I know, it's so exciting! Robert Pattinson getting out of a cab :)


And here's some from Socialitelife.com . It would be easier to focus on the finer points like the chest hair, the layers upon layers of clothing, the conspicuous paper in his hand and the dirty pants if he didn't look like he just woke up and for the first time his animals were gone :(

Check out Socialitelife.com and Photo Credit: INF Daily Website: www.infdaily.com for more.
And here's some from Socialitelife.com . It would be easier to focus on the finer points like the chest hair, the layers upon layers of clothing, the conspicuous paper in his hand and the dirty pants if he didn't look like he just woke up and for the first time his animals were gone :(
Check out Socialitelife.com and Photo Credit: INF Daily Website: www.infdaily.com for more.
That cab driver doesn't know how lucky he is.
GOZDE - I think I need to reconsider the colour of his boxer shorts, black obviously doesn't agree with him....
He looks so angry..........yummmmmyyyyy....Rob I have some eye drops in my bag honey.......your eyes look like piss holes in the snow..........
Thanks for the pics ......
Sorry I have to comment once again, he totally looks like a character from FF......spank me baby.......OH sorry pooor Robbb...
Guys, I am going to post this here since I know everyone will check this thread.
I got some complaints about the comments. Please try to keep them R rated, don't cross to NC17. We always recommend "proper crassness". We get tens of thousands of people on this site everyday. It's not just you and your friends getting rowdy at your pajama party :)
Thank you :)
Hi Tempt! Nice pics. Rob's look tired
Ah, he's holding a $5 Canadian dollar bill! Thanks for posting that pic larger. It was driving me mad last night!
Rob does us Canadian's Proud! We still can't get over the fact he was at Timmy's LOL
ORION - I imagine he is, poor guy has a flat out schedule...no rest for the wicked .....
How are you going with WA - I am loving it......R rated hey.....very confusing.....I will now be on my very best behaviour...
i think its money in his hand,he had to pay the cab.
morning Goz! :-).......oh i finally stop being a coward and read the last chaps of RL,its well written and a good story but iam going to have nightmares,i started the PA,iam hoping its as good as 'TO' the stories are similar.
I can't put it down Tempt, I printed some chapters to read while I'm not on the computer. Can we talk later on the FB?
Nah, who knows if he's feeling blue, he's just annoyed at all the flashes in his face. The frown probably stayed on for a grand total of about 10 seconds.
And the pretty is out in full force... :)
No it will be past my bedtime and I like to avoid premature wrinkles.....I left you a little message.....what chapter are you up to ??
hold up ,hold up..............i thought they said on Twitter kris was with him (LIE) they got a pic of him and not her .......come on.......This is why i dont like or trust Twitter.Love You Rob.
Don't trust a WORD on twitter unless it's confirmed by separate sources. So many stupid rumors get spread on twitter.
To be fair they said they left the hotel together tho, not that they came back together.
In the new pictures this morning - he is FINALLY looking at the camera - he looks eithr very sad, or very sleepy. Always hot - but still makes me want to take care of him.
Goz, I'm coming here for long time now, and a lot of the girls talk dirty sometimes, talking about fantasies, FF and more...why is a complain now? Who is complaining? It's about we were talking about the 'bulge'?
I'm into re-reviewing Rob's many interviews, so I've been off topic recently. Sorry. (We'll, maybe not off topic. Some said he looks "unhappy and depressed" and suggested that he should go on dates.)
Interviewer: "What, if any, characteristics do you share with Edward Cullen?"
Rob: "I'd like to think that I was quite humble...I think he is. And the kind of singularity of his affections and how seriously he takes his emotions. He's not frivolous...if he does not really feel something a hundred percent, he does not bother to pretend to anyone that he does. So I guess we are kind of similar in that respect."
I'd like to think that the second characteristic refers to getting into a relationship. It seems Rob guards his heart carefully.
Thus, even though we wish for him to enjoy his youth and not be "alone and unhappy", I don't think he's the type who will let his emotions be ensnared by one-night stands nor by anybody--just because.
Guys I just read recently (I'm also not sure if it's true) that Rob is so sick in seeing his face in all those crapazine (crap magazine) that he made one of them a dart board!!Does he even play darts??
Oh Rob we heart you so much and we feel for you, especially now that there's another rumor going on about you and Kris finally confirming your "speculated" relationship!!It must be effing sick to hear lies about you every second of every day!
