From Marc Malkin on E!:
Get ready for darkness.
Twilight star Justin Chon tells me that director David Slade's Eclipse isn't exactly taking his lead from Catherine Hardwick or Chris Weitz.
"He's done pretty dark films so that's where I see [Eclipse] really gravitating towards—more of a dark kind of moody film," Chon said yesterday at BAFTA's pre-Emmy tea party. "Just shooting the scenes that I'm in, the mood is definitely different."
"David is very set on how he wants this movie to be portrayed," Chon said. "It's a lot more refined and maybe not as loose as the last two—at least for us humans. I can only imagine what he's doing with everyone else."
Chon also confirmed reports that Robert Pattinson has been living in a house rather than the usual hotel during filming in Vancouver, Canada.(Gozde: So you mean he is not "holed up in a HOTEL ROOM"? But how can DeepAss be wrong? I'm shocked :) Okay, just kidding. I know that he was staying at a hotel, he must have moved. Good for him ;))
"Security has been increased a lot," Chon said. "They're a lot more protective…If Rob was to go out in public without anybody, I think it could be pretty dangerous."(Gozde: Awww :( Really? Are people really that crazy? :(( )
Even so, Pattz is dealing with the attention well. "It takes him a lot more time to get in and out of places," Chon said. "But he doesn't get angry. He's handling things great."
I hope David Slade doesn't forget the romance!
Im confused, after the Bobby Long concert, we saw the video of Rob and Kristen entering hotel at end of night, so how is he staying in a house?
@Golnaz yep, that's what I was thinking too.
Maybe they hang out after watching gigs. Like normal people do.
Like I've said before I really like that DS is making Eclipse dark. people we are dealing with heavy stuff..scary ass newborns, Bella being hunted. We are NOT dealing with cute fairies or gnomes. As long as Bella and Edward are in engagement mode and completely in love...and DS sticks to the story line. I don't give a crap if the tone is dark. I rather it be dark than cheesy.
go ahead David, scare the shit outta me, and then hit me off with a leg hitch and a proposal.
he better not make this some kind of horror flick. we'll have to band together and stomp his ass if that happens!! there was a lot of humor and happiness in Eclipse-danger, too, I can handle some of that, certianly, it doesn't all need to be Edward and Bella holding hands and singing kumbiya, but if this turns out like his horror stuff I'm gonna be PISSED and I don't think I'll be the only one!
I'm not getting the warm fuzzy feelings when it comes to Eclipse.
WTF was SM thinking when she agreed to have DS direct this movie.
Ashley Green was quoted on Ryan Seacrest's show last week stating unlike Twilight, Eclipse is definately a movie you can take your boyfriends and husbands to see. It's a much darker film then the last 2. AGAIN....WTF!!!!!
@ I'm with you Goz, DS scares me.
ok, after reading Divinesally's post...I definately don't want it to be cheesy! just don't want the horror stuff that's in 9 of 10 movies coming out these days! JMO, of course, but I hate those movies (like Saw, Hostel, that kind of thing) and I would hate to see Eclipse turn into that!
also remember all the emotions that Ed, Bells and Jake have to deal with. Not happy stuff. Edward becomes VERY possessive, and so does Jake. It's not rainbows and sunshine all the time.
RPlover I feel ya, I don't like those kinds of flicks either. I have faith in David Slade. i don't know why...I just hope I'm not wrong about him.
@ Divine...Now that I got that off my chest, maybe your right. Eclipse was my favorite book in the series and the movie I was most looking forward to. I just loved the development in the relationship between E$B and yes the leg hitch. lol. I'll TRY and keep my glass half full. (TRY!)
@Divinesally-you're right, and I DON'T want it to be cheesy crap, but I don't want this to be a gore-filled horror flick, either...meaning, I want to see the book come to life, not have to watch half of the movie through my fingers! ;)
I'm all for scary suspense...just don't like gore.
Divine, your post did make me feel better by the way :}
Divinesally, I hope you're not wrong either! :) Let's hope he's as respectful of the original story as CW seems to have been.
