Twitter IS evil and resourceful :) At least 3 separate witnesses confirmed that Robert Pattinson and Kellan Lutz (maybe more from the cast) were at a private party hosted by
Onni last night.
Open bar and dance floor...
No pictures...
Good to know the cast had fun without the paparazzi :)

Thanks to
Megstar13 for the detective work :)
As much as I would love a pic of Rob on the dance floor, I am glad he was out & about without being snapped. I will just have to keep imagining what he looks like booty dancing.
Onni as in the Vancouver realestate developer?
YAY...RPATTZ gettin his groove on! Was he dancing to "Single Ladies"? Bwahahahahhaha!!!!
I cannot tell you how happy it makes me to know that every once in while Rob gets to live life outside the goldfish bowl!
Hope you had a beer or "two, or one...why not three?".....
Rob shaking that sweet Fioneeee ass on a dance floor oh yeaaaa
Excellent -- no papz, and yet there were three tweeties (tweeterers?)
morning all
good for rob!
How is it on Twitter then?
What's an Onni? LOL
I wonder if Laimey and her Robsessed friend Laura were there?
I'm happy to see that (Maybe) he had a boys nite out last night.
@ no pappz pics....Wooohooo!!!!
morning ladies
I am so happy that no papz snagged a shot. LMAO - Everytime I see the image of him dancing around from Little Ashes I laugh so hard I snort. He's really funny. I love him in serious roles but he has a comedic side that I love as well.
ok-several people twitted and they didnt follow up with anything else?? was it the waiters,dishwashers,that did the tweeting? Hard to believe could be a prank..
oh to be a fly on the wall :)
well if it was on twitter then i bet sometime today a pic will surface. i do hope they had a good time :))
I hope there are never any pictures of this! Maybe the people who tweeted about it were kind enough to leave it at that and not take any pics.
Add me to the list of people who are asking, what's Onni?
I don't see you on here today-but in regards to your question about my meeting Peter F...
He came to Portland about 3 wks ago to do some charity work for the childrens hospital. He was at the Janzten Beach mall, and for 4 hours posed with fans for photos & autographs to raise money.
A friend of mine & I went-and stood in line for over 3 hrs, and finally it was our turn!
He took breaks throughout the day and walked through the crowds shaking hands (first contact)-he is so nice..
When it was my turn, I giggled like I was 12 (on god) and he said "Oh, let me give you a big hug" I got a big hug & a kiss on the head, and a photo.
It was blazing hot in there and he stood for hours. He's such a good man.
If you click on my profile & then blog, I have the photo of us posted there.
yes who is onni?? and i'm sorry we don't have pictures...and yet i'm not and glad rob can be out and about without a camera in his face. how do we know he was dancing..was it a party or some dinner thingy....and i'm hoping he was there with kristen even though the tweets didn't mention anyone else...
Is someone buying a house?
This tweet indicates he was on the dance floor, thought the twitterer butchered his name.
On the dance floor with ribert pattison... True story!
about 8 hours ago from TwitterBerry
@ rpattzgirl:
I was thinking the same thing!!! When I read that this Onni was a real estate developer or whatever, first thought was... So someone is really interested in buying a house, uh?! *lmao*
Obviously it's just a coincidence, but I found it funny after all the stuff about Robsten's house hunting. *winks*
Glad to see the paparazzi so far doesn't have anything on this party!!!
apparently, they were out for dinner on 9/15 & that didn't get snapped either...maybe they are finding new loopholes to sneak around now!
Good for them!
@ rpattzgrl
Who was out for dinner on 15/9? Sorry, I'm kinda out of the loop.
Rob & the cast-not sure who all was there, but Rob for sure. I'm getting this all off of twitter-no photos- and to quote Goz, need 3 witness's and a photo or it's not true!
Okay thanks Rpattzgirl. Just curious. :)
Rob photos should be up soon-they're out on twitter-Goz, Kate or Dani will post for sure!
they need to relax and get some fun, private party mmmmmmm....
glad to hear he could go out and have fun...hope he got through it w/o being harrassed!!
RPG-lucky girl!! I've loved watching his interviews on youtube-he seems like the nicest guy ever. And I love the way he gives his fans a smooch on the head! loved him in "can't hardly wait" and love him still :)
man, I'm full of love today, aren't I? ;) (just re-read my post)
maybe I'm trying to change my funk from last night, LOL
It was a dinner party. served alcohol, no dance floor. man, some people really overstate and exaggerate. Like they want the twi cast to be clubbing or something. It wasn't. Hosts were 75 years old. get a grip.
I love seeing Rob but I am glad too that they had a night out non interupped by poparattz.
I am laughing Gossip Maven...
*cackles yet again at little Dalì dance*
Glad Rob was out and about, whether grooving on the dance floor or entertaining octogenarians... and that he beat the paparazzi! :D
@rpattzgirl: Peter is definitely my second favourite Cullen, together with Jackson :D. Two true gentlemen.
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