I had the incredible opportunity to query Mr. Irving as to Rob, his character, along with a plethora of interesting tidbits behind the scenes of How To Be:

What was the inspiration behind the plot of How to Be? Was it based upon factual events in your life?
I was inspired by observations of the people around me at that time. Lots of peers were a bit lost after leaving university – also an interest in self-help books. I thought what a funny combination – young English guys in existential crisis together with this kind of American self help culture.
How was Robert Pattinson chosen for the role of Art? Did his musical ability play a role in his casting?
We found him after a year and a half’s worth of casting calls. He just seemed the right person for the job. He was interesting to look at – but down to earth enough to play the part. He really seemed to “get it” – he knew people like the characters in the script, and understood the main character ‘ART’. Not having gone through drama school, Rob’s acting and response to direction fit in well with other main cast members who were not trained actors either. Rob actually underplayed his musical ability in the auditions, as he knew the character was meant to be rough around the edges when it comes to musical ability – but it actually was invaluable in the end that he understood the music references and had the technical ability to pull off what we were asking from him.
How much of the film tour’s success do you attribute to Pattinson?
A massive amount – he brought a huge audience to our film which is all you can ask of a lead star. I think also the amount of festivals we had played up until that point and the strength of support from our fans really made it all possible.
Describe Robert Pattinson’s look in How to Be- was it difficult to play down his striking features? Was the choice of hairstyle and clothing planned before his casting or customized to fit him?
Yeah, it was funny, the Twilight team had a very different agenda – whilst they were looking for the most perfect styling and angles to make Rob look awesome, we put him in the most ill-fitting, awkward clothes, and almost sought out the most unflattering angles. All the costumes where customized to fit him – we also asked him to bring in clothes of his own which we could mix into his wardrobe – we wanted the clothes to feel like his own and look comfortable on him. He remarked afterwards in a Q&A that half the clothes he wore in the film were his already and half the clothes he kept to wear afterwards. His hairstyle was the result of me asking him not to cut his hair until the shoot to see what we came up with – and that was it – perfect!
Were you familiar with Rob, or had you heard of him before he was cast?
No – he told me he was in a Harry Potter movie but made it seem like a small part. After the first audition I was sure he could be good, so checked him out online and realized he had a huge fan base already. Another call back or two to doubly make sure we had our man, and we were set.
Mr. Irving has another project on his plate- a second feature film called Life Is Just a Game. Starring How to Be actors Mike Pearce (Nikki in HTB), Johnny White (Ronny in HTB) and How To Be score composer Joe Hastings, Life Is Just A Game began filming in August in London and New York.
Says Irving,
” It will be great getting those guys together again and Joe is going to compose the score again – as well as play an old Irish-American cop from the 70’s complete with old man prosthetics. It is designed as a kind of pilot for an off the wall TV show which we are going to initially release as online videos to see how much interest we get.”
SOURCE-The Examiner
I love Oliver and that he saw art in rob
of course rob wore his own hobo clothes!
I wonder which ratt thread bare shirt was his?
Cracks me up that he kept some of the clothes
so Rob!
I love Robart, and his perfect pout!
rpattzgirl - yeah, he kept some of the clothes from Twilight also which were pretty nice but I don't see him wearing them, must be wearing Art's clothes all the time! Love him no matter what he wears and Art is adorkable
I absolutely loved his Character "ART" great movie, Rob did a fantastic job.
Quite sad as well, esp. how his parents treated him ...
Watched it many times and still enjoy it...
Loved HTB.
"Sometimes we all need a little Art"!
My favorite Art is Pissed off drunk Art.
@RPaddict, and him crying and kicking the tree. I love Art so dorky but so frking adorable...
It's interesting how Rob adapts his persona before he even auditions, like playing down his guitar skills. Life imitates Art.
Groan. I think it's true of his approach in general and one reason why Kristen's comment about knowing a version is telling.
A-Especially since Rob played down his role in GoF, as well, do you not think playing down his guitar skills is part of the bigger picture of Rob playing down him SELF? Part of the self-depricating, part of the not seeing himself clearly?
I also wonder at this point if perhaps he really does see himself clearly, is aware of his talents, yet is either keeping it mum in humility, fear of the evil eye, or, in a bit of mischief, is pulling our legs?
I am sure that Oliver was very happy to be having Rob in his film. I really liked the part that he kept some of the clothes and used some of his own clothes. Rob just looks great in any look. He cleans up real nice and he is yes hobolicious too!!
Ah, RobArt...so truly adorkable.
Rob did a remarkable job portraying him. Painfully sweet.
as I've said before, Rob at his most huggable, just the way I like him! I think my favorite video of him (super hard to pick just one, btw!) is the behind the scenes stuff from HTB. He's just so relaxed and happy :)
I'm waiting for Suz's comment on this as she is the resident Art specialist IMO!!! lol
adorkable gorgeous RobART!!! I love him to bits and RPLover - you got it in one - those behind the scenes from HTB are just the best! I love smiley drunk Rob, laughing his ass off Rob and his quirky expressions, especially tongue out Rob...love love love him..... aaahhhh
best news of the week for me is that the How to Be release date for the dvd in Australia is 4 November! Mine will be pre-ordered of course!!! LOL
I've seen just a few bits of this movie through Youtube (thank you) and I gotta say, this is really a different Rob for me.
I like Solas' point of view on him downplaying himself, Jackson mentioned that Rob plays guitar far more better than him, while Kellan already said that Rob should have a song in the NM soundtrack because according to him, when Rob sings it's like an angel singing. Kristen of course would be the number witness to Rob's musical and acting talents, as she said before it was ONLY Rob who had that pained feel when he auditioned for Twi,an evident that Rob truly does take his craft more seriously than he shows.
