Robert Pattinson Pissed in a Cup? Huh?

Charming... Jackson and 100 Monkeys are charming :))

Piss in a cup starts at 2:10...

'Cause sometimes pissin' in a bottle is difficult :)

Thanks to Twifans and TwiMoms

The "clown" totally made up the "piss in a cup" but it's still funny :)


Marna said...

I think I just discovered what my limit of needed Rob information is.

Hannah said...

Ha! Wow.. 'Biazahh' as Rob might say.
Jackson is adorable. His accent is lush.

Dahlia said...

Hmm... this could start off some interesting conversations.

Jackson is so cute! :)

Emily said...

Okay, that was strangely entertaining. They were all so confused the whole time. Glad I wasn't the only one!

I love Jackson, always have. He, along with Rob, is always so well spoken and witty. How perfect is his smile? His reaction to the message from Daniel Johnston was priceless.

Too funny! Thanks for posting this Goz.

RPLover said...

what a strange interview! who's nardward? the guys seem just as confused as me ;) LOL

RPLover said...

ooops, Nardwuar

see how confused I am? Jackson was totally cute in this ;)

Haystackhair said...

Dang. Have to wait till I get home to see. :(

Mechevpao said...

OMG, that was a very strange interview.. I loved Jackson response about why to pee in a cup: "because sometimes it is very difficult to pee in a bottle" hahahaaaa

Emily said...

Nardward, Nardwuar...whatever it is. I couldn't even follow what he was saying most the time. I think his clothes were too loud.

I laughed so hard at the Disney 411 intro. And when Ben (I think) says that he thought 'RPattz pissed in a cup' was an expression for the cops getting upset. lol

Anonymous said...

um yeah that one left me pretty speechless LOL of course Jackson is a cutie LOL and I love his response to "what does Kristen Stewart tatse like?" LOL

Cristin said...

Never realized how completely adorable Jackson is.... SAWEETIE!!

Krissy said...

I'm thinking the Interviewing Dude in the Obscenely LOUD shirt just likes saying P!ssing in a cup.


Regardless though...we all know if Robalicious needed to have a "Human Moment"...he would have needed a HOMGOWA big mug.

BTW~Does anyone else think that Jackson and his Monkey pals were under the influence of some type of Herbal substance?!?

Jewels64 said...

Jackson is just yummy! Looking forward to more of Jasper in Eclipse...just without the shiteous wig!!!

Mars said...

Yay Nardwuar! I love his interviews...! The man does his research... 'cept maybe that weird RPattz peeing in a cup story. Ew.

Dang, Jackson is FOXY. Even his name makes me swoon... Rob has some stiff competition (hahaha, yeah right!)

Kate said...
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Kate said...

I love how Jackson is just stunned when yer man first says it to him! LMAO

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

maybe he pissed in a cup because its to Big to fit in a bottle *wink* normal guys wont understand the situation.

Emily said...

Agreed Jules. Jasper's story in Eclipse rocks. I hope they don't cut it out or change it too much. Love him.

Marz - I've never heard of this guy. Is he always like that? lol

Mars said...

Hahaha, YES! Jackson's reaction was so adorable! He's so incredulous the whole time... Like what is up with this bozo? haha!

And yes... Emily, Nardwuar is always so... *ahem* exhuberant. Hahaha! He always finishes his interviews with the "doot-too-roo-doo-doo-doot-doot", but he's a GREAT interviewer. :)

SharonMacross said...

Um.. wow. Who is Nardwuar and how can we take his mic away.

Jackson is so cute. I love his expressions. He makes me smile. :-)

Emily said...

I know Kate! So funny. Poor Jackson had no idea what he was talking about. He was probably thinking, 'what the hell is an RPattz?' I doubt Rob's castmates call him that.

Marz - He's definitely entertaining, that's for sure. And yes, he does his research. Too funny! They seemed to have a good time, even if they were confused for the majority of it.

Sadrilil said...

Thanks for posting this!! I mean the piss in a cup thing priceless, but Jackson what a cutie!!

Gozde said...

LMAO Krissy :))

Mars said...

Emily - Definitely confuses them! I loved when he asked Jackson what Kristen tasted like! PRICELESS!

Emily said...

That was hilarious! "THAT is an inappropriate question."

When Nardwuar was reading off the 'hand' list, everyone's baffled expression was so funny. And Jackson's double-jointed thumb thing was a little weird but sort of cool I guess.

Athena said...

I think there are some cuties in the 100 Monkeys (Jackson included)!

The clown is slightly annoying, but the bafflement on the boys' faces is quite funny!

"I'm the Clash!" Hahahaha!

Mars said...

Emily - hahaha, I know! My office-mate and I were totally baffled by whatever he was referencing. He's a quirky feller, that Nardwuar. :P

Also, I loved how appreciatvie Jackson was for the gifts and the shout-outs. He's so cute!

Emily said...

Jackson seems very genuine. He was so excited about everything. He's pretty hot, too.

