from him? a love declaration? a twitter for one single girl?
LOL Temptation, you made me laugh when I read your point of view about the twitter thing yesterday. So well spoken ;-) Actually I was going to write something to agree and then decided not to do, didn´t want to throw oil on the fire. I guess, the lack of Rob pictures made some people turn to the "dark side" of addiction nower days ;-)
Like Teri said, don´t be sad about your reaction, Goz, it was your opinion, that´s totally okay and I know the force will always be with you ;-)
Coming to FF and Kamasutra...damn girls, I know nothing about the Kamasutra, didn´t like the possibility to be called a cow elephant, mare etc., but I guess I have some catching up to do ;-) But when it comes to FF I commend " The office " by tby789, it is very good written!
Ahahahah! Temptation that's funny "..the Ladies are not coping well at all.."
Rob's fans are obsessively passionate.
(I just pasted an excerpt from my Twitter ramblings--the last, hopefully, of the 300+ comments.)
"..I think most of Rob’s fans would be content admiring him from afar. We all know he values his privacy, and I believe most fans respect that; but would it be too much exposure (or too much to ask) if his manager could, with RP’s (and Summit’s?) permission, send a picture or two (e.g., from film stills, behind the scenes) to his fans, say, once a month? every three weeks? and send them via, maybe, one of the cast members’ official site, or via NM/Summit’s site? (of course, they’ll probably point to their official posters and trailers; although we all know, fan-made posters and trailers seem better produced).
This way, they’ll be able to control the type of photos going out, and fans will not be clamoring for Rob sightings, which feed the papz which feed the fans which…cycle.
I will not go so far as to say RP does not owe the fans anything as some have commented. Just imagine RP agreeing and saying “Yeah, I don’t owe my fans anything.” However, I will accept that he is not obligated to agree to have his photo taken with fans, sign autographs, nor to acknowledge/ interact with them-- even with fans who wait day and night near his movie sets. (Unless his contract provide such specific obligations, which I doubt.)
There are other items that I would like to comment on, but I’ll cut it here. Thanks. :)
(I apologize for my long ramblings.)"
rptmo - I totally agree with the "its+of+their+own+free+will+and+choosing" statement.
Right On Chica!!
Ahh the world has been righted and things are calm again!
I love the manip although I pictured it happening over a beer!
your image woke my ass up this morning ! You know the man can be bendy!
Love it!! Kate ITA, it's the way I picture it too!
I have watched Dirty Dancing and will go off to be now, for those of you that have images of Rob being bendy and stretchy remember 'Tracky Dacks' easy access.....
Love to you all and Goodnight.........calm down girls and Keely have read the Office and loved it, a total horny read........sweet dreams....
Tempt! hi!! are you ready gone?
@tempt: Nighty, night, hope you have a lot of sweet dreams, too!!!!!!
Speacking of "The office", I can´t wait for the next chapter and while I´m waiting I switched over to "Edward Wallbanger". feathers_mmmmm and tby789 have just a very great style of writting :-)
as much as I love ROb-I think it would be way safer to throw us a bone once in a while. Tweeting would keep the hounds at bay.He could tweet everyonce in a while.not everyday-that way it comes straight from the horses mouth and no one can make up anything without him saying-BS!! bring out the wolves.
Oh well a girl can only dream
thanks goz for posting the other side of things and also for the twitter accounts..yes obv there was a huge reaction to the twitter. but having met peter f i think he is an above board, sweet and sincere kind of guy. and really friending him only cost a few min. the tweet from rob was sweet! and funny....
monica, i understand what you're saying but i don't think rob has the time or the inclination to do it. he doesn't owe us anything although i, too, would love to see him tweet. i think we need more interviews and pictures and information that is relevant. and i don't mean more paps pics although it is fun to have the "candid" ones..but at a cost.
I totally missed the whole Rob tweet on the past threads but from what I'm hearing it doesn't sound good people. I'm probably going to repeat what has already been said but since I haven't commented yet on this please bear with me. It just seems that his fans put so much expectation on whatever he does or will do and then because he's so high on their pedestal that they get extremely disappointed when it doesn't meet their expectations. Give the guy a freakin break! He's only human and we all know that he cherishes his privacy. It was short and sweet, and the "My dad made me do it" was funny. Peter has close to a million followers, did you expect a freakin personal tweet from Rob. Come on ladies, give the guy a break and stop being so freakin judgmental on every little thing that he does and honestly, on how he dresses. Stop scrutinizing him so much! I mean no disrespect to any of you but just chill ladies and enjoy Rob for who and what he is! :))
Rob is getting too commercial for my taste, twitter is evil.
I missed all the tweet reaction (bad reaction). Yesterday I read the tweet and I did not feel disappointed or anything similar. Maybe he wrote it, maybe he didn't, but I really don't care that much. I like Rob very much and I would not get upset even if he wrote "hi and bye".
If we judge that much everything he does he is going to become more and more reserved.
I did not expect this kind of reactions :(
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