Robert Pattinson on Eclipse Set 09/23/2009 - High Quality

Thanks to for the pictures.

Robward: Something has been bothering me...

My hair just doesn't look as good as it used to...

Are you listening to me? Stop playing with your PSP Bella!

I mean, I know my hair looks better than yours, yours is a WIG but it lost the sparkle it had in Twilight.
Maybe it's this mirror? The SILVER Volvo had better mirrors...

And I think I'm getting a zit...

Kristen: Stop bitchin' and drive Robward. Seriously!
I'm wearing a WIG and I still manage a smile! Can't get worse than that...

Robward thinks to himself: The wig is making her SOOO moody!
I wanna go home, wear the Stoli shirt and call Tom :(

UPDATE: New pictures :

Robert: You rock the mullet, don't ever let anyone tell you different :))


Once again thanks to for the pictures. Please ignore the tags on the pix as is the true owner. Check them out for more pix on set HERE including pictures of Charlie, I mean Billy Burke :)


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orion said...

Oh!! beautiful, black and shiny volvo!! I would love to be part of you, specially the driver seat!!

jmm4832 said...
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jmm4832 said...

Love Robward's pics. Can't stand Kristen's mullet. Is she going to grow out that thing or does she think it's attractive? Ugh.

Jewels64 said...

Thanks Goz for the new pix! You can tell KStew just got to the set! Robward is already in makeup and she looks like she just rolled out of bed. I like her Joy Division tshirt though.....

Billy is rocking that 'stache!!!! Respect the 'stache!!!!

T said...

What a wonderful way to start a Thursday morning!! Thanks Goz!

Laura said...

Yeah drinkin Timmys!
Those kids better watch out on the swings, Rob driving is an accident waiting to happen..

Golnaz said...

Yay, thanks for posting! Love the ones of Rob smiling on set!

And okay, the wig on Kristen looks so so much better in these pics.

Love the smiley ones of Rob and Kristen between takes, and love Kstew's tshirt. Joy Division is kickass.

orion said...

Sorry Goz!! I fogot to thank you...hope you're understand I was completely blind for the brightness of the Volvo

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

the only good thing about these pics are Rob and Stew, Rob looks hot as always and Stew looks beautiful, other than that the whole thing looks like SHIT, DS dont know what the fuck he is doing, this is not the same quality as NM, He is going to target the male audience and fuck this movie up,

sorry if i offend but i had to be honest.

Lucerne said...

Thanks for the pictures. Both Rob and Kris looking great. New Moon is not out yet, and i am already looking forward to Eclipse. More Rob.Yea.

Jimm, I think Kristine is growingthe mullet out. But it is going to take time, it has only been a few months.

Off to work now.

Ripley said...

So glad I checked here before going to work. Love pictures like this. Rob and that smile has made me happy. Kris looks good and still looks Bella's age

Anna said...

Robward: THUD

Smiling Robward:


Anonymous said...

I don't think it's just the kids who have need to be worried....Kristin looks a bit edgy too! LOL and so does Rob in some of the pictures! I think he's having trouble parking ha ha! Bless him.

Wish they'd stop cutting his hair though...

twilightmami2008 said...

Robert looking so cute and damm hot!!

TEAM ROBERT <3<3<3<3<3<3<3

Gemgirl65 said...

OMG! Robward overload! What am I saying...there can never be too much Robward.

Kristen gives a whole new meaning to the word "bedhead" but Rob still looks at her like she's the most fantastic thing on the planet. That shag is taking forever to grow out. Or maybe she likes it and is going to keep it? *shudders*

Goz, LOVE the captions! Great way to start my day, with a giggle and a hot vampire.

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

i love kris hair ,i hope she never grows it out, it seems she likes the mullet,good for you stew, its your hair dont allow anyone telling you how to wear your hair,like everything else that is your choice, but i hate that they cut robward hair,i dont like it,i like the shaggy bed head.

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

have you thought about becoming a script writer? Maybe they'll let you on breaking dawn!

mother lover these are awsome!
They let rob drive for real?

Nice to see Billy-

Robward is beautiful- krisella looks like most folks before their coffee

Anonymous said...

thanks gozde :)luv rob smile :)

learn from this site a new english word today - robgasm

use robgasm in sentence -
rob smiles ..*thud :)

Anonymous said...

Oh!! *swoon* ........can't ....................breathe..........

Man the finger porn going on around that steering wheel is HAWT!

The things he could do to me with those fingers.......GAH!

Anonymous said...

BTW - (breathing again)....

Billy Burke (*aka Charlie) looks like a total badass!

Can't wait to see him giving Robward attitude in Eclipse!

Unknown said...

Omg. The Timmies cup. All hail Robward + Timmies.

I think I just died and went to Canadian heaven folks.

I'll never look at my morning coffee the same way again...

peeling a fig said...

Doesn't he look young in that T-shirt compared to all the office-wear in New Moon? He is just GOR.JUS. I don't mind the shorter hair.

I miss the peacoat, even though Rob doesn't.

I spy a mom-extra by the swing sets takin' photos. Tut tut.

dabby said...

i love robsten!so cute together:)

dabby said...

i love robsten!so cute together:)

dabby said...

i love robsten!so cute together:)

Anonymous said...

A cup of coffee and a little Rob, ain't nothing better in the morning!!! Well there is but this will have to do! LOL!!

