Robert Pattinson in Australian OK! Magazine

OK! does it again AND they use a manip (that Kate unearthed) as one of the main pictures *eye roll*

The manip is from 2 seperate pictures:

Thanks to The Irish Twilight Sisters for the scans :)


rpfangirljr said...

Thanks for sharing those scans! LOVE LOVE LOVE the new banner!

Anonymous said...

how can they get away with legally manipulating pictures like that? it seems wrong to me! but great pictures either way =]

suasiddau said...

RED ALERT!!!I found this picture ...
Is he real kissing her?please don't tell me that is true;(

Suz said...

Aussie is getting a bad rap, indeed.

I think this is a job for the OzzPatzz Girls..

Call the OK Mag offices,
Send them billions of emails..

OZZPATTZ GIRLS.. show them your disgust!

Tell them we yanks think they are fecking tossers, too!

crazylife said...


I can not see the link because it does not work. If it is the pic of the Kings of Leon concert at GM Place in Vancouver, that pic has already been discussed to the point of boredom. Believers in Rob and Kristen say this is the Proof. Although it looks convincing there is still some who doubt because it is not clear. Either way in my opinion it is their business.

We have not seen Rob and Kristen together in a paps picture since.

Ana73 said...

keri - that is what i thought too, isn't it illegal at least to put it in a magazine. i know online there are sooo many out there. the one i HATE the most is Kristen walking hand and hand with MA but they took him out and put rob's face instead. it doesn't even look like rob's body at all and i think it just plainly sucks for the both of them.

Haystackhair said...

OMG now Taylor is after Kristen. LMAO!!! You knew that was coming right? What a load of crap!!!

Ana73 said...

haystack - yeah we knew that was coming - especially to hype up the movies, i believe that it is all publicity.

my thought on summit...if they were smart they would allow IF they wanted to, to have rob & kristen either deny or confirm the rumors about their relationship because when they start all of the press for new moon that is going to be the #1 question to everyone and if they get it out know it now it would at least settle down by then. now dont get me wrong i know that they dont us the fans any confirmation at all. but i just think this will be topic of every interview, once they start interviews for new moon. JUST MY THOUGHT :))

Anonymous said...

how tacky to use a manip... sucks for the happy intern that found that one while cruising photobucket...haha

Haystackhair said...

I want some New Moon trailers or something. I want a meet Edward Cullen trailer. Or at least some new snippets to oogle and sniffle over. Come on summit!! give!!!

Tenneil said...

Seeing this its a friendly reminder not to believe everything that is in print...If they cant even have a picture that is real... hate to think about what the content is about... Real Classy OK...

Anonymous said...

Fascinating how they can keep getting away with this crap!

WinWin said...

The sad thing is that the general public believe what they see and read. That is so wrong, just to sell a mag.

Robaholic said...

too bad they get away with that crap!

LOVE the new banner, it's a beaut! On another note, I'm going to see Bobby Long tonight, I can only hope Rob flies in for the night to attend the show as well..*sigh* girl can dream right? :0)

Emily said...

At least they chose a gorgeous picture of Rob for the cover. I think that is the only reason to even look twice at this. Who else can make a plain white, holey t-shirt look this good?

Goz - LOL @ 'who gives a crapsten?' Hilarious!

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...


Suz said...

Suz <----- slides ova a soy vanilla latte to Rpattgirl....

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

word on the vancouver set is kristen was with her boyfriend MA,he flew up to see her that is why she was MIA at the cast dinner,i wish people woluld give this crapten shit a rest,but the media keeps pushing this FAKE crapsten romance to make money,*sigh*

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

i knew the story about her having dinner with mom and bro was bull sh** lol,now insiders on the set are speaking out i wish kris would let the paps see her with MA and kissing him to put this crap to rest,iam getting of it

Emily said...

The pictures of the rest of the cast in this mag are actually pretty good. I'll just ignore the words and look at the photos.
How gorgeous is Ashley? Nikki looks awesome too. And Kellan always looks good. I think I like him with dark hair better.
And Rob is just....scruffy and gorgeous.