And I think people need to leave Kris alone (I mean what's wrong with these people!??), Adrienne Curry just defended her on twitter and I applaud her for that!=)
Goz, I also feel a little responsible but this site has always been a fun site to visit to discuss similar fantasies and also openly promotes FFiction.
We are a little concerned because we cant stop doing something that we have no idea what we are doing wrong.
The guidelines have always been a little shady so if at anytime I have offended anyone I would like to apologize now and openly say that any of the comments I have ever made have always been out of a trust and fondness for my Rob Sisters on this site...
Thanx Goz :-) ..........and the story of him throwing darts at magazine covers of himself are FALSE,i think he probly made a joke about it,but the other stuff the ''Enquirer'' probly made up.
:) We don't "openly" promote fanfiction. we have never posted a link to a fanfiction in our posts. I don't even give links to the FFs I read because we have visitors that are underage and I feel responsible.
I can't keep up with the comments but I've been told it's crossed the line in the past weeks. I don't know whose comments it was :)
There are no guidelines. I hare censorship. So let's just say being "suggestive" is good being crude is not.
Just be a bit milder and use your own judgment ;)
oh that's great..I would really dread for him to do that to himself even if it's just a picture...=)
To be honest iam starting to think R/K are Friends with 'No Benefits' because if there were benefits he would look happier,he looks like Hell......but still Hot.
To be honest iam starting to think R/K are Friends with 'No Benefits' because if there were benefits he would look happier,he looks like Hell......but still Hot.
Thanks Goz for clearing that up I will do my best to be on my best behaviour.
Rpattz I agree even when he looks like hell he looks soooo hot, remember this is a photo that was taken in under 10 seconds I wouldn't read too much into it....
According to reports as soon as the cab arrived at the hotel, Kristen booted it in and left Rob to pay. Hence no pics of her
Since people are making assumptions about the pics do we know what the paps are screaming at him? Do you think that he would be happy seeing them when they make his life hell?
@Tempt Yea you are probly right,one pic taken in 10 secs is not the whole story,......how can a man who looks like he step out the gates of hell, stil manage to look so Damn Gooooood and those Lips mmmmm
I am so with you there....this guy does not take a bad picture.......I am hanging out for one so I can cure my Robsessing.........
Thanks Goz!
Tempt you are not watching the new series?
I kind of missed half of it so it was hard to catch up...I wanted to watch Vampire Diaries but for some bizare reason I couldn't get it, it has to be programed in.....
Tempt I have a pic, when you can look at it on FB :)
Vampire diaries was in Fox?
omg rob looks so yummy! probably tired and want to rest. i wanna give him a bear hug all night :)
Thank you :)
some how i cant see myself watching the Vamp Diaries,its like going down to Canal St here in NY and buying a fake gucci purse,its a knock off.
so iam staying away from the fake shit,iam sticking to the original,Twilight and True Blood.
that is enough Vamp hotness for me.
I missed it anyway it wasn't meant to be, I was a little worried it would be a Twilight Rip Off.....someone commented today that it wasn't too bad....
@Tempt :-)
some folks like it,they say the brother is Hot like my Rob.......i dunno Lol
See we have had the best now how can anyone measure up to our wonderboy....
Come here Rob, let me button you up properly... There- now smile :-)
Rob looking slightly dishevelled, buttons-askew, pants dirty, hood up...just another day in the life of Rob Pattinson...nothing new here LOL
We love hobolicious Rob and here he is at his best.
WE LOVE YOU ROB!!! never change ;-
On a different note - anyone hear if he went to see Sam Bradley and the Men?? Hope he got the chance to catch up with his mate...
SOOOOOO EXCITED!!!! Just saw the New Moon trailer for the first time on telly in the ads of the Vampire Diaries!! Rob is at the end saying "The wait is over!" Yum beautiful Rob and roll on Nov 18 for the premiere in Sydney!! WOO-HOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
OHHH! On TV??? Can't wait for all the advertising. Rob looks hobolicious as usual.
Haystackhair - yay Rob in my living room LOL
Laughing at myself getting so excited at seeing the NM trailer on telly for the first time!! It's not as if I hadn't seen it a hundred times before already - but I had never seen the gorgeous Rob bit at the end before.... yummm
Can't wait for November now - bring it on!! :-D
Oh and Vampire Diaries is just starting here in Oz - and it was good!!
