New Moon Trailer Screencaps

I screen capped the High Definition New Moon Trailer. You can download all 1393 of them HERE :)

Or just the Robert Pattinson parts HERE.



Unknown said...

I iz ded nao.

Kate said...

God you've been busy Goz!
These are great. Thanks BB!!

Anonymous said...

Damn I can't wait for November!!! Edward looks so good.

RPLover said...

wow. that close up of his face right before he step off the stair into the sun made me tear up-you can totally see that he's given up and ready to die...our guy really is talented!

and of course I looked at the "v" for a while, LOL! again, wow! ;)

Anonymous said...

OMG - that's a lot of work. THANK YOU! They are gorgeous!

Anonymous said...

From an interview that I read from the set of NM they said that Rob was worried that he would come across in pain for the Volterra scene's. I think he nailed it!! All of his facial expressions are spot on. I think this movie will finally show all those naysayers that accuse Rob and the cast of being bad actors to shame. All it takes is a combo of a good actor and a good director. I like Catherine Hardwicke, but comparing Twilight to what we've seen so far for NM, hands down Chris Weitz has done an amazing job!! (And on a side note, Rob also was worried with his pained face in HP GOF when he was zapped to death. He was fine in that scene as well!!)

babbles said...

Ahhh good morning to.....ME!

Thank U Goz!

Pet73 said...

Love, how Rob's face is full of expression in each of the screencaps. Wondering how people are able to doubt the acting abilities of our wonderful Rob (surprisingly found such comments even here at Robsessed). I already liked his expressive mimic in TW, definitely aggravated by the ridiculous make up and the poor directing.

The only thing I'm usually suspicious of is Rob in action scenes (we all know he's not into sports like e.g. Taylor is), but what I've seen so far from the trailer he does mighty fine with them as well :p.

The more I see of Rob (and of his stunt double :p) in the action + fighting scenes, and considering the wonderful body he worked out over the last year, the more I'm convinced he will be capeable of a great white red-indian in UC and I'm very anxious to seeing him as Phineas.

Ana73 said...

linda rose - completely agree with you!!

other note: according to Twifans report on ashley greene, it says that rob, kristen, taylor and ashley all went together to NY?? Maybe they got in without any pics.

Federico Zarco said...

great screencaps.

Haystackhair said...

Wow Goz, thanks! Robward looks so tortured. YOu can feel his pain. Sigh. And Shirtless Robward owns me. THUD

Jewels64 said...


Thanks for all your hard work!!!!

Have I told you lately just how much I love you?.....

TwiHartRK said...

Thank you Goz!! It looks so much like I pictured it when reading the book. Robward? No words. I can't wait for the movie.

Suz said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Suz said...




Thanks for keeping us just hungry enough for.... more

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Morning Ldies,

OMFG, these are STUNNING! The pain on Edwards face looks so real, it hurts to look at them..

I have said this a million times..but Chris W is a GOD!

Anonymous said...

Gosh he is just breathtaking....
On another note does anybody feel just a tiny bit sorry for Catherine Hardwicke? I mean I know she didn't do a great job directing Twilight but a)Nobody expected the film to reach the level of popularity that it did..strange considering how successful the sales of the books were: b) She didn't have the budget to deliver what quite clearly could have been achieved. The success of this has enabled Chris Weitz to take this story to another level and my goodness it certainly looks as though he has done an incredible job...and seems a nice bloke as well.
So glad to see a trailer portraying Edward rather than Jacob. Sorry people and I know it's wrong in the context of the story but I'm just NOT interested in Jacob....

SluttyPattz said...

So we should all send Chris Weitz brownies or something. He's AMAZING!!

TwiHartRK said...

Yes Teri! Or flowers? Something. That trailer feeds my little fangurl crush on CW. And I agree RPgirl - wow to Rob's pained face.

Anonymous said...

he's got a big kiss at:
enjoy v nice blog.

solas said...

Lizibee--I DO feel sorry for Catherine Hardwicke. She had a small budget to work with and had to be very creative, but she DID introduce the saga on film, and (from what I understand; correct me if I am wrong) she DID pick out the cast, pushing for ROb when the studio and Twilight book fans were doubtful. I suppose it is possible no matter how good or bad Twilight the movie was, that fans would go for it, and once Rob was on screen, that fans would react the way they did.
New Moon was a much darker book, and I feel in the trailers I am seeing that Chris Weitz has captured that in a myriad of ways (I was wondering if the black car was kind of like a 'paint it black' response of Bella's mind, but may just be reading too much into it).
In any case, Catherine should get the praise if not for bringing it to film on a low budget, then for assembling the cast, nurturing them as an ensemble, and introducing them to the world. (Just wish the transition of the introduction would have been kinder, with more peace of mind for ROb)

Anonymous said...

I agree with you absolutely about praise for Catherine introducing the cast and of course most importantly Rob. She set the stage for it all and subsequent Directors can only add to it all. She had a tough call really.

Lina said...

solas, I agree with every your word. TW is the beginning of the saga, you know - small first steps of the love story. so, Catherine's task was to show how Bella and Edward felt in love. the "biggest event" in TW was appearance of James and this final fight. and I think that she did her job well.
NM is much darker than TW. but with more action and places (not only Forks).
TW was beautiful, NM will be braethtaking...
P.S. Hello, ladies :). I'm back, missed you!

Unknown said...

wow, I like that he actually looks nonhuman in these stills, he's pretty but a little scary and dark too. He does angst well, his face looks grief-stricken...but they better hurry up cause he looks more manly too!lol

SluttyPattz said...

I really enjoyed this video.

Anonymous said...

An observation...his eyebrows is more bushy in New Moon than Twilight.

Temptation said...

Edwards eyes look so freaky and pained, I think Rob was right NM is going to be full on and perhaps scare us....just a little....

Tess said...

Sweet holy hell.. thanks Goz..

Jill said...

Thanks for posting the download link :D

Anonymous said...

Yummy Yummy finger porn in one pic! Rob looks soooooooo good!! Oh! Excuse me....EDWARD looks good!!

I notice a blue, not silver Volvo


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