Loisada said...

Ah hell, another thread heads south fast. Please let's not turn this into another for/against debate! It's too early for mental masturbation. Can't we wade about the crapsten and enjoy the gorgeous view!

This shot was new to me. Anyone know where it comes from?

Ana73 said...

RP TMO - yeah, i read that too. so here we go again...but they also said at one time the MA went with Kristen to Italy and he didn't. I think if he was in Canada, that someone would have snapped a pic. of him, especially with all the rumors of Robsten. I agree with you enough is enough :)

Emily said...

Loisada - Ugh, seriously. I couldn't agree more!

I can't get that link to work...

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

iam not FOR or AGAINST anything i just want the real truth to come out that CRAPSTEN does not exist,the only investment i have in this whole mess is i want ROB (love rob) to be happy,that is my only investment for my fav actor and crush to be HAPPY.

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Thank you Suz-I'm in hell @ work right now-I needed that!

ROB PATTINSON for Dummies said...

i thought they sais 'a source said",
and others are calling foul, saying it was her brother dummy...

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

@rp for dum.....LMAO are you calling me a dummy lol most people call me a SLUT because of my addiction to sex and my porn star look lol so dummy is an upgrade THANKS!

ROB PATTINSON for Dummies said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
rpattz-turn-me-on said...

@rp for dum@ lol that is the first impression of people when they see me, so iam use to being called wh** and sl** i guess it comes with with being damn HOTTT LOL and you can call me anything no prob lol

ROB PATTINSON for Dummies said...


interesting when people think they can critique other people huh?
fortunately, some of us dont give a shit.... where i come from, a critique like that would get someones teeth bashed in...

but hey, if a woman thinks you look like a slut, theres gotta be several men that think you look yummy, so f*ck um...

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

@rp dum........oh yea girl that is what i do i FU** um , if only i had the oppertunity to do that to rob.DELISH

Ana73 said...

RP TMO - gossip cop addressed the issue of kristen & MA, they are saying that it's a rumor NOT real. some photographer met MA over the weekend. but again who really knows...

Musk said...'s been know for yonks (tnxs be to Goz for setting the record straight) about those manips.
Yet, here we go again..massive yawn.

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

@hi ana 73

so true no one knows,i think they are still together(k and m) but maybe its just me,i dont care about those two being together i just want rob to get away from all the rumors and gossip.

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

some folks dont want to or are afraid to or would rather IGNORE the robsten issue,but how can you ignore something that is pushed in your face every day....its all over the net,mags,tv,blogs,radio,every where you turn there it is,its the elephant in the room that people refuse to talk about.i would rather talk about rob but i cant when this is in my face every fu** day.

Karina said...

oh god, I think any relationship rumors you see in the last couple days and the next couple days are all stemming from photo assumptions since Kristen wasn't at the cast dinner. Suddenly, her mother's up there "consoling" her, or else phantom bf is there,etc. I think any rumors for or against their whatevership it is is stemming from her being mia for the dinner. Silly really, everyone is reading way too much into anything little thing they do.

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

So I read some where else that they're filing indoor scene today..

Gah! Maybe the leg hitch!!

Ana73 said...

RP TMO- Yeah i get what you are saying BUT i dont agree about M&K, she hung out with rob too much before going to film eclipse - no boyfriend would let their girlfriend be that close with another guy especially with all the rumors flying around about robsten.

but i get what you are saying about rumors about rob but if it isn't about kristen it would be about another girl. i do believe they should put it to rest before new moon comes out because that will be the #1 question during all the interviews with them and castmates.

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Funny NM Spoof-these crack me up'

Haystackhair said...

well on xtra or entertainment tonight or one of those stupid shows they showed ok magazine with Rob and Kristen engaged! on the cover. Eye roll. Sigh. How can they legally do that crap?