Thanks for posting Gozde and love, love your comments! Too funny! It's nice to see some Eclipse photos. Rob looks beautiful as usual. Love when he smiles. Kristen's wig actually looks good in these pics. And Billy Burke looks so cool, he rocks the stache!!

Sanna said...

are they sharing coffeecup?? ;)

Marenostrum said...

@Sanna I was going to write the same thing... He just takes Kristen's coffee and drinks it...

orion said...

Sanna: no, are not sharing, I thought that too, but check again and you'll see..

Harriet Goodacre said...

'rpattz-turns-me-on'- seriously it's her hair and if she likes it like that then so be it but at least wash the bloody thing, it's like she sticks her head in some kind of sticky tar every morning.

Love the captions Goz. Robward = hot (understatement of the century) but why does the volvo have to be black, just stick to the book it's not difficult surely???

orion said...

Kristen has her cup on her hand, hardly you can see it but I think she have it on her hand...maybe we have to do a further investigation about it, LOL

Anonymous said...

I know it is a bit off topic but yesterday in one post someone told that she has the pics from the mark segal photoshoot... I've never seen them because I missed the post...when I came on they were already deleted so it would be very very great if someone could send them to me...

From what I've heard they have to be incredible hot...

my email:

Anonymous said...

I thought they were sharing a cup of coffee too, but if you look closer Kristens cup of coffee doesn't have a lid and Robs does. Oh well. And as for Kristen's hair, please give her a break. These are rehearsals and if she has messy hair who cares. If Rob can have messy, unwashed hair why can't she? Not that I even know that it's unwashed, just sayin.

orion said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

@ orion ... that would be perfect ... but sorry I just noticed that I posted the wrong emailadress... is the correct one...

kchambers77 said...

i think the caption in the "you rock the mullet" is actually "i spit in that."

that's what i always say as a joke to people to get that look of hers. lol

Unknown said...

wht scene are they filming? i dont remember both of them @thepolicestation in the book? Rob looks HOT -Kstew please be growing your hair!

orion said...

@484844407 I'll send it as soon as I can, because are a lot. Ok?

Anonymous said...

that man's smile melts my heart. i know i will never tire of seeing it *sigh*

goz: your commentary ROCKS as always! thanks for the pics :)

Anonymous said...

@ orion yes and thank you very very much... Is it strange that I'm that excited for the pics??

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

is there a second coffee cup??i only see one.......go Stew you rock the mullet .Love Rob

orion said...

No it's not strange at all, lol. I sent already 10 so 2morrow I'll send the rest...if you never saw it before, you're better be prepare...are hot, hot, hot

Anonymous said...

@ orion I think now I'm not able to sleep today...I don't know where you live but hopefully your tomorrow is earlier than the german tomorrow :D

Kathy#1 said...

Finally some really cool pics from the set. I love your commentary are hysterical! Robward looks gorgeous and fuckhawt in these pics...and well Kristen's hair..hmmm....but Rob doesn't seem to notice as he looks at her with adoration. I'm not jealous much...damn her...:-)

Sunflower said...

Hmmm...484844407...what if I ask you to send me the photos? I don't want to bother Orion with asking her, she's been too kind to send them to you, but she said they're many and it probably takes a little to send.
I've seen them once on this blog and I just can't stay without seeing them again. They're really the best Rob's pics ever.
So pleeeeaaaase, will you help me??

My e-mail address is

Thanks a lot

Serap said...

You know, despite HATING the some of the shots in the car, it doesn't look too bad. I guess if anyone could pull of a mullet and a hideous wig, it'd be Kristen. On the topic of hair, my friends tend to disagree, but i like the longer James Dean-esque hair Edward had in Twilight...regardless of the hair though...i am DYING for Eclipse its my favourite book out of the 4....

orion said...

@484844407 I'm in Australia. Did you check the ones already I sent ?

Angie said...


Kristin is holding her cup low and at the rim. Rob's has a lid, hers does not.

JLD said...

Hello everyone. Lovely photos. I really hope they do Eclipse well as that's the one I'm really looking forward to. I see Rob seems to be in a good mood in these photos.

I noticed Rob seems to be trying to get Kristen's attention alot in these photos. I think if there is anything going on he's more into her than the other way round. Though I guess it's pretty hard to tell with Kristen as she's always so serious.

When I look at them they look close but whether it is more than that is anyone's guess. To be honest when I see them I just see two close friends but then that's my view on the subject.

I don't blame Kristen for falling for Rob's charms if that's is the situation. It must be pretty difficult to behave yourself when he's around.

SluttyPattz said...

Orion if you could send them to me as well that would be awesome. I didn't get them before they were deleted off of several fansites. If you don't mind.

I have a couple of scripts for rps movies if you haven't read something that I could send in return.

Anonymous said...

@ orion yes and I am still dazzled... now it's even more difficult to wait until tomorrow.

@ simona I will send the pics to you, but probably not until tomorrow when I have all of them...

orion said...

484844407 I just sent the rest, so you don't have to wait till 2morrow. ENJOY!!

Sunflower said...

484844407 thanks a lot, rally. No problem, I can wait till tomorrow :-)
And my tomorrow is the same as yours since I'm living in Italy :-)
And you know what? I'm so exited cause I've just read that New Moon will be released on the 18th of Nov here! God, it's sooooo goood!!!

crazylife said...

