From E! Online:
Don't expect a threesome with Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart and Kellan Lutz—or even just a lunch date—to happen any time soon.
They don't hang.
"They're just so complex, and I like to laugh and smile," Twilight's Emmett Cullen told E! News at the W Hotels lounge backstage at Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week just before the Monarchy show.
As for everyone's favorite couple…
Yeah, Kellan's not sure either.
"I don't know what's going on. I have no idea," he claims. "I don't hang out with Rob or Kristen."
And, while he promises that "a romance" is not the reason for this, he also quite clearly prefers one half of Robsten over the other.
"They are attractive humans, yes they are," he admits. "I'm nice with Rob also. I look great with him too. I think I look better with Rob…Rob's awesome. I love him to death."
But don't get the wrong idea. Despite word of a breakup, Kellan was chilling right next to 90210's AnnaLynne McCord in that fashion-friendly lounge and they both had colds, so you do the math.
Sniffles aside, Kellan says shooting Eclipse has its pros and cons and, of course, it all comes back to Rob and Kristen.
"It's going great. We all love Vancouver. It's just that there's just so many paparazzi everywhere," he admits. "We've been moving around to new places like every two weeks.
Especially for Rob—we feel bad for him. Like, we go out to cast dinners and, whenever Rob's shooting, that's when we can have free time because usually that's when everyone is trying to shoot Rob or Kristen. So then we can actually be free to walk around the city and shop and go out to eat. You know, when we want to do cast dinners, it's tough because you can't just chill."
Instead, Kellan plays board games like Risk and Clue with Ashley Greene and friends while Pattz and that girl whose name he hardly mentioned do whatever "complex" people do.
Gozde: I think he was joking and/or is SO fed up with Robsten questions that he is just telling people random things.
I just adore Kellan Lutz. Not only because he obviously has a great friendship with Rob because it honestly shows up in the photos of the two of them together, but just because he's so damn cute and just loveable. Just like Emmett....
HAHA...for some reason i'm absolutely LOLing...he just sounds SO random and SO weird...Complex people? i smile? haha...YOU know he has a mancrush on Rob and he is so NOT happy with R/K...btw why does peole keep asking to the cast? it's rude and it's obvious they won't say sh!t...besides i think it's quite obvious by now, with all the rumors u bet that Kstew would have said something by now, she was the first one dennying over and over last year...and since the interview she gave to EOnline after the Oscra there hasn't been more Interviewers should get over it cause even i can see that they want to keep private AT LEAST some part of their lives...
kellan is awesome. love that guy.
OK, someone explain the shirt to me. If it is the same one, it's hysterical how tight it is on Kellan and loose on Rob.
When I read that Kellan thinks Rob and Kristen are "complex" I thought to myself, "Duh.."
It makes sense to me. Not everyone is going to get them. Doesn't mean he doesn't like them.
Or, he could be totally joking too.
I worked in the tourism industry and I would get the same question all the time. "Where is this" "How does this work" etc. Sometimes I would fine it easier to come up with different ways of answering it.
It must get boring for them to answer the same question all the time.
hey how resent is the pic of rob? where was this?
I don't know, and it may be just me, but does it seem like the whole comradery of the cast has shifted a little? They just don't seem as close as they were shooting New Moon? Everyone seems to be doing their own thing?
@ they are definately sick of the Robsten questions.
just an observation?
cinde- I've noticed a different vibe too for Eclipse, but we don't know what that means for the movie, and we can't really tell what's going on from a few interviews or pix
Oh, god, the white shirt, the chest, the hair-I miss Robler!!!
This was very strange....
oooohh woww!! they are so complexxx!
fyi: kellan was pulling the reporter's leg. it was in jest. and he was basically saying 'STFU WITH THE WHOLE ROBSTEN THING AND LET ME WORK THIS AIGHT?!?!"
i can read subliminal messages...
I agree with Gozde, either he was joking, or fed up with Robsten quesitons so he just spoke nonsense. OR he was high on cold meds lol
by the way i have a request for the youtube geniuses to make a tribute of rob to plastis wafers by of montreal. please?
