New Bella & Edward Stills

These are from the "New Moon Illustrated Companion" that will be on sale from October 6 and "People" Magazine will have a sneak peak when it hits newsstands this Friday and here's what will be in "People" Magazine.


twilightmami2008 said...

This Pics are awesome!

Which Scene(pic one) could it be?!?!

Robert lookin so damm hot!!

Team Robert <3<3<3<3<3

suasiddau said...

Bella in dress looks so romantic.

Dahlia said...

The first one looks like it should be a scene from "Breaking Dawn"... interesting!

Can't wait for New Moon *squeals*

Anonymous said...

The first pic has to be a dream sequence. Though isn't that the same shirt that he was wearing in those wonderful LATimes NM set shots?

Marna said...

Yes, what is that first picture from? I can't even remember anything with Bella in a dress running in the woods with Edward.

Emily said...

I thought the same thing about the first picture, han-x-walker. It's looking a little "Sound of Music" to me. I'm thinking it is from a dream sequence or something.

But, I'm not too worried. I've loved everything we've seen so far from NM so I'm sure it will work. I do love Edward in that picture and the second pic is just beautiful.

Ellie said...

I love these, Kate..thank you!

RPnKSaddict said...

They 're running together maybe it's the vision Alice show's Aro,that Bella has been turned vamp.
It's beautiful whatever it is.

Ellie said...

Hi, Emily!
It's me, Ellie...I can't get into my blogger account, so hence, no avatar...

How are yuou???

Kate said...

Have a look at the pics I just added. On that one with them running you can make out the words Dream Sequence so I'd say Linda Rose is on the right track ;-)

Emily said...

Ellie! How are you, hun?

Aww, I miss your avi.

Ellie said...

I agree, it looks like a dream sequence...

Haystackhair said...

OOOOH, more frolicking in the woods! And I must say, there are going to be some HAWT kisses in this movie. They have some MAD chemistry even in pics!!!!

RPnKSaddict said...

After a second,third,and fourth look, I still just can't get over just how beautiful Robward is.
Kristen looks godeous to.

Thanks Kate for posting these.

womadsart said...

Rob is hot hot hot hot! I love the scene where he's laying next to Bella... mmmmm!

Ellie said...

Doing well, Em...just wish I was still on summer vacation! lol

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

GAH!! Them running in the forest-is that a "vision" for Breaking Dawn???

OMG, these are amazing!!

LOVE LOVE Chris W & his vision...

Emily said...

I know Ellie, the summer flew by.

On the plus side, now that it's not summer anymore it means we're that much closer to November!

How is your class this year?

Kate said...

Have to agree I love CHris Too!
From what we've seen from NM it looks like he's done a fantastic job!!!

Pet73 said...

I'm glad I ordered my movie companion already a few weeks ago. Can't wait to hold it in my own hands!

Anonymous said...

Finally, a different attire for Bella.

Perhaps Chris added more "togetherness" scenes to develop Edward's and Bella's intense relationship. I think that's important-- to show why/how they got to that level of devotion to (and willingness to die for) each other.

marya said...

RPaddict OMG i thought exactly the same thing...and im 100 percent sure that the first pic it is from when bella is turned into a vampire! i looove kristens dress! its perfect for that scene...and edward...rob...looks so unbelievably god...
but im sad theyre sorta giving away the way bella will look...i was hoping thatd be a total surprise!

Haystackhair said...

yeah but if it's a dream, it will only be the way she THINKS she's gonna look. Just sayin'

Haystackhair said...

Maybe it's the dream where she looks in the mirror and she's old. She just hasn't seen herself yet.

Angela said...

I think it's at the end of new moon, when he proposes, and it's her dreaming her Anne of Green Gables dream.

I know the green gables thing is in Eclipse, but when he proposes, he might give the "I am that boy" speech and she envisions it.

It could be Bella running as a vampire (thus the worried look on his face and her joy) but that wouldn't explain the historic clothing.

Also, that lipstick on him in the kiss on the bed is just so awful. Kabuki transvestite again. Hope it translates better on film.

Anonymous said...

He is wearing waaay too much makeup.
But the scene in the forest where the characters Bella and Edward are running together looks so romantic.

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Nov 20th needs to be a national holiday.

Divinesally said...

that first pic is beautiful! the both look so gorgeous. Bella looks post transition so I'm guessing it's either Alice's vision of Bella. could this be Bella's first hunt?

Divinesally said...


Divinesally said...
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rpattz-turn-me-on said...


with the 3 trailers and all the pics they are giving away the movie,

by the time Nov 20 comes around you would of seen the whole movie,i know its part of promotion but you have to be careful about giving away to much,its a delicate balance but it can be done.....great pics.

AP said...
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T said...

I so can't wait to see this movie!!!!

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Cool vid I found on

Suz said...

Love the romantic shots!

Soo sweet!

Mars said...

Ummm... The wolf pack is hottt! Nice stomach, fellas :))

Unknown said...

Looks like part of that dream sequence stuff. Kristen in a little house on the prairie dress...(can't help but snicker...)

Ana73 said...

love the pics. i am agreeing dream sequence and then it will turn tragic somehow, remember all the nightmares she had.

marz - i agree with wolves look good to :) i think the whole movie is just gonna be great, nov. 20th cant come soon enough.

TheCheshireCat said...

I'm thinking along the lines that that first pic is of the vision Alice has that she shows Aro. It would make sense. But the fact that it says "dream sequence" it could be one of those dreams that turns tragic that she has. I DON'T KNOW! I WANT IT TO BE NOV 20TH!!!!! :)

hemiola said...

oh no in the 2nd picture Rob really DOES look like he belongs in a Kabuki drama!!

I hope it's just the quality of the scan..

omo said...

ok I just saw this and OMG!!
I had to share. love team Robert

omo said...

sorry stupid me here is the link.. I was so excited. and this one
sorry to bother people

Anonymous said...

Oooh I can't wait till that book comes out. I think I pre-ordered it. I pre-ordered so much Rob stuff that I can't remember what I ordered so it'll be like Christmas when I get them in the mail!!!! LOL

Angie said...


I did the same thing. Every time something arrives, I dance around like a kid on Christmas morning.

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