Oh to be that "Tim Hortons" cup! I can see it now. All fangirls will scouring the dumpster close to the set trying to figure out which one it is. The Volvo does not do it for me. I wonder how much was paid by Volvo to use the black one.

Love the story with the pics. Ha!

Angie said...


Not clear if Orion got your message. If not, let me know. I will send them to you.

Which scripts do you have? I have read a few, not all.

Ana73 said...

nice way to wake up and see all of these pics, loved the way "edward" and "bella" look :))

goz - loved your comments

SluttyPattz said...

@ADM if you could that would be great. I have RM, UC, Bel Ami, and NM.

orion said...

Teri, sorry I didn't get your message. I'll send it to you 2morrow.
thank you ADM

SluttyPattz said...

Gozde I loved your comments for the pics I was cracking up.

Anonymous said...

@ orion I am dead now. Really the best pics of him ever.

@ Simona prepare yourself I am going to send the first ones now...

orion said...

I didn't read UC, if you don't mind.

orion said...

@484844407 definitely the best pics of Rob, mind you he never has a bad pic

Sunflower said...

Thanks 484844407, I'm here waiting

SluttyPattz said...

@Orion I will send the script as soon as I can log into my email. I am at work and gmail is acting weird.

orion said...

@Teri: I'll send the pics 2morrow coz here in Australia is 12.45 am time to go to sleep...but 2morrow I'll send it 2 you

orion said...

@ Teri,No worries, when you can. Thank you.

Angela said...

Rob is saying to her "you like like you've been ridden hard and put away wet" Then she blushes and makes the face. Then she's hoping he'll do it again tonight.

Another unimpressive Eclipse set. I feel like slapping that DS guy for some reason.

Angela said...

oops, "look like"

orion said...

Good nite every1. Robdreams for me!!

Haystackhair said...

Love these!! I'm wondering which scene this is. Love seeing happy Edward and Bella scenes. Gox, you absolutely kill me. LMAO.
And I didn't get any of those fabulous pics either. would one of you have mercy and send to me? Huge thanks if so...

Anonymous said...

@ simona Have you already get them? I think I send the first 15 so maybe it takes a while until they are there :D

SluttyPattz said...

@ADM, did you read all of those scripts? Do you want anything?

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

on E! online they are talking about BD being made into Two movies,i guess Summit changed their minds,i hope Twilight have a long shelf life,

if not it could get old really fast and the whole vampire trend would be over,when some other new trend comes along, folks in hollywood looses interest fast,so maybe a 5 movie might be pushing it.Plus Rob should move on ,twilight can be a blessing but also a curse.

Angie said...


I would love to have UC. Thanks

Gotcha, Haystackhair.

Angie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Sunflower said...

484844407 yes I've received them. Thank you so much. Send the others when you can, no problem.
I've tried to answer you, but google mail is working a bit weird. And damn it, now I can't reopen your email to look at them again. Shit!
Aren't they, the hottest pics you've ever seen?

Haystackhair said...

Oh God, I was hoping they would just cut out a huge hunk of BD. There is so much they could cut that I could care less about....

Tenneil said...

Gozde... you crack me up!! thanks for the morning giggles:)

OK... in one of the pix you can see our Robward wearing his seltbelt??? I am all for safety for him... why does that bug me sooooo.. cuz its not Edward???uuummmfffff...

SluttyPattz said...

@Haystackhair, are you referring to Jacob's part?

@ADM I will send it when gmail is back up. Orion is going to send me the pics tomorrow so if you don't have time to today no worries.

womadsart said...

Rob just keeps getting better and better looking everyday older... mmmmm!!!

SluttyPattz said...

Ok I just sent you the UC Script ADM and Orion. Gmail worked for a minute so yay!

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Although I agree there is tons of stuff they can scale down in BD (all the leah crap-hated it) and a lot of the "witnessing crap-hated it too)

I still think they will need to do it in 2 movies to capture the full beauty of the story.

IMO-I'm not ready to let go of Edward yet....

JLD said...

rpattz-turns-me-on I hope they either turn BD in to two movies or the other option is to make one long, possibly 3 hour movie. What we don't want is for them to have to cut out lots of it because it won't fit. I wonder how they'd do it if they split the books in to 2 movies and where the cut off point will be.
I can't wait to see the wedding and it'll be interesting to see how they portray Renesmee. Plus if we're lucky we may get Rob with his kit off. ;)

SluttyPattz said...

What rating do you guys think the BD movie will end up having?

SluttyPattz said...

ADM it failed to deliver to your email said it couldn't find the address. Is this right

Sunflower said...

I hope that too JLD ;-)
After Bella turns to be a vampire, there's that first night when they definitely stop restraining themselves. So, if we are lucky, we can have a glimpse of that...Even though, if that happens, I'll envy Kristella as never before!

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

It will be PG13 like all the rest..there's no way SM would allow it to be R.

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...


Just got my Sam Bradley tickets for 12/2!!!

Haystackhair said...

@ADM, I love you forever!
@Teri, yeah, lots of the Jacob stuff could be cut, and the Leah stuff.....

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

but why do we need two movies?? they get married, go on honeymoon, have sex, she gets pregnant,the kid pops out,he turns her into a vamp and Boom they live happily ever after ,i can fit all this shit into a 30 min commercial.........what more is there? those parts are the most importan of the book, the other stuff we dont need,plus as i said before its not good for Rob's career being stuck playing the same thing over and over,time to move on.