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

@ana 73

so true the cast are going to be hounded by this in every interview,i can see poor taylor swirming lol.... i agree with folks who say rob owes us no explanation but its getting worst every day,if they are not careful it could back fire big time,

RPLover said...

rpattzgirl, omg, thanks for that! so funny, and the last few seconds are the best!! LMAO

Anonymous said...

Man, it's been a slow day here on Robsessed land. *heavy sigh*

xoRobxo said...

I would advise people not to go to the link that suasiddau posted. I did and all kind of f%&ked up shit happened to my computer

Anonymous said...

Just found a cute video of "Robsten" (god, I hate that term!) For enjoyment purposes only, no speculation's please!

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Here's a little sumpin to spice up a slow night..

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

More...Rob and his damn fine sexy ASS

Ana73 said...

RPG - wow but you should have gave me a warning, my son walks in and says "what are you watching" i had to click off real quick - too funny.

linda rose - yeah saw the video that was cute.

JandR said...

Not to worry Suz - we'll get on it!! And tell those mags what we really think of their crap - it is giving us Aussies a bad name... argh!

OMG rpattzgirl - I'm at work here and you drop one like that on me...ahem...need a few moments to compose myself - soaping up Rob in the bath - fanning myself - argh let me outta here!!!!

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Glad you enjoyed it ladies...

Words like spice & sexy ass should be a gimme to the content!

I'm currently reading The Office-had to walk away for a while-a little too heated up for a Tues night!

Anonymous said...

@rpattzgirl ~ NICE!!! (bath time) :)~

If only Rob would stop wearing those damn baggy pants and start wearing more fitted jeans so we can really see his ass and um, his junk!!!

Anonymous said...

Okay, what is this "The Office". Is it a blog? If so I think I found it. Or is it fanfic? Inquiring minds want to know!

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

I know-he does wear those nice tight button flys...we just don't get enough butt shots!

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

The Office is PURE Edward & Bella porn...

look for The office fan fiction...
and uhm, hold on to your panties...

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Back to reading-drool with you all tomorrow!

WinWin said...

rpattzgirl, I officially love you tonight. I haven't seen that in a while. How many takes do you think that scene took. Poor Rob. If I was the nurse I would so take advantage. : P

Temptation said...

GIRLS - Helpppp, I started the Office on the weekend and then got to the end....

Where are the last 3 chapters ??? has she written them yet ???

Let me know..

Tenneil said...

RPG... the Office is one of my all time favs... Beautiful Bastards OWNS me...Enjoy the Le Perlas... ~wink wink~

Tenneil said...

Hey Temp what Chapter did you finish with???

Temptation said...

But what about the last 3 chapters, I cant find's driving me madddddd

Temptation said...

Chapter 16 Oui, my Avi reminds me of Edward as a Beautiful Bastard, check out the look "I OWN YOU"...

Ellie said...

Good evening, ladies!

Someone mention Beautiful Bastard?
Damn, I love that man...

Tenneil said...

Temp she stopped with 17... OUI..its not finished yet... but her is a outtake From Rosalie POV

It will help fill the void...LOL

Tenneil said...

Hey Ellie....MMMUUUUAAAAAHHHH... two days in a row... how are you bb??

Ellie said...

I'm fine...

I find I miss this place more and more... :)

Don't want to go back to work next week. I love staying up late (yeah, reading fanfic--lol) and sleeping a little later.

Tenneil said...

Ellie .... I hear ya... I wish I could sleep in alittle more... OOOOHHHH what are you reading these days??? I love when you share...LOL

Ellie said...

Right now, I'm reading Detruit,while waiting for the many updates that show up...

It's pretty good. Edward's a hitman.

Tenneil said...

I just read Art after 5 and have to catch up on the epic update weekend. PK and CI&IA..yadda yadda yadda... so many to chose from but was looking for a new story... not that I dont have a dozen to chose from...LOL I also want to read Pieces...

Ellie said...

