Two Dannii Minogue related Rob posts in one week. Himmm...
She is 38 years old so she qualifies as a cougar and what British boy born after 80s didn't have a crush on her?
Well she is hot, as my good friend K (who is a straight woman) says "I'd do her" :)

She is 38 years old so she qualifies as a cougar and what British boy born after 80s didn't have a crush on her?
Well she is hot, as my good friend K (who is a straight woman) says "I'd do her" :)
Robert Pattinson to appear on The X Factor?!
He may come across as all cool and edgy and alternative, but it turns out that Robert Pattinson likes nothing better on a Saturday night than putting his feet up and watching The X Factor. The Twilight heartthrob is said to be a huge fan of the show, and does he best to watch it even when filming over in the States. Judge Dannii Minogue heard about all this, and she has now offered the actor a special invite to come and meet the judges and watch the show live. Nothing to do with the fact that's he's HOT, then. A source reveals, "Rob is a massive fan of The X Factor. He'd love to meet the judges and hang out with them backstage, so he's thrilled with Dannii's offer." As we all know, RPattz is something of a musical talent himself. Maybe he could even be persuaded to do something live on stage. Now that really would get worldwide attention.
And from
And the Aussie has invited the actor on to the talent show set any time he wants.
She told The Mirror: “I just heard that Twilight star Robert Pattinson is a HUGE X Factor fan. I know he was born in Britain but he spends most of his time in America.
“Even so my X Factor crew would love to meet him - and he has officially been invited by the gang to one of the live shows.”
She added: “I reckon Robert might get more screaming fans than Simon Cowell.”
Rob Patz is currently in Vancouver shooting the third Twilight movie Eclipse so it seems unlikely he’ll pop back to Britain to watch the show. But you never know!
Uh...yeah right. I sooo see him being convinced to play on X-Factor for the whole world to see. He doesn't even play in dumpy dives anymore. much crap when there's no new pics floating around.
EWWWW - Dannii she is so gross she makes me sick.....another puke story for the night I think I will get back to bed....
You took the words out of my mouth... But any time ANY show links their name with Rob's - they get some attention and publicity that doesn't cost them a dime. So it'll happen again and again. His agents are to blame for not being a little nastier.
hey Tempt! are you still there?
Way to raise the ratings of any show...or even a cheap shot at publicity to just associate Rob with something.
Hello Orion; I think JandR might be waiting on FB - haven't signed in yet tonight; helping my daughter with a job application this time - a bit tough when 3 in the same household are looking for new jobs.
YEAH Im still here I was just rinsing the SPEW out of my mouth.....Danni - skanky whore...
Im Going back to Alexander.........nearly half way through and cannot put it down.......
Hi Georgie! I was talking to Jandr, I'll tell her to come. Tempt: I agreed with you, Danii is YAAAKKK
Haha Tempt, I saw your SPEW on the previous thread too. Nothing a Rob-induced Alexander can't cure though by the sounds of it.
Yeah! Alexander is killing me...but I miss Rob...I can't be far away from him.
Hi Orion and Georgie - how are you girls?
Georgie: Last night when I read RM, oh, my God! It's so sad. Hope will be a good movie.
Hi JandR, nice talking to you again. Has Tempt "outed" herself to you yet?
Hi, again Jandr! she's plastic all over...
Sorry, hi to you Orion. Be careful not to divulge any spoilers about the RM script on here. How was work today?
ah ok
Work was good. Short day,today. Tomorrow is going to be long, I'm working morning and night
Hi Georgie - no I told Tempt I would leave it with her. I can be a pushy tart and she likes her air of mystery (don't ya Tempt? LOL ;-)
She knows where to find me when she's ready...
mmm...yeah Riiiiiiiiight! and Goz i'm LOLing...I'd do her...hahaha..
Hey Jac if you are lurking come and join us sweetie!!!
Why she's lurking?
Hi Desi, glad to see you enjoyed the vids last night/morning? whatever time it was in Venezuela.
Jac might be lurking if she is trying to hide Robsessing from someone (I know I have to sometimes)
I sent to Goz some scans, she'll put it on the blog later. 'Famous' magz, so you can imagine...hahaha
Rob likes 'X factor', I hope he doesn't like her either, ewwww
Surely he likes X Factor for the talent novelty. I don't think I've ever watched it. I've seen Idol and Australia's Got talent.