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Becasue the story needs to follow the slow torture of Edward, Bella & Jacob...and that can't be done in a 20 min scene.

It's crucial to the story, and it needs to develop and unfold-we need to see these 3 go through this...

Afterwards-we need to see that's it's not all flowers & sex & happiness-they need to go through the shit storm to find the happiness at the end, and it can't be done in 120 minutes.

SluttyPattz said...

@Haystackhair, yeah I totally agree. The whole imprinting thing weirded me out. I mean I get the idea its just bizarre.

SluttyPattz said...


The torture thing definitely needs to be portrayed. This isn't a typical love story. Its a dark one. Choices are made that can not be taken back and are eternal. Plus I think that whoever does the BD movie will make the volturi story at the end more dynamic with some fighting. Similar to what they did in NM.

Shani said...

Teri- If you don't mind can you send me the UC script.

Just click on my name and you'll see my email address.

Rob looks good and it's early in the morning for them.It does look like they are sharing coffee. Kris could have pulled off the lid. About Kris hair she is putting on a wig anyway so...And about Rob's driving I trust him. He hasn't gotten into an accident since getting his license here in the US. Last year he drove around LA and drove a bit this year.He has survived just fine.

lovethem said...

Does anyone else notice they are sharing coffee...?? Thnx for the pics.. delicious..

JLD said...

I agree it'll have to be a PG-13. If it was a PG it'll be rubbish because certain bits will be cut out in order not to scare the kids and you can't deny the Rob fans the chance to see a possible naked Rob. ;)
If it was an R it'll probably be too much gore or too much sex.

If it's PG-13 you can have the caesarian but tone it down so it's not too gory and maybe they'll cover Bella up so she's not naked whilst giving birth. You can have some nookie but not turn it in to pornography. Plus Jacob can imprint on Renesmee and the mums in the audience won't have to explain to the kids what it means. Plus the pregnancy is pretty violent so deffo not for kids.
PG-13 will give you a decent movie without going overboard.

Anonymous said...


I TOTALLY agree!!!!! One movie please!! You can fit every up to Nessie in like 40 min MAX! And then you have the anticlimactic buildup to the Volturi "showdown". IMO!

JLD said...

I think if BD is made in to a single movie because it is such a big book it will need to be long in order for it to be a decent movie and so you don't cut too much out. I think 3 hours max should do it.

SluttyPattz said...

I just sent it.

Shani said...

rpattz-turns-me-on- Stephinie was thinking it needed to be broken down into 2 movies. There's a lot of things she wanted to portray.

NEW NEWS: It was reported yesterday that Stephenie's book THE HOST will be turned into a movie.

You know not to worry...Rob has UC and Bel Ami to do. RM will be coming out next year. So people will see him in other movies besides the Twilight saga.And his career will continue on just fine.

Shani said...

Thanks Teri!!!!

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

I hated BD when I first read it...I was so angry that she got preggers, I felt it took away from E&B-then I was really pissed with the whole Jacob thing...

it took me 3 times to fall in love with the book and understand why SM took the path she did...

I know there's a lot they can cut out...but I'd rather have 2 movies than one crappy chopped up one...

Shani said...

Oh Teri, can you send me Bel Ami too.

Angela said...

I agree, one BD is plenty! I think the witnesses gathering will look like the bar scene in star wars.

Hopefully we'll get one or two good sex scenes.

After reading ALE, BD the movie will seem so tame.

Shani said...

Just looked again, Kris does have her own coffee.LOL

Angela said...

it took me 3 times to fall in love with the book and understand why SM took the path she did...

Can you tell me why she did that? I just don't get it?

Krissy said...

Your captions are hysterical, Gozde! Thanks for the giggles. ☺

As for Robalicious & Lucky Kristen not sharing Java...I'm sure they shared other *fluids* before they arrived at the set.

Thus...Kristen's Bed Head.

Mystery Solved! ☺

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

My understanding, is just my take it for what's it's worth...

it would of been just too easy to have them get married, have sex, have a baby, turn Bella-and it would not have struck true to the story of the "choice" that Bella makes to give up her "life" for Edward, and then to almost die to have renesme.
A lot of it had to do with SM relgious beliefs as well.

SM's own love of Jacob is what made her tie him up in a neat little packange with the imprint thing (which I also hated)...

Mars said...

eeeeeeeee! He's drinking Tim's! Oh! Tim Hortons should sponsor him! haha!

GiGi said...

Rob and Kris look like just two very good friends....I don't think there's anything going on. Especially after the VMA awards, when it was reported there was no PDA whatsoever going on backstage...that really says it right there. Oh too bad....I would love to see them together, get married and have babies in real life! :(

JLD said...

BD was a strange book and very random. Firstly with the pregnancy, then with the Caesarian, then with Jacob and Renesmee and also Stephanie's explanation of biology. There were a few WTF moments.

You have to feel for poor old Charlie in BD. Firstly Bella gets married at the tender age of 18, then he can't see her when she gets back from her honeymoon because she's ill. Then the next time he's sees her she's as white as a sheet and has a baby that looks about a year old. I'm surprised he didn't need a shrink after that.

SluttyPattz said...


Just sent you that script as well. I don't know if I am going to like him playing that character or not but scenes will be interesting.

Shani said...

Thanks again Teri. Got BA!!!

Shani said...

Teri- We want grownup
...HOT...SEXY...CHARMING... Rob.
R rated bb. It's going to be good.
Don't worry, he needs this as a leading man.