Good it's not just me. I hate to say it but I do believe Kellen when he says it's only when Rob and Kris are shooting that they are able to walk around freely without the papz around. I kinda feel bad for Rob this kinda thing is exactly what he was afraid of happening.
@ I do agree it really is hard to tell with a few interviews and pics. Like I said, just an observation.
At this point you don't know who to believe anymore or to believe what the journalists write. Are Rob and Kristen "complex"? Probably, but that's what makes them interesting. It's probably so annoying to have every interviewer ask about Rob and Kristen. I'm sure the whole cast is either protecting their fellow castmates and/or just fed up with the subject. I think Kellan was half joking with his answers. He seems like a jokster.
The picture of Rob is from the Remember Me set. He has a black one,too!
Hmm, Rob and Kellan. I'd like to be the meat in that manwhich!!!YUMMY!
I think I'd prefer it if THEY provided the..... meat
tee hee
how complex can a 19 and 23 year old be..i ask you?
I love Emmett, but Kellen does nothing for me.
I am blinded by Rob....
I love Kellan. He cracks me up. I believe half of what he says, but like the others that say he's tired of being asked the Robsten question, I think he's just getting creative in what he answers. I would, too, if I were them. I'M getting tired of the Robsten questions and I'm not even being asked them!
compare these 2 pics:
I definitely prefer the happy rob... he looks so sad in the cab-pic
Goz - completely agree with you, he is just answering random things because he is sick of answering rob and rob & kristen questions. It really irritates me whenever they have any Twilight cast a question about RP or KS, they even asked one of the wolfie kid's (cant remember which one) if rob works out with them and what he does - give me a break. But I loved Kellan's answers :))
well as they say beauty is in the eye of the i dont really think kellan is joking...i think kristen is probably a very difficult person to get along with and to know.. she doesn't have many friends...she has said herself that she dropped out of school in 7th grade(went to "correspendence school"?? is what she said) because she had no friends and she had an authority problem..sunshine and light she is not...with that said rob likes her and they all like rob...yeah they dont really like kristen but they get along with her and they respect her but they dont really like her... niki likes her but she can be odd too..btw..the fan pix that was taken in the thrift shop..they both look miserable not like two people "madly in love" if that is love with kristen than rob might have some issues because it looks like a lot of damn hard work all the time with her...
Hell, Nikki said Rob was complicated last year in an interview. So I believe Kellen was not joking. But I'm sure he is tired of the constant questions.Kellan and Rob do seem to have a great friendship.
So Kellan is back with *sniff Anna Lynn sniff*. Good for him.
Edward Wallbanger has a new chapter! Ch 8 is up!
*YAWN* would rather talk about rob's gorgous bod YUMMY
How can a 23 and 19 year old be complicated? Because they're not your average 23 and 19 year old. I think they're both a couple of intelligent, AUTHENTIC and artistic old souls who've been caught up in a tsunami of fame that neither of them sought (all of THIS is absolutely the last thing in the world they wanted for themselves). And I would imagine that having to go out and participate in all of this 'falseness' (showbusiness, publicity, the fame game, etc.), is very difficult for them Especially Kristen with that built in bullshit detector of hers. They know it's all bullshit and having to 'play the game' makes them feel like frauds. Rob with his more affable personality handles it better.
I would certainly venture that she's the more difficult personality. Hell, even Rob said he was intimidated by her. But...for all of the 'light' that he projects, there's some 'darkness' there too. Complex individuals indeed. I would also venture another guess and say that it's that shared complexity that appears to have finally brought them together. I know that alot have her written off as a total bitch and that he's the golden haired angel who can do no wrong. Well...something has brought them together and if it was just an itch that needed scratching, then they would have just fucked eached other and been done with it. In order for two inherently private people to KNOWINGLY put themselves through all of this, it's gotta be more than just sack time. As for Mr. Kellan...
Don't know what's true and what isn't, except...yeah, the cast is certainly getting the R&K question and naturally, they're getting sick of it (and wait till New Moon promo starts. It's all the press is gonna wanna to know about. Don't know how in hell this is going to be handled) But if there is any truth to anything of what Kellan said here, well, it does have a ring of familiarity to it...
