Recycling the Old: Robert Pattinson Refuses Gum Surgery and Likes "Nuts Girls" :)

I love this interview! It's from November 2008. When the craze just started to REALLY build.

I wish the interviews for New Moon would be as light hearted & honest as this one but a part of me knows every friggin' journalist is going to poop a Robsten question and make him guarded.

We love THIS Robert Pattinson:

Thanks to Jenny for sending us this video and reminding us why we fell in love with Rob in the first place ;)

And a Beautiful video from tinypixy59 , it's a bit obsessive but , ummm, we are ROBsessed :)


rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Damn being at work, can't watch videos!!!

I love everything about Rob-

solas said...

I've been trying to keep an eye out for this lad since I saw him in GoF, but fairly useless on the computer, I had never seen this (and probably so many more). Totally sweet.

Mars said...

:( I miss unguarded Rob. He was so genuine and honest (a bit redundant, but he IS both those things!) I totally "fell" after watching a video like this one posted on this site (Thanks, Goz!)

The way he just says what comes to mind... Soooo adorable!

Free the Rob!

Anonymous said...

Oh Gawd...the jawporn in the first video was .......*wipes drool from corners of mouth*.....delicious!

He is sooo handsome and so charming!


Mmmm...just re-enforces why I'm Robsessed!

Marna said...

He's so relaxed & unaware of what's about to happen. Even when the girl is talking about him at the beginning, she says "you may have heard of him" Can you imagine anyone saying that now? you MAY have heard of him? I do miss that Rob.

Cindeeloo said...


I love this video. I remember watching this months back. He seemed to be really comfortable and relaxed with her.

I'm with you Goz, "I WANT OUR ROB BACK TOO"

The other day I was going through some vintage Rob and came across the old mtv interview. TOO CUTE!!!
I loved wathching Rob and Kris interact and being themselves. Sucks that they have to be so guarded now.


TwiHartRK said...

Rob brought us all together. Rob brought us to you Goz.
Thanks for all you do! Thanks for the classic, sexy, charming Rob in the fist video.
Even tho they aren't wonky - Me likey the leg porn in the LA scene at the beginning of the 2nd video :P

...wowie! said...

This is soooo the Rob that I fell in love with. Dang it. ::sigh::

Haystackhair said...

LMAO Goz, POOP a Robsten question? Freudian slip or on purpose?

Cindeeloo said...


because in my heart of hearts I don't think HE has changed.

I'ts the ridiculous circumstances around him that will prevent us from seeing OUR TRUE ROB once he begins to promote New Moon,

I know I'm stating the obvious. It just makes me so sad.


Lynn said...

Sweet Jesus! Rob's voice in that vid just makes my girly parts quiver!

Thank you, Goz for refreshing my's to the Robsessed nuts girls...MUAHHH!

Emily said...

Aww, thanks Goz. One of my all time favorites, as well. I think the girl doing the interview is so cute. At first I thought it was strange that they filmed so you only see his profile but then I thought, what could possibly be wrong with that? A more gorgeous profile has never existed.

"I want a deep pan pizza." I love that part. Man, that lady should have offered to take him out for it, not just tell him the name of the restaurant. She should have told him it's really hard to find or something so she better drive him.

Emily said...

Haystackhair - I noticed that too! Hey, pop or poop works. It's about the same coming from some people.

jmm4832 said...

I miss Rob's interviews but with the intense f**king scrutiny of his personal life he's not doing them. Love you Rob!

Dahlia said...

I reckon (hope!) he's still like that with his friends, he just has to be so guarded nowadays. I love that interview, made even better by his gorgeous accent being so strong back then!

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

i dont think rob have changed,circumstances around him may have but not him,the media have changed and the fans have changed but not him,he had to adjust to all the craziness surrounding him,i would say his actions have changed but not his personality,he changed his actions to suit his enviroment,his careey is evolving so he had to adjust,but he is still the same rob i fell in love on GOF,the only difference is..... now he is a superstar.

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

i meant to type 'career' these damn iphones......and i just read the first chapter of TO.......HOT DAMNNN and SWEET JESUS i wont be getting any sleep tonight lol

Gozde said...

Nope, NOT a slip :)

Suz said...

If I fell in love with you
would you promise to be true
and help meeeee

When, Where and How we all...


Haystackhair said...

LMAO Goz, I suspected as much. I can't watch at work either rpattzgirl. dayum!

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

It's bad enough I sit here all day-don't think I'd have a job if I watched the vids!!!

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Ahh, Suz, my all time fav Beatles song..

Emily said...

By the way, I know I'm a little late but I love the new banner. Scruffy Rob is delicious.

Are the pictures from when he was on Jay Leno?

Suz - Very appropriate!

Sadrilil said...

I have never forgotten the way Rob is, I love seeing that side of Rob fun and care free. I know he is the same person and although he is avoiding the media right now I am sure we will see his true self out again. They will just be more choosey on who gets the interviews, and the kinds of questions he is asked I am sure however he will always be asked the robsten or gf question but I think he is still single! Or here is hoping he hasnt found the right NUT's girl yet OOO yeah that is because he has not come to Calgary yet and accidentally bumped into me! hehehe.. **Goes back to daydreams** Love the 2nd vid as well had not seen that one before great song choice.