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

oh did Rob and kris give an exclusive? what did i miss? did they deny and say they were only friends? People please STOP denying something that Rob and Kris did not,Wait until they deny before stating observations as fact,

LET ROB AND KRIS DENY IT FIRST...they are keeping quiet and so should we.

zlove said...

The black Volvo still really bothers me...I hope I get over it by Nov 20th. Seriously, if they missed that detail, what else are they going to miss. This would have never happened with a female director

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Sunflower said...

Yes, I think that's a bit weird how Charlie handles Bella's transformation as well.
I mean, he doesn't ask any question: he sees Jabob turn into a werewolf, he sees Bella after a long time, white and more beautiful than ever, and most of all, he sees Renesmee!
It's a little too much, even though they tell him that he can't know the truth.

Sunflower said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

I agree with everyone!! LOL Just kidding. Anyway, I think BD may need to be split into 2 movies. They did the same for HP. @rpattz tmo, you may be able to simplify BD but you could also then simply Twilight and NM as well. It's a thick book, so to satisfy everyone and wrap up the story line I think 2 movies is sufficient. Don't forget you got the whole J. Jenks thing and Jake taking his rightful place as the Alpha in his own pack, Alice & Jasper going away, Rosalie protecting Bella, the list goes on. There's so much more to the story than just Bella and Edward have sex, she gets pregnant, she has a baby, etc. I too wasn't so crazy about Bella getting pregnant, I think it took something away from the forbidden love, but Stephenie M has said that it was supposed to only be one book and Bella getting pregnant was always the end result.

And Rob will do fine with his other movies. From interviews and such, Rob seems to be committed to this character. I don't think he'll be stereotyped since his other movies will be released in between the Twilight releases. Have a little faith girls!

RPnKSaddict said...

Gozde- Love your captions had me lmao.

I just can't help but smile when I see Rob smiling. He looks happy to be working. I want him to have a long and enjoyable career.

Kristen looks great to.
I admire that she's secure in herself enough to go the set all natural. What's the point in getting all made up to get made up all over again. She rocks!!! Love her!

Anonymous said...

@Simona ~ Maybe Charlie had a hunch all the time about what was going on in Forks. Or he heard the stories/legends from Billy. And/or he just has a really open mind and loves his daughter so much that he accepts anything. *shrugs* It reminds me of the grandpa in Lost Boys, when at the end he says something like "damn vampires" and they are all in shock because he knew. lol

Angela said...

the charlie part was the hardest for me to swallow. jacob is not allowed to reveal his secret, and he goes and phases in front of charlie, after B/E have worked so hard to protect him all this time.

I love the Bella/Charlie relationship. I also liked the mothering instinct of Bella in BD. I guess I could relate to all that.

I don't get how it was a choice about life and stuff. She knew she would have emergency vampirazation.

I loved distraught Edward falling to his knees in front of Jacob.

Anonymous said...

Breaking Dawn - Two Movies?
Well maybe I'm just thick but I struggle to comprehend how they could make TWO interesting movies out of Breaking Dawn and before anyone goes ballistic this is just MY POINT OF VIEW OK? It took me literally ALL Summer to get through reading Breaking Dawn even though my darling daughter who's a Twilight expert and read the books LONG before they became popular in the UK said it was the best book of the franchise. But what happens? Bella and Edward have the grand wedding, the exotic honeymoon, sex? Well OK.....She gets pregnant, difficult pregnancy, 'Alien' (LOVE that film) birth, super duper baby; Bella becomes a powerful Vamp, big showdown (NOT) with cast of thousand vampires, back-off, all live happily ever after, end of story. Into TWO films? How are they going to do that? IS it ME?

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

as much as i love seeing Robward and the love story between Ed and Bell,i want to see Rob in other roles,i cant wait to see RM and Bel ami ,he is going to shine in those roles,even zac Efron have moved on from High School musical,he wants to do more adult roles and move away from the teen heartthrob business. if you want to be taken serious in hollywood and respected you have move away from all this PG 13 Crap.

Sunflower said...

I know you're right LindaRose, I thought something like that when I read it, but know, remembering it, it sounds a bit weird.
And I agree with you Lizzibee: one movie for BD is surely enough :-)

Anonymous said...

perhaps Kris has to keep the mullet for any up coming photo shoots involving the movie??? That would make sense no?

Loisada said...

Gozde scripts are all win!

Rob looks like he's still hitting the gym regularly... can't hide those lovely muscles even under baggy tees.

Isn't Eclipse the book where he's always hanging around Bella's bedroom shirtless, and she keeps doing her best to jump his bones? Please tell me DS is going to keep that action in!! These two are the best at teasing and titillation, just look at these photos. Come on DS: ease off the angst and fighting and vamps, put in some "action" the ladies can really appreciate!

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

i think Summit is being greedy here, milking this baby for what its worth, but like every thing else Twilight have an expired date,iam hoping its later rather than sooner.

Anonymous said...

I agree...I really, really want Rob to move on from the teen stuff - this just isn't him. He really needs to take on more diverse interesting, out of character roles to stay viable in Hollywood and I'm sure he's capable of it. Most of all I want to hear him act in his own BRITISH accent. The man has a fantastic's mellow, rich and in my opinion comparable to Richard Burton. I could listen to Rob speak all day. I would love him to do a stint with the Royal Shakespeare Company...he would certainly learn a few things with I live less than 20 miles from Stratford-upon-Avon. I'd be over there everyday if I found out he was performing there!

