Robert Pattinson on Eclipse Set 09/09/09

That is a different Volvo right? Tell me that they did NOT change the stupid shiny Silver Volvo to stupid NOT shiny black Volvo?

At least Kristen's evil wig looks better and Rob loooks... dreamy... as usual... :)

Once again we had our twiwrists slapped and have to remove the pictures :(

Head over to for the pix. Thanks Socialitelife...


Lisa said...

Looks like Edward upgraded from a stupid shiny silver Volvo to a high end Volvo SUV LOL

Erin said...

I think that is the car he has been seen riding in...I sure hope they didn't change the Stupid Shiny Silver Volvo...

Lisa said...

Oh, Dee-dee-dee me!!

I should have read the comment before commenting LOL

Anyway, good to see Edward hasn't changed his hair style LOL

Maryann said...

Sorry I am not fussed about the cars, LOL but I do agree er they need to keep some sort of continuity though

Kristen's wig does look better and she looks so adorable when she smiles lol. Rob well..he is Rob, what's not to like there!

Anonymous said...

silver volvo - blue volvo - so much for tecnical details ......

Robward looks GORGEOUS!!

Unknown said...

Funny how he looks "BOTHERED" by the lady messing with his do !!! LOL !!!

orion said...

Rob & Kristen are looking very good. Rob always hot, his hair looks very nice...

Yvonne said...

Hmmmm, Robward in plaid? Looks a little like the Remember Me plaid shirt....and the Volvo....WTF? I hope not. KS looks great...

Karina Zandonadi said...

It's not possible they could be so stupid to change it.

Suz said...

Gaah! He is Fucking Flawless.

Lisa said...

@ the other Lisa...

OMG...yes, he does look BOTHERED!!

hahaha!! I watched those last night!

"I'm 6'2! He's 5'6! HELLO??" hahahaaaa!!

Kelly said...

The Wig aside.(Please put it aside!) what the heck are they doing with Bella's eyebrows? She looks like she has two caterpillers hanging above here eyes.. I'm not liking the look orf Eclipse so far.. David Slade better pull off something fierce with this.. I'll be so depressed if he lets the story down!

Suz said...


Rob, was that a scratch or a pick?


Kelly said...

Hey Suz!! ((waves))

JandR said...

Come on are you kidding me!!! Edward in a checked shirt. They are trying to cash in on Rob's fandom and make Edward look as hot as Rob LMAO

Unknown said...

Of course her wig looks better, it's covered. Since when did Edward start dressing like Robert???

JandR said...

Hey Suz!! just a scratch LOL

solas said...

There IS a silver car there in some of the photos, folks.

Tyler said...

Rob and Kristen smiling at each other is like peanut butter and jelly... perfect combination! They both look good - how am I going to survive Eclipse?! Oh right, New Moon in 2 months, that's how! :)

Unknown said...

I thought Bella is supposed to be a natural beauty who didn't wear makeup? I Kristen would need some because it is a movie but the lipstick is really obvious

meryma said...

Finally some new pics from the set! I missed Robward...

I'm not fan of the Volvo but if they change it for SUV they are f-cking nuts! That is wrong in so many levels!!

solas: that silver car is not the Volvo

Unknown said...



Anonymous said...

What is up with the clothes??.
Edward and the rest of the cullens for that matter,are always described as wearing designer-esk clothing.

A cheap looking suit jacket and plaid shirt does not cut it.Keep to the source material Slade.

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

so are they filming a scene? prep for a scene or what?kris looks amazing she is glowing with that smile.....oh and my ROB is HOT i love him without a hat showing hi sex hair,i love seeing my rob smiling and happy

Rayodeluna said...

Kely I agree with you! I'm a little concerned about David and Eclipse! With Chris I felt relieve in every photo, the quality and attention to details that he had and makeup was much much better! With David I'm getting a bad vibe! I really hope he doesn't let me down! I don't like these changes! Every director has a differente way to do things but come on! We're talking about Twilight! This is major! A lot of people is in love with this story!

Golnaz said...

They are changing the Volvo? Why???

Love the one of them smiling and relaxed, Kristen looks great! And any pic of Rob is a good pic!

Joelle said...

I'm not sure I like Edward dressing like Rob...I mean, don't get me wrong I'm actually a bigger Rob fan than I am of Edward, but they're so different, it just doesn't seem Edward-like to be wearing faded black jeans, old t-shirts, and plaid flannel shirts. And, the black volvo may just be used for interior shots, therefore it wouldn't matter what the outside color is

selective_fox said...

No no no no no..
Edward would never wear plaid! Alice would never allow it either.
Come on.

