On the cover it gives you the illusion that they are talking about Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart getting married:
Then in the text they are twisting it to "Oh, it's just for Breaking Dawn"!
The problem is Breaking Dawn didn't even start shooting so how OK! knows the "intricate details" is mind blowing. They must have made one of their interns read the book...
Twilight Wedding: OK! gives you the intricate details of the upcoming big-screen ceremony, based on imagery in Stephenie Meyer’s cult vampire series. And just like in old Hollywood, a real-life wedding might not be far off — so far, Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart’s relationship has mirrored Edward and Bella’s.
Our usual PSA: A cute puppy dies and a unicorn sheds a tear every time someone buys these magazines. Trees are killed so they can have paper to publish this crap on. I'm just sayin'... No pressure....
"I'm just sayin'... No pressure.... "
LOL. No pressure. Who on earth buys that crap?
Pet stores... to line the cages.
This robsten soap opera is out of control.So are the gossip mags.I syspect they're trying to make R/K to make a statement about their relaysh.I just hope they read this crap and laughing.I would be mad.I feel so sorry for them.This craziness must stop.
Hey Suz - just been enjoying your Art, HTB screening vids!! Love ya girl!! I have just found out that How to Be is being released in Oz on 4 November.......oh beautiful Art - I need to get my hands on that boy coz I need as much Rob as I can get...LOL
Suck the big one ok crapazine
JR.. Art owns me.. completely.
Glad you are enjoying the screening vids. It was a great night!
Yup, that's ME asking the first question!
Really OK!? Really, just wow. But I have got to give them some credit, just like when I told my mom it was my brother who snuck into the halloween candy in 89, I never let on...shhhhhh even after he was grounded...IT WAS ME!
Stickin to their guns with the lie. Got to appreciate their stamina with this load of crap.
Morning Ladies!
Hi rpattzgirl and JandR! (waves)
What would a morning be without OK!'s daily crap. By the time BD is made, there will be either babies on the way or trouble in paradise.
The name of this mag should be "not ok!"!!!!!A word is missing from the name of the mag!!!!!!!!!!!
WhAt A fUnNy JoKe~~~
If they actually got married, no one would believe it anymore. :)
Morning All!
Just read over on the eclipse site that they were filming the practice fight scene with ALL the Cullens yesterday...
I can not wait to see Robward fight with Victoria & rip her head off-exciting!
I think it's so cool that DS tweets what they're doing & what scenes they're shooting.
Hi LR!!! How's things?
It's funny that these publications put such effort into these ridiculous stories, effort to the point that my conspiracy side gets all a flutter and wonders if "the studio" has a hand in this "pot".
I mean, these stories just keep the Twilight Saga first and foremost in the minds of readers by punching us in the face with these types of headlines. All it is, is promotional advertisement for the Twilight movies.
Hi J&R!! Things are ok. How's your daughter and her car? Busy with your diss?
Hi! Yes! Sam is coming to Portland 12/2-BUT, he says he's "suporting" this guy named Jason?? Not sure what that means, but I think maybe he's just playing back up for him or something?
I want to see Sam play his music-so not sure what the deal is...
It's at the Wonder ballroom, so I may still go!!
I just started reading a life extraordinary and its soooo good. Thanks for the rec
Hi LR - yes busy with diss - handed in my draft to my supervisor and have a bit more to do but the end is in sight!!!
Loved your email with the firemen by the way!! LMAO
Daughter and car both okay - tyre and wheel aren't though!! Had to source a new mag wheel from across the country as they don't make them anymore!! Kids always costing you money hey??
@rpattzgirl - yay - you get to see Sam either way. I love marcus Foster's music and voice and wasn't so into Bobby Long although he sure is cute!! hehe
But just listened to Sam's stuff and he has such a great soulful voice and I'm loving his lyrics so if I had half a chance to see him anywhere I'd be there!! Looks like Bobby Long is my only chance at the moment - he is playing in Sydney in Dec or Jan...not sure yet if I'll get there - it's way across the other side of the country from where I live!
So if you get to see Sam in person - you gotta dish details for me and take photos, please!!!
Well at least they didnt flip his face on the cover this time eh?!
Yeah! I'm glad you're enjoying it!
I'm starting ch 20 tonight. I'm trying to make it last, so I only read 4-5 chapters a night....
well if you get through it too fast I promise the submissive won't disappoint.
You know I will!
Bobby was here in portland a while back & I freaking missed him...so pissed! I love Marcus too, and can't wait for him to come...
I hope you get to see Bobby-same thing, lets us know!
Here's the thing that really irks me..Sam is playing in Vancouver the weekend BEFORE I arrive!! That sould have been a given to see Rob as well-
Oh well, can't have everything..
RPatzgirl- yay for you! I love Sam, his new EP is really good. My DH keeps searching the web for anything of Sam's he can download.
Enjoy and then tell us all about it.
rpattzgirl - oh yes you can have everything - just gotta plan better!!! LOL
If it was a chance to see Rob - I'd be there if I could...
Sam in Vancouver would have been great. But seeing him in your hometown will be too. Maybe get to see him twice - even better! And you just never know - Rob knows where Portland is at least! hold onto that... ;-)
JandR- I agree Sam's voice is really soulful. One of the best songs on the EP is "Pretty Boy.
I have rellies that live somewhere in Colorado! My dad's aunt married a US soldier after WWII and I have a whole crowd of relations living with the Grand Canyon in their backyard and have only met them once here in Oz many many years ago now!!
I really should look them up and come visit!!
My fave thing about Rob? his adorkableness of course!! LOL oh and his amazing beauty inside and out!
I love the fascinating people I meet on this blog!!!! :-)
So here's my wish for the day..
would love to see Rob, Sam, Bobby & Marcus all play together...
can you imagine ladies what that would be like??
JandR- It really is beautiful here, I'm close to the mountains and visit them often.
It's cool getting to meet others from around the world.
LOL. The way we love Rob unites us all.
I also don't say Bologna at all how it's spelled.
Hope we can chat more sometime.
RPgirl- hell yes that would be a dream come true. I'd simultaniously combust by the end of the show if I make it that long.
Yep, me too...
Just a thought - if their real life relationship mirrored Bella and Edward's then she would end up back with Michael. Because the real life triangle was supposedly Michael and Rob with Kristen and in Twilight its Edward and Jacob. Jacob loses out to Edward in Twilight, so it would follow that Rob would lose out to Michael. Just sayin'.
This magazine cover is almost harmless in the sense it's too ridiculous and everyone knows it's a lie. I think the more damaging ones are like that people cover, since they get more respect. This is just plain goofy.
it just makes me sick that they can make this shit up and people actually believe it and buy it. Trash and thts it!
It is trash but i wanna see Rob's people deny it. It seems they pick and choose what stories to deny.
To clear this whole thing up they should just make a statement. I don't undestand why they do not do that.
KL--only if Michael were her one true love. Let's be logical here. ;-)
This is getting silly. By the time Breaking Dawn starts filming, they will have had a baby. Then a band of crazed Italians will come to kill the rapidly changing tot. The cast will have to band together to fight them off.
@rpg-that would be EPIC!! I'm currently obsessed with Bobby's stuff, keep listening over and over-my poor laptop would probably just melt if I played a vid of the 4 of them, too hot! ;)
wish for a chance to see Bobby some day... *sigh*
the bullets on the cover perfectly give the details of breaking dawn's setting. i hate tabloids when they manipulate things. but i think they are cute together and should date after this whole twilight stuff is done so no one can say its for the movies. :) teheee
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