Robert Pattinson - Kristen Stewart (James White Photoshoot) in HQ

Click on the below thumbnail for HQ:

source: Last Beautiful Girl via [info]brandnewluv in [info]pattinsonlife


Haystackhair said...

GAH! The JAW! the lips, the eyes!!! Brain and hormone overload! Ovaries combusted....THUD!

roxiegirl said...

Two REALLY beautiful people. One of my fav pics of the two of them. Btw the HQ link did not work. ? For me at least. Rob just melts me....sigh.

Gozde said...

Yes, I am impregnated once again :)) This is my 10th bastard with Rob :))

Haystackhair said...

OMG Goz I just spewed soda all over my computer! LMAO!!!!

Gozde said...

The link works for me Roxie :( Try this one:

Loisada said...

Thanks Gozde for the HQ, it opened just fine for me. Never noticed before how close their eye color is, even their lips look the same shape here. Was the photog going for the twins look? They are indeed 2 sinfully gorgeous people. Raphael should have painted them as Adam and Eve, pre clothes of course! Wow, it's too early to start even going there...

Anonymous said...

@Gozde ~ LOL!! Have you told Rob yet? LOL

OMG, they are absolutely gorgeous!! And Rob . . .




Anonymous said...

GAH!! You can see every inch of his gorgeous face in that HQ. He is flawless! How is that possible?!?! It's not fair I tell ya!!

Karina said...

They have similar feaures, they almost look like brother and sister. He really has a nice profile.

solas said...


Hannah said...

@Karina: I was just going to say that they look like brother and sister.. its kinda freaking me out a little! haha!

Emily said...

Wow, those are two gorgeous people.

The HQ is unbelievable. You can see every detail of his beautiful face. I don't know about you guys but I would not want to see an HQ picture of myself. lol Good thing his face is flawless.

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

kpattz is absolutely Gorgous i love her eyes......and my rob is perfection ,love the pic

rpattz-turn-me-on said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Cristin said...

God I hope they are screwing, and not using birth control...imagine the gorgeous babies??

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

They really are just two naturally beautful....if they aren't together, man they should be...

HIS beauty stuns me at every glance.

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...


Goz, are you at least getting child support? He's making good money now.

Unknown said...

this picture is beautiful. (:
their eyes are so pretty!
and yes!! their babies would be super gorgeous!

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

i read they will be getting a big pay raise for BD,i hope so he deserves every cent ......rob will be banking major paper

Alexpz said...

They look so much alike in my opinion. Almost same eye color, lips shape..amazing!

Emily said...

Rob's eyelashes are to die for. I hate how men always end up with longer, more gorgeous eyelashes then most women. Not fair.

I miss Kristen's hair like this. I appreciate that she is willing to sacrifice for her craft but I love the length and color here. So natural.

Ellie said...

Oh dear Lord, what a beautiful picture. Flawless. It's one of the most exquisite pictures of them I've ever seen.


Thank you, Goz!!!

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

they do look like siblings and its kinda Creepy 'considering' but at the end of the day its all Good.

Emily said...

Hi Ellie! You said it perfectly.... exquisite.

I was thinking this could totally be a Breaking Dawn Bella/Edward picture after she's changed. Just change their eye color to gold and crimson. They both look so pale and beautiful.

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...


Well Rob for sure got a huge one between Twilight & NM

Cindeeloo said...


The depth of those eyes are just endless. And yes their eyes are very similar. The shape, the color, the intensity...GAH!!!

Please tell me this pic is just a little photoshopped, just so I have the courage to look in the mirror today!!!! Jeeez..LOL.

Dandy said...

That is one of the MOST beautiful pictures of them EVER. It is one of my favorites. They are both so lovely that it makes my heart hurt. Perfection!

Dahlia said...

They're both so beautiful! I love the colours in this shoot too

Unknown said...

Wow, they look like brother and sister in this pic.

SluttyPattz said...


OMG your first comment I choked on my chai tea.

lostinphilly said...

This was the photoshoot that was in EW late last year right before Twilight came out, and this was when I fell in love/lust with him.I looked at the article on Twilight and then I saw the full-page pic like this one (except just Rob was in it) and THUD...Put a fork in me cause I WAS DONE!!!!!!My Robsession had begun, fun times.

lostinphilly said...

Emily- Yes, the eyelashes are beautiful, I def agree with you on that. Yep, my favorite RobPorn is his sexy,f**king,long-ass eyelashes. They do me in every time I look at them. I just want to feel them flutter against my skin...everywhere!!! LOL
More RobEyelashPorn!!!!!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

geepers their peepers literally match!

♥Ida♥ said...

He is so beautiful... Cant wait to se New moon here in Sweden.. =)

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

@rpattzG yup he is a multi-millionaire now,dont let the stoli shirts fool you,i read they are offering him and kpattz over 15 Mil to do BD,i dont know if its true,it could only be a RUMOR but they deserve it.

Athena said...

*swallows* *whimpers*

And what's worse, at both of them, and I *do* like men only!

Don't know if Robsten exists or not, but I certainly could not blame Rob for falling for such a beauty as Kristen can be. Wow.

Rob... you *are* going to give me a heart attack one of these days!

Anonymous said...

This was one of the earliest promo pictorials they had, which, I thought, was breathtakingly beautiful. (I did not see the others.)
I never understood why there were ever petitions (or thousands of fans) against him playing Edward, because fans thought "he's not handsome enough". Also, Summit to CH, "Are you sure you can make him handsome?"
Egad! His beauty is classic ("god-like")! (We don't even need to talk about his inner beauty. I have a feeling that he became beautiful [or more beautiful] to others the moment he opened his mouth.)

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...


Yeah, I read he got 2mill for Twilight & 12 for NM, so 15m sounds right..

Good for him, although he will never spend it!

Ripley said...

Love the pic, love the banner, love Rob, love you all....I guess I'm having a "love day."

Shani said...

They looked so beautiful. It was like male/female mirror images of beauty. I don't want to go there on the sibling thing, but there are couples who do look like brother and sister because of similar facial features.It's like they are attracted to themselves.

Temptation said...

That is so true they do look like brother and sister they have the same colored eyes.......those mountain folk and there cousins, no wonder they have an Alien baby...

Before you all abuse me I am only joking....sort of ..

Anonymous said...

yes my son's girlfriend was looking at the pic over my shoulder and she said "she's so hot!" meaning Kristen, I am speechless, LOL

Sarah said...

I always thought they look like brother/sister in this photoshoot. Dont like the way Rob looks. Pretty girly looking. The waxed eyebrows. The too soft features. And his hair. Just sayin. To each their own tho.. but i like the man natural ;)

Unknown said...

I love lovely and i want more....

Unknown said...

I love lovely and i want more....

Anonymous said...

@Gozde - Re the banner picture.

Is that from the set of pics from the premier in Italy? (When did you have the scans posted again? Last month?)

In those photos, Rob looked so breathtakingly very masculine and beautiful, at the same time. His eyes and lips are mesmerizing.

Unknown said...

They both look stunning here!!

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