New Robward Cullenson/Krisella Swan Still

Purple bed sheets and blue low cut dress? Oh Krisella, you drove Robward crazy... :)

Thanks to our friend for the still (From people magazine)


solas said...

I dunno--I don't like the red lips! And I am SOOOO glad the bouffant is gone; would rather it not even be hinted at!

DesiEnM said...

GAH...i LOVE it...they r going to be the death of me...seriously love the looks on their worship or something..

DesiEnM said...

btw what the forks?? AGAIN with the purple/red/pink rainbow lips? i hate them..

WinWin said...

Thanks for the update.

The makeup is a bit heavy. His lashes are so pretty. lol

I wonder if this is after return from Volturri?

Anonymous said...

Could be the heavy make-up needed for the lights while filming and it shows up more intense in an image/picture. Lovely scene though! Could be after Volturi when she wakes up and he's still there in the bedroom. So excited!! He looks gorgeous still!

Oh and for the hair, if you remember Rob got a buzz cut because he was so sick of all the hair comments and the studio yelled at him for doing that. I'm sure the bouffant would have been there if he didn't go ahead and cut his gorgeous, gorgeous sex hair!!!!!!

mya bluesky said...

just wonder what scene it is???
look at their lovely is that. something wrong with his lips,it's redder than bella's.

Anonymous said...

stunning. i want a look like that from him.

his eyes are always so amazing.


JandR said...

oh boy - what I wouldn't do for that guy if he was looking at me like that!! me want!

Celtibera said...

Just stopped by to say that yesterday I was at one of those major bookstores and found this Rob biography or something similar (I got dazzled by the pics, so don't ask me the name of it or if it was really a bio, because I honestly can't say - it's the Rob effect, what can I say?). It had some major yummy pics. I spent some time browsing through it and then proceeded to the following shelf. About 5 minutes later, I heard a scream and then lots of giggles. Needless to say I didn't need to turn to know what had happened. There were more "victims" of the Rob effect standing near me, looking at the book. I gave them one of those "I KNOW!!!" looks and then I had to join the giggle. Good times :D

BTW, I love the pic. I can't wait for freaking NM to arrive!!!!!!

Rayodeluna said...

Ohhh this is amazing...the love is in the air!! haha When is this coming out?? I MUST buy this magazine ASAP!!!

Anonymous said...

@mya blueskey ~ lips are the same shade as Bella's just looks darker because he is paler (is that even a word?!) than she is. (Sorry the graphic designer in me can't help it. I just have an eye for color.)

Haystackhair said...

and maybe it's the proposal! GAH! THUD!

cutecandy said...

I'm sorry he sort-a look like a drag queen in the photo :(

Golnaz said...

I dont care if these two are actually together or not offscreen, all i care about is their chem onscreen. And onscreen, DANG,these two are freaking HOT together. Their much want!

Anonymous said...

which scene could it be he looks sad, after bella's birthday party , the last visit before the breakup scene maybe alice gave her a clean dress mmm just trying to distract myself from staring :@

dawn said...

he's prettier than kristen in this photo gives out the gay vibe.still love him..

Ana73 said...

golnaz - completely agree with you, as long as they have it for the movie.

i was thinking what scene too, it can't be after b-day because she is wearing a green dress, i guess we shall wait and see :))

ok! has a "new" interview of KS but it really sounds old, like before filming maybe even new moon, not sure BUT how do they recycle these interviews and post them as "new", anyways it's on twifans site.

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

purple sheets with flowerd print YIKES!!!!

mya bluesky said...

@lindaRose: yeah maybe you right. or maybe Rob didn't like his edward's original lip's color so he said to the make up crew :
R:Can i have the same color like kristen has?
C: ok, just do it by ur self
then Rob kiss kristen to get what he want..

RPnKSaddict said...

OMR!! a new pic!! Thank you, thank you! I'm just so happy it's something new. I don't care about the rest. They're lovely...and romantic. I have goosebumps.

Good morning everyone,have a great Robsessed day!!

babbles said...

Those are some red lips... on him of course... LOL!

Robaholic said...

YAY new pic!

TwiHartRK said...

Oh Wow - I can't wait for this. Still too far away. We need a countdown for the DVD release so we can watch it over and over again like I did with the Twi commentary. That was the best part of Twilight watching Robward and listening to Rob describes the movie. Hilarious.

noisefaidaus said...