Unknown said...

I don't think he's changed either- he just has to conduct himself differently than in the past publicly, and not simply because of Robsten(Robsmellsbadgate, anyone??)

Unfortunately, all the cute and candid and witty and clever things he said in interviews last year came back to bite him in the ass. He'd make a joke he doesn't shower but every four years. Months later, that gets recycled and the headline is "Robert never showers!"

He jokes he's afraid a fan will stab him, the headline months later is "Rob's a big paranoid pussy!"

So many harmful rumors about him came from witty, obviously joking comments from months back. He has to be more guarded this time around to not give people rope to hang him by unfortuantely.

AP said...

Man, the screaming he endured! First vid brings back the old days of silly times, and hell.

The second would have him running his hands through his hair a lot and going 'ummmm..' But I like it when he does that.

Mars said...

Well put, Rosa! It's sad that journalists---whoops, I mean gossip columnists---only want money and used Rob's comments to get more hits on their blogs. Also, they obviously don't have funny-bones! If they did, they'd get that those comments were Rob's way of joking.

What lame-wads.

margot said...

oh, shit ... I had to go to watch Twilight - biology scene once again :))))))))))))
... and I'm not obsessed anymore ... hmmm ... strange

kat said...

Emerging from lurkdom to first of all thank you for this brilliant refuge--You all are awesome. Secondly, along the lines of great "old" interviews, I was wondering if anyone has a link to the one where the interviewer, after discussing fan girls waiting in line overnight for one of Rob's appearances, suggests that his newfound fame must reassure his mum that he won't have any problems settling down with a "nice girl", but then he responds that there are a lot of nut jobs out there. Or something along those lines. Cannot find that interview anywhere! And pathetically, this makes me even more crazed to see it again. Because, as you can see, I am apparently one of those nut jobs. If anyone knows were I can find this interview, I would be so grateful! Then I can actually, maybe, get something done today.

Loisada said...

Frantically thumping on chest trying to get heart to beat regularly again!

The Rob is always a jolt right to my heart, cutting through all the defensive layers to remind me there is nothing as breathtaking and invigorating as a thoughtful, candid genuine soul. This man is a tonic to the spirit... which makes him so incredibly addictive.

Nikola Six said...

Change is inevitable. It's part of growing up, whether famous or not. However...

When you get hit (at the ripe old age of 22) with a catastrophic wave of fame that's slapped him right square in the face (and it's still pounding him), there is no way you can walk away from that unscathed. Not possible. And I imagine that it will continue on for at least another 2 plus years or so, until this Twilight madness dies down (DiCaprio only had to deal with one film, Titanic and one year of madness, 1998). If it continues on beyond Twilight, he could be in some trouble. He's gone from an unknown to arguably, the most famous person in the world in less than a year. How the hell does he live up to that kind of hype? It's the thing he was most afraid of and it's happening RIGHT NOW and if he can't live up to it, it could prove unsurvivable for him. That's a frightening thought.

Some have said, 'oh I hope he gets Sexiest Man Alive this year.' THAT is the worst thing that could happen to him (maybe later when he's older and all of THIS has calmed down). When you shoot out the cannon as far and fast as he has, there's only one way to go...and that's down. Don't wish anymore hype or bullshit onto him. But has he himself changed?

My gut says no. His Twilight co-stars say no. He's still the same this year as he was last before the tidal wave hit. Although...

They said it during New Moon (before Cannes, before Remember Me, before Kristen). We haven't heard a peep as to how is on this current shoot.

My gut still says no. He hasn't changed. The world has simply changed around him.

The trick Rob darling, is to stay that way.


(something tells me he already KNOWS this)


Loisada said...

Amen Nik. And I don't think he buys into any of it. I imagine his keen "sense of the absurd" tells him that that this sudden fame is just that: ridiculously absurd.

My only fear is that even if he knows it's of no real value, the oppressive fame could hinder him from deepening the true meaningful relationships he needs to surf his way through this unscathed. Is it making him more of a recluse? I have faith. His true friends have his back, and he knows his real fans see him for what he is, not as an idolized Edward.

Yes, he'll mature, he'll take his bumps, he'll change.. but he will pull through this brilliantly! After all, he's Robert fucking Pattinson!

Cindeeloo said...

@ puddle, I vaguely remember that one. I THINK that was the interview he did in San Francisco.
There was a girl who had camped out on the sidewalk all night only to find out his apperance had been cancelled (or rescheduled) due to the overwhelming amount of girls that showed up? He then so sweetly asked the interviewer if she was given a tkt for his next apperance, and he said "yes" and Rob replied "GOOD" Is that the one???? lol

Nikola Six said...

Yes Loisada, I think he will too. At such a tender age he seems to possess such humour, wisdom and even grace about it all. I have several more years of life experience under my belt than he and I would not be handling it as well. I'd be kickin' and pinchin' and punching' and spittin'. I guess it's that old soul of his. In that regard, I'm gonna guess that he's much older than me (and I'm a pretty old soul myself). And let me clarify something...

