Rob on E!

Emmmm.....E! is a bit behind with these fantastic Rob facts!
But just in case you missed it


Angie said...

Yeah, nothing new. I watched it on tv, just to see Rob on tv.

They also, roped me in with a promo that promised a lot more than was delivered.

Why do I fall for it...

Yeah, I know, I was desperate for a Rob fix.

Kate said...

LOL I don't think you're the only one!! I don't get to see it till a day after so I don't fall for it!! LOL
Gosh better head off to bed. It's nearly 2am here! Goodnight!

Anonymous said...

Eh, just as expected...they've put together a mish mash of old stuff to drum up ratings, of course. Just like the rest..

But I'll try to be patient...soon we'll have new ones..

Oh, another thing I like about Rob -- he's somewhat of a nerd -- he's up to date with his social studies and geography. I think not many among our current crop of young young celebrities are as cerebral as Rob. [I picked up a lot of vocabulary words from his interviews.] (Sorry, that just popped up...something in the news triggered that.)

Tess said...

Recycled and Rehashed. *yawn*

Anonymous said...


Mechevpao said...

that was it??!!!

days of promo for just one minute... tipical E!

RPnKSaddict said...

It's just that we're so Robsessed we already know every tidbit we can get our hands on.

E is so behind the fans that it's almost impossible for them to find new facts about

jmm4832 said...

I don't mind watching the old recycled interviews cause Rob's not giving any new ones. C'mon Rob!

MMc said...

Don't you wish Catherine would release the video of that 2 hour session on her bed???????

rpattz-turn-me-on said...
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rpattz-turn-me-on said...
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rpattz-turn-me-on said...

well we are not going to get any interviews anytime soon , so why not enjoy what little they give us , anything to see Rob's beautiful face on screen.

Haystackhair said...

Sigh. This is news? Sadly, I'll take it...

Anonymous said...

@ADM ~ Same happened to me. I saw it as a promo and they said learn about how Rob shot to fame, yada, yada, yada. I DVR'd it and when I watched it I was like, that's it? I thought it was going to be a 1/2 hour of Rob!! Oh well. Still nice to see him full-screen even if it's just shy of 2 minutes.

Anonymous said...

@femroc ~ Um yeah!!!!!!

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

At this point I'll take because i'm starved to hear his voice !
Typical hype
fail as usual but I still soaked it up!

heather said...

Femroc were thinking along the same lines here. :)) Now that's all I can think of...2 hours..on my bed...with Rob...making out... Oops I'm sorry that's all I heard. ;P

didiette said...

Make out for 2 hours!I so hate Kristen!

Ana73 said...

femroc - i am with you release the video :)) can you imagine the video from that and outtakes from twilight - like falling off the bed.

RPLover said...

Wow! (channeling Phoebe from Friends) That is brand new information!! LOL I expected as much, but still got sucked into watching it-boo. We need a new interview, Rob! Please?!

btw, I'm about half-way through were all right, I'm obsessed with it :)

jmm4832 said...

I don't know how Kristen stayed with her boyfriend so long after the 2-hour audition with Rob! I would have melted in his arms...

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

The media also going through a Rob drought,in the promo they said he 'Slept his way to the top' i almost died with laughter,

to be honest a very dangerous game is being played out here,i wonder who will prevail in the end, as the old saying goes 'the pen is mightier than the sword' or in this case 'silence may not be the best virtue' ......the media is using anything to fill the void.

rpattz-turn-me-on said...


kris had the best of both worlds,she had a comfortable boyfriend at home and she got to make out with the Hottest guy on screen, now that is what i call having your cake and eating it to, Lucky Girl...

sassy28 said...

ok thank you goz instead of having to sit through e news this morning for 2 minutes of rehashed facts we've all known for ages i got to watch the vid you posted,

oh and can i say i love me some rob in the e interview with the facial hair.sigh.

PunkyBumpkin said...

I forgot all about this tonight, and I'm now glad I didn't really bother.

However, I must say, it's almost worth it just to see bearded Rob. *sighs happily*

Anonymous said...

@PunkyBumpkin ~ ikr!! Bearded Rob is hot!! It changes the look of his face in a very Hot way!!!

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