Unknown said...

uh, you guys, it's only been a month since she stopped filming the runaways. And hair grows maybe a half to 3/4 inch a don't expect it to be too long too

cute pictures.

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

I love BURNING Edward in BD too, when he falls to his knees in front of Jacob, my heart just stopped....

Unknown said...

The problem with BD being two movies is its the least popular book of the series, has the least popular story developments, and has a lot of extra material that is not going to translate well onto the big screen(imprinting with toddlers anyone? Yeah, try to explain that one to an audience of moviegoers who haven't read the books,

I seriously don't see how they will even pull off Jacob's part in the last movie as a result). The franchise would fare much better with one movie, and then trim off A LOT of the "fat" of BD and just focus more on E/B, that's all people care about anyways.

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

@lizzi OMG that Voice just melts you,makes my whole body tingle

Cindeeloo said...

I just heard this morning on Ryan Seacrest's radio show (in regards to BD) Melissa R is currently working on the screenplay and according to (60 seconds of sleeze) it will be broken up into 2 movies. (shrugs shoulders)

IMO this is the one movie I hope doesn't stick to the exact storyline.

I hated how in the book Jacob seemed to take over the role as Renesme's father. Edward seemed so disengaged and never really bonded with her maternaly.

Anonymous said...

Isn't his voice just wonderful? I mean he has the looks but THAT's just ...I don't know ....just 'delicious'...he speaks like a true Englishman SHOULD speak...and believe it or not there ARE still a few around! I'm nuturing my 15 year old son LOL!

Birgit said...

Check it out. What Edward would've looked like the past 8 decades. :P

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...


Thank the lord for the 2000's-much better...

Anonymous said...


Absolutely spot on...I don't get the 'Imprinting' thing. Sounds absolutely bloody creepy to me. It just annoyed me throughout the whole scenario how ' Jacob' was always somehow involved. Bloody pain in the arse in my opinion...LOL

Island Atelier said...

This is what happens when u have a male director; bad hair and bigger (read: wrong) cars. I know Catherine had her faults, but she made a sweet movie with the resources she was given. These movies will not have any of Twilight's charm or romance. Please prepare yourselves for that!

KatKat said...

Does anyone else see that Kristin is wearing Rob's new, fan-donated Stoli shirt?

jmm4832 said...

LovesRob, there were 2 very cute pictures of Rob and Kristen backstage at the VMA's when he had his arm around her so I guess that qualifies sorta as PDA, but I agree with rpattz-turns-me-on, wait until they deny it before you assume there's nothing going on between them.

Marna said...

According to Lainey, this scene outside the police station is when Edward tells Charlie about the plane tickets to Florida. She could be wrong, but I don't remember any other scene when they go to the police station. Why would they change it from the kitchen to the police station? I don't think it's going to hurt the plot, but it seems strange.

That giant, black, soccer mom Volvo is just wrong.

Pet73 said...

A girl must be full of self-confidence to leave her house with such bad hair. I def. could not do that.

LindaRose- I'm with you regarding BD to be made into 2 movies. Of course we all want to see the wedding (with Jake appearing), the honeymoon (please don't leave out the feathers and the headboard), endless vampire sex, baby and showdown. But all the inbetween stuff (alpha, Charlie, Seth, Jenks) should be there and don't forget all the arriving vampires (and Nahuel) who might be a good opportunity to add other interesting characters. Oh, and what a great end to the saga if the add Edward reading Bellas mind for the first time.

Angela- I also loved Edward falling on his knees in front of Jacob (almost as much as I loved the accellarating Volvo and the tent scene in EC).

Btw, I also didn't like BD the first way round. I only was looking for Edward all the time. After reading it the 3rd time, I like it and of course, Edward is there all the time. That said, my favorite book still is EC.

Anonymous said...

You can also wait until they confirm it before assuming that they are together. (The never ending debate!!)

@KatKat ~ Look closer, that's not the new stoli shirt.

Okay, I'm putting it out there that I'm one of the people that will see anything that Rob is in even 2 BD movies because I'm a Twilight fan as well. And I have confidence in him that he will continue to have success in his career and not be stereo-typed because he IS making and taking different roles/movies. He challenges himself and it will show with his choices. He signed on for 3 movies of Twilight and he decided to continue on with the 4th (and 5th) because he's committed to this character and that's a good thing. Stop making it sound like it's career suicide.

Emily said...

Great pictures and hilarious captions as always, Goz! Thanks!

Kristen is my hero. I dare any of us to not wear a stitch of make-up and have greasy mullet bed hair around Rob. I know I wouldn't. She's still gorgeous, I think.

Doesn't look to me like Rob could care less what she looks like anyway. She's not trying to impress him and I bet he loves that.

Anonymous said...

@Pet73 ~ OMG, I forgot about Edward finally able to read Bella's mind. And Nahuel, etc. Yup, lots of other stuff in BD besides the obvious. Thanks!

Pet73 said...

I heard that Johnny Depp signed for another Pirates of the C. movie. Nobody will see him only ask Jack Sparrow, because he is so versatile.

And so is Rob! If he manages to do other movies inbetween, I don't think that he is in danger to be Edward Cullen for the rest of his life.

Pet73 said...

