We are presenting you next week's crappy magazine cover!
This picture is making the rounds on the internet:

Awww, how romantic! Wait! What's that picture on the left top hand corner?

Himm, I believe I HAVE seen those 2 in the exact same pose somewhere!

People should get a life and stop building dream houses in their heads...
Apparently the person that made the manip told her 111 followers it was a manip.
I apologize for not knowing what everyone does in the universe :)

This picture is making the rounds on the internet:
Awww, how romantic! Wait! What's that picture on the left top hand corner?
Himm, I believe I HAVE seen those 2 in the exact same pose somewhere!
Apparently the person that made the manip told her 111 followers it was a manip.
I apologize for not knowing what everyone does in the universe :)
This is getting ridiculous! Let's just try to wait and see when ALL the Twilight movies are over...if they are still hanging out...then we'll know if this was all a put on for publicity or not.
LOL, you forgot to flip it Goz!
Aww, it just makes things SOO much easier when she's wearing heels! :-)
wow great photoshop. Rob looks a bit short. tee hee
I have as much time on my hands apparently since I'm commenting...
So. Ridiculous. Sure, it's fun to do some photoshopping, but please don't pretend it's real... P.s. I hate Kristen's hair so much. Ugh.
not all are manips the one with the three of them with rob's hand on her shoulder is real,there were no pics of rob and kris alone just kris and taylor.so the last one is funny lol
what about the other pic... taylor behind or beside(whatever) kristen and rob's hand at her shoulder? i think it's manip but i hope not... but it's kinda cute...
pfffffffff.... nothing surprises me
and this is just beginning
In a few days we can expect for those manipulations covering some crap magazine.
This is why I visit this blog. It's like you have shit-detectors! You ladies have hawk-eyes! haha
I'm skeptical of Robsten as well... but what about the picture in the bottom righthand corner. The one with his arm around her? Do we think that one real?
P.S. Kristen's hair looks good! She looked amazing last night! Girl cleans up well.
i see the real pic of rob- but what about the real pic of her- she has to be standing like that against someone.
Why would they even bother with a manip?? The two most noticable pictures of the two of them are quite enough on their own, no need for manips this time people!
brianna- i wondered THE SAME thing! about the one with his arm around her and him looking down... wonder if that is a manip too?
so mtv is doing manips??,i think only one is fake but others were taken by mtv,its amazing that any pic of rob/kris faked omg,i agree with goz if and when they will come out,when that time comes and they do confirm some women are going to be heart broken in DENIAL i shudder to think of that day.
No no, the MTV picture is real :)
no need for manips the eal ones speak for themselves,why spoil the whole basket with one bad apple,if kris take a pic with any guy ITS REAL ,but if its rob ITS ALL FAKED LOL some rob fans are so posessive of him lol the idea of him with a woman kills them.
Only one is a manip.
The rest are real people!! They are from MTV!
Heck, the real ones are way more couply and adorable than the manip one:)
Yeah, but you know some a-hole is going to get a hold of it and you'll have all these believers thinking that it's real including OK magazine . . . and flopped.
@Haystackhair ~ Great minds think a like. I just wrote that in my post but didn't read yours first! LOL!!!
goz the ones with the 3 of them together with his hands on her shoulder is that real?? because mtv took those also and its on the mtv website.
I feel bad for Taylor in the real pictures... It's like he's trying to get in on the Rob/Kristen love and can't :(
Poor lil guy, haha!
Holy crap! I wouldn't have known that was a manip if you didn't tell me. Of course, I wouldn't have thought it was proof they were a couple either. I don't understand why people keep making these things, even if you tell everyone it's a manip, people are going to think it's real & it just causes more rumors & stories.
lol of course the one with his arm around her is real, it was originally posted by MTV. sorry if some people want it to be a manip, it's not.
I totally agree Monika.
the two with his arm around her are the intimate ones. And they are real!! Heck, the mags will probably use those ones since they are ten times more couply than the manip.
It seems a lot are hoping those ones are manips too, to bad they are not:)!
I swear the people who come up with any excuse to deny Robsten are as crazy as the Robsten shippers.
I think its pretty dang obvious that these two are crazy close. Whether they are BFFS or lovers, i dont know, but everything the past couple months has shown that they share something very special. Wherever they go, they are in their own little bubble.
the real ones are wayyyy more sexy, LOL i bet some women want that one to be faked lol
There was a time when shippers were called delusional, it's time for non-shippers to be called that
oh the idea of him being taken and being in love with a teenager just kills some robsessed fans I see lol.
Sure believe everything is fake if that makes anyone feel better.
What's this thing with people making manips?Weren't the real pics enough?At the photo where Rob puts his hand around her arms,it's more than obvious that they're a couple.At least to my eyes it's obvious.Some people,even if they watch a sex tape with Rob and Kristen,they're gonna say that they're rehearsing for BD.Mercy!!!
lol, that's classic.
Fine if someone had too much time on their hands and wanted to make a manip... but then you post it to the world, and next thing you know, some dumbass magazine in Australia (or where ever) puts it on a cover calling it "proof" of Robsten. Not that it is or isn't, but no one bothers to be accountable anymore for what they print.
IMO there is no "harmless photoshopping". If you are going to do it, maybe it should be tagged/imprinted as such.
yeah the real one>>>> the fake one
I don't mind manips-I think they're awesome, as long as magazines don't print them as REAL!
I agree Haystack & LindaRose!
Yes, the one with his arm around her is real. Only the one I highlighted is a manip :))
