From Marc Malkin at E! :
Can't you just see it now: Courteney Cox getting it on with Robert Pattinson!
It definitely would make for good TV on Cougar Town, Cox's upcoming ABC comedy in which she plays a 40-year-old single mom who has a thing for younger dudes.
"Why don't we get the Twilight guys," Cox's costar Busy Philipps told me today during a set visit by the Cheesecake Factory and Feeding America (more on that after the jump). "That would be awesome." (Gozde: Raise your hand if you think Busy Philipps is just trying to get it on with Rob :) Altogether now: Get in the damn line woman! ;))
Cox is into the idea. "We'll have to do that," she said. "If the show is a success I'm sure it will be easy to do. But we'll have to see how it goes first."
HMMM yeah Busy get in line....I would love to see Rob do something other than the twilight thing... this would be fun... I can totes see him having fun with this one...
Yes wouldn't it be nice to see Rob on a more regular basis on the small screen?!
OMG this sounds totally hot.
I think I could do my own little private version of Cougar Town with Rob!!
you have got to be kidding me. i'm ready for the cougar term to die. it was cute 5 years ago now it's just yawn.
The only cougar I want to see Rob shag is me!! LOL!! mean i do want to see rob in the small screen and with an older woman but i prefer Tina Fey..what about that?? Rob in 30rock...come on! that would be AMAZING...oh and also check out this video...Bad Things--- holy mother of fuc-...that was TOO sexy...i DO want to do bad things to him..GAH
no no no no no
the new term is...
Suz = Lynx
and tv cougars... rob is a FILM star on the rise... when his career is ova he MIGHT consider your little show.... might
awww...@LindaRose haha that was hilarious...a lot of women think like u...A LOT.
DesiEnM ~ True, very true!
@Desi, Bad Things is one of my fav Youtube vid's of Rob, along with the 10 minute Sex on Fire one! Speaking of the small screen, wouldn't it have been good if Rob got the role in True Blood, but that means he may not have been cast in Twilight.
Please--I'm eating my breakfast!!! EWWWWW!!! Would you really wish TV dung on ROb? What ARE you thinking????
Love that Bad Things YouTube vid!! Grrrr!!!!
I am still shuddering with the thought of Rob on some mindless sitcom!! Ewww :-(
LMAO! Get in line woman!
Oh hell yea, I'm thinking the same thing (for me) of course!
@ solas, maybe he could make a guest appearance in an episode...wouldn't that be a ratings bonanza!
@LindaRose- Hahahaha! Yah, so true. ;)
@Georgie- Where can one find the 10 min. Sex on Fire vid? I loved the "Bad Things" one!!!!
Georgie, it would--but I would see it as a degradation to Rob--unless he would do a twist that no one would expect. These sitcoms are brainless dungheaps. EWWW-- still shuddering!!!
@vlk40, here's the link, make sure you're on your own when you watch LOL:
@solas, yeah I can almost feel your shuddering from across the pacific, haha!
Hi Georgie - good to see you're still here - had to kick one of the kids off the computer...haha
and Rob with the cougars - bring it on as long as we get to star with him...
and help please can't find the bad things youtube....
JandR ~ Hey, what do yo mean "we"! I'm not sharing! LOL!!
lol. This is cute idea. Can Rob make an appearance in Hung? I'd like to see that.
@Georgie oh gawd...i know what u mean...after i saw the 10min RobPorn i just died...i mean i was so dazzled that I forgot sex on fire doesn't last swear and it's one of my fave songs...i didn't even concentrate in the C'mon Desiree it's KOL! but no...actually rob is more important that KOL...oh no i didn't...oh yes i did. btw here is the complet video of the last part of bad things...18sec of HEAVEN..
@JandR doesn't this link work 4 u??
okay think I found it...LOL crisis over
Hi LindaRose - we have some unfinished business from last night ;-)))
ok i just re-watched all these videos and o jsut have two words... FUCK.ME. Does anyone else thinks that Rob is God's orgasm? for real...
Hi JandR ~ I know!! I'm at work at I actually have a conference call to attend. The nerve of them don't they now that I'm totally Robsessed! LOL I'll be back in about an hour.
DesiEnM - yup you got that right!! Now I'm just thinking over the bad things I wanna do with and to Rob...drool...
Catchya LindaRose - work is crap at times...LOL when they make you do something else other than Robsess...huh the nerve!
Rob actually looks really cute with Courtney Cox....