That's the problem of Daniel R. He never did any other movie than HP. Wonder what he will be doing after the last one.

WinWin said...

Thanks for the updates and funny commentary, Gozde.

Pet, please check your email.

Hugs to all my Robsessed girls!

WinWin said...

Just adding my 2 cents in about BD, must replace battle that never happens with some serious action. : )

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...


Rob knows exactly what he's doing with his career and he will be fine!

roxiegirl said...

Afternoon fellow Robbie lovers. The pics are gorgeous of Rob as usual. Just an FYI - I just preordered The Haunted Airman on Amazon. (comes out 10/13) Can't wait to see this movie! From the reviews of people that have seen it it's all Rob, all the time. My kind of movie!!!

Angie said...

I agree with your 2 cents WinWin.

Anonymous said...

@Pet73 ~ Actually Daniel Radcliffe did do some other movies, they just weren't well known nor does he have the fan base like Rob does. Plus he was doing theater, Equus. I think the difference with Daniel is that he was a child when he started the HP series. But I personally would love to see him in other roles as well. He's another talented cutie!!

LK said...

I love how Kristen doesn't give a shit for her looks.She feels so confident with herself and she knows who she really is.As she has said in an interview:"you can't judge someone for his looks.There must be more there".The girl rocks.As for Rob,he looks adorable,as always.

Dahlia said...

Thank you Gozde!!

These pictures are droolworthy... rather Robward is droolworthy! How anyone can form a coherent sentence around him is anybody's guess! He looks hawt!! *sigh*

p.s. Love your running commentary. You always know the right thing to say!

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

No they did not CONFIRM but they also did not for career suicide?? in hollywood anything can end a career,the streets of hollywood are litterd with the hopes and dreams of young actors, one bad choice,one movie flop can stall an actor's career, being Typecast can be career suicide if you dont have anything else to back you up,for a young actor like Rob it can be very dangerous,Johnny Depp is a hollywood veteran,he had yers in hollywood to prove his acting chops,Rob just cannot Compare the two.

Emily said...

LR - Wasn't Daniel R. full on nude in Equus? And riding a horse while nekkid too? That's about as far from Harry Potter as you can get. LOL
I agree he's so cute and seriously talented.

Anonymous said...

@rpattz tmo ~ Rob does have other movies to back him up, that's why he should be fine and if he isn't he's a smart boy, he has his music and I'm sure a whole mess of other stuff. And Yes fame is fleeting but chillax woman and lets all agree to disagree!! LOL

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

OT-but...why isn't Summit promoting Remember Me yet? It comes out the same time as Valentines Day-which has an AMAZING cast & director....I am concerned that Rob's movie may get overlooked...

Why aren't we seeing trailers yet?

Anonymous said...

Rob loooks good, Kristen looks like she needs a loooong vacation. I mean she's a beautiful girl, but you can tell she's hella tired. Summit what happens when you keep pushing and pushing? don't overwork the girl.

Anonymous said...

@Emily ~ Why yes he was!!! And I so wanted to see him on Broadway but missed it. But I did see pics! *smirk* Actually, I heard that he did really good in it and the nudity was so a part of the character that it wasn't shocking when he went nude. He has a nice body for a little guy. Aww, did I say that? :) Even he jokes about being short.

heather said...

Wow, just read this on twitter, make of it what you will.

"Harper's Bazaar is legit. In Touch is not. Cage match--who wins?"
8 minutes ago from web

If it's true it will come out the same time they are promoting NM, when it will be harder to escape the questions. Hmmmm...

Anonymous said...

rpattzgirl ~ it's only been about what 5 weeks since they stopped shooting RM. Look how long it took NM. I predict by December we'll see something for RM.

WinWin said...

Thanks, ADM. : )

rpattzgirl, are you packed yet? When are you heading to vancity again? 10/2? We want deets, girl! lol

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

@lindarose yes he is a very talented man,love his music, if everything else fails he can always come to New York and work for me the way Edward worked for Bella in the RED LINE........Hugs :-)

Pet73 said...

LindaRose- I only know about Equus. But do you have some details about Daniels other movies?

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Yeah, I know-but so did VD & it's all over-maybe because of NM? They'll wait till that comes out & then promote?


I will be there on 10/2!!! Lock up the vamps because I'm coming to town!

Pet73 said...

Hi Win! (waves frantically :p)
Haven't seen you here sooooo long!

Emily said...

LR - I saw some PG rated pics of Daniel and you're right, he does have a good body.
I remember Rob being asked what he thought of Daniel doing Equus and he thought it was a brilliant role to choose.

I'm not worried at all about Rob's choices in what he does after Twilight. He'll be just fine in whatever he wants to do.

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...


Wow-is all I can say. I guess we'll see!

Pet73 said...

Wonder if Rob will be in the new Dune movie. Personally I think that this is a great role for him.

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

I wondered that too..he met with Peter Berg a while back, but haven't heard anything since then...

Angela said...

I seriously doubt there is anything Rob can do to hurt his career. Everyone loves him unconditionally and that will never change.

I am not worried for a second about his career. I worry for his sanity a bit, but not his career.

Pet73 said...

rpattzgirl- At least this visit gave us a nice shot of his undies :).

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...



WinWin said...

Pet73, big hugs!

Dune would be cool. Will he be in spandex? Lol

WinWin said...

rpattz, bwahaha! I'm so excited for you! It sounds like so much fun.

big hugs!