and to make one thing clear IAM NOT a robsten shipper IAM A REALIST,i see things the way they are not the way i hope or want them to be,
Would that it were so... Great manip, though! Someone really knows their stuff - kinda scary!
thank you goz :-)
thank you goz:-)
the one of them with him arm around her is real, but in Kate's cropped version, you can still see Taylor's arm, and if I'm looking correctly, I think that in this one they took him arm out of the pic. makes it look like they were standing there just the two of them (although they may as well have been, lol) but Taylor was standing right there. people have too much time on their hands ;)
I'm just so happy to see new pictures of him and yeah, sex hair growing back. NM is million times better than Twilight. The cast seems really proud and I caould kiss CW.
Anyone else here shipping "Idon'tgiveacrapsten"? *waves hand*
I just want to see new pictures of him and anxiously wait for news on his career. I really don't give a crap who he is with. Can we all just get along?
@monika great post so true :-)
wow can you say FIRESTARTER...lol hmmm ...I need to go watch that vid now that I think of it.
Love the pics of them photoshopped or not..makes no difference to me,as long as it's done well. I mostley hate the airbrushed freaklike looking ones.
At this point I'm good with friends or lovers as long as their happy.
OMG! I love that Sharon Osborne has the hots for Rob! Said on Ellen she would get arrested if she said what she wanted to do with him!!
Stand in line babe!
To all my RObsessed ladies (Gozde, don't know if you've seen this, yet):
Hugs to all!
win- truer words..him or his career that's what's the most important when it comes right down to it.
I love that in the pic of the 3 of them (that got photoshop-chopped) Kristen is facing only Rob, again & has her arm around only Rob, again! :) Cant help it....makes me happy. But whatever makes them happy makes me happy. & slightly drunk Rob is always happy *he he*
i just saw your post about me and my pics.so..let's make some things clear here ok? You should know that i told ppl from the very beginning that this http://twitpic.com/hpcp3 was a manip picture.Also i wrote below this collage http://twitpic.com/hpdou that i used manips.The bottom right picture is a real MTV picture except the fact that taylor is not there via photoshop.
Here are 3 of my morning tweets..
1)THIS IS A MANIP I MADE BUT SPREAD IT!!!! :) i would love to see it in trashy magazines as original!!jk LMAO
2)i made this just for our pleasure.. u know :P
3)(referring to the bottom right image of the collage)..bb his arm around her is real :) the only thing is that tay is gone!poof! :)
So..if u had checked my tweets first..u should have already know that i made these pictures only for fun.
P.S.please retweet this so your followers can know the truth and clear the misunderstanding ;)
Trying to masquerade Tay Tay's hands as Rob's magnificent hands.. is BEYOND Blasphemy!!!!!
WinWin: *hands-waving* Count me in on the Team Idon'tgiveacrapsten. (Where's my cupcake?!) I don't really get it why anyone cares. The only thing that concerns me is that, at 23 years old and hawt-as-shit, he should be getting a piece of SOMETHING!
Also want to submit my application to Team "DrunkRobRules!"
sagesse223: I want in. Drunk Rob Rules! I love his little slur and imaging him dancing along with Beyonce makes me giggly.
Suz, How are you? Bug hugs! Please check your email
twilight_hooked your tweets are protected :)) How can I read them when your acct is locked.
Anyhoo, I felt I should let people know it was a manip 'cause you know it will spread like wild fire and before you know it an Australian magazine put it on their cover :))
Good job though! You got skill!
:) My tweets are protected for obvious reasons but..u should have asked first.Anws!You did the right thing as i did in the first place.People must know this is a manip..trashy magazines too:P
PS Glad you liked my work :)
I am willing to bet my 2 tickets to New Moon opening night in Williamsburg that you are absolutely right, Goz. This is totes going to end up on some magazine cover.
WinWin: We are going to have a HUGE following on Team DrunkRobRules, I think. So freaking adorkable!
This is getting out of control
Waving hands in air at WinWin!
And yep Sagesse, many of us are suckers for Rob when he gets his drink on. Have you ever seen a happier and more cuteass mischevious drunk?!
some people are to bored.. wait to see that same manip published in some gossip crap..... latter those making this manips will scream to the paps, "leave Rob alone"
I hate manips.
The real images of them are so much better, anyway.
Personally, I give a crap about all things Rob. I'm a total fangirl, I can admit that. And good for you if ur Team "i don't give crapsten." I don't understand this need to align into teams -- at all, but whatever.
So long as we're all free to express our opinions -- either way, then we all certainly CAN get along.
Is it just me or does anyone else see a differnce in her face in the pic with Rob near her and the pic with just Taylor. The girl looks happier with him near.
No offense, but the girl who made the manip right off the bat said it was a manip. She did nothing wrong, but of course, people have to go apeshit over it. My god. If you don't like manips, then don't look at it.
leftcoastpunkrocker you are a punk for not reading everything :)
I didn't go apeshit. Twilight_hooked and I are good now. Just read the comments :P
As I said I am not omnipotent and can't know everything in the universe.
I'm glad to see that the creator the this manip did it in good fun. I think that should be brought out more in the post, for those who don't get to read all these replies. It will make it that much funnier when those mags use it as genuine!
I'm surprised no one has used a still of Kristen whispering in Taylor's ear at the beginning of their into, and created a manip of her kissing Rob onstage at the VMA's:-)
I LOVE it when you RAWR....
People... there are TONS of pics out there of Rob and Kristen touching, why bother fabricating them??
Goz, I wasn't talking to you. I was talking about the people in the comments who say they hate manips. I read the comments, I know you and the girl who made it were cool
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