Shani said...

The car went to that girl who won it at the Tyra show. It was the actual car they used in the movie. So I guess they didn't want to get another one.The Cullens can afford it and Edward can upgrade if he wants to. The movie isn't always going to go by the book.Switching up a color of a car is a minor detail and want hurt the story one bit.

Solas- I think that was a Honda.

Anyway, Rob is looking good. Kris wig has some curls in it, but it still changes her whole facial structure. Which is a bit off putting. It's whatever now...they are not changing it.

Unknown said...


I so agree. I don't think this is good for Robert. He has said that he wants to play different parts in movies to show that he is versatile but if anyone can remember when he was filming "Remember Me" his character dressed like Robert too.

meryma said...

The more money they make the bigger mistakes are...

Shani: FYI the Volvo c30 is the brand of twilight!

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

i dont like the idea of edward dressing like rob,its to close to reality i hope this david slade guy know what the fuck he is doing*sigh* any one watch the movie (30 days of night?) i did not like that movie,iam hoping he does a better job with eclipse.

WhyIstheRumAlwaysGone said...

What about the silver car in most of the pics? Is it a Volvo or not? Maybe the black Volvo SUV will be used for other purposes. But that's not to the point...surely you guys are not going to get frantic about this and conclude poor David Slade is going to mess Eclipse? Because of a car which may or may not be there?

DesiEnM said...

Eclipse is SERIOUSLY stressing me...they are so NOT paying attention to the's like whatever let's just do it...ala twilight...Kstew hair, the fuc-ing stupid shiny volvo, Kstew and Rob's cloth are WRONG...those pants look like the ones that KS uses all the time and the same for the plaid that Rob has on...WTF??? i hope that David S is aware that twilight fans are a little ahem enthusiastic *coughCrazycough* and if he mess this up...we will chase him...with an antorch..

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

GAH!!! OMG!! Breath!!!

Robward looks beautiful!!!!

Is that a green plaid shirt he's wearing??

Wig looks better-her eyebrows look different..

Don't care about the cars, only who's driving them!!!

SluttyPattz said...

Hopefully, they were just staging the lines and that's not really his outfit.

...wowie! said...

Edward Cullen is getting hotter. Guess Rob's hair is starting to grow likey long.

I can tell that damn thing on her head is a wig. Why? Bc for a bit, I didn't realize it was Kristen playing Bella.

And are they cuties when they're smiling. I love shiny happy people! ;)

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

the cullens are rich and into chic designer cloths,edward wont be caught dead in that shit (no pun intended )

Sadrilil said...

OMG *faints** The hat is gone the hair is free and he is sexier then ever!!!!!!!!

Nicole said...

Haven't been able to robsess for over a week, no internet access. Been doing my head in. Love these pics. I will bask in the georgeousness that is Rob. Hmm, yum.

Unknown said...

Kristin doesn't look like herself, I'm not liking the makeup either, she looked much prettier in Twilight.

DesiEnM said...

yeah @Tery i hadn't thought about it...maybe they are rehearsing?? hopefully they are...pleaseeee!

Nicole said...

They wouldn't have had to use a wig if she hadn't got that bloody awful haircut in the first place. Yuck! Who the hell let her do that with the rest of the movies coming up?

Suz said...

Bella is DROP DEAD (pun intended) GORGEOUS in New Moon!

Eclipse is looking a little fail to me


Mr. Slade.. FIX THIS!

Unknown said...

Chris Weitz didn't use the shiny silver Volvo either, folks. Everyone freaked out over that when NM was filming. It's an adaptation of a book - details will change. I mean it's a car - not at all essential to the story.

Rob looks great (the plaid shirt and everything)and how cute is Kristin with that smile? Love them!

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

I love everything we've seen so far with Eclipse..

Except, lets say it-the wig-mabe it will look better on screen?

And the groucho eyebrows have me worried.

Menno van Hasselt said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

The silver volvo was given away on Tyra-

I don't care what he drives, scooter, skateboard, heelies, no matter, me love Robward.

Suz said...


Dude, I think Volvo would make an exception and create a replica for the film.

hee hee hee


jmm4832 said...

Nicole, I know what you mean. I'm leaving for FL for a week on Sat. and there will be no internet access. No pictures of Rob for a whole week! Going to be painful.

Love these ones. It's great to see Rob without a hat on.

AP said...

It's rehearsal. Sound check. Close-ups.

Edward survived a peacoat so I guess he will survive plaid, if necessary.

mya bluesky said...

