

SophiePATTINSON said...

I love every one of these shots .. so damn sexy.

Anonymous said...

So beautiful it hurts. Thanks for the pictures.

Anonymous said...

How did he never make it big as a model? Mind you ...thank God he didn't...LOL and some think he looks GAY? He is ALL MAN !!!

Anonymous said...

I am barely breathing...I can't find the air...don't know I'm doing...imagining you're there.

Breathtakingly beautiful.

Goz: the new banner is stunning as well!

Gabstastic said...

SO damn hawt! This guy really knows how to make a girl drool!!!


thanks for make it! MWAH!!

Haystackhair said...

GAH! How many times must you kill me with these pictures? As I said in the last post, Thankyou God (and Goz) I know know what his face would look like before, during, and after my f*ckfest with him. D..I...E...D. THUD

Haystackhair said...

Ooops, brain scrambled from all the hormones screaming in my body. Meant to say I NOW know....THUD

Unknown said...

wow! he is so beautiful! he makes wearing sweats look so damn good! i love his hair in these pics! looks like he was tossling it! :)

Maria L said...

but what´s up with that vest.? and some of the poses..? but his face is truly amazing, so incredibly beautiful.

Cougar71 said...

Definitely one of the most handsome men I've ever seen in my life! Every one of those pix is beautiful.

jmm4832 said...

Love the fucking pictures, tags or not. Sorry to be crass, but these pictures just speak the f word.

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

OMFG! The Banner-gulp-puddles-

panties exploded all over my desk..

aimary said...

GUYS!! I LOVE YOU!!! THANKS FOR THE UNTAGGED!!!!! this pictures are so so beautiful!!!! YOU ROCKS!!

Kate said...

Ooh I love this photoshoot and the banner is only fabulous!!!

MMc said...

Absolutely awesome shots.

I read somewhere that the Italian set for New Moon with hundreds of extras was rather plain and boring until the day Rob was there. On those days everyone was more alert and there was definitely a higher excitement in the air.

He's so charismatic - even without trying - and so magnetic.

@Lizzibee - lot's of people say that about European men. I think they just aren't afraid of their feminine side like American men feel they have to be so macho and it's not a stigma over there.

Federico Zarco said...

your pantttssss are falling downn!!!
you can't go walking by the street like that!!! use your brain!!!!.....
well maybe he doesnt know what pants are.

RPLover said...

new banner = awesome.

less tagged pics = beautiful.

untagged pics = PRICELESS!

thank you, we will take all you've got! even if it means we've died all over again ;)

Federico Zarco said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Babs said...

Friggin' sexiest pics ever!!

Chris said...

I don't get it. How can he act so shy one moment and the next do a photoshoot like this???!!!

T said...

My afternoon at work just got a lot better. I just hope I don't pass out looking at these photos. I don't want to have to explain that to my co-workers. Never mind the fact that I have looked at them a zillion times at home.

Anonymous said...

@ femroc
I think you are spot on regarding the 'gay' vibe. I mean nobody in their right mind would call this gentleman gay for crying out loud.

This new banner is a work of art....it really is....does he not hae this otherworldly look about him....timeless, classic...sigh

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

more rob pics YIPPE......european men are very sexual and magnetic

Unknown said...


noisefaidaus said...

I'm dying here these are so luscious I find I want to lick my computer screen. God the man is devastatingly gorgeous.
One night with him and I could die happy!

Marna said...

Oooooh, untagged. I am so happy. These shots are amazing, I don't know why they weren't released before now.

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

am i the only one who wants to kneel in front of him and help him pull those pants down further,i dont think he is wearing anything under the pants,i think its just hanging there all big and throbbing ready to .......

Anonymous said...


Ha ha - Oh my God - glad you said that! I have to be careful what I say...eyes are on the lookout here in this household....it's pathetic.

AMC said...

Yup, he is sex. Yup.

roxiegirl said...

@rpattz-turns-me-on GAAAA stop already with pulling down the pants. I'm going to be in a state of arousal all day. (Which I don't really mind... te he) I think the one where he has his hands under his heads screams "was that as good for me as it was for you"?? and the answer is yes!!! (in my dreams...) Just died, again.

