New/Old Pix of Robert Pattinson in Montepulciano (May 27th 2009)

And de-dotted by FakerParis at Thinking of Rob:

Source: Robert Pattinson Source via Thinking of Rob


Anonymous said...

hhhmmmmm, sigh . . . . :))
*has stupid silly grin on face*

Haystackhair said...

oh that chest. Sigh. I'd like to lick the dots off....

Divinesally said...

amen to that Haystackhair!

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

I love it! No one puts dots on Rob!

sunflower0674 said...

**thud*** ahhh... I love the way he leaves the top few buttons on his shirt undone. I'd volunteer to unbutton the rest.

Sadrilil said...

HAHA read the Dots comment and all I could think of was the dirty dancing quote "No body puts Baby in the Corner"

Gotta lovem dots and all..

Anonymous said...

Oh I love to see all the pics in Montepulciano; it brings back great memories!!

Anonymous said...

i love seeing candid rob :)

he's so fucking cute & charming with his fans *sigh*

TwiHartRK said...

Looook Ladies!! A "Connect the Dots With Your Tongue" game!! Schlurp.

Stan said...

Can you imagine having the job of putting the dots on him though? I'm betting you'd have to get reeeeally close to see what you were doing. And use stick on dots. And that the dots actually stick best to wet skin...saliva in fact. And obviously by wetting the skin and not the dot. I admit I did give this quite a lot of thought when the dot pics forst came out ;o)

shirleegirl said...

Is it just my imagination or does Rob look like he is getting ready to cry in the 2nd picture - hope some stupid fangirl didn't try to piggyback ride him!

Athena said...

I had never seen these ones! Dear me, he does pull some funny faces, at times! :D

Excuse me now, while I get mesmerised by his chest...

I wonder if the person who put the dots on Rob went "beep!" every time they touched him... I know I probably would have! Hahahaha!

Anonymous said...

Oooh, last pic the sun is glistening off of the chest hair. Sigh........

Unknown said...

aha love the hole in his's sooooo roblicious ^^

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