HQ New Moon Edward & Bella Still

Click on pic and enjoy!



Mrs. Spunk Ransom ;) said...


Robward will be the death of me. ;)

twilightmami2008 said...

Robert/Edward is so hot!!!!!!

TEAM ROBERT/EDWARD!!<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3

robsdream said...


Stupid69Lamb said...

Love this pic. I bet it's the scene when they get back from Italy and she wakes up, finding him next to her. Can't wait to see that!

laura.giurgiu said...

I love the fact that FINALLY he is much paler than her, but still they could ease up on the lipstick, his lips have the same nuance as hers :))...all in all: I can't wait for this movie...

Matea Teacha said...

Ahh, beautiful :D

Btw, his lips aren't so super red like on other picture ;) Big plus

noisefaidaus said...

I love this picture!!!! I think it is when she first wakes up after coming back from Italy.

sagesse223 said...

Ewwww... You can see his contacts! That looks so icky! I don't mind the lips at all. If you've seen people who recently have died, they often have very red lips. Although his are bordering on "plum mauve", which is a little too L'Oreal for dead people. LOL!!

OK, It's a nice pic. Not my favorite. But good to gander at!

Golnaz said...

Who cares is they are or aren't offscreen...Onscreen they sizzle together and thats all that matters. Hot pic! Hope we get more E/B pictures!

Tyler said...

Love this pic! There's just a different buzz when Edward and Bella are looking at each other. Makes me sad though, to see how lovely Bella's hair is in New Moon and how crappy that wig is in Eclipse...

Tinadora said...

You're definitely right, Tyler. Her hair looks so beautiful here! Anyway, I'm still hoping that with a decent lighting her wig will look as good as Rosalie's. Fingers crossed! It's awful when small details such as bad wigs or too much make-up keep on distracting people from the story...

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

dont mean to turn the convo away from bad wigs and make up but it seems that disease sperm bank (paris hilton) is still in vancouver with hopes of getting her tenticles into my rob,what the hell is she doing in BC?

Tinadora said...

Aaah, the horror, the horror! Is that her new nickname? LOOOL

Cindeeloo said...

It is now....LOL!!

Hopefully Kristin's bitch stare will keep her away

or some Raid!

CullenGal09 said...

Happy Labor Day Goz, Dani, and Kate!!!

That said, I just want to say this pic is just beautiful. The look they're giving each other is so hot, and tender at the same time-GAH-so intense. The heat factor is beyond through the roof. And, contacts or not, he looks AMAZING. The makeup and hair is sooooo much better in this than Twilight, i must say. Light years better. Kristin looks great too. Robward rocks my socks though...LOL!

Oh, and finally, Gozde-I got my tix to NM-on IMAX no less! Squeeeee!!! I am going to midnight showing in Nashville on Nov. 19th. I so can't wait. Gozde, you're right. NM is gonna break my heart too....*sighs*.

Cougar71 said...

Dracula has nothing on Edward Cullen (lol) Sexiest vampire ever. Making (un)dead look so good!

I would imagine that if Paris H tried to get anywhere near Rob, Kristen would take her ass down. No worries.

Cindeeloo said...


Saw on a prior post your reading WA. I just now finished it and am still lying here completely absorbed.

If for some reason you want to chat about it in-between chapters (I know I did) you can email me at cclyn@yahoo.com.

Happy Reading

p.s. Do you think anyone can convince Rob to make this movie!

MMc said...

Cat fight? I'd bet on Kristen for sure.

katie said...

it's looks post-Italy to me too--Edward's completely contrite looking and almost on his knees in that picture, and he's very moody and distant before he leaves her.

I'm hoping that the lipstick doesn't look so bad onscreen. i think Chris Weitz dispensed with a lot of the more overly styled elements from Twilight, and I think Edward's look overall reflects that.

Anonymous said...

ahhhhh so now we see that is not a dress. it is a tank top. hmmm interesting. must be after italy then =]

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

@cinde :-) yes rpattz girl gave me the link yesterday and iam totally blown away OMG this edward is dark and hotter and sometimea bit of a prick but its all good,i wish this was the original book and rob played this darker edward.i will email you soon iam to chap 26 now,OMG iam dying in anticipation for when they make love mmmm HOT......@femroc you so right kris would beat the shit out of paris lol

kristen said...

Two words: JAW. PORN.

I swear, that thing could cut diamonds.

Anonymous said...

I think the make-up looks great and I love that you can see his amber eyes! I agree, I think this is when they return from Volterra and she wakes up with Edward there. Such a tender moment between them.