Anonymous said...

rpattzgirl ~ What is VD?

rpattz tmo ~ Can you feel the love?! :)) I haven't read The Red Line yet but yeah sure!! LOL!!

Pet73 ~ I haven't seen the other movies yet, just saw previews for 2 of them but here they are from IMDb: December Boys '07; My Boy Jack '07; and The Journey Is the Destination (in production)

JLD said...

I'm really looking forward to Rob's other movies I think it'll be good for people to see him in a different light. In a way I think that Rob has been quite smart in his career moves. He could have just done Twilight and nothing else like Daniel Radcliffe has only really done Harry Potter, Dan will find it difficult to find other roles as easily.
Rob seems to be using the opportunity, while he is hot topic no 1, to seize other roles so that people get to see him in a different light.
I think it'll help him in the long run to establish a long running career and eventually people will see him as something other that Edward Cullen.
The problem with Rob is that he doesn't believe in his own hype and I don't think he totally believes in himself. He should because I think this guy has a lot to off the film industry. He's a decent enough actor and he has a personality to match. I think he'll be ok and I say good luck to him.

Unknown said...

hey emily,

as for bed head and no makeup around rob

shit yea i'd would definitely do that around rob,if he doesn't like it he can pack his toys and go home. lol

that's nothing i don't ordinarily do anyway.

rob puts his pants on the same way i do.

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Valentines Day, the one Taycob did over the summer-has an amazing cast...

Pet73 said...

JLD- It also helps that Rob's not a "classic beauty" (like Zac or Chace C.) as his face is not very symmetric. He much more has an interesting (and very masculine) face what definitely will help with character roles. (I'm sure that some day we will see him as the villain.)

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

My fantasy of the day:

to have a "love day" with Rob.

Emily said...

apprentice - lol! Well, my hat's off to you then.

I look downright scary first thing in the morning and hope I don't see anyone I know if I leave the house, let alone Rob.

AP said...

@rpatzzgirl: they will promote Remember Me when New Moon is out. I would look for a trailer around um..mid to late November? ;)

Gozde: Haha! I'm down!

Pet73 said...

Watched some clips of "December boys" with Daniel on youtube. Seems like an interesting movie (although it obviously wasn't that big a hit - at least not here in Austria).

Michelle said...

Still pissed about Volvo-Gate.

*shakes head* followed by *shakes fist* It's supposed to be SILVER. Siiiillllvverrr!!!!

Robward is still looking hot though.

JLD said...

I agree Pet73. One think I like about Rob is unlike Zac. Zac I really don't get. Rob is different. He looks like a man not a teenager still. He's a bit rough around the edges, he doesn't care what he looks like and above all no curtains (man-bangs). No floppy, schoolboy boy haircut a la Chace/Zac.
I don't mind Chace as much he can be pretty hot but Zac, no thanks. Overall Rob beats them hands down. Mwah! There is something undeniably irresistable about Rob.

Anonymous said...

Pet73 ~ It wasn't big here either in the States. But I hope that Daniel can move beyond HP. It would be a waste of talent if he can't. I always say theater is the way to go sometimes to build up a resume.

Emily said...

Pet73 - I saw an interview with Daniel when he was promoting December Boys and they showed a clip. It looked pretty good. But I think you're right, it wasn't a big movie at all. He did say it was funny that he was playing an orphan in that movie as well.

My mom watched "My Boy Jack" and said it was really good but a little strange to see Daniel with a mustache. I can imagine it would be!

JLD said...

What did happen to the silver volvo? I read somewhere it as given away. Crazy idots. Bet Rob was like 'come back with my car'. lol.

I hope we get that scene where Bella is on her way home from sneaking off to see Jacob and suddenly Edward's volvo is behind her. I wanna see his p*ssed off look. There's a lot of Eclipse that I hope ends up in the movie. It was my fav out of the books so I'm really looking forward to it.

Unknown said...

Rob's allure in a lot of ways is that he's pretty but he's not vain. Chace and Zac seem vain, overly done up all the time. He's also sexy, but is boyishly charming at the same time. Women love a pretty man who isn't vain, and is charming without coming off calculating, given the good looks.

And heathers-wow, really about the harper's bizarre magazine? That's interesting. I can only imagine Kristen confirming the relationship in an awkward, stilted sentence, she's so

Pet73 said...

JLD- It was the prize in a very stupid and disgusting game at the Tyra Banks show.

Unknown said...

Daniel R. too has been trying to do more indie fare to balance out the megafranchise hee's in, thus the smaller movies that weren't expected to be huge box office hits.

Robert will most likely follow Daniel's path to an extent, of trying smaller, more indie films and roles to balance out his megafranchise background too. I'm guessing we'll see a nice mix of more commercial fare and indie and even experimental fare from the kid.

beyonce said...

Robert and Kristen are confirming in Dec. Harper's Bizarre? Thanks for the tip Heather.

AP said...

Rpg: Sorry, misspelled your name. So tired I can hardly see but here I am instead of resting. Must be that O word..

Pet: Yeah, December Boys was a low-key small film done in South Australia but it did give Dan a chance to show a bit more range, which helps.

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

I'm not liking the dom too much-once the face slap-I was done...

Think I'll start the red line tonight-then maybe clipped wings...

Pet73 said...

But if Rob is going to be in Dune, this def. will be a departure from his indie film projects (besides TW saga of course) to a blockbuster kind of movie.

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