Edward looks more like Rob or maybe becoz of the clothes??? or maybe David S adapt Rob's style to Edward??? i dunno.
Bella looks so pretty, i love her cute :)

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

True, but I like the upgrade to the SUV!

Now if they could just have some hot sex in the back, that would make it better.

TheQuietOne said...

Ooooooh...I want to touch Robward's hair!! Please, please, please, please, pleeeeaaaassse!

Haystackhair said...

SQEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! New Robward pictures! I am so dying to see more. More NM, more Eclipse. He's gorgeous as always.

Michelle said...

Maybe Edward upgraded to an SUV because Alice told him he has a baby in the future, he's just getting prepared...?

WHY WHY WHY are they always dressing Rob in his won clothes. ok ok, IRL his wardrobe choices are totally adorkable, but come ON people.

Ana73 said...

yay, we got pics from the set !!! i think kristen's wig looks so much better :) maybe they are fixing it with all of the sites complaining about how it looks so awful. rob looks so hot as always. i dont really care which car he drives, to me it's not that essential to the movie, if that's the only thing they change i am fine with that. they also got rid of bella's truck from twilight, i think someone won that or auctioned, i wonder what she will be driving.

Unknown said...

I love Edward's pea coat! Classic.

Suz said...

A better upgrade would be

Bella with an S.U.Z.


laura.giurgiu said...

forget the color of the's a different car altogether! in twilight it was a volvo c30 this one is an xc60 or wouldn't matter much, but a stupid shiny silver volvo wouldn't be shiny unless it's is kinda' early to freak out about eclipse being messed up, let's wait a little until we have conclusive evidence :)) and about Rob's outfit, they could be rehearsing and not shooting an actual least let's hope they were

Haystackhair said...

I think they are rehearsing. He doesn't look like he has the pale makeup on. Soooo pretty!!!

Unknown said...

At first I saw these shots and though Summit must be throwing fans a bone,but now I think an extra took these pics and i heard he/she was escorted off the set because of them.

I'm sure that Eclipse is going to be good - but then I'm a little less hung up on minor details - for me it's about the story. And maybe they shouldn't release too mnay on set pics as it gives folks a less than complete vision of what the film will ultimately look like.

Suz said...

Stupid Car Changing Eclipse Director

Ana73 said...

there is a message from david slade on twifans site about the car not sure if i could post it or not here so go check it out.

Unknown said...


I think that message from Slade is a hoax.

RPnKSaddict said...

I bet Rob is doing a happy dance the peacoat is gone, he hated it.LOL
Really it's hard to tell what exactly is going on in the few pics we have actully gotten. I want to keep an open mind as much as possible because Eclipse is my favorite in the series...I have to keep my hope alive it will be done well.

Robward looks gorgeous.

Ana73 said...

yves, wasn't sure but i thought since they put it up maybe ?? anyways like i said before the car isn't that big of a deal to me.

Ana73 said...

RPA - this is my favorite too of all the books. keeping an open mind to DS to see how he captures the book.

jmm4832 said...

Just one question. I'm assuming the paparazzi took these photos. How are they getting in? I thought security was tight on the set.

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Oh, volvo discontinued the Silver volvo-so it will be a black one?

Unknown said...

I can't wait to see NM and Eclipse. So excited. I think some fans of the book were unhappy w/ Twilight but I was fascinated by the choices CH and Melissa Rosenberg made. I had fun analyzing why they did they did certain things the way that they did. I even liked the lighting and color!

Loisada said...

How sweet it is to see a gorgeous Robward back and smiling. And damn Kris does have one bootilicious back end, who's going to be looking at the hairline anyway?!

The clothes are a puzzle... don't get any clear visual sense of the aethestics of Eclipse yet, but it isn't looking very sensual after the luscious NM feel.

Unknown said...

@Ana - no, i'm glad you did bring it up!

@jmm4832 - re: how these set pics came about - I heard an extra took these shots and then got kicked off the set!

Karina said...

That looks like a soccer mom volvo. lol But it does look like maybe it's not THE volvo but what he drives in to and from the set maybe.

Ana73 said...

yves - i didn't think twilight was that bad either. it really couldn't have been if it made over $300 million. but i am really looking forward to the next ones, bigger budget should produce a better movie, we hope at least.

Anonymous said...

Oh these pics have made my day. We seem to have had so little information/updaates from the Eclipse set but I'm thinking that's a deliberate ploy to keep the focus on New Moon. Whatever the reason it's great to see Rob looking so relaxed on set and indeed Krstin (I'm starting to warm towards her again) of all is that photo of them BOTH smiling.There have been one or two snarky comments today regarding the photo of them with the fan when they were out and about shopping at the weekend...not on this site but a couple of others I dip into. It's a shame...I mean it's their downtime...they don't HAVE to smile and at least they allowed themselves to be photographed.