Ten, have you read any of these:

Rough Start

In the Land of Milk and Honey

Edward Cullen:Purse Snatcher

Tenneil said...

Ellie... not but I have EC purse snatcher and in the land of milk and honey on my alerts.. Actually Ts was telling me about EC PS the other night... do you like it?? Its only a few chaps right??

Tenneil said...

if you have the id for rough start ..cant find it one ff... there is like 5 pages.. of them..LOL

Ellie said...

Yes, only about 4 chapters so far. I like it a lot. Funny, no angst. Edward's cute in this. Adorkable and inexperienced. A Rough Start is Daddyward who doesn't have a clue on hoe to raise a kid. Also a good one. Not much angst, nice premise...guess who's his son't teacher?? lol

Here's the link, if you're interested (also only a few chapters in):

Ellie said...

lol, we crossed posts. :)

Ellie said...

I get so confused between all the stories. When I get an update on something that hasn't been updated in awhile, I have to go back several chapters to get the feel for it.

Tenneil said...

Interesting I like the short ones... I know some like them finished but then I dont feel so far I will have to check it out...thanks for the ff hook ups... I always love when someone has a rec'dation it help narrow it

I have so many on the burner right now its not even funny... I am lost

Emily said...

Hi Ellie, Tenneil & anyone else!

Slow news day, huh?
You ladies were on a roll last night. When I checked in this morning and saw there were more than 500 comments I knew it had to be the lovely RKs.

Tenneil said...

Hello Emily... nice to meet you... how are you???

Ellie said...

Hi, Emily!

Yep. We made a rare appearance, last night. Hopefully we won't be too scarce, anymore.
I've missed it!

Ellie said...

Are you our Emily (used to be blonde and just had a baby) or a new Emily?

Tenneil said...

Ellie you have no idea... I have missed everyone... RL so gets in the way... I had a great time with everyone last night!!! good times!!

Ellie said...

Okay, I sounded rude. Sorry.
(did I sound rude??)

Ellie said...

Ten, I like the shorter ones, too, for the same reasons.

Emily said...

I'm good...just vegging on the couch while my hubby is out playing basketball with some friends. Just going to put my baby down and hopefully he'll stay asleep. :)

Yes I'm the same one. lol
You're so cute, Ellie. I figured it was time to update my picture since my hair hadn't been that color in months.

Unknown said...

Fics that own me right now that are full of darkward:

Blessing and the Curse;

Last Rites:

Love Hydraulic Level 5 too.....

Ellie said...

Very cute picture!

Sorry about that; it didn't look like you, with the different hair color, hair length, and pose.

How's your new little one?

Tenneil said...

Thanks Rosa very nice of you to share ... my list is ever growing!!

Ellie said...

Hi, Rosa~~Nice to "meet" you!

Blessihng and a Curse is great!

Ten, you're talked with Emily before...

Emily said...

Don't worry about it, Ellie. I know I look way different as a brunette. It was time for a change. I feel like the odd woman out on the blog these days because I don't have a Rob avi. I want to but I have a lot of family/friends blogs I comment on and it's not necessary that they know the extent of my obsession. :)

The little one is good. Getting big. I forgot how fast they change. Although getting out of the newborn phase is kind of nice.

Ellie said...

Ten, have you read Trust in Advertising?

Another good one.

Damn, I could list them here all night. I've really become a fanfic h00r!!! lol

Tenneil said...

We have??? man it has been too long... Sorry Emily... How is your bb??

Unknown said...

You're welcome, lovelies-"waves." :) There's so much overrated crap out there in ffland, but those two picks are really well written and fierce in terms of originality and story telling.

Fanfic is so my secret guilty pleasure, but Ive been reading too long that I get really picky now...

Ellie said...

How old, already??

Anonymous said...

Rob.....come out, come out, wherever you are!!!!!!

Ellie said...

um, the comment about "How old?" was for Emily's new baby, not asking how old Rosa is... lol

Emily said...