I agree with Chris - he acts so shy and then does a photoshoot like this. It screams SEX - he knew what he was doing....to us!!

Unknown said...

Is this photographer gay? He presents Rob like some kind of satyr. He does not capture Rob's true character, but makes him play a part. A sexy part... but ...I don't know... The one with Rob showing his armpit got me gagging, ever so slightly. I think Robert Pattinson is a beautiful man, inside and out. He doesn't need to lower his pants (unless it's for a movie role) to make us adore him.

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

So here's my vision...

palms down on both sides of my face, holding himself up for a moment while I slide his pants down with my feet.....and slowly, lowers himself...


rpattz-turn-me-on said...

sorry ladies :-) my mind going wild today

Anonymous said...

RPattz Girl
Blimey!!! Steady on there girl!

Anonymous said...

@ Sandy
You are right...Rob doesn't need to lower his pants,,,,,a bit of mystery is much more erotic than everything full on in your face so to speak LOL

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

I totally agree-he doesn't need to lower his pants..

unless he's with me that is...

Anonymous said...

oh. my. hell. i think i just died and went to heaven. seriously! does he not understand how effing beautiful he is??? it should be against the law to be so damn hot!!

Annette said...

The one of RobWard holding up his knuckles in preparation for a fight, eyes tight and glowing with danger... that is my absolute favorite. It'll be very fitting for the story Shadowboxer by nobloodnofoul. :)

coxie said...

I love the banner as always! Seriously, it's a damn crime that these pictures were kept from us. He is utterly beautiful.

coxie said...
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lostinphilly said...

Hey, Thirtysomething - Duncan Sheik, YEAH, I love that song!!!And yes, that says it all, barely breathing!!!

And all I can say about all of these friggin' SO SEXY pix is that ALL of them just scream, "FUCK ME"!!!!!!

He is definately trying to kill us...

lostinphilly said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Spontaneous orgasm!!!! I can't breathe!

Unknown said...

I have never been so turned on in my life!!!!

2.3 said...

ai Rob why you are so beautiful??
I love you! Me bite hehehe
Kisses baby

Twinky and JazzyCakes said...

Shmexy photos! Oh and awesome new banner!!!

Aitch said...

well..... I don't have any words for these photos. I mean I don't think words will do them justice. I guess my usual RP reaction will have to suffice for now
wow fucking wow...

peeling a fig said...

Yeah, had to weigh in on the gay comments. I don't think anyone sees Rob as the least bit,not the tiniest, ittiest bit, gay. Any interview or film footage makes it clear he's 100% hetero. But the styling of those yanked photos surely must appeal to the gay male community as well. Sex eyes, sleeveless,lying around on the floor? Sexy to both women and homosexual men, don't you think? He is universally bee-yoo-ti-ful.

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

people assume rob is gay because he is pretty,lets be honest here none of the twilight women are as pretty as rob,he is a beautiful man,but my gut tells me he is all 100% str8,i have a very good vibe and he have none,plus no gay man would be caught dead wearing those cloths lol ,rob reminds me of david beckam,very beautiful but all man.

dansrmom said...

I loved this... and the song choice is sooooo perfect! TEMPTATION

AP said...

Thank you for using some less-well known pics, at least to me, and showing a comp more illustrative of his persona than just eye candy. (Except, of course, for THAT shirt which I took from him and relegated to the darkest of fates!)

Re being gay, since it has been raised: I'm sure Rob explored the potential when filming LA, if he is an honest actor who brings himself to the part, and he is. It doesn't seem to me that playing Dali convinced him he was gay!

MMc said...

OMG did you see 2:02 in this video??????????
He's got quite a TONGUE!!!!!!!!

Check it out - incredible

Aitch said...

I am so SAD these pics are gone and that I didn't save them while I had the chance!!

Gabstastic said...

ite an email and ill send it to you!!!! click on my name!

Aitch said...

OK I will leave you my e-mail in a comment. THNX.

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