Unknown said...

@Loisada: ITA on the Eclipse aesthetic - hard to read by these shots, as they're all. I think full on screen-caps will tell us a loy more about the overall look of them film.

The clothes appear to be aligned with Edward and Bella in Twi and NM, IMO. Very casual. I think they're doing a lot of layering for Edward for New Moon and Eclipse - button downs over cotton tees.

mya bluesky said...

interview with spencer aka Sam Uley, there are questions about rob's Gym activity:
Radar: You said that you like that the vampire is the cool skinny guy. Rob is basically the only guy in the show that isn’t working out in between scenes because he’s not buffing up, right?
Spencer: No, actually he was training with us.

Radar: Did he go to Wolf Camp?
Spencer: No, he did Vampire Camp! I don’t know what his workout regimen was but he would show up before or after us because we were on two different shooting schedules during New Moon and most of the vampires, I met them for dinner once but then boom, we all went our separate ways to work. I would hear the trainer say oh Rob lifted this much weight, and I’d say really?

more questions about rob here

twilightmami2008 said...

Robert/Edward and Kristen/Bella looking so cute and relaxt together!!

Team Robert/Edward <3<3<3<3<3

Anonymous said...

It's great to see some pics from Eclipse! Maybe Edwards plaid shirt is a designer plaid . . ya neva know. I think they both look good, especially Rob. Love that his hair is getting longer!! And Kristen looks really pretty and the wig actually doesn't look so bad here. I'm also a little skeptical with David Slade directing but didn't everyone say the same about Chris W and look what he's done with the clips that we've seen so far. I guess we all need to have a little faith people. As long as they don't change important details from the book it should be okay but I do agree with about the silver Volvo. I mean when I saw that silver Volvo in Twilight I was so excited. Fingers crossed one this one because Eclipse is my fav book of the saga as well.

TanjaB. said...

Sweet Jesus... finally we see the sexy-hair again! So yummy!!!

Kristen looks gorgeous as always and I LOVE the picture where they smile at each other! :)

Unknown said...

@Ana - Yeah, it made serious bank and I think the casting and plot for Twilight were more noteworthy than any of of C. Hardwicks "missteps." I think she put out a great product despite having such limited resources. Which is why ITA re: NM and Eclipse - they can only get better given their super-sized budgets.

Unknown said...

Also, and I'm rambling a little here, but I think NM and Eclipse are going to blow us all away because Rob and Kris are super invested in their characters now. I was comparing Comic Con '08 and '09 and got the sense from their panel discussion that they looked at the first Twi as a lark. I feel like R&K feel a greater responsibility now and I'll bet we'll see the difference in their acting.

Tessa B. said...

Seriously, they couldn't have gone wrong if they choose the Volvo s40 or s80!

CullenGal09 said...

Ok, ladies. Let's calm down. We're sweating the details a little too much dohn't you think? Rob and Kris look great, and the wig is fine, and who cares about the car? It's a Volvo, and as has been pointed out, it may just be for interior shots. Let's wait and seemore before we judge so harshly. After all, we haven't seen much at all int e way of set pics yet-it's been very slim on that front. I for one am just happy to see Rob looking so beautiful as ever, and Kris looks cute, and they both look happy, most importantly. Bravo to them both, they look great, I think. And after all, Edward was most comfortable in jeans and plain shirts-he wore t's and jeans throughmost oof Twi-nothing flashy. He's just dressed up so wonderfully in NM beacause of the birthday party. Let's be cool, guys.Again, let's see more before we get too upset.

@Shani-I agree 100% with you abou the Volvo, and about Kristin. Loves you gal!

CullenGal09 said...

@RPATTZGRL-Robward so rocks my world too! He is def gorgeous and I think we're all thankful the peacoat is gone-LOL-but I did kind of like it. ;) Oh, and hot sex in the back-oh, YEAH....hehe.

Unknown said...

I can't wait for New Moon or Eclipse to come out. I just hope Kristen can show more emotion than has in her past movies.

peeling a fig said...

Yves- I also liked the pea coat, thought it was classic and classy.

He looks GORGEOUS methinks.

Maria said...

would you people relax about the car already??? These are the Cullens, he has like 10 cars in his garage, why is everyone obsessing about the car??? Silver, black, whatever..the point is that these two are really into character and that they are going to bring Eclipse in life as best they can! That's the only thing that should matter here, not these details..
The only thing that upsets me is that I see they have changed the scene from the book here, because it seems that Bella runs of with Jacob in his motocycle leaving Edward behind, which is something that DOESN'T happen in the book, and in my opinion, shouldn't happen..but I get that they have to change the storyline a bit, just don't push it with the love triangle people!!