To some degree, losing a friend to a romantic involvement and...well...resentment can form. I'm not saying that's what happened here. But if it has, it's a story practially as old as Cain and Abel. And...I do believe Rob and Kristen have for the most part isolated themselves from the others. Hell, they're tying to isolate themselves from the world and everyone else has been caught in the net.
Jesus. Can anyone imagine what it must be like to try to have a private relationship in a public profession with the entire goddam world trying to peak in your windows?
I would lose my mind. Which would then of course lead to the demise of the relationship. It wouldn't survive. And neither will theirs. So to all of you who have struggled with the idea of them being together, be glad of heart. All of THIS that they are currently drowning in, it will eventually destroy what they've found together and the only way for them to save it would be...if they got out of the business entirely and went somewhere and lived out their lives in obscurity. And that ain't gonna happen. So hang in there. His heart is gonna get broken soon enough (and yeah, I think it's gonna be his) and then...then...the fantasties can live on.
Sorry. Shouldn't be posting on here today. So...I shant.
Everyone have a lovely day.
i think they are very bad actors
I don't get into R&K assumptions because I feel it's private-
But....well said!!!!
Trailer Sneak Peek
( also a pic of shirtless Edward and Bella)
Side note-
All of you "Wide Awake", fans there is a really cool video for the ff on LTT. IT's as good as the story. Wide Awake-Breathe Me. Also on you tube.
Enjoy it I did.
Have a great Robsessed day everyone!
Sorry this is my second attempt
I do not get why people are surprise by Kellan's comments. He didn't say anything new that people did not know already if you look at the personality of the three people mentioned. Kellan is into shopping and working Rob and Kristen enjoy music and books. In fact the cast member I say they hang out the most with is Jackson since they share music in common.
This might get rocks thrown at my head, but in my opinion I think that Rob looks at the cast as being acquaintances more than friends. The only exception to this is Kristen. Kristen is the only cast member I see Rob bothering to keep in touch with when the fourth movie is completed and they all go their seperate ways. At the very least, Rob and Kristen have a solid friendship that I feel will continue even when the saga is over.
Gah! Shirtless Edward!! He makes my parts tingle!!!
I think he IS joking and he IS tired of being asked questions about Robsten. I'm the type of person who prefers to talk about myself rather than others. HA! I'm sure after the third time the question's asked you think.."seriously? You're asking me? About them?" Yea, I hear ya babe. =)
@Nik: Um..good to expurge! :)
The context is always 'out of' and it's been said before but I'll say it again: sometimes Kellen is a KLutz. Luv ya, Kell.
Everyone keeps saying he is tired of being asked about Rob and Kristen. He brought it on himself, if he didn't want to talk about them he should have issued a no comment to the question in the past which he didn't.
ummm more shirtless rob pleaseeeee,i would love to see rob on a beach someday tanning,mmmm just laying on a beach with a pair of beach shorts on and nothing under it with his trademark sunglasses.
I laughed the whole time...whatever complex people do...I dont think robert complex i think he ecentric,you cant put the boy in a box.
does anyone remember the interview where he said that he was hanging with rob for his b-day and he had all this stuff planned and going to italy sleeping on the hotel floor and none of it was true...
i think he likes to BS alot and some of you are putting way too much thought into his comments.
i agree with RPTMO, let's just think of shirtless rob :))
I do remember that, and he didn't end up doing that after all.
I soooo agree that you can not put him in a box.
When he got the part of Edward, he moved away from all of his friends & family to OR & isolated himself for 3 months-he did not speak to his family or friends.
He wrote journals to get into edwards head, he wrote letters to Dr. C asking why he changed him.
Once he & Kris met and got into their characters together, they isolated themselves from the rest of the cast. CH said no one could even talk to them, and everyone had to be very careful around them.
I agree with Monika, they're different from the rest of the cast...
So, no R&K speculations...just my 2 cents...
YES!!! More Rob, shirtless, board shorts, no shorts...bare everything...I am with you 100%
Nik- Your completely right. I remember a post here way back when Rob commented about his dark side. I made a comment back then about being tired of him putting himself down all the time.