I feel SO sorry for him!!!It must be hell living like this.Every single move you make is captured on photos and commented all over internet.I hope he;ll remain sane until all this craziness finish.
So he's back at a hotel? Thought he was staying in a house? This is why he has to move @ 2 wkd
Don't think he's sad or pissed just sick of Papp finding him all the time,..
New moon needs to get here!
Hey rpattzgirl - I hope you find him wherever he is!
I know you won't let the side down and get all deer in the headlights!! Have a beer for us with Rob - you go girl!! Yay
The mysterious piece of paper is a $5 bill.
Rob does NOT look happy, but I dunno if it is him being left to pay the cabbie or the paps if Kristen darted outta the cab, leaving Rob behind lol. Sneaky Kristen there then :-).
Anyways I cannot IMAGINE how it must be having your pic taken asap you step outside... ugh...nope I do not envy Rob or Kristen whatsoever. Sure I'd love to have their money lmao, but to have that kinda fame coming with it? They can keep the money thanks very much!
I do still think they are able to keep some privacy though as pics of them together or separate are rare atm. Also read on twitter by "Punk_d Images" that the "LA rats" (yeah this Canadian paparazzi calls the LA paparazzi rats...lol) allegedly are leaving Vancouver this coming Wednesday, all but one of them that is. NO idea which LA paparazzi will stay behind but I guess most of them gave up trying to get any "juiciy" pics of Rob and Kristen together.
R&K seems to have gotten the art of staying private either together and/or separately down to perfection lately. Or so it seems. If that is the case and they ARE able to chill without being papped constantly I am happy for them. They could use a break!
if he didn't look like he just woke up and for the first time his animals were gone :(
haha Nice reference Gozde - I *love* Damien Rice, but yes, his songs will haunt your soul.
My first impression of the pic where Rob's eyes are making contact with the camera:
sick (as in 'ill'), really tired, stoned or has just been crying.
Definitely not normal happy eyes :(
I feel for Rob when I see pictures like this. It must be so difficult for him sometimes to be hounded everywhere he goes. Can't people give him a break so he can go out and enjoy himself.
I don't know what is going on between Rob and Kristen and frankly I don't care but I hope someone somewhere is giving Rob the support he needs when he needs it.
He looks stoned to me. I think our boy really gets his drink on (way too much), and probably does some dabbling in pot or something of that nature. He has panic attacks, so he probably takes some sort of prescription drug. He's very young, and this fame thing is so huge on him right now. He probably is trying to cope with it by drinking and whatever else he does. I just hope he stops this before it gets himm one day.
You know, after closer inspection, he looks like he could have been crying....perhaps he and Kristen got into a fight? That's why he came back alone? Oh boy...let the speculation and the rumors begin!
The poor boy can't button himself to save his life. God, he needs a woman!
That is a canadian 5 dollar bill he has in his hands.
Well, eveybody. We are all hypocritical. We say let him a break. But... Every morning wake up, run to the computer, up to the net,and looking for Rob's new pictures. And. I love to watch new photos. If Summit made photos from the shooting, we didn't see papp's photos. But Summit don't give photos for us. So.. their fault. (Hmm... How to be?)
he looks miserable, unhappy, stoned, drunk and lonely. it is so fing sad. him being wasted at mtv was just as sad, I think he will have a nervous breakdown very soon.
I also look miserable, unhappy, stoned, drunk and lonely... when ever I return to my home after a party at 4 or 5 am, and the look doesn´t mean I´m actually in one of those circumstances, ok, maybe a little drunk hahahaa... anyway please, stop looking at the pics and analyzing so much.. enjoy the hotness or the roughness of him, we are not his mothers to be worrying about him.
mysterious paper in hand = canadian money. lol
er i think that's a $10 note in his hand lol. the canadian $10 bill is purple :)
I love the fact the he doesn't care about his appearance and buttoning his shirt right... that makes him sexier... !!! Love you Rob!
Why do you think he is drunk ? Tired, sad,near to cry ok. But drunken man don't seem sad.
Being papped when you're shattered can't be any fun and no wonder he looks glum. I ache to see him smile more and hope he's getting the support he needs to get thru this current madness. I feel like rushing up and giving him a dirty great cuddle of support!
okaay... his pants are stained, his shirt is all buttoned wrong, his undershirt it kinda stretched, and he looks like a hobo. why exactly do I still love him?
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