I"m seriously not a big fan of the word cougar tho....I'm in my 30's thankyouverymuch and I don't feel like a cougar....I liked it better when they referred to younger men as "tadpoles"....remember that? Let's give the men a name....
@Georgie- Thanks so much!!!!!!
Has anyone watched this one? I think it's pretty hot!
I don't like the name cougar-I prefer finely aged, thank you very much.
@Yvonne ~ I hate the name cougars too but it's all in good fun.
@vlk40 ~ OH MY GOD that vid is . . .
I have to agree the only older woman i want to see him with is a PUMA namely ME lol...
But it would be great to see him in something like this.. He has a great sense of humor and it would be amazing to see that side him and being able to see him on the small screen as well, all I can say is doubly my pleasure!
Hi LindaRose - haven't you seen the pussycat one before? LOL
Can I tell you how many of my friends have told me about that show? Eye roll. So I'm not 20, I'm not dead! I know f*ckhawt when I see it, and I'm old enough to know what to do with it! RAWR. Call me what you want, I think I'm completely normal. Rob is a force of nature anyway, there is no resisting no matter what age.....
I think pussycat was the first one I actually downloaded to keep...couldn't resist. Like the Candy man one too!! yummy there are plenty - could keep ya going all delicious dude.
on a very separate note - my son has been drawing from a young age - talent on his dad's side with his grandfather and great-uncle being good artists. He is already thinking of setting up his own tee-shirt design business - he is into things like drop dead clothing design. Has an eye for intricate detail and loves computer graphic design too...hope it takes him somewhere!
@Georgie- Holy Crap!!!!!!! I think that Sex on Fire vid is the hottest one I have ever, ever seen. OMG!! Thanks so much for sharing it with all of us that have never watched it. ;)
@Linda Rose- it is pretty darn good isn't it!! Haha
Haystackhair - so right - force of nature - apt title for that draw he has on us all! Every little thing about him is just soooooo....mmmm perfectly delicious!
Is it really so wrong that I blow up images of Rob to read the brand name Fruit of the Loom on his underwear...hehehe come on - I know I'm not the only one LOL
Hi JandR ~ I did see that vid before but forgot how um Hot it is. Music goes perfectly with the images. GAH!! Yah, that's a good one to download. My app doesn't want to download anymore for some reason. What are you using?
So cool with your son! I love hearing about talent like that. I would love to see some of his stuff.
Morning ladies! Yeah that sex on fire vid is the HOTTEST thing to watch. I just get tingly thinking about it. I think I'll go watch it again...thank god for my iPhone - I couldn't do any of this on my work puter. Why do we have to work anywhoo when we could just oogle and fantasize about Rob all day.....I really need to get a grip-or do I? !
Ooh, please post the link to the sex on fire vid. Not sure if I've seen it yet. Thanks!
Hi LindaRose - sex on fire is fantastic - easy to find. KOL is my latest fave cd in my car - just load and picture Rob - can be hazardous to your health though LOL - I think it is this one Georgie put up earlier
as for my job - I work in the museum industry where I live - I advise other museums on all aspects of museum management, collection management and interpretation. I am into heritage, history and museology as well as literature, archaeology and music. oh and Rob, red wine and dark choc..yum good combo lol
<< I know f*ckhawt when I see it, and I'm old enough to know what to do with it! RAWR.>>
I think Haystackhair has found us a new motto!!
Like Pearl Bailey sang: I'm gonna keep on doin, what I'm doin, 'til I can't do what I'm doin' no more. I'm gonna keep on goin', straight to ruin, with a big welcome sign on my door!
You use it or lose it ladies, and we're still alive and kickin!
Sorry 4 out of topic.have u read 'we are the Rob' lyric at lettertotwilight blog?its Rob version of michael jackson's song we are the world.the lyric is so hilarious,i cant stop laughing ha6..
Here is the example
We are the Rob
There comes a time when we feel the Twilight call
When the Fandom must come together as one
There are fangirls crying
Oh, and it’s time to lend a hand to Rob
The greatest Vampire of all
We can’t go on fighting day by day
Hoping Robsten and Nonsten will soon make a change
We’re all a part of Steph’s great Twi family
And the truth
You know Rob is all we need
( CHORUS #1 )
We are the Rob, we are the fandom
JandR ~ Oh, I did see this vid. Oh Lordy!! I'll have to try and download that one. Love his laugh in the beginning when the woman puts her hand on his chest. That was from an original video too.
"Rob, red wine and dark choc..yum good combo" I'll say!!