I so hope they get him back for BD!
@Cindeeloo, it's my fave too. But i forget, which happens first the proposal on his bed or Alice bringing Bella to the house to watch over her for Edward?
that scene when she decides to sleep on his couch instead of the bed, and then he comes back from hunting is really sexy. I think he asks her why she doesn't like the bed or something. lol. damn I should read that chapter again...
glad I could ease you guys a wee bit. Let's just keep positive. Hopefully he won't let us down. *fingers crossed* i definitely do not want gore..that's for sure. But i would love to be able to bring my dh to this one. He refuses to watch Twilight or New Moon. LOL.
I <3 CW! there are petitions you guys can sign for CW to return for BD. just google it. ;)
LOL..Divine!!!! That scene is exactly what I was talking about...Loved it!!! I think that's the night where he asked Bella to marry him. The compramise. If anything give us SCENE!!!!
I think Eclipse deserves a re-read
if I can pull myself away from FF,
which by the way kicks my ass.
Ok-I have been wanting to say something but have not been sure where to say and now this is the perfect place. I have a question..when a book is so long that it is hard to make into a movie with what is ALREADY written...why do they "add" parts like I read there will be a lot more Riley & Victoria scenes than were written in the book...that is just one example...I just don't understand that-It makes me worry what they will leave out from the book to fit that in...sorry...but I had to get that off my chest!!
LOl Cindeeloo~definitely deserves a reread. I what you mean girl, FF and The Black Dagger Brotherhood has me by the balls. So much to read, so little time. Not enough hours in the day.
@nextstop...your not alone. Who cares about Riley and Victoria, but I guess for those who are watching the movie for the first time and havn't read the books, it would make sense. (shrugs shoulders)
@ Divine...Great!!! another FF to add to the other 20 on my list!!!
nextstopsf~OMG girl REALLY great point. I agree. Like when Catherine added the stupid kitchen scene with them cooking. She should have added the damn blood sampling day in Biology class. That's when Ed and Bells really started feeling each other.Remember when he drove her home, that part in midnight sun really focused how obsessed he was for her. It pissed me off it wasn't in Twilight. I wish CW would remake it...but that's a negative.
In regards to Riley and Victoria, in the book his character development lacked quite a bit. So I guess that's what they are doing.
LMAO Cindeeloo~sorry...but to make you feel better it's a series not Twilight related though. it's vamps, but it's WAY darker and WAY sexier. The lemons are fanfriggintastic! My friend recommended them a few weeks back and I'm completely addicted. The stories are amazingly well written. I laughed, I cried and jizzed in my pants several times.
I'm afraid of what DS is going to do to Eclipse. Just from what I've read and seen so far. The relationships are what give the saga it's foundation. I just hope he's not out to gore it up like 30days of night, and make it more appealing to guys.(whatever)
I am glad he's at least watching out for Rob. I guess that's what's important.
Gozde, I agree, DSlade scares me too.
One final note...I can hardly wait till Rob is done filming this series (ducks) and moves on to other roles. Just so I can STOP scrutinizing over every little part of the film, sit back and just enjoy his deliciousness!!!!
I drive MYSELF nuts.
I think everything will be just fine.
Summit is not going to let their only money making film franchise go waywards.
Eclpse,for the most part is a dark book,both emotionally and physically.Maybe not on the level of breaking dawn,but still a lot of key things happen.
Personally,as long as we get the parts of bella trying to mount edward,and the acceptance of his marriage proposal on his bed...I'll gome home happy!!.
I agree with both your statements Cindeeloo and Isletwilight. Ok I'm done. Have a lovely Sunday!!!
Rob and Kristen were staying at the same hotel. NOT in the same room so don't go there lol! Most of the twi-cast are staying in that hotel. So how Justin Chon can say he is now staying in a house is beyond me. I am thinking something got mixed up. Also have heard Rob's been going out on occasion WITHOUT security. He hopped into a cab at the hotel and took off.