Ana73- Life gets complicated and not everything is fluff. I mean,we can only go by what Rob and the others have said. And Rob has said some not so fluffy comments. So...*shrugs*
HMMM this is a great way to handle the sh*t they all deal with...
Emmett you are a gentleman *wink*
Robert looking forward to Sunday!! get your smile on!!
@Nik i agree with u in almost everything...but i wouldn't say that their relationship will least no because of the hysteria and fame...i feel like they fight the fame and fight that important things for them don't go away because of they will hang in there as much as they possibly can and for the look of things they CAN a lot...i just hope that whenever they break up if they break up everybody won't be...that kristen is a BITC-...and all will be her fault and he's an angel and she the devil...we don't know thyem and i hope people keep that in mind..sorry, just my 2 cents..
I wonder if Rob is already in NY or going tomorrow?
No airport photos are rare for him.
That's one way to answer the R/K question - just confuse everyone. Do we think Rob borrowed that shirt from Kellan or did Kellan borrow it from Rob? Or were they having a 2 for 1 sale? :)
I wish Kellan wouldn't even bother wearing a shirt most of the time. Did anyone see that youtube video of him doing push-ups? It was, um, impressive. But besides that, I think Kellan would be a riot to hang out with. He seems so genuine and just cute.
Remember Me Rob is gorgeous.
Rpg - I'm praying for no airport pictures at all. I swear those are the worst ones.
No spoilers-but BA is going to be HOT, STICKY & STEAMY.
Can not wait to see Rob take on Georges!
They are, that's why I'm shocked we haven't seen any yet.
Although, I must admit, I don't mind him bending down in the security lines to remove his shoes-we get some nice shots...
Agreed. I know if I worked airport security I would deliberately pull him aside and do the little wand thingy on him.
And if he wanted me to, I would escort him and taser any photographers/over eager fans that bugged him. Hey, that job doesn't sound so bad...
LMAO!! Yea, awesome job!
Would it be so bad for one of the cast to just slap the next person that asks them about Rob and Kristen?
I would probably start staying things like, "Rob? Rob who? Oh, Rob Pattinson...never heard of him."
I interpreted 'complex' as 'pain in the ass.'
Seriosuly, I know they don't want to be rude because they need the attention themselves-but I would go off on them & say stop asking me about Rob & Kris!
Wasn't even going to check back in here today 'cause I thought maybe some of my comments might have put some off ('oh god, here she goes again') That is never my intention but so far, everyone has been kind. I thank you for that.
It's just that sometimes I struggle with all of this (and I know that I'm not alone in that because we love him and we want him happy). And when I'm struggling, I guess that's when I should stay off the board. Either that or just concentrate on the "V", change my panties 12 times a day and just try to have some fun with it. And most of the time, I do. But then...sometimes...
I don't.
And no, I shouldn't be speculating about his private life here. But human nature being what it is...I do. Sorry Rob. I too am a...complex person.
But thanks guys for putting up with me. This place feels 'safe' to me and I sure would hate to lose that.
I would love to hear one of them say, "I don't know. Why don't you mind your own damn business." Said with a sweet smile, of course.
Why didn't he just say R/K are just good friends, buds. That would have made the entire female population happy.
I think that Kristen has friends before becoming involved with them, like with Mike Angarano they were like best buds, for 2 years before she actually decided she wanted to try out a relationship. So maybe it's like that. Most of the female population hate her guts and think she is a bitch and gladly would throw her in front of a bus if it meant getting closer to Rob, so perhaps she should just say hey we're just friends you have nothing to worry about.
Robert Pattinson's complicated label
Monday, 9 February 2009
Robert Pattinson is too complicated for his Twilight co-stars.
When J-14 asked Nikki Reed (who plays Rosalie Hale in the movie) to describe the Twilight guys in one word each she needed help from Kristen Stewart.
Click here to see the latest photos of Robert and Kristen >
Both girls picked "complicated" for Rob. Nikki said: "There's more of a story, which I shall not speak of."
