Nut what happens when the fans get to a Robert Pattinson-level where it’s just insane?
Well, it’s crazy because with all this attention, all of us are handling it extremely well. We still have our head on our shoulders and our feet on the ground. Rob’s handling it so well. I can’t fathom being in his shoes. I believe I could handle it, but being cooped up in Vancouver and not being able to leave the hotel room or the apartment without having a driver and having to hide out—especially when he was shooting Remember Me, I talked to him a lot in New York and those fans were just crazy. I can’t imagine trying to act when you have all these people yelling your name and you’re doing an emotional scene.
You can read the rest of the interview HERE. Nothing more about Rob but he talks about Twilight Moms, his new movie etc.
(via Twilight-Gossip)
And that's exactly what I thought too. The poor guy, it was such an emotional movie to make and all these crazy ass fan girls were running after him and screaming. That's why I will always be an admirer from afar, I want to give him his space and just enjoy the view if I ever get to see him live and in person. Then again I think this is the only male celebrity that will make me a dribbling idiot and unable to move.
I never understood why they allowed people to get as close to him as they did in NY?
I always feel so guilty because I want to see him... But I know I would not scream or scare the shit out of him... I would probaby just giggle like I was 12 and he'd just think I was mentally incompetent!
I admire the fact that despite the craziness he's hanging in there.
I'm a shy person myself, I hate to draw attention to my self and go to great lengths not to. I understand his dilema to a dergree. He wants to act and he's devoted to his craft, but it's very hard to be in the lime light if it's something you've avoided your whole life.
People say,"just get used to it,or it's part of the job so just get over it". It's not as easy as that. It's an ingraned part of your nature that I can gruntee he wishes he could just change or get over.
He has to fight this part of his personality on a constant basis, everytime he walks out the front door, and for the entire time he's out in the open.
This is why I find him to be a couragous,determined and strong person to still push himself to do what he loves doing,despite fighting the overwhelming urge to just blend into the nearest wall.
I don't know him personally, but I know what it feels like to struggle with shyness and social anxiety.
It's cool that he has friends like Kellen that support him, (and Kristen).
Sorry the comment is so long.Just had to put it out there.Thanks for your patience.
I totally agree... I don't know how he shot a movie that is so emtionally painful in front oh all those people...
He is so gifted and talented it makes my heart swell...
And don't you just die over his middle finger?
Love Kellan. LMAO Goz, Monkey Man indeed.
@ Rpa...
Thanks for putting it out there. You are so absolutely right on. I'm a person who suffers from shyness as well (at times) And I often wondered how he gets through some of the things he's required to do.
The Oscars for instance. The anxiety I felt for him while he was presenting was as if I was up there myself. I was sooo nervous for him and breathed a sigh of relief when his presention was over. LOL!!! And he did so well!!!
So yes, our boy IS courageous, determined, strong and seems to face his fears in spite of all the crazy. There are times when I wish I could be a lil more like him.
RPaddict, I totally agree and relate to what you said.
He must be really focused on what he does because, at this level of craziness, he could just quit working for the next 10 years until the world forgets about him (not likely to happen LOL)
@ all the wonderful ladies- it's great to know that I'm not alone. I'm glad to see that Rob has fans who truely appriciate what he does go through.
Rpatzgirl- all of his fingers kill those hands are to die for.
RPaddict ~ I totally agree. He acts because he enjoys it and not so much for the fame and what that said fame brings him. I can also relate because even though you want to be acknowledged for your endeavors, you don't want to be the center of attention. It's an internal struggle. And it's easy for other people to say "get over it, it's part of being a celebrity", but there are also limits that a person can take. Especially someone as shy and humble as him. I hope he continues to handle this hysteria so well and hope that he's happy.
how come everytime a cast member is interviewed the conversation is always about Rob?? if there was any doubt who the star and most important cast member is,the proof is right there...........and dont be to hard on the fans, yes some of them are Crazy and what happened to him in New York was WRONG,
but remember its because of us he is getting a six figuer salary (millions) be cause he in such high demand,although his complaints are called for,he must remember without Fans an actor/actress is Nothing.
Didn't Kellan just say in an interview that he really doesn't hang out with Rob? If so, I sort of don't see him talking to him all of the time like he hinted. It reminds me of when he said he was going to go to Italy and stay with Rob when they were shooting New Moon. That turned out to be totally wrong.
That said, I'm sure NY was totally crazy for Rob and I feel bad for all that he's had to go through.
iam getting tired of hearing the cast and mostly my Rob complain about their fans,if we go away their careers are over,dont they know this?
they should be greatful they have passionate fans to support their careers,not all the fans are crazy,i think its mostly the tweens,
most of us adult fans are more compose,so my advice is to take all security precautions and...........STOP COMPLAINING.
@rpatzturnsmeon- I didn't see where anyone was complaining, just that they're saying Rob is handleing the craziness really well.
Most interviews I've read of the other cast members have been of that tennor.
Rob and the others have on several occasions been extremely grateful to the fans in their statements to the press and in interviews.