Back to Eclipse being darker...I am wondering too...I am thinking that they will put more focus on the fights and well the newborn army stuff more than the book does? So maybe that is the "darker" part of it, as it being more action packed? Here is hoping THAT is what Justin meant here..and not that it is on the expense of the romance level in it. After all that is the core of the Twilight Saga.
I refuse to worry about David Slade for now, I'll wait and see how the trailer(s) will turn out before starting to worry.
wow, Eric makes david sound like a rigid, humorless control "I can only imagine what he's doing with the othersss..."
And to be honest, I'm wondering why Justin mentioned Robert's general living arrangements. People have been talking about him having two to three different places to stay at for months, but Justin usually isn't one to blabber one way or the other.
and riley and victoria are being amped up in importance because they are the conflict in the film, and they bring the more dark elements that DS seems very intent on emphasizing.
I think David will bring an edge to the film, but I'm sorry, I thought 30 days of Night sucked. Some good atmospheric moments, but bad pacing and storytelling. Let's hope he does better with Eclipse.
hmmm....Robert's mentioned being argumentative about the interpretation of the script. Eric was interviewed saying that him and mike had some ideas for their parts. Then now he's saying David has a very specific vision how this picture will work and that basically if he's being this specific with the humans, lord knows what he's doing with the vampires.
It sounds like a very different environment instead from the hippie-dippy love-in with CH where the kids seemed to run wild with their ideas, as well as the more relaxed yet disciplined environment CW offered.
i think the other guy is veryy veryyy mmmmmmmmmmmm....
Goz!! C'mon, try to keep up!
Rob is staying in that $3 million love nest that Kstew bought for him, remember???
iam curious....did Rob or Kris send out a press release,official statement through Reps?or denied in anyway that they are staying in the same room? if Rob and Kris,the two people involved are NOT denying anything,how can folks on the outside state for a fact that they are staying in separate rooms,i agree we dont know and its their personal business,but i think before you start denying a situation you should wait and let the people involved Deny it FIRST,Rob and Kris have denied NOTHING but other people are, lol i find that Funny.
yeah, who knows the living arrangements up there, and it's none of our business either. All I know is that when I went to summer camp, I was assigned one cabin, but snuck out to my bff's cabin as well as my summer camp bf's quarters half of the time at night.
I wonder what Stephenie Meyer thinks about David Slade's direction. Hope she approves. That's one of my main concerns. We don't need Eclipse to veer off in a different direction than Ms. Meyer intended!
How does every thread turn into an "are they a couple" thread? All anybody can do is guess, & we've heard the same damn opinions over & over & over. This interview says nothing about Rob & Kris together, so why is the subject even being discussed?
I have to agree with a lot of the comments
it's not all ant the love. There's some scary sad shit that happens in this script. I think it will be great
shit I can't type for shit on my phone sorry
rob living in a house now? I swear there was a rumor of this before. I'm glad for him but sad it had to come to that.
Hmm... Is he living there all alone? That's what enquiring minds want to know!
As long as the bed,leg hitch and ofiicial proposal is in the movie it will be great!
And David Slade was brought on aboard to appeal to males. The twilight franchise is big, but it could be even bigger if it was more male-friendly. That's David's job essentially, to man up the franchise. And that may come at some expense to us readers, who realize Eclipse is darker and the most actiona packed novel of the series, yet deals with a lot of nuances too in terms of Bella and Edward. i don't want that sacrificed, just so guys are comfortable going to the movie. it's a lost cause in some ways anywways, men hate twilight, and are very resistant to seeing it.
re: house or hotel. The gossip I've heard for awhile is that there are a couple places he has open to him for crashing, depending which one is more convenient for him to stay at for various reasons. Just gossip, but might explain why he is MIA sometimes.
Rosa that makes sense too. The hotel changing every 2 wks was a pain I'm sure
all iam saying is...... iam a 34 year old woman and in no way in hell i would sit by and allow folks to think iam shacking up up with a british Stud (even though he is hot) and stay silent IF its not true,i would scream from the roof top,go on every entertainment show or a statement through my rep to clear up the sitution,because a woman's reputation in the end is all she before folks start denying things they have no knowledge over,let the two people involved do it First,and so far they are keeping quiet. ok iam+done+ranting+sorry+if+i+offend..