We would have picked "sexy", "charming" or "divine."
Nikki said Kellan Lutz was "gorgeous" and Jackson Rathbone was "artsy."
Bad boy Cam Gigandet is just a "teddy bear" according to the girls.
Poor Taylor Lautner didn't even get a mention which seems strange.
This discussion over on IMBd is HILARIOUS! People blaming Kristen for Rob being all bummed out. No shame, no shame
I think Kellan just doesn't think well on his feet. The reason he gave why he didn't know if they were together was basically he isn't around them enough. Which then made the interview probe why he's not hanging around them,and then Kellan says they are complex and he likes to smile. lol I think this is him trying to not answer the question, but the more they probe, the more random his nonanswer becomes.
as for a different vibe with the cast-this shooting schedule is much more intense and there's more shooting packed into the schedule and Kristen and Robert have a very intense shooting schedule, which is going to alienate them right off slightly. Also, the pap and fan attention is just insane.
New Moon sounded way more slack for the cast, since most of the cullens didn't have a big part to begin with-they got to have a shorter schedule and more fun time.
Kellen and Rob used to be really good friends - I hope Kristen has not come between them and the stories that Rob doesn't make time for anyone else except Kristen are not true - I love Kellen!
C. Weitz himself said Robert was quite introverted on the set of NM, more so than other cast members. That he often preferred to stay by himself instead of go out and practice music or watch movies in his room.
These dumb rumors that kristen's alienating are lame. He's always had a tendency to go off on his own already. And ever since Twilight, cast members have been saying Robert and Kristen often made a little bubble for 2 on the set.
Heck, Robert himself said that--that him and she are both competitive, and how that manifested on the Twilight set was they banded together and made an "us. v. them" situation on the set often.
Things haven't changed that much, other than less group nights out in Vancouver.
The article reads like a bad cut and paste job -- "I don't hang out with Rob or Kristen?" "I think I look great with Rob, too?" WTF??
The quotes, if they are to be believed are weird - oddly passive aggressive. If Kellen is sick of being asked about "Robsten," he could just say "no comment"
Even before the R&K rumors started the media has never asked Kellan anything BUT questions about Rob! He's always been happy to talk about Rob. NOW he's upset? Funny.
Federico (and anyone else sharing the opinion)...
Concerning Rob and Kristen's acting ability, might I respectfully disagree with you?
Considering that they have no formal training, I am blown away by their abilities as I believe they are instinctual and INTERNALIZED actors. As someone who has studied acting professionally in New York, I discovered that internalized acting is some of the most difficult to accomplish. And sadly, alot of people today don't even recognize what it is. And that's because of the 50 plus years of the influence of television acting (got to do it quick, quick. got to convey your character and what it's feeling and thinking in less than an hour and shoot your story in 5 days time) AND with the advent of reality television which isn't acting at all. It's over the top, out of control, melodrama.
Internalized acting is...subtle. And it isn't all layed out on the table for you. It requires that you use more than just your eyes and your ears to 'see' it. And modern audiences have just not been trained to 'work' that hard at it.
Rob and Kristen are very highly reguarded by their peers. And that's because they KNOW what is it they're doing and accomplishing.
Yes, they've still got alot to learn. They're just kids and just getting started really. But I think they're going to end up two of the best actors of their generation.
Just an opinion.
@ Nik: You go girl!
Nik--I like a lot what you have to say. I will say this about something you mentioned though regarding what will break
the one thing I think robert AND kristen thrive on, from their own mouths saying so in so many words, is they thrive on opposition. And they thrive together on opposition. They both talk about that happening on the sets, and that together they can be an unholy union. So, for some people, external pressures break people apart, be it firendship or more. For others, the pressures actually bring folks closer.
when K and R went to the King of Lion concert Kellan was sitting right on one of the upper line sits. They went togheter to the concert, the cast. HE KNOWS about ROBSTEN.He is just playing with the reporter.R and Kellan are pals. The problem is not only for Kellan, even for the rest of the cast is difficult to deal with the paparazzi and the media always around snoopying when Robert and Kristine are hanging with them.