Solas: I know he's self-deprecating but Irving is saying he understood it was part of Rob's process to appear as if he only knew as much as Art in the auditions. Once you have a certain proficiency with a guitar, or any instrument, you have to work at not being so good at it. It's a conscious choice. Rob said it was the hardest thing about doing the role. I just find it interesting he had the need to work so intuitively and at the same time to have so much control.
I also think he likes to work with Kristen because he's forced to surrender that to some extent. It fits the dynamic of the characters, of course, but I think he enjoys it. As an actor.
I like this movie so much!
And Rob is amazing in it, I like how he tries to really get the idea of who the character he is playing and really go for it, I hope he continues growing in his craft to bea able to pull more interesting characters like this.
I wonder if some of Arts clothes helped him make Peoples' best dressed?
It'd be lovely to see him play a role like Art again :)
If anyone is interested.. I added The How To Be Q & A session from the New York City Screening on my blog.
These kids fascinate me.
Love Art and HTB. You just want to embrace him and hold him and make it all better! I have a few favorite scenes one of them being when he give himself the peptalk in the mirror, the other is when he's with Nikki(?) and they met 2 girls and they are at their apartment and Art just blurts out, omg, I can't remember if he says he's horny or that he masturbates or something like that. I haven't watched it in a few months. Suz can probably help me out there, right Suz!?
J&R ~ I know how you feel about the DVD. I've already pre-ordered mine and I can't wait!!! I forgot when it's released in the US so it'll be a nice surprise when I get it in the mail.
Linda, its actually my ring tone
I have an erection
(it really is!)
Suz ~ That's too funny! How many looks do you get when your phone rings? LOL
Hey, I've been trying to ask you about the songs on your blog. Jessica is absolutely beautiful. Would you be able to mail me the mp3 for Jessica and the other 2 songs where Rob is playing piano? And is that Rob playing?
Oh, and I still want to bite your avi. God that pic of him as Art is to die for!!! I would use it as my avi but you beat me to it. :)
hey Suz and LR - two of my favourite ladies! LOL
Hi J&R!!! I need to answer your email but I was so wrapped up in reading WA yesterday that I had no time. LOL
Suz - I thought where there is Art there will be Suz!! :-)) Do you by any chance have the behind the scenes HTB with that divine outtake of Rob laughing when Ronny asks is he wants to check his emails??? I have been trying to track down the version where the camera faces Rob full on and you see him turn to the side and just crack up. The only shots I can find are partial and you don't get to see the full laugh. I just love that bit...not sure why...it does *things* to me ;-)
Hi again LR!!! What chapter are you up to in WA? I totally understand your absorption in it - it is hard to stop reading when it has you riveted to the page lol
I'm almost finished. I'm on chap 51, I think. I've been reading it non-stop and even in the AM. Which get's me to work late. LOL I have to stop that!! I think after this I'll be reading Let Your Light Shine.
I'm a bit of a browser as I am meant to be concentrating on study so I just dip in here and there when people recommend something...had a look at the first chapter of LYLS a day or two ago. That's how it should have been on the honeymoon...that's what I'm talkin' 'bout! Have only read 5 or 6 chapters of TO and I think about 42 chapters of WA...hoping I can back to them shortly. The one about the Cullen boys in the band was good too!
I downloaded HTB for free and watched it on my computer. I did like it and thought Rob was so endearing. I wanted to hug him and smack the mom. I like the pep talk too in the mirror.
I was so embarrassed for Art when he said he had an erection.
That director got pretty lucky to get Rob in his movie right before he became uber famous.
LindaRose, can you email via my profile page?
Oh, and I started reading FF yesterday, nothing specific yet, just one shots on Isle Esme, but somehow my husband picked up on it and woke me up last night from some uncharacteristically romantic and sexy nookie. How did he know? I don't care how he knew, it was great, and I made sure I didn't call him Edward out loud.
JR! Morning (or evening as the case may very well be)
Did you REALLY ask if I had Art footage?
Sheesh.. I thought you knew me better than that!
I own the UK version and already pre-ordered the US version!
Yea, I am Arthur Freeman's #1 Groupie.
ask anyone!
Oh I knew you were the Art-meister!! LOL Just that I was asking for something very specific. I'll check you blog then shall I?? haha
Yes JR.
I have the Teen.com version near the bottom.
I will have to check for the one with Ronny for ya.
thx Suz sweetie **kisses**
Suz ~ Thanks so much! I'll email you from your profile page tonight when I get home. :)
J&R ~ How do you keep all the Edwards straight?!? LOL
@Angela ~ LOL Have you read The Office yet? That's a reall HOT one, pure smut but really good.
@lindarose- I read chapter 1 of TO and decided I wanted B/E as their characters in the book. I needed to know what happened on Isle Esme.
I'm reading LYLS now, and now I have a pretty good image of what happened on that island. Edward is so sexy. I'll never look at B/E the same again.
Suz: I saw some of those Q&A's but thanks for the link. They are themselves!
I also find it fascinating to watch Rob in the extra improv scene with the girls at the table. It's what he's NOT doing that surprises me.
You have that line as your ringtone? Hah! The timing of it in the scene is spot on and the awkward silence that follows - heaven.
Angela ~ I understand, I was kind of the same when I first started reading the FF. But once you get over that the stories are really good. The two that I read so far have similarities with the characters from Twilight. I'll most likely start reading LYLS tonight or tomorrow!
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