I gotta run but hopefully I can pop back on tonight. It's been fun chatting with you!

Mars said...

Talk to you later, Emily :)) Take care!

Kathy#1 said...

I feel really bad about him not even being able to go to the bathroom. Sheesh people..Im sure he would be stalked or harrassed or asked to take pictures all the while he is in agony....poor guy.

mya bluesky said...

this is bad early morning for me. nothing new about Rob, i go to some sites and find they complaint about Rob behaves recently and said he is becoming not fun celebrity, then find this too

they said he is twilight leading man??? what the hell..... yeah i know tay-tay is leading man on newmoon but not in entire twilight.

OMG i miss Rob so much. i've avoid all of the things about jacob/tay promotions cos it will make me feel unfair for rob, but i cant stand it anymore.

the worst is i stuck at my dorm and celebrating IEd all alone (u know like Christmas for Christian) while my friend going home and celebrate with their family.

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

That was too funny! sometimes you just gotta go, and it was probably easier for him to do that, than try to get the bathroom...

God, love him,

HOBO even with his potty habits.

Ana73 said...

that whole interview was just was like fill in the blank while you pass the microphone. jackson is really cute. they all looked puzzled with the rpattz comment. where do these stories come from???

Shani said...

Jackson's personalty is just amazing. He is too cute in this vid.Christian called him adorable and he is.

The guy who interviews them may be crazy, but he hooked them up. He got two of their favorite artist to talk to them and let them cover one of their songs. And he brought up Jackson's next movie so it wasn't all about Rob or his band. He concentrated on everything.
Pretty good interview in my book.

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

i hate it that they are pushing taylor to be the front man for twilight,but it will NEVER happen, he WILL NOT and CANNOT replace Rob.also on other websites they are complaining about kris not walking the red carpet with tay,iam glad kris did not walk the red carpet with tay..

...wowie! said...

What the f*ck...foreal? lmao The interview is just a lil bit crazy. haha

Jackson is man yummy!!!

roxiegirl said...

I never realized before how cute Jackson i. The makeup of Twilight just made him looked pained. He is really a cutie!

roxiegirl said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

I miss all the updates and photos we got from nm
we hardly get any updates and when we do it's about Kellen or Taylor ugh!
Need some rob!

kchambers77 said...

that guy is annoying.

Tenneil said...

I think I am having withdrawls... Rob oooohhhh ROB????

This was entertaining fo sho... I love Jacksons voice!! YUUUMMMMM!!

SluttyPattz said...

I totally agree, no talking about Tay Tay or Lutz anymore.


Jackson is super cute in this interview though.

Alice said...

lol! Nardwuar is hilarious... hahaha
If you like Kings of Leon check this out:
Nardward interviewing Caleb and Jared back in 2003(?).

JandR said...

okay here is where i have to confess that after watching the Twilight dvd for the first time it was Jackson that first caught my eye and not Rob!!! OMG did I just say that out loud here on this blog? LOL
don't worry girls that only lasted a few days until I saw Rob as Rob in an interview and heard him speak and fell in love with his adorkableness. But my word Jackson is one hellava sexy dude too!! oh yes - he has the most beautiful voice too. Voice, eyes, smile but sorry RPattz has my heart...
but Jackson kills in the baseball scene with his bat handling skills!

Loisada said...

Vanessa thanks for that link. People may or may not appreciate the loony character Nardwuar created to do his interviews (I think he's genius), but he's one of the most informed and clever interviewers around. He asks questions that actually interest the artists and make them want to open up.

Jackson was so damn charming and chivalrous here, I can see now why so much FF focuses on him. Wish he looked as good as this in the movies, why did they have to kill his look with bad hair!

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

you're forgiven for Jackson especially since you're on the right side now! Jack is cute though, I agree.
I fell in love with rob on the Ellen show ten today show and leno. It was months before I saw twilight and fell even harder !
It grows more everyday... I think I'm a lifer!

Anonymous said...

First of all, WTF?! Was he joking because the guys from the band were all confused. If he wasn't, poor Rob can't get away with anything. LOL But Jackson is a cutie. This is the best of seen him look. I agree, the voice, the smile, the eyes. I remember when he was on The OC.

@JandR ~ I love the baseball scene with him too the way he handles the bat and the slow-mo after he hits the ball.

JandR said...

Thx RPG - I had never seen the Jay Leno interview - how did i miss that one?? Just makes me fall in love with him all over again...he'd never buy a car from his Dad? LMAO...bed hair - that girl was a bitch wasn't she?

Elizabeth1821 said...

Jackson is so pretty. He has such pretty eyes. And that smile... Yum!

JandR said...

laughing now...that girl Heidi Klum?? didn't realise when I first looked, laughing now...he kept making German references so looked like he was either trying to include her in the conversation or maybe was a bit starstruck?? LOL

MMc said...

I read somewhere that Jackson was considered for the part of Edward - it was between him, Rob and some other guy.