It's kind of small-minded to assume that because they're 19 and 23, they can't be complex. I was the exact same way at those respective ages, and it's why I related much more to people a lot older than me. I think Rob and Kristen are both old souls, and they're likely not as shallow and superficial as other celebs their age. Maybe Kellan prefers partiers, and that's why they don't hang out. Or maybe the whole thing was one big joke on his part.
Thank you R and yes Rosa, I hear what you're saying and I even agree with it. I've thought for some time now (even before this 'apparent' romance), that they were two peas in a pod and that they recognized that very early on.
For example, Rob's approach to Edward during the audition process was different than the many others and Kristen 'recognized' what he was attempting and she responded to it. So much so that she said she didn't think she could do this without him.
No, they have bonded on a very deep level and I suspect that no matter what the future holds for them, on some level, they always will be. I hope so. I hope that their love and friendship will always endure.
What I was referring to is...this nightmare of unimaginable fame that they've found themselves in. And they're not even famous individually. They're famous TOGETHER and in many eyes of this fandom (and the media and pop culture), they are bound together in something that doesn't even exist in reality...Edward and Bella and the story of Twilight.
It's a clusterfuck and I don't know how they can overcome this kind of fantasy and scrutiny and intrusion that's been thrust upon their 'real' lives. You also have to take into account that they met so young (21 and 17). In this modern world, how many kids meet that young, fall in love and stay together? And in this case, we've got two beautiful, desireable young movie stars. They've got (and will continue to have) so many options (meaning the opportunity to have many partners throughout their lives...especially in their youth).
I just think that no matter how much they might feel for one another and how much they might be able to turn a blind eye to all the bullshit and how much they might fight for it, that ultimately, the insanity of it going to beat them.
But if not, if they can weather it and even manage 5 years together, it will be a miracle. And my god, will that be a testament to what they mean to each other. 'Cause believe me, life would be so much easier for them, it they'd hop down off this merry-go-round...RIGHT NOW!
Again, just another opinion. And that don't make me right.
And by merry-go-round, I mean, this attempting of a relationship in the middle of all of this...god, I don't even know what to call it.
As averse to fame as I am (I've seen it upclose and what it can do to lives), I think it's a nightmare. But that's me.
yeah, I can see that. But in some ways, they are both being alienated by their previous support systems due to the fame. While the series is still running at least, and the more scrutiny they face, in some ways it seems they have less options in terms of support to be honest. I think almost because of the setup where they are unable to go outside for the moment, that lends itself to them staying close, cause they are both in a pickle of sorts with the fame deal.
I"m not trying to romanticize it all, because I think a lot of this is simply situational. But they are both in the same predicament right now, they have a history since Twilight to go into their own bubble for two(many cast members and CH and RP and KS have talked about this), and the more the outside world goes nuts, the more those two seem to cocoon.
Which is hilariously ironic, if fangirls are making Rp and KS total besties due to their :)
When you really think about arent we all comples? I freely admit im weird....
But how can anyone live in a bubble or cocoon themselves away indefinitely? How can a healthy relationship flourish under such conditions? It's like going on an extreme diet. They ultimately don't work because we have to learn to eat in the 'normal' world where there is fast food on every corner.
I guess the test will be when they're not filming a Twilight movie. Will they be on each other's film sets or will they separate again? (and that's the 'kiss of death' for Hollywood romances...the separations). How will they handle the papparazzi intrustion when they don't have the security of a movie set or the secrecy of hotels to live in? If they do move in together, will the papps simply camp out in their street? Where can they hide?
THAT'S the kind of pressure and scrutiny that could make them insane and rip them apart AND the sad realization that the only way to get some semblence of their sanity back, would be to...separate. I've seen couples in that business break apart for less. Much, much less.
I grew up in that town. I've seen too much and I don't think these two have got a shot in hell. Not in the long term anyway. If they can make it to the end of Breaking Dawn and all of this starts to calm down, then...maybe.
But they're gonna have to love and want each other more than ANYTHING!