I'm not a catty bitch at all, but I can't stand Paris Hilton, she became famous for absolutely nothing. She's a spoiled brat. I hope that Rob has enough sense to keep away from the likes of her.

Cindeeloo said...


I'm telling you if Rob made WA into a movie, we would have to have a medic stationed at every door of every theater around the world giving us ALL oxygen. lol


Congrats on your tkts, I'm so jealous!(lucky)
Has anyone here pre purchased their New Moon tkts in the L.A. area?

@Kristin and Paris in a cat fight

Anonymous said...

Okay ladies, I just finished The Office and I couldn't get enough of it. When is the next chapter released? I'll soon start Wide Awake because I keep hearing that it is awesome. Can it be even better than TO?

Ripley said...

Goz, just love this banner......his right profile makes we weak. Kate--I believe this pic shows what the Saga is all about. And again with the right profile, just beautiful.
Re: fanfiction....try Let Your Light Shine by LolaShoes. About E & B on their honeymoon on Isle Esme, it's like what we all hoped it would be.

Cindeeloo said...

Linda Rose,

I'm starting The Office today. Just finished WA it was my first FF so I have nothing to compare it to.

But WA completely consumed me. I don't think you'll be dissappointed. I heard Dark Side of the Moon is really good as well. It's New Moon EPOV.

I now think FF is slowly becoming my newest obsession.


Ana73 said...

linda rose - i just finished WA yesterday, i loved it. i was totally consumed by it too. i kept on clicking for the epilogue but i guess it's not up yet, looking forward to that too. i read the office last week and am also anxiously awaiting the next chapters to see what happens. from reading last night posts the next i will start is dark side of the moon. what is TO???

just a question: with these FF stories are they trying to get book deals going??? or are they just for fun???

Cindeeloo said...

@ Ana,

TO is The Office...

took me awhile to figure that one out too. lol

Ana73 said...

cindeloo - duh, that was dumb of me.

Anonymous said...

Cindeeloo ~ My first FanFic was TO so I'll be comparing WA to that too. I couldn't stop reading TO. You'll have to let me know what you think. There is also a website dedicated to it. The link is below. I want to find my own Beautiful Bastard!!!

Ana73 ~ Like Cindeeloo said TO is The Office. I couldn't figure out what WA meant (Wide Awake).

If all the rest of these FF are anything like TO, I think that the authors should try and get published. They probably have to change the characters names but I know that I thought TO was well written. Enjoy Ladies!!

Anonymous said...

Ripley: Totally agree about "Let Your Light Shine". But even more awesome is her sequel "A Life Extraordinary". If only those two FF could be made into a movie....! Anyone who has not yet read these two FF simply MUST read them. It's everything you wished BD had been...with nothing held back!!

I am simply stunned into beautiful silence because of this still, and my heart just stopped (without venom) at the erotic beauty of this man!! This look between Edward and Bella conveys their entire range of emotions from all four books and I cannot imagine any other two actors who could have this kind of onscreen connection playing these characters. I cannot wait for this film to hit the theaters!! I will need oxygen, electric shock, smelling salts, and 30 pounds of Kleenex, and it will be worth every second, every single time I see it...and that will be MANY times!

Cindeeloo said...

LMAO...It's OK I did the same thing a couple days ago with Edward Wallbanger! (hits head).

Ana73 said...

cindeloo - it is my obsession too but i can only read at nights and when my husband is on the road (he is a truck driver). you will enjoy the office :))

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Ahh, so much better in HQ-god, look at that mans face! to die for!

Ana73 said...

i do think that if they wanted to do a second to wide awake story, they actually can because there could be so much more of a story with edward/bella dealing with life. JMO

CullenGal09 said...

@Cindyloo-awwww....you're too sweet. Im very excited. NM is going thope you to be so amazing. Hon, I do hope you get tix. I hope all the Robsessors do. We outnumber the tweenies after all! LOL ;)

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

I agree, I would love to read WA part two! I was sad when it ended and just could not get enough.

I wish she would update, I am DYING to know what happens when Edward gets called upstairs!!!

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

TO, is what I'm waiting to be updated.

CullenGal09 said...

@Ana-WA is very good. So is The office. You should also try Bloodlines on Twilighted, it's the best I've read yet. Excellent. Hot, sexy, angsty, and great storyline. The writing is terrificly well done.

@RPATTZGRL-you're so right...that face is chrubic, angelic, and absolutely addicting! ;)

VeilsofLight said...

Just a pretty picture on all counts.

Ok, BIGTIME bummed to go looking for those earlier Mark Segal photos here only to find they've been removed EVERYWHERE on the web. I thought I was losing my mind not being able to find them here from the other night.