I'm just confused at your take on the comments Kellen or anyone of the other cast members have made.
No offense ment.
I have never heard Rob say anything negative about his fans, other than the screaming scares him & has sometimes made him cry..
I know he values his fans very much-he's just a little intimidated when there's large groups of them.
A lot fans were not well behaved in NY, we all know that-neither were the pappz (they never are) ....he was trying to work and people are screaming at him-and then calling him an asshole because he wouldn't waive at them?
Puh-leeze-I'm not saying it was NY-I am saying there are CRAZY ASS fans everywhere-it's just that it was so out in the open in NY...
And to add to rpattzgirl's comment, Rob's castmates aren't talking about him, they are constantly being asked by the interviewers about Rob. It's not their fault but the interviewer. And when Rob was asked at Comic Con about his fan base he responded with something like "there are worse things" then screaming fans, so if anyone is complaining it's us, his devoted fans that feel bad for him.
I got to say this one is a little close to home. I’m a New Yorker, I know Rob had encountered some crazy fans while filming Remember Me, but I resent the fact that people stereotype and say NY fans are crazy! Just like anywhere else in the world Rob will encounter a mixture of people who call themselves his fans, some will be no excuses of the wall crazy and others just dear fans of Rob who know the boundaries, who respect and love Rob and will never jeopardize his well being!
I was out to lunch one day (those of you who know 41 street and Park ave) and as I was walking down the street minding my business and was about to cross the street I stopped DEAD FROZEN in my tracks - right next to me on the left there’s Rob followed by 3 bodyguards. To say that it was SHOCK is a HUGE understatement. I can go on and on and on about what I felt and what he looked like and how I couldn’t distinguish between any organs in my body as everything went jello, but most of you ladies already know or can imagine what it’s like to see *HIM*. I willed myself to keep my legs moving forward and so I did. No picture, no screams, I did nothing, I said nothing and this was the only time I saw Rob in NY. I’m not preaching, but I hope people out there don’t start categorizing all NY fans as crazy, ‘cause it’s plain not true and not fair.
how lucky are you!'. What a nice encountter- hope to have myself someday!
NMRising ~ I don't think everyone thinks its only New Yorkers. I for one know that most of those crazy ass fans were from other states/countries. In fact I was so surprised by the fans reactions in NYC (before I knew that they were out-of-towners) because native New Yorks (like myself, born and semi-raised) are not easily star struck because you see them walking the streets and all you do is nonchalantly look and carry on your way.
sorry if i offended anyone,
but being a New Yorker and a fan who Love my Rob,
i was a little insulted,not all new yorkers are crazy. (hugs) :-)
Rpattzgirl - all I can say is anyone with a heart condition should not be allowed to be that close to Rob and if you don't have a heart condition you WILL, if you're anywhere near him :)There’s a part of me that wishes I never saw him that close because now I know for a fact that everything we ever thought about his looks is wrong, he’s BETTER! Even our highest praises to his looks are paled by comprising.
LindaRose and -nice to ‘meet’ a NYker :) I’m somewhat new to this site-my Robsession began in May. Are you going to the NM midnight premier?
you never offend me- no worries...
I have heard before- so hard to believe he's better in person- but met Peter and he's 1000 times better in person so I'm sure Rob is too!
Hi Linda, Hi Cindeeloo!!
Cindee: thank you a million for the pics.
Rptmo: I haven't heard him complain about fans - on the contrary. I think he says it's bizarre and crazy because he really can't quite believe there are people prepared to stand and wait for hours just to see him. Truly. And I'm sure there were many fans in NYC who respected the process. Usually New Yorkers are quite blase and give actors their space. Seen Brad Pitt, Bruce Willis, Tom Hanks, Julia Roberts and so on filming without anything like what happened with Rob. It was an exception, not the rule, I know.
But I don't quite feel as you do. I don't think Rob owes me anything, as a fan, other than to do a great job in whatever film he's in. The fact that he's an interesting and very funny man off-screen as well as on, is a bonus for me. I don't feel like I 'made' him or will 'break' him. I think he might decide to stop acting long before I want him to!
Oh - but I do think he 'owes' me one more open mic. Not negotiable. :)
yuck, why can't people be more respectful to robert in person.
wow..NMR is sooooooo lucky to get a chance to see him, and since you said that he does look wwwwwaaaaaaaayyyy better in person, just make me all the more excited and hoping to see him myself one day(I've been going to church eversince for that wish to come true)
Most of the people I know don't think he's cute,hot or even handsome and I don't really argue with them(cuz you'll never win with people who are either blind or dumb) so I just take refuge in this site to share the same passion for this man, who doesn't see himself clearly or maybe refuses to see himself clearly.
A - I agree with you...
As much as I enjoy hearing what he has to say, or watching him in a film, I would rather he stop before he changes or loses what makes him unique.
Mary, you and I belong to the same church-church of Rob :)
I’m with you on not getting much of understanding from most of my friends about my Robsession, and I’m so happy to have found this site where I feel right at home!
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