Remvoing previous comments since it is all about Rob and Kristen's relationship. Misread and wasn't intending to contribute.
rpattzgirl said "No spoilers-but BA is going to be HOT, STICKY & STEAMY.
Can not wait to see Rob take on Georges!"
I know! I can't wait for that one. I don't think I'll make it out of the theater alive...
We are probably talking about something different. Most relationships are doomed for failure, statistically. Hollywood ones more so, given the lifestyle that accompanies it. I live in LA, and my hubby bodyguarded some A-list celebrity families in his time, so he saw that first hand.
I'm talking about the present situation more than the future. Presently, there's a lot of madness around the two of them, whether they are just friends or more. They have a history of bubbling themselves up together since Twilight, before the madness begun even. And they are probably doing that now.
i would say the same thing if reporters kept asking me the same question about rob and kris (i'd answer with confusing answers).im 16 and im complex myself i cant relate to people my own age so school is kinda... annoying.
as for the rob and kris relationship i dont think that will last very long when the whole saga is over. Rob might get his heart broken. Have you guys seen pics of them together she never looks like she loves/likes him she only looks like that when there on set maby it because there arnt alot of paps arounds invading their personal space. But let me mak this clear I do like kristen stewart i don't hate.
Oh, and Nik... I've enjoyed reading your comments here. I don't really have anything to add... just wanted to tell you that. You seem to be well... how I usually put it is 'one of my people'. Hope that makes sense. ;)
Thinking people with personality ARE complex. Leave one-dimensional people to poorly written novels.
Well thank you Nora. What a lovely thing to say. Actually, that's one of the nicest things anyone has ever said to me around here.
I'm actually quite self conscious about my postings because I don't know how to express myself in 10,000 words or less. And for all of the positive response I get, I just know that there are others out there thinking...
'would you just get to the damn point already or just shut the hell up about it.'
We all know it's true.
But anyway. Thank you again.
Hey ladies!'re on a roll tonight! To be honest, I agree with you that an R and K relationship will likely not last. I can see Rob trying to make it work, since he seems to be the one who's head-over-heels for her, but I think Kristin still has a little growing up to do. The pressures of an A-list lifestyle, and the all of the media hype surrounding their relationship in particular, will probably take its toll. It's not like they can wrap shooting and run off to an island to escape everything. Rob has a heavy movie shooting schedule that will have him spending months overseas. Long distance is hard. And it's ten times harder when the media is fabricating stories and manipulating pictures of them with any member of the opposite sex. That's why I'm still not crazy about the idea of them together. It's just my personal opinion...none of my business of course....but there's a reason why romance between co-workers is considered taboo. Someone mentioned that a breakup between the two would result in Rob being victimized and Kristin being villainized. That's EXACTLY what would happen! Especially since Rob has worn his heart on his sleeve when it comes to her all along, and Kristin has not done a good enough job showing a softer, more likeable side to her personality that would make anyone want to sympathize with her. It's bad enough trying to maintain an aimable relationship with an ex without the whole world taking sides and making up stories about what went wrong in your relationship. And in the end, the franchise might really suffer. There are stll two movies and two years of Twilight remaining. I don't want to hear about them breaking up and not getting along because it would compromise the believability of an Edward/Bella dynamic onscreen. So I hope they can continue to keep things under wraps....whether it be a friendship, hooking up, or relationship.
Kellan is funny. He does seem a little passive agressive there. Lol. And if he really is joking, it makes me wonder how many other things he's BS'd about in interviews. He doesn't seem to care for Kristin that much, from what I gather. But remember when he was asked about Robsten awhile back and he said that Kristin has a boyfriend named Michael and "he loves that kid"? Hahaha. ::shaking my head:: Kellan, Kellan....
Lastly, I have to respectfully disagree with you on one point, Nik. Even if Kristin is using a rare method of internalized acting, she still needs to work on the part of it that's externalized. I don't feel like she did that great of a job in Twilight. I can see how Rob took pains to use that type of method, and I think he was able to execute it much more effectively. But that's just me. Something has to be great about her acting if Rob sincerely feels that she's the greatest actress of their generation. I'm still waiting to see it.