How fun! I bet he would have a blast doing something like this... :)
I think I saw it once or twice, somewhere...Are u still working?
A quiz in the Twilight mag from Dolly said he loved watching American Idol - only doesn't readily admit to it - now I can believe that one!
Not really, just multi-tasking LOL: on here, reading a ff, fixing up my daughter's job application.
Is the ff the Robsten one you mentioned earlier? What is it called? I read some of the Lost Boys today - oh Robward - it is really Rob with Edward's name in this one...sweet!
I guess he'd have plenty of time for TV if he's holed up in his hotel room as is alleged.
I don't know! so many things like: Robert Pattinson likes this or that, blah blah blah, and maybe nothing is's just to give some 'hot' to the show or whatever...Don't forget that Rob's fame is bigger than any one in the bussiness
MY BABY!!! Oh I MISS HIM SO MUCH these days...
Actually it's a newly posted chapter of a ff written by Stacy who's on this blog called: Near You Always, where Edward is a hot paramedic. Being Robsessed, Stacy describes him more as Rob than Edward - although he's the perfect boyfriend and loves absolutely and unconditionally...
The Robsten ones I came across in the Random Acts of Rob blog when looking up their TwiPron Library I said, I can't really talk about it on here; way too smutty if there are 15 year olds lurking...
I was thinking exactly the same thing Georgie! What's the guy gonna do? We know he loves reading and his music but I'm sure he has a telly! I guess he could be going over script scenes practising with Kristen ;-)
SarahBella gave me a heap of ff recommendations - she said she has read them all - well the good ones anyway! LOL
I should have my head in the history books still so a few ff chapters here and there are really a brief escape for me at the moment!
Oh and I don't mind the end result at night
LOL that's what happens in this ff, with lots of "distractions" along the way.
@Georgie aww Thanxs girl! i indeed ENJOYED them...big time...and then dreamed about them...and then..i'll stop right here =P!
I can't wait until we can get together...believe me, I'll feel quite at ease having "Robsessed and the City" type conversations with you gals.
Girls, look like the ff keeping you busy, no?
I actually started watching that hour long Vanity Fair photoshoot vid on their website that someone posted a link to recently. Not the highest quality, unless it was just the computer that I was on, but lots of Rob-action.
Me too, Georgie. And I'm sure is no going to stop there..
Yes - the Robsession has brought several distinct advantages into my life...not the least being Rob-gazing at all times of the day and night. I try to control the urge to seek him out wherever I can, it just doesn't work LOL The boy's got me lock, stock and two smokin barrels!!
Orion: it's how I can feel "closer to Rob" in lean times like these.
NM night will be the beginning, I think.
Yep, the countdown is 78 days now...
yeah! I will start reading the ff soon is that now I'm with 'Alexander', that I imagine Rob playing it
Desi, what are you reading at the moment?
Georgie I was saying to my hubby and daughter that if anything we will probably be a bit tamer when we meet what with all the girls being with us to witness!! LOL
Orion - I was thinking in particular of your daughter although she knows how Robsessed you are!!!
Ooooo yes, I forgot about our girls being with us...maybe they can hit the shops while we catch up.
@Georgie i just finished this it's a one-shot and it's FUC-HAWT..i need a cold shower ASAP!
Thanks Desi, I like one-shots occasionally as "fillers" while I'm waiting for others to update - so I've bookmarked this. I'll look up Lost Boys too.
Georgie that's a good idea! Jandr, yes she knows, she love him too, but I'm sure not like me...well she doesn't know about what we are talking about here, she knows some but not all, You know?
She's only 12
Hello Girls! I'm here......better late than never! Cant hang around to job interview tomorrow & realised I havent got a clue how to handle it or what it will be like! Over 20 years since I've had an interview....yuk!
JandR...please send that letter to OK...I am so embarrased. If you wont send it...pass it onto me with all the contact details & I will!
Hi Jacqui nice to see you! I like your pics on FB.
Hey girls! Gozde post the scans I sent to her early
Hi Jacqui, just bemoaning the fact that there are 3 in our household job hunting ATM. I had a job interview yesterday for a State Government job and had to produce a written brief (with 24 hours notice) on the impacts of the global financial crisis on employment in the mining industry in Queensland; and it's only a job until February while someone is on mat leave - talk about overkill!