Ten - It's my fault...I'm pretty off and on with the blog these days. Darn kids!

He's almost 8 weeks already and he's such an armful. A cute armful but still...

I would have thought my arms would be a lot more toned (correction: toned at all) considering I pack him around all day. :)

Tenneil said...

OOOOhhHH 2S update... I love me some Dukeward... Ellie... you have always hooked me up with the FF!!! I heart you for it!!!

Ellie said...

chloe7565, in the words of "Jessica":

"I know, right?"

Emily said...

Lol Ellie! They cast Jessica so perfect in that movie. She's so annoying but in a cute way.

How about that picture of her with Rob licking her face? That was real, right? Not a manip? He sort of has a freakishly long tongue.

Tenneil said...

Em... 8 Weeks I miss having a baby around and then when I am sleeping all night it reminds me that I love my sleep... hopefully hes letting you get your rest...:)

Ellie said...



Rosa, here's a great one, by our own Jules:
Two-Steppin' (Dukewarde is all kinds of hot):

Ellie said...

Yes, freakishly, WONDERFULLY long... :O

Emily said...

I know what you mean Ten. Can I call you Ten?

We have a 2 1/2 year old too and even though I wanted another one, it had been so long since I had to wake up at night I was sort of dreading it. But it doesn't last forever. It will definitely be a while if there is going to be a #3 though. The memory of his delivery is still a little too fresh in my memory.

Ellie said...

I miss those days, having a little one. My dd is now a senior and we're doing the college search route...

Emily said... are his fingers. Love those musicians fingers.

What about that man isn't wonderfully delicious?

Tenneil said...

If I can call you EM..LOL everyone else calls me that ...its cool... I have 3.. # 3 changes all the rules... Love him... but we are so out numbered now...LOL

Tenneil said...

Anything/ everything about Rob is a work of ART... he still amazes me daily...

Anonymous said...

The rags will do anything to make money.

Emily said...

How exciting! Good luck with the college search. Are you sad for her to leave?

Ellie said...

Yes, very much so. I know this year will go fast, too. She's my only, so I'll be lost next year!

Ellie said...

I agree, Chloe. Some of those rags wouldn't be fit for the bottom of a birdcage!

Emily said...

Ten - "You can call me anything you want." Ahh, remember that interview with Rob? Access Hollywood I think. I miss his old interviews where he just said whatever popped into his beautiful head.

Tenneil said...

Gah a senior Ellie... wow I am so not ready for the college is that going??

Ellie said...

Em, Rob has SO many good interviews. Completely, utterly adorkable. Totally.

Tenneil said...

Em... I love that interview... damn I wish I could leave him random textes...LOL

Jewels64 said...

Howdy Gals!

Sorry...I'm late...I just updated my baby! Yep! Dukeward is back!

Loisada said...

Thanks for the outtake Tenneil, nice little something to tide us over after RPG did her best to get everybody hot and bothered!

Who's reading anything else of note? Anybody tried In the Land of Milk and Honey? The start is slow, but it draws you way in after!

Ellie said...

She's not sure what she wants to do. Of course, she want to go to the expensive schools.
She's an excellent student (honors and AP classes etc.). Hoping for academic scholarships.

Emily said...

Aww, I'm sorry Ellie. But I bet she'll have a great experience. I know when I went away to college my relationship with my parents became really awesome. I realized how much I didn't know and they did!

That interview is classic. I love when he's talking about his many texts confirming the wedding. "Who's that? I'm not even in the country!"

Ellie said...

Hey, Jules! How's my girl??
(I'm reading Two Stepping between posts, here...)

Loisada, Mildk and Honey is excellent!

Tenneil said...

Jules BB... melovinyoulongtime!!!
you know how I feel about dukeward...

Jewels64 said...

@ Loisada....GURRRRLLLL!

That fan fic is the freaking bomb! I am hooooked!!!!

But when the hell is she gonna get a beta? All the grammatical and spelling errors are driving me nutso!!!!