Shame. Did he threaten legal action? I've been away for afew days, anyone know what the scoop is with these? I would have saved more to my computer, ugh!!!

Ana73 said...

RPG - you have me lost with "edward getting called upstairs"

CG09 - i will put those on my list next, i got so many from last night's posts, thank you.

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

There are photos on lainy of Kristen, Nikki & Elizabeth in Couver from yesterday-sadly no Rob...

Kristen's hair still looks like shit-I adore her, but really wish she had no done the mullet for real..

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

In the last ch of The Office (ch7) Edward gets called upstairs, and the ch ends-sitting on the edge of my seat waiting to find out what happens!! I wish she would post the rest of the story!

Ana73 said...

i had read a couple earlier in the year which were good but these ones that i have read recently are great, keeps you reading for more. it's just not smutty writing there is actually a storyline to follow so i will look at all of the ones that you lovely ladies have suggested, talk to you all later - going for a bike ride with my DH :))

Cindeeloo said...


Meeee Toooo!!! I'm so anxious to get them in my hot little hand. I guess they are not on sale here yet (L.A.) which kinda surpirses me. O well,I'll have to keep checking. 73 DAYS TO GO (WOOHOO!)

The premier here is on the 16th still deciding whether I want to go or not? Too many tweenies!!

@Ana...ITA, I can't wait for the epilog @ I also read only at night, no interuptions from kids screaming I'm Hungry while reading about the sexiest teenage hormonal motherf*cker on the planet...GAH!!

Ana73 said...

RPG - i thought you were talking about WA. i was like i am lost.

duh - i am not thinking again but yeah i agree about the call in the office, he is in trouble with daddy :))

Cindeeloo said...

Bye Ana...

Enjoy your Day!!!

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Ana73, Edward will do that to you=smutty Edward eats my brain cells!

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

i know for legal reasons some of these FF cant be publish because of copyright stuff, but DAMN if only they can be made into a movie HOT,maybe they changed the name of the characters some can be published.

Anonymous said...

Oops here's the link to The Office site. Sorry got distracted by a phone call.


Cindeeloo said...

@ Veils,

Yes the pictures were removed for legal reasons. Aparantly they were leaked and noone knew. It was pretty serious they were threating 100k fines and RP Australia was shut down for several hours.

Sucks huh, those pics had me tingling in places I forgot existed.lol

Anonymous said...

rpattzgirl ~ I know, I can't wait to find out if Daddy Carlisle knows what's going on!!

Cindeeloo said...

OK...you ladies have me all excited about The Office. Definately reading tonight.

Anonymous said...

Cindeeloo ~ Happy reading!

RobaliciousLover said...

AWWWWWW! Robward, I love you. There's so much emotion and love behind this picture. *sigh*

Kimmie said...

This still is so wonderful, but I don't think this is when they come back from Italy. Bella would be wearing the same clothes from Italy. I think this is after the birthday when Edward takes her home and stays with her for the night and she gets that eager kiss.

VeilsofLight said...

@Cindeeloo...thanks for the update, I appreciate it! What a shame and a half. WHY WOULD SOMEONE HOLD ONTO THESE?????!!!!! It's a crime and a sin; SELL them for god's sake if need be, just get them to us. Makes you wonder WHAT else is out there that we're not enjoying right now.

Maybe it's for our own good, I WAS pretty much bordering on spontaneous combustion the other night. But the dreams...lordy the dreams. So. Worth. It.

I'm with ya, definitely some newly discovered parts of my central nervous system that night. :)

Robby darlin', you have no IDEA honey. Even when you KNOW you have no idea.

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

OMG-have you guys seen this? Rob trying to play guitar hero!!!


Who are these girls who get to hang out with him??

And the stoli shirt???

Cindeeloo said...

@ Veils....


I made the biggest mistake and came on this site while my family and friend was around. I took one look at that first pic, my mouth dropped open (litterly) and the only words to come out of it was "Fuck Me" My friend turns to me and says "Whats Wrong" me... well i was speechless she takes one look at the computer and shakes her head. Talk about getting caught with your pants down....(LITERALLY!!!)

@ I agree...HE TOTALLY KNOWS @ quoting Suz..The camera must have had multiples that day.

Cindeeloo said...


That was from last year. It was from the Kiss FM radio show with Ryan Seacrest ( you know the jealous asshole who thinks Rob has no personality) The girls work there at the station and were playing with him before he went on air.

I loved how he totally sucked. Too adorable.

Unknown said...

This is for cindeloo- I have purchased 4 tickets through fandango.com for the midnight showing on the 19th and I am in Orange County.

This is such a great site...too bad the pics went away, that almost made me not work for two days!