One thing I must wonder though, is if Rob can really be in a committed relationship while getting into the mindframe of his character in Bel Ami. He seems to be a bit of a method actor, so wouldn't he want to actually experience what it's like to be a young, single, womanizer? Hmmm ;)
Oh, and where's Shani? I know it's bad....but she seems to know all the good dish about the dynamics between the Twilight cast. Did Ashley and Jackson really have a thing? What about Ashley and Kellan...she said he was her best friend at one point? Why did Kellan say that he's surprised people aren't connecting him and Nikki during the time of the Rob and Nikki speculation? Do Ashley and Kristin not care for each other? What happened to break up the Kristin and Nikki BFF relationship? And do Rob and Nikki not care for each other either? She seems to be making a lot of snide comments about him lately. Just curious :P
You ladies are awesome. Love reading your thoughts and opinions!
Your comments about R&K and what could happen to them and the franchise if they are together and if they were to break up BEFORE they can get to filming and promoting of Breaking Dawn is EXACTLY why I've always felt that yes, Summit is trying to control this situation...with obviously, not a whole lot of success. I know that alot of people don't believe it; either the relationship and/or Summits part in it. But my god, you'd have to be blind not to see it.
Since that night when they snuck into The Charlie, if they've been in the same town, they've either been practically inseperable or completely hidden out of sight...both of them.
And that's the thing. If they're in public now, it's almost always together. And it didn't used to be that way. Except for official things (interviews, photoshoots and red carpets), did anyone ever see R&K together anywhere last year? Nope. And that's because they weren't. Together that is.
And I think this "thing" they've got has got Summit shaking in their boots. I remember during filming of New Moon when Ted said that Summit had called Rob and Kristen's 'people' together. I suspected then that the law was being laid down.
But bless their little rebellious hearts. With their running around LA and getting cozy at that concert, they've tried to tell Summit to go screw themselves. But then, I think Summit really came down on them and so...they disappeared into that hotel. I guess they can push it, but obviously...not too far.
I don't know why some refuse to accept it. 'Cause there aren't 500 photographs and a dozen videos to confirm it? Well. This is the internet and I guess that's where were at.
If it ain't on the internet...then it ain't real.
Man. That's a frightening thought.
Sarah Bella- Thanks for the shout out.LOL I guess I should start my own blog. Interesting enough some friends just asked me to do that today.I mean yesterday now.Do you think I should start my own blog?? I would maybe branch out a bit beyond the Twilight cast
though.Because I'm not just only interested in them. There could be some great categories to explore for entertainment purposes.
Ok, Ash did admit that there was a thing with Jackson.Ash and Kellan nope, just buds. Kellan said that about him and Nikki because he said they hung out a lot too.Ash and Kris grew close while filming MN in Italy. You can tell from the pics of them together at that time and when they were at the MTV Movie awards. And Ash is even close with Nikki. They hung out before leaving for Vans, Lainey had pics of them meeting up in LA. Apparently Nikki is still cool with Kris and Rob. I saw video of Nikki talking with Rob at TCA. she They were talking over Kellan. And at CC Kris was talking to Nikki for quite some time.It's the vid with the whole cast answering questions. And recently Lainey got pics from Punk'd images of Kris,Nikki,Paris, and Elizabeth out walking to go get pizza. So there you go. I hope that satisfies a bit of your curiosity. LOL.
Shani i think you should really make a blog. I think what you talk about is intresting.
Thanks Yuuki for your support!!!
That's what I'm talking about, Shani! I knew you would have all the good dish. So basically...they all genuinely like each other and really do get along? That's good stuff. It's a little boring, sure. Lol. But I'm glad to hear that there's harmony in our little Twi-verse.
And YES, you should start a blog. Good idea! I mean, hell, where can I follow you now? Facebook? Twitter? What's up? Lol!
Sarah Bella- I don't know if you will look back here. But I'm working with some friends now trying to put together a site. So when it's up I'll let you and everyone know. Trust.LOL We are planning on something really hot. But the main focus is our man Robert Thomas Pattinson. And the other goodies will be added. There will be NO shame in our game. LOL
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