Your job sounds very cool and interesting. Is there a specific type of museum that you work at/for or do you do all types?
@LindaRose - I'm sure you are enjoying that Pattinson Porn to KOL - I gotta go - guess when it's your nightime Robsession in about 10 hours or so I might catch you - mind you - it will be morning for me - work meetings gah - we'll have to exchange emails!! Hope to catch you again soon!! J
gotta say - yeah that laugh is the best - I replay that bit over and over - his laugh puts sunshine in my soul - I love this guy so much, he's just adorable and f*ck hot sexy at the same time.. Grrrr...
JandR ~ oh definitely we should exchange emails! Have a good night and I'll try to catch you tonight. :)
My thoughts Exactly!!! Grrrrrrrr!!!!!!!
oh and re work - I work for the state museum here in West Australia. We have over 340 client museums and collecting bodies throughout the state and web pages of downloadable info that I set up. Anyone with a collection is eligible to contact us for advice as we are a govt agency. I liaise with national colleagues as I'm on the national standards taskforce. Canada have some excellent museum orgs as well. Really gotta go - so catchya later your time I hope. J x
LR - my email is up for you on my profile ...until tomorrow..cya ;-)
How to promote your latest show/book/music - well, anything really:
1) Refer to "Rob" in any context whatsoever
2) Refer to rpatzz in any context whatsoever
3) Mention Rob Pattinson in any context whatsoever
4) Refer to Twilight guys, meaning Robert Pattinson, in any context whatsoever
5) Refer to 'hair' in any context whatsoever. (Soon to be followed by 'shirt.')
You got that right....
Miss him again...
Suz, I Hear ya, girl...the new term is "LYNX"...yeah baby, let's hear it for the lynxes (I dont know what the plural is for it,sorry=dumb).
And LatchkeyWife. what you said...
damn...courtney cox is a hottie and she & rob would burn up the screen!
i don't see him doing this anytime soon though...
@Loisada-LMAO yes, our Robsessed motto! Love the words to that song, perfect! That is my new theme song. And I intend to use it till I drop, so I never lose it! LOL
are u there?
are u there?
are u there?
Tempting... but no, thanks :D! Before Rob gets stuck in the small screen, I would rather see him in various (countless) roles on the big screen.
@ Sue: I like lynx! :D I'm too tiny to be a cougar!
@ A: ain't that the truth!!! Maybe I should mention Rob to my bank so they'd give me more money to buy a home!
I don't really mind seeing Rob on TV as long as he could win an Emmy for best guest by an actor.
It would be a good change for him because it would be like a smaller scale in terms of set and it could also just target a specific audience but with ROB it would not just be ONE specific target but people on all walks of life I presume.
The whole "cougar" thing is mildly irritating to me. I hope C.Cox is successful, though. And I love Busy Philipps!
As for RP appearing on their show, I say: Just Say No To TV Stunt Casting, RPattz!
We can all dream can't we;P
Rob needs to take the Cougartown Express right here to Boston, Courtney Cox can dream all she wants ;)
Ok, a few times a week I meander over to LTR and you guys seriously have to check out the third letter down on their main page tonight entitled 'How I Fell for Robert Pattinson Part 1.' May be the best Rob letter yet. (Excerpt: "I hadn’t had a dream of you, did that mean I didn’t care as much as I thought I did? Well I have to thank LTR for posting that 18 second slice of heaven called you at the Oscars giving a fan an eye-f***, because I watched it 12 times before bed last night and then you came to me."
Worth a read. :)
PS. Gozde, you are kicking ass with the ethereal banners lately, amazing.
PSS. My boyfriend, after a year of complaining about my Robsessing, decided to finally give in and surprise me with Rob GQ desktop wallpaper on my laptop when I came home from work tonight. He said "If you can'd beat'em, join 'em." Amen. They all aquiesce after a while. :)
Morning JandR! ~ I can't access your email because my MAC is diverting it to another app, so my email address is up for you too!
Hi LindaRose
Thanks and check your emails!! Talk soon. J
I detest that cougar label.
Courtney Cox has pretty eyes.
The closest this show will get to Robdelicious is if they have a scene of her licking her computer screen, writing letters to rob, and checking here and random acts of rob.
Kespax I am with you, don't like to be labeled at all and lets be honest girls..Courntey does not look her age at all.....In Hollywood I think a Cougar is a different breed....a little Botox and Plastic Surgery also helps.....
Hi Tempt! I agreed with you, a cougar in Hollywood is 'totally' a different thing...
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