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...


Thanks, I knew it was from last year, but didn't know the back round of the girls!!

damn, just to have 5 min would be heaven!!

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Ok, must get off the pc and do something productive....bbl...

Cindeeloo said...


Thanks, What part of Orange County? and at what theater. I'm not too far away from you!!

I was also wondering if they were going to show it at the Chineese Theater or an Imax. I checked but nothing. I want my tkts.

Anonymous said...


I just changed my name here, didnt know how to set up a blog...I am in Brea, so the Edwards theaters are doing the midnights...that would be awesome to see at the Chinese Theater, Imax...I don't think my poor little heart could take that!!!!

Anonymous said...

I just went up to the Portland Area for my birthday and went to all the filming sites, amazing where they have them, all spread out around Portland

CullenGal09 said...

@Ana-you're too sweet, darlin! You're so welcome for the update too. You really need to check out Bloodlines-it really is excellent, its actually almost too good for FF. Seriously! Check it out. WA is amamzing, and so hot. Darkward is too much! GAH.

@Cindyloo-dont blame you about the premiere. The tweeinies are going to be very annoying. Good luck on the tix though, because going to midnight showing would be awesome. I cant believe LA not on sale yet! Oh, and those Mark Segal pics made me def tingle too...in all the right places, unfortunately! ;)

@Rpattzgrl-hey! Smutty Edward makes me crazy too-horny teenage mf'r indeed....hehe. ;)

Cindeeloo said...

@ Suesme

OMG,we're neighbors!!! I live right over the hill in Chino Hills.

Small world.

Thanks for the info I'm going to check on it now.

Twilusted said...

Oh Kate! You're killing me here now. There can never be too much jawporn and this HQ makes me swoon.

VeilsofLight said...

@Cindeeloo...TOO funny. I hear ya, I LITERALLY squealed so freakishly loud and long that my dogs went running when I saw that first pic. (See adjoining Avi) :)

I hate to say it, but I think I'm gonna brave the tweens at the midnight showing in Boston, just to be there. Maybe this time around the Cougars will be the ones overrunning the theatre. (a girl can dream. We DO after all have more connections, you'd think it wouldn't be too hard. :)

VeilsofLight said...

Just to clarify, I was talking about the theatre when I said 'hard.' TOO HARD is sort of a given phrase when describing a certain someone. Sorry Goz, tryin' to keep it PG-13 here, but not always the easiest task. Especially after your 'Candyman' video. Beautiful by the way. Damn.

Ripley said...

@ruby, I've started ALE. Looking forward to it. (SPOILER)--LYLS had the most beautiful "turning" scene I have EVER come across.
Anyone read The Red Line? It's not for the faint hearted, that's all I'll say.

Ripley said...

If you like The Office, try His Personal Assistant by Northernlights17 on ff.net. It's similar and has some funny situations but you get your Edward fix too.

Athena said...

Neck... jaw... hand... profile!!! Oh, Edward!!!

Eye is a bit creepy, though, up close...

Anonymous said...

@Ripley - Oh, the turning scene with Edward sobbing (won't say any more, don't want to spoil) had me hysterically sobbing, literally, for 20 minutes...you will just LOVE ALE. The character development is so beautiful - the intimacy and all-consuming love-greater-than-all-other-love between Edward & Bella is worth the read alone, not to mention to toe-curling lemony sexy parts steamyness! It's complete now, so you can read all the way through. LolaShoes is going to write another sequel and I cannot wait!

Thanks for the other FF recommends, I will certainly check them out. I've been putting off WA, mostly because I prefer cannon, but since everyone just adores it and I gather it's complete, I will read it very soon.

@Gozde (and Dani & Kate)...LOVE your site!!!! - Robward has happily and most definitely been the death of me, and many many thanks to you for being my pusher, my supplier for my daily fix, my accomplice, my facilitator, my one-way ticket to RobHeaven!! My death certificate will just have to list cause of death as "ROBBED"!!!!

Suz said...

Absolutely Breathtaking

Cindeeloo said...

@ Ruby

Can you plez send me the link to the FF with the beautiful turning point? Sound really good!

Treasure_7 said...

That's what I am talkin about! They are so hot!! Thanks for the pics!!

Unknown said...

WA broke my FF virginity.
i luv TO, his personal assistant, i love la, let the light shine through and i jus finished the best man.

i totally recommend it robsessors!


Ripley said...

@ruby: definitely read WA. Let me know what you think. I'm off to finish start ALE.

Nina said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Nina said...

I love the way he is looking at her! If you click on the picture to enlarge it...has anyone noticed that the white make-up seems to be coming off of his hand?

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