@Maryann-"I refuse to worry about David Slade for now, I'll wait and see how the trailer(s) will turn out before starting to worry."
wise words, thanks! lol it's so hard not to get wrapped up in this, but at the end of the day it's just another movie, I need to remind myself not to get worked up! :):)
It'll be nice when he does a movie that I don't already have preconcieved opinions about-REALLY looking forward to Remember Me!
oh and one more thing in connection to this thread,from what i have seen so far on the eclipse set iam not liking it,iam fearful DS might fuck things up,but i will wait and see more before passing anymore judgement.i hope CW do BD.
hey rpattz-turns-me-on
THANK YOU well said on the reputation front i agree with you 1000 %
young people apparently don't care if they get a bad reputation or not anymore. i'm only a year or two younger than you
i was waiting for someone else to say that so i wouldn't have to.
Fear the Slade! j/king.
I don't know if Summit thought he would widen the franchise or not, but I think he knows quite a bit about filming emotion and intimacy. He also prepares to the nth deg. I agree about Eclipse being darker in content from the attack by the newborns to the Quileute legends. Think of Rosalie’s and Jasper’s stories, too.
If you want to get a better idea of David's approach then watch the bonus features on "Hard Candy." Course that might scare some even more. ;)
I want to see a dark, moody and possesive Jakob *ducks*
then I want him heartbroken, heck I want all of it.
Only because Edward is such a cool and cold character. He doesn't show much emotion *runs and hides*
Brace yourselves ladies....
@ this......
I do think picking David Slade did send a testosterone signal out to the male masses honestly. Come on, he was mocking Twilight himself publicly before he got the gig!lol I think they picked him for what he can bring to the table too in regards to action and darker themes. I liked hard candy , I hated 30 days of Night. But I also hated The Golden Compass and think CW is the best thing since sliced bread, so I am hopeful about Eclipse with some slight reservations, mainly due to statements made by David Slade himself.
"Robert Pattinson has been living in a house"
I'm truly glad to hear that :): at least it's a "warmer" environment (which will soon turn into a den, if what Rob says of himself is true! LOL!)
"f Rob was to go out in public without anybody, I think it could be pretty dangerous."
Mmmh... I think that might be a bit of an exaggeration... the latest pictures show him walking alone down a street (except for paparazzi snapping at him, burn them!) and as far as I understand he survived, right?
"he doesn't get angry"
Awwww... baby! 8) *shiny saucer eyes*
Lets not worry about how Eclipse will turn out. Let's have faith, the pros know their craft. I really don't care as long as I see Rob on the big screen. I had the pleasure of watching Little Ashes -I drove four hours! I saw him kiss another man, so anything will be just fine with me.
We all need to have faith in David Slade. And I'm glad that Summit is keeping Rob safe, it's about time after what happened in NYC. Be Safe, Rob!!! :)
Does anyone know where the pic of Rob with the Bangs and cigarette came from? I think it was a London article.
I just think that it is sad that he cannot go anywhere without all the whatever.....I am happy that he is not letting it get to him though.
I really do not want them to leave out the scences where she is trying to seduce him and is really making it hard for him not to make love to her, and then asking her to marry him. If that gets left out or messed with to much it will be sad. Hopefully it will not be like one of those horror movies that would be such a dissappointment.
I'm so bothered by all the emphasis on the back stories. Royce, Riley, Bree, newborns. Puhleez.
We want to see Edward giving Bella diamonds and driving fast and being madly jealous of Jake.
Whatever. I give up. It's too frustrating. I fast forward over the non-Edward parts anyway. It might be interesting to actually be scared for once.
It might be good to lose the melodramatic feel of the first two movies and maybe we'll get some nice dark and juicy make-out scenes too.
Either way, we will get lots of Rob doing promo for the film, which is what we all enjoy the most.
And then BD can be bright and lovey again in contrast.
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