Tenneil said... prob... i love that story... Ok maybe on need to get on the land of milk and honey train...

Jewels64 said...

Hi Ellie! Hi Tenn! Hi Emily!!!

**Jules waves to everyone...hoping that more peeps will step up and say hi!!! **

Emily said...

Hey Jules! Just complimenting Ellie and Ten on the comments last night. You ladies were on a roll! Anytime there are more than 500 comments, you know who it is!

Suz said...


Do I smell the delicious pheromones of gorgeous RKs???

Tenneil said...

ellie your right...he has sooooo many great interview moments.. I do miss that Rob...

Ellie said...

Okay, Em, now I'm blushing profusely... *giggle

Tenneil said...

Hey Suz...*waves frantically*

Ellie said...

Suz, how are you, lovey???

Jewels64 said...

Thanks Emily! I am personally making a concerted effort to show my fat ass here on the blog again every night! I forgot how much fun we all could have!!!!


Suz said...

Hey all!

Olive Juice and Rob Peen for all!

Ellie said...

Rob Peen for me???

Emily said...

Jules, every time I see your avi I start singing that song, "hey there little red riding hood, you sure are lookin good, you're everything that a big bad wolf would want" I actually have no idea who sings it. Anyway, I'm not sure why I told you that. It is a really cool picture.

Hey Suz! Have I told you how much I enjoy your comments on the blog? Because I do.

Suz said...

Ellie.. for you.. anything!

Suz said...

Emily.. Hi and thank you.

you've made me blush.

CONGRATS on the babe....

Tenneil said...

Well I must sleep... Ladies...have fun... always a pleasure...

Robbie dreams to you all...MMUUAAAHHH!!!!

Ellie said...

Em, it's Sam the Sham and the Pharoahs...great song! :)

Goodnight, Ten!!
Sweet Rob dreams, bb!

Emily said...

Thanks Suz. Don't ask what I'm still doing awake when I should be sleeping while I can.

Good night Ten! Nice chatting with you!

Suz said...

Emily.. what time zone are you in?

Emily said...

Thanks Ellie! Great, now it's totally stuck in my head and those are the only words I know.

By the way, I hope you never change your avi, Ellie. That look on his face just does something to me. Was that was from the Empire magazine shoot?

Ellie said...

Ladies, I'm going to go read Two Stepping...(so excited about it!)

Emily, GO TO SLEEP! And it was wonderful talking with you. Always is. Hug that sweet baby for me. and keep one for yourself.

Suz and Jules, always a pleasure, my dear RKs...see you at my g-spot!
Later! xo

WinWin said...

Hi girls! Can't stay long. Wanted to just say hi and thanks for all new fanfics. Still sleep deprived. : )

Jewels64 said...

Hahaha Emily! That is actually a picture of Dakota Fanning! It was for a Gap Ad that she did!!!!!

I just like it cuz it makes me think of "Jane" and since that is my middle name and I'm completely eeeeevil..... I couldn't resist!

WinWin said...

Hugs to Suz, Ten, Ellie, Jules and everyone here!

Emily said...

I'm Mountain Standard time. It's only 10:45 pm! Sad that I'm this tired already, huh?

Ellie said...

Just saw your question, Em...yes, it's from Empire. I just love his hands and fingers in this pose. And the quirked eyebrow...
and the hair.

Oh, shit, just everything about him, okay??? ;)


Suz said...


Oh snap.... I'm following...


WIN~~~ I love you.. nite nite

Suz said...

sorry Jules..when you drop a chappie.. we drop everything!

Jewels64 said...

I'm having to bail too! :(

The reviews for the latest chapter are rolling in and I'm trying to reply and I'm losing track...

Hi Win...Nite Win! XOXO!

Night Emily! Back tomorrow perhaps?

Night ladies! Muuuuuahhhh!

WinWin said...

Two stepping, is that another good one? FF rocks for Robdrought!

Emily said...