Rob looks different in that pic of "famous" magz
Hi Jac - you're here!!! Sorry Desi sent me off to a ff and I got a little absorbed - check it out in a while....mmmm hot
Georgie, I'm trying to get out of state gov...been there for 24 years. Position I'm going for is only mat leave position too, 12 mth. I hadnt even thought about the interview until a few hours ago, now I'm trying to read a huge folder of standards & quality you can see I'm easily distracted from the contents of the document! Mmmm....Rob or quality framework....I'm going Rob tonight! I'll bluff the interview!
I agree Jac - interviews are nerve-racking. Hope all goes well. And georgie - when they make you jump through hoops do you just have to ask how high?? If it is only a short term appointment they sound pretty intense!
Girls did you check the scans?
JandR, send the letter to OK...please! Im thinking the Aussie mags are the worst & I'm really embarrased.
Jacqui are you going anyway to the interview or you'd desire not to?
Good luck Jacqui, it sounds like you're fairly familiar with the subject - hopefully you don't have to know all of them! In such a tough labour market I thought it would be more stable to try and stay with the Government. Here I am trying to get IN after Rudd abolished funding for our NFP regional development organisation and made us all redundant.
WOW - Desi - you are sooo right!! Cold shower or hot man - needed immediately ;-) LOL
Yeh Orion I've commented on that thread but none of you were there. Shall we all move across?
Have you already read that JandR?? Wow!
You're right Georgie, I thought that too, but today nothing is stable.
JandR, now are you going to abandon us and go and rouse your DH??
I don't know. Maybe we stay
Georgie...i will only take position if I can get leave without pay from Gov position. I need to know I have a job to go back to in 12 months. I just need a change for a while.
Hey Orion - saw your scans - those mags are just so full of crap I can't believe it - they pump it out week after week and always the same trash! Jac - I was right on the verge of emailing my nasty comments to OK Australia but then they got all intrusice and wanted too many personal details and I chickened out especially as I was at work!! LOL They do need to be told though and in no uncertain terms - they print BS and we don't like it!
Oh man, I'd love to hear that Rob hooked up with a HOT older woman rather than someone skanky like Paris Hilton or Megan Fox.
Go Robbie, Go Robbie get ya groove on, get ya groove on, put a condom on yea when you get ya groove on!
Yeah, good idea Jacqui!
Good for you JandR; it'd be good to be able to just send them an email rather than having to bare all to them through their on-line contact.
RPA: Dannii has quite a skanky past too - being an Aussie girl, we were pretty exposed to her over the years!
Georgie - DH is out at a meeting, mmmm can I hold out til he gets home LOL ;-)
Why they need so much information? send them a email and that's it! pure rubbish those magz. I sent it to Goz, but even I didn't read it. I don't know what they are thinking
I start reading 'kidnapped by an angel'on ff, will see how we goes...I'let you know, lol
It's quite long.
R u guys moving over to the new thread?
Yep, easier than alternating between the 2.
HUGE FAN! HUGE! luvs the show! did say X-FILES, right? (Shit, where are my specs?)
maybe rob does like x-factor - i know being homesick makes you miss the strangest of british things (marmite anyone?) - but i'm sure he'd prefer cheryl over danni - i mean give the guy some credit...!
I looooveee so much this Rob`s photo.I tried to find it, at Google but I didn`t.
When did he take it?Where was it? me to find it!!!
Thanks in advance....LOL
Ewww skanky Dani, remember how ick she was with her hideous skanky clothes and chipmunk cheeks before she went plastic and bleached blonde and Julian had the sense to dump her previously fat arse!?!
And now she looks like her face is frozen - photos lie Goz she 'aint the slightest bit hot, she also speaks in that vile transatlantic non accent.
Poor Rob should be able to patent the use of his name - every bastard just pulls it out to get attention it must be freaky for him and his family.
Lost Boys is to die for, so much yummy stuff, ghosts, mysteries, and and oh so Rob Edward - but tortured Rob; and a pretty cool Esme/Carisle subplot.
And oh my I just ate the Blessing and the Curse, why do I keep reading stuff that is in progress - it's killing me waiting for my stories I'm in love with, Vamp in the Basement too.
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