Diane said...

First, it's the Volvo, next it's Edward dressing like Rob and before you know it the cast is sporting fangs and hanging upside down in caves. It's attention to detail that indicates how faithfully the book will be represented on film. Let's hope the car's a standin, Rob's rehearsing & David Slade does not have an auteur complex.

Babs said...

To me something's wrong with Kristen's eyebrows, they look terrible.
As for the volvo, I don't like it when they change little details, but I understand that everything can't be exactly as it is in the book, it'd be impossible.
At least they could use a silver volvo, different model but same color.

Suz said...


Your comment...


indigo.bunting said...

everytime i see a new picture of him i practically wet myself with excitment.

Anonymous said...

Kristen has such a cute little bum!
Robward looks sexilicious as usual!!

Unknown said...


I think they are doing both scenes on this day. The one where Jacob and Edward have words and the one where Bella escapes from Alice when Edward is away.

Angie said...

For me, the silver VOLVO, felt like a main character in the books.
It definitely had a presence.

Would hate to see it replaced, but life goes on!

Angela said...

I agree bad vibe from Slade. I also noticed the Rob and Kristen seem disturbed in most of the set photos we've seen. and Rob said at CC that he finds himself arguing about Eclipse.

All the sets/costumes I've seen so far look unimpressive to me.

And the Volvo IS very important to me. I notice every Volvo I see now and it just feels special to me because of TW.

Here's a link to a comparison of the cars in the movie and the book.

That is a C30 I think, so the same model, just a darker gray color.

I personally don't care for the hatchback at all.

Like the pic of Rob liking the ladies eyebrow.

And I'm not too worried because Rob could save ANY movie.

Shani said...


Now about Rob wearing plaid. This movie is set in modern times.So the fashion of this year is what will be seen. It's the trend now to wear plaid....guys and girls are wearing it. There are clothes, shoes, and all types of accessories now that are plaid. I myself just bought a black and gray plaid handbag.Plaid is being sold everywhere from designer wear to Walmart products.

Shani said...

CG- I agree with you too.

Angie said...

Oh hell, Shani,

That means Rob will have to throw out all of his plaid. It will be too fashionable for him! lol

CullenGal09 said...

@Shani-hey again! I loves you right back...;)

I think all this is premature, we've seen very little due to the closed set policy DS has. We really have little to go on-very little. Tay looks amazing, Rob and Kris look great, so wahts the big deal? BTW-I dont think we have to worry about fangs and hanging upside down...let's not get crazy. I think DS is better than that, and SM is in on this one as she has been on all the movies so far, protecting the integrity and the majority of the continuity as well. I for one have a little more faith.

Anonymous said...

i cannot beleive that they changed the volvo! i know the one for eclipse is still a vovlvo but i mean... come on! they should have at least kept it silver at the very least... this movie is gonna suck...

Angela said...

Grrrr... OK I was totally wrong about the car. It is an XC90, which is an SUV, not a coupe C30 like in the first movie.

Sorry, I don't speak car and driver.

But it looks to me like a different model. Hmmm....

I think maybe Volvo has input on the cars for the movie that may explain the change.

marya said...

damn that boy can make getting out of a car look sooooo stylish and FINE! oh yes that last picture had me drooling for some time...damn damn daaayum....thats all i have to say...

Anonymous said...

They gave the original silver Volvo away on the Tara Banks show after Twilight.

Anonymous said...

Rob's shirt looks like one he wore in Remember Me. Maybe they were practicing their lines and not really in film-mode yet.

Anonymous said...

Wow what happened Gozde? I was wondering why I couldn't get onto this site for a while. I was panicking and having withdrawals!! I love this site!

Gozde said...

They want to charge us for the pictures and we don't make nearly enough to pay for them :(( Sooo the pictures are gone...

Anonymous said...

Seems like that's happening a lot lately. Looks like everyone wants to make a little $$ with Rob.

solas said...

Most of Bella doesn't look like Kristen.
And it's a new school year; why not a new car?

Anonymous said...

It's "Robgazmus"! *sigh*

Please more, not having Robward updates is unbearable, can't have enough of him, please Rob...

Lucerne said...

Glad to finally get a glimpse of some of the filming for Eclipse.

I personally don’t care whether or not Edward’s car was changed. Besides I like the new Volvo. As long as they stay true to the Edward and Bella relationship, I don’t care if they change clothes or cars.

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