Night Ellie! Thanks for the hugs. :)

I thought that was a manip Jules! I knew it was Dakota but I just thought you made your own Jane avi. So good to chat with you. Good night!

WinWin said...

I'm crashing too. We have new puppy and it's like having another kid. Will promise to come play once I get some more sleep.

Love you all and hot Robdreams!

Ellie said...

Real quick:

WinWin, Two Stepping is Jules' fanfic. It's fantastic! Here's the link:

okay, really going, now...nite!

Emily said...

Alright, I think I'll take Ellie's advice and head to bed. It has been fun ladies.
Let's hope we wake up to lots of Rob goodies in the morning. Goz, Dani, and Kate are too good to us!

Loisada said...

Jewels, I so agree about the beta. I'm almost ready to volunteer! Love so much about the story otherwise. Sweet night dreams, if you're still lurking!

Loisada said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

Thanks the rec', I'll check it out.

kespax said...

Oh my, I have become such a freaky fanfic addict/whore, and try as I might I keep getting sucked into works in progress that drive me nuts waiting for updates - so many of them are so seductive.

But I'm getting totally confused I have so many different Edwards running around in my head!

So some of my faves -
Wide Awake - my all time love, this got me started and addicted.
have you read
Withering the Ferns by same author?
Vampire in the Basement - how I love this vulnerable beautiful Ed.

Blessing and the Curse is hot.

Lost Boys - oh my, she just wrote the most unbelievably hot chapter. This Ed is very Rob.

While We Drifted We Were Apart - this one is intense, and really different, Rosalie is one of my faves and she and Ed are so hot in this.

One Day Out West - hottest Rose and Jasper ever, both are gunslingers and fabulous.

Ladders and anything by Marve

Best comedies -
Family Therapy Cullen Style, is just killer.
The Good Looking Looney Tunes Stalker Guy - this one is cracking me up and out of this world.

And I love anything by Jandco, oohlala, vgjm, halojones.

I read 2 chapters of the Office and didn't like it all that much.Maybe I should try a few more chapters.

I hate the sickly sweet Mills & Boon romance fics, and the
ones that sart out ok and just dwindle to boring or stupid - lots like that.

JandR said...

Hey Kespax - thanks for all the recommendations!! I started with Wide Awake too and just love it but gotta say I am partial to The Office, not so much a Rob character though if that is what you are after. I'm gonna go looking now for beautiful vulnerable Ed in Vampire in the basement and Rob in Lost Boys. TA!!!!

Georgie said...

Any OzPattz out there??

JandR said...

Hey Georgie - HI!! Just been scanning the Lost is gooood!! Thanks Kespax x

Georgie said...

Hi JandR, I've sent Tempt your email address now. OMG I'm reading a Robsten ff at the moment and there are some really zabt things I'd like to share from it but wouldn't be able to air them on this blog!

Georgie said...


JandR said...

Hey I'm up for it!! You have my email and fb - fire away. Hope to get online to chat tonight - hubby has a meeting... hope the girls are around!

Georgie said...

OK I'll chat with you on FB later on. I'll pack up at work now and go home. Cya JandR.

JandR said...

Georgie - in case you missed it earlier - check this out -
There is a god!!

JandR said...

Sounds like a plan - cya later tonight!! waves J

Georgie said...

Ooooh yes I looked at this earlier. Very impressive how he keeps his face "impassive". That actress should have had to pay rather than be paid to do that!

Temptation said...

HEY GIRLS, not sure if you are still there...Kespax BE VERY sound like me last week...I had so many Edwards and Robs and Beautiful Bastard (fav of mine) and also Alexander in my world I had no room for anything else. I have to say FF is very addictive, but what I want to know, where do these guys get there material from ??

Orion Alexander came to see me today so I have been with him all day......we can talk about it later..

orion said...

Hey Tempt! how are you? I was with Alexander too, lol. I'm nearly half way...I can't stop. But still thinking in that fur rug, lol, he's the winner

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