Katy Perry wants some Robert Pattinson

The part where Katy talks about Rob is @ min 1:08. Short but sweet.


GiGi said...

Did she "out" Robsten? What do you all think?

Anonymous said...

So glad I'm not the only one who went there. I'm ashamed to say that was my immediate thought.

Mechevpao said...

that part on youtube by twilightbritneyfan


that is a hot woman

Loisada said...

Think it must be mind-blowing for Rob to be reminded every day he could snag virtually any of the hot women in the business right now... and instead of turning into a hound dog he seems to be hightailing it in the opposite direction! I think he's just saving his sexy self for his adoring Robkat fans!

Marna said...

Either she knows for sure they're together, or she's just going by all the talk about them being together. In other words, it could mean everything or nothing LOL. Though I do think she knows Rob, they either hosted or just attended some kind of birthday party for a mutual friend I think. It was the birthday party that Rob talks about having to go to in the GQ interview. So maybe she does know for sure.

Anonymous said...

it's comforting to know Rob is not shallow and Kristen is very pretty, talented and smart, they share alot of the same interests, I think they're a healthy match, I mean would we really rather see Paris Hilton or megan Fox with him?

Khou said...

Hmmm...I don't think she's in the know. I think she's like all of us...speculating.

Khou said...

If Rob gets with Paris Hilton or Meghan Fox...that's it. I will be soooo OVER HIM!!!

RPnKSaddict said...

Thought it was cute how she said "sorry Kristen". I like Katy Perry she has a good set of...pipes,lol and she's pretty.

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

I love kp... But go to the back of the babe we were here first!

Steph is Legit said...

i dont think she outed them.. like someone said.. its says everything and nothing... she could be in the know and really mean it.. or she could be joking and acting like a fan girl. either way i dont think it proves anything and i do believe they are together.. from an objective perspective it doesnt prove anything..she was joking

heather said...

I think the question is WHO doesn't want Rob? Good grief. You have got a very long line to stand in girl.

I don't know if she knows about Robsten, but she clearly BELIEVES there is something there. I do as well, but that's just my opinion.

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

i dont think she is in the know,you dont have to be in the know to state something that is obvious,a blind man can see something is going on,with that said i like her she is cute.

TwiHartRK said...

Katy Perry is adorable!! Love her. They have hung out and she talked highly of Rob in another interview too. Haha I had a feeling the girl had it bad - pfft, blame her?

Cherry said...

I like how everyone's just assuming they're together now lol. I'm still not sold on it though.

Karina said...

Everyone knows the gossip, it's blaring from covers weekly.

I thought that was funny though, she can be funny at times. There was a lot of gossip back late last year about one of their mutual friends(forgot her name) hoping Katy and Robert would hit it off together at a group outing, and everyone said Katy was rearing to go for it, and Robert totally passed. lol

She's sorta nerdy to me, but she's got a great pair of boobs. ha

katie said...

ew, Katy Perry is sorta skanky. I saw her on an interview where she said she'd never want John Mayer for a boyfriend but she'd totally fuck him. And this last week, there were pictures of them canoodling. And now there are several different reports saying she was making a scene with Russell Brand at an afterparty. This chick is music's answer to Paris Hilton, she needs to sit down already.

beyonce said...

Yeah, Katy Perry was totally talking up Robert at the end of last year when she broke up with her boyfriend from Travis McCoy. She kept name dropping him a lot I remember and I thought it was funny. Then they both hosted a b-day jparty for that really cute girl Robert was seen out with in summer while in LA(she is an actress and the gf of his good friend), and all the media outlets were anticipating them getting together.And...and...and.....Robert hightailed it in the opposite direction instead. I think she's just being funny for the most part, but ti's not all a joke. That girl's wanted him for awhile now.

Shani said...

beyonce- I know who you are talking about Shannon Woodward. She is Andrew Garfield girlfriend and he has known Rob since they were 12 like Tom Stu and Sam.

beyonce said...

YES-that's her name. thanks.

Anonymous said...

Katy Perry may know everything or she may know nothing but whatever information she does have would come from the inside, by word of mouth or from her own eyes. The gossip she hears is totally different from what is on the magazine covers.

Steph is Legit said...

either way.. whether she outed them or not/ knows anything at all.. even he believes they are a pair

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

stephen moyer and anna engaged (no problem) ,zac efron and vanessa banging each other (who cares),brad and angie (hooked up on set now making babies) people accept.........stars hook up on set in hollywood,its a daily occurance ,happening from the beginning of hollywood (who cares) half of hollywood met their husbands/wives on set.....but somehow the idea of rob hooking up with kris is driving everyone crazy,now why is that?

dina said...

Totally true right? It's almost ridiculous.I don't get it why the fuss? Sometimes i read the posts and I am like what's wrong with you ppl? Still can get it.

Haystackhair said...

LOL, get in line girl!! EVERYONE wants Rob!!

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

OMG there is this piece on twifans.com called 'why robsten not michsten' LMAO its soo funny i almost died with laughter, but you have to click on the link to read the whole thing,if you want a good laugh read it.

Sam said...

i don't know if this makes a difference- but on my computer this video is only 31 seconds long and she talks about rob at the 24ish second...

Unknown said...

To the end of the line, girl!!!

Renata NS said...

what's with this man! what's he done to us! lol

didiette said...

Her two good friends Markus Molinari and Shannon Woodward are pretty close to Rob. So i don't know. She may know something we don't. She may also be clueless.

Anonymous said...

She's always cracking jokes, she's hilarious. She just trying to snag a man ya know what i'm saying. She's funny.

Anonymous said...

haha i like how she was like "im sorry kristen" hahahah

Ana73 said...

i saw an interview with katy perry and they asked her if she could kiss one girl in hollywood who would it be...and she answered Kristen Stewart, i think she is crushing on both :))

Shani said...

Ana73- You know sometimes girls play up to the girlfriend to get the guy. The girl becomes her bff all the while scheming to take her man right from under her.

But Katy hasn't a chance in hell now. If he wanted her he would have been with her last year. I guess a girl can dream though. LOL

Anonymous said...

katy perry is really cute :)

i bet she does want a piece of that...really, who doesn't at this point?

tina tri said...

She did write on he profile that her crush was rob (in cosmo mag)

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