He just froze when the guy mentioned about very protective he was of Rob's reputation trying to think of the right thing to say that wouldn't sound bad. Sweet guy.

Someone on another site said that the piss in a cup info was bogus. But I wouldn't doubt it - if there were a jillion people about to attack him as he walked to the bathroom.....I'd do it too......but it wouldn't be as easy!!!! ; )

JandR said...

Hi LR!! Yes that baseball scene - one of the best in the whole movie and the music by Muse, I just love it and it gets played extremely loud in my car lol but Jackson owns that scene, except for Rob falling on the ground and flipping Kellan the bird hahahahaha

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

Rob is my No 1 but i must admit jackson is a cutie but he is to short for my taste , i like my men over 6 feet tall,i love a man that you have to stand on tippy or better climb like a tree to kiss.

Anonymous said...

Hi JandR ~ OMG,that song by Muse is awesome in that scene! I crank it up in the car when I listen to the soundtrack. And yes, Jackson does own that scene. Adorable. I love that Rob flips Kellan in that scene. Leave it to Catherin H to leave it in!! lol

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

climb like a tree? I'd. Love to climb rob. I'm barely 5 ft tall. I'd have to climb!

didn't Heidi push his hair out of his face or something? He looked so shy and cute I swear my panties fell off !

Sarah said...

Jackson's a gentleman. I think they were just shocked that guy brought up pissing in a cup. Kind of inappropriate subject matter and when you're friends with the person.. it's just stupid/rude.

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Wow vamp diaries were actually good tonigh
missing rob so much cheesy vamps are looking good!
Night all. Time for Edward smut !

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

@rpattzG Enjoy the edward smut,iam reading 'The extradinary' its HOT iam at Cgap 32,iam enjoying every min of it.

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

i Meant to type 'Chap' missing rob and edward smut messing with my brain or maybe its my stupid iphone *sigh*

Anonymous said...

@Shani - I agree with you. This is actually a pretty good interview. Not the usual boring questions. He touched on different things. He kept them on their toes and alert. There was a good segue that gave JR a chance to plug his movie. He included everyone. He obviously did far more research and preparation than other interviewers would have done. The band appreciated the greetings from their favorite artists.

His attire obviously is a trademark/gimmick to set him apart--an entertainment value.

I think the piss in a cup did not happen, even if RPatz threatened to do it. (And someone heard it.) Where would he have done it if the place was packed to the rafters? And is a cup enough? Hmmm..

erikitty said...

Jackson reminds me of Johnny Depp.

Anonymous said...

So I wake up to another morning with no new Rob news.....this is depressing!

I am so desperate I admit I peeked at LaineyGossip for any new updates on Eclipse filming. Well sod the updates she's published two letters she received from irate Rob fans re the recent 'Gay' articel which she says was written as a joke. Well good for the fans defending him but it's like water off a duck's back with her...she finds it hilarious. Nasty nasty woman.

Does anyone on this site have ANY idea as to what her problem with Rob is. I mean I can't believe he'd willingly upset someone but she always targets Rob....or does she just simply not like him? It's so unfair because he doesn't deserve it.

Anonymous said...

OOps....I mean 'article'.....

Babs said...

Jackson is so adorable!! And he looks pretty hot too. Love his smile :)
The interviewer looked a bit weird and crazy to me but it was funny.
I do hope that Rob didn't have to seriously piss in a cup, because well, that's pretty disgusting LOL

Temptation said...

Hey I was at a conference on the weekend and I spoke to a UK women who lived in Singapore and she had NOOOOOO idea who Rob Pattinson was and had never heard of Twilight.

How weird I thought here's me moping away because of the lack of updates and here she sits has no idea who the guy is. I said better keep it that way your life will never be the same once you discover Rob.

Rob get out of the hotel room and have some updates taken, your loyal fans need to keep intouch....

Babs said...

I've just noticed... how awesome is the new banner??

Suz said...

OK.. some people just need to be surgically muzzled.

WHAT THE FUCK passes as entertainment these days?

Holy DickHead Batman

Treasure_7 said...

Have to say Jackson is cute!

Maryann said...

Jackson is TOTALLY a doll in this video, and when I say doll, charming, adorable and well I found him sexy! LOL

Although I do not get his fascination with Varg Vigernes though. Sorry Jackson but that dude is not smart. He's an arrogant ass and a arsonist and a murderer. But I hope he was referrign to the music. Black Metal is not my thing and I am embarrassed that this is what Norway is well known in the music world for, being the top notch country when it comes to Black Metal...ugh lol

Still that doesn't stop me from adoring Jackson heh. Also the rest of the 100 Monkeys were cute!

That Rob part was silly though. I so wish that the Twi-cast who promotes their OTHER NON twilight projects could be asked about whatever project they are working or involved in and NOT being asked about Rob. Talk about Twilight to Jackson fine but stop nagging about Rob all the time to his co-stars!

Carys said...

HILARIOUS!!! hahaha! "that is a very inappropriate question."

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