I love the look they give each other like no one else is in the room let alone.
Why are people getting so caught up in theatrical makeup?? Give it a rest guys it will look different in the film.
Plus he is supposed to be vampire and any vibrant colour will contrast significantly against his pale alabaster skin.

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...


Oh, just to have him look at me that way-JUST ONCE!


Chris owns my heart too-he's done good with NM.

DreamingofRob said...

maybe the proposal
yes, the colours are..not so good
but still hot

tnan said...

Sigh, yummy pic! I hope Chris doesn't cut out a lot of the scenes we've seen leaked. They're so good. At least they should save them for the dvd extras.

Ooh, I'm so excited to see Rob and Kristen at the VMAs in Edward and Bella mode! You know how they have a hard time getting out of character while filming.

Angela said...

Rob talked about the makeup in an interview he did in mexico. (the i'm a dick, don't like me one)

He said there was a lot of debate about the makeup (for TW) that his was thinner than the others and that he looked Kabuki/transvestite.

He said he never understood the lipstick thing.

The lipstick bothers me in some pictures and not so much in others. There is no mention of the red lips in the book. I think they are trying to make his face whiter by contrast.

I think the scene is most likely after the birthday party and Alice made her wear the dress? Is that the same suit he wore to the party?

Interesting too blue dress like she wears in BD after her transformation.

OK, I;m a geek, just want to see Robward, with or without lipstick.

Anonymous said...

I try to photoshop the picture, here is the result:

Angela said...

OK, changed my mind. Now I think it's a proposal scene and they just made it after some event where she wore a dress

Other option is it's just a promo that wont be in the movie at all

Anonymous said...


spunkinator said...

I think that is when he's proposing to her!




Hy!!thank goid i can rest here at robsessed!! after all these days working.
all these pics makes me super excited for new moon..can't wait!
Rob looks great but I think the make up is a little heavy...specially the lips too red!the lip color in twilight I think it was fine no need to exagerated but everything else is better
I don't think that blue thing is a looks like a sexy pj or bra???or maybe I'm crazy

Anonymous said...

You know what, I can't even look at this picture, Kristen has her long hair and it just makes me think of the disgusting fake wig she is wearing now.

Anonymous said...

You know what, I can't even look at this picture, Kristen has her long hair and it just makes me think of the disgusting fake wig she is wearing now.

Noe said...

i think bella is wearing a camisole and it is after bella tells edward she wants to talk to his parents and family members. you know before the voting and bella having that epiphany in the woods on the way. thus her still contorted face.

yep i thought long and hard about it. haha.

Angela said...

I agree it's around that time, but why a camisole? She doesn't wear those until BD. and why would he still have his jacket on?

It looks more like a party dress to me so maybe they added a scene we don't know about or...

it's not going to be in the movie. just a promo pic. with really bad lipstick.

It looks much better in b&w.

Shani said...

Why did they have to mess up Robward with lipstick. That so sick. He looks great without it. Why does something always have to look so effed up in these movies? Krisella wig anybody. UGH!!! Will they ever get it right?

Noe said...

ha well camisole/nightie is all the same to me. plus it looks silky and camisoles are silky and don't always have to be sexy. it can be a plain bella tank cami.

i had a feeling it may be an added scene but i was hoping it wasn't the proposal scene so badly because i love how it goes down in eclipse.

so i convinced myself that she must of gotten her victoria's secret set from renee at sometime and made use of it. and there are only two moments in which edward appears in her bedroom. when he gives her his present for her and when he is rejoined with her at the end after the volturi thing.

the latter seemed more appropriate. and the whole deal with edward in a dress shirt thing is quite simple. well the fact that edward doesn't sleep so he doesn't need to wear pjs all the time may come into play.

oh and bella had a green dress on for her party. so that canceled that option out.

man i can't believe i put that much effort into explaining my thought of the camisole. haha.

Unknown said...

I agree with the red lipstick, I mean I don't like it too..maybe Rob doesn't like that too..or perhaps what we see are just on pictures, it's a different medium, it's print, so probably it would be different in movies. But anyway they probably still put makeup on Rob aside from that white powder thing.

I really like how Kristen looked at Rob here more than how she acted in Twilight, because now she's got that "I'm obsessively, unconditionally and irrevocably inlove with you" look.

Tess said...

1. Which movie is this picture from?? Her hair looks more natural here, so not from Eclipse right?

2. Bella! change your sheets missy!

3. Edward looks like he's seen a ghost!

Unknown said...

Tess from New Moon..I think

Diane said...

Charlie's to blame for the purple sheets, remember?

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