When I used the word 'unsurviable' (a very strong word indeed), I wasn't refering to his life. I meant, his career. Because of who I think he is on the inside, I think his life is going to be just fine. Even if it means hanging it all up one day and just walking away. And he just might. But in terms of his career...

He's got a mountain load of shit live down and there's only ONE way to do it and that's through his talent. At the end of the day, THAT'S all that's left standing when everything else has crumbled down around your feet. TALENT! And if he's got the talent I think he does, he will survive all of this insanity. If he doesn't...he won't.

It would be my hope for him that once he finishes Twilight, that he would be in a position to just go get lost for a year or two. Go climb back up on that roof top Rob. Drink your beer. Eat your pizza. Play your guitar. Let it all die down and then venture back. My fear is that the offers will be rolling in at such a clip, that he won't be allowed to.

Who knows?


Cindeeloo said...

puddle, I have to go, I'll be home tonight and will try to help you locate it. If I find it I'll post on this thread. I liked that interview as well.


Cindeeloo said...

Oh God Nik, you almost brought a tear to my eye in regards to that last paragraph. Although I would miss him, Nothing would make me happier to see him get back to that rooftop along with his guitar, beer and pizza.


Nikola Six said...

One last thing...

I think it's time for another letter to God...

Dear God...

For the love of YOU, please do not let Summit send your precious child Rob out on another one of those assinine mall tours. Are you aware of the bedlam that ensued on the streets of New York last summer? Well...he was making a movie (that's cause You made him so very bee-u-ti-ful and talented) and since he was working on public streets, there wasn't a whole helluva lot they could do about the public. If they send him into these malls with no control over how many will show up -it's not like they sell tickets to these things God- it could turn into a very frightening situation. For him and for Your other precious children who might show up. I don't want any of them to get hurt but I especially don't want him to get hurt. Crowds scare him God. Keep an eye on him. And kick Summit in their asses and tell them...NO!

You're God. You can do it.

Another precious child,

(and I'm sorry I don't call home more often. In addition to being precious, I'm also a doubting rebel. But I came into the world that way, so...who do I see about this? Correct. That would be You)

**we now return you to regularly scheduled program**

kat said...

@ Cindeeloo
I think that might be the one! Thanks for looking, and if you do find it, even xtra thanks!

Aneska said...

We all miss that Rob )o;

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

What a sweet interview...

I don't think HE has changed-I think the media has & the perception has,,

It's unfortunate that we don't get to see these types of interviews anymore...

Athena said...

Thanks for posting this, Gozde! I had never seen it!

I truly miss this Rob... I hope he will be back soon :)...

Anonymous said...

That interview was so genuine! Aww, I miss seeing Rob that way. And the girl who interviewed him was so sweet. Hopefully he'll be able to give interviews like that again.

Anonymous said...

guys like Rob just don't exist..his voice is a shock to the female system..incredible..thanks for refreshing:)i think we r irrevocably wasted..

ROB PATTINSON for Dummies said...

this m*ther f*&%er is devestatingly beautiful, handsome, elegant and so very sexy in this interview.



As A dentist im very suprise they wanted to fix his teeth.....

The funny thing is i readed twilight years ago and i liked the book but i wasnt obsessed,even when they said they were making a movie i was still if-y about it. then i saw an interview with rob and i was like "must watch twilight"

orion said...

Goz: This is my favorite interview...when I saw it long time ago that's when became in love with Rob, it's so genuine, so sweet. I would like to see more like this interview...

lalala said...

So sweet how he says,"It could have been anybody"

Oh no, honey... its YOU YOU YOU....nobody else was made to be Edward but him and I highly doubt I would been turned into the completely obsessed MESS if it was anyone other than this beautiful, sweet, intelligent, talented beyond belief sexy man. Like someone else posted, I don't think I would have read the books. Of course, now I am equally obsessed with him AND the books, but he sealed the deal.

Anonymous said...

i'm a dentist and for the record he doesn't have any problem with his gum at all he just have palatally inclined centrals and i always believed men with imperfect teeth are the sexiest, i'll be glad to do him any dental work though, in fact i would pay him to get a chance to work on him

Browneyedgirl said...

OMG, this is the 1st time I've seen that interview, the one in Chicago? He's so adorable! His jaw OMG, he's killing me!

Treasure_7 said...

I really do just love Rob's randomness and really am sad that he does have to watch what and how he says everything.

Nicole said...

I haven't heard his voice in sooo long. I love his accent, makes me all gooey inside. I had to ban myself from watching these, couldn't sleep!

Anonymous said...

i miss the easy going and care free rob.
i'm making a shirt that says "free robert" on the front and on the back it's gonna say "we miss easy-going and care free rob"

Tess said...

Thank you for reposting this Gozde.

I really do miss his voice.

Maybe he's hoping everyone will forget about him so he can have his life back and this is the reason we haven't heard anything new from him.

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