Getting involved opened lots of new doors, not least of all a chance for Williams to interview Robert Pattinson (Edward Cullen in Twilight).
"I sat down with him and had a little candle lit interview," she says blushing.
"It was really funny because they set it up as if we had known each other for years but we'd just met. I realised, we did the interview and it was kind of awkward and once we were out of the interview and we were just hanging out it was totally cool.
"It's just strange that cameras and Hollywood stuff, it's a new world for us - we've never been a part of it."
Gozde: It really was an interesting and cute interview. The awkwardness came out as "attraction" :)) Here it is again:
Artist on Artist: Robert Pattinson & Hayley Williams
BBC Interview found via Twilight-Examiner
I love Hayley, and thayt is one of my favorite interviews. The infamous yucky garden burger face on Rob is a classic adorkable Rob moment. And I did sense attraction from both. Seems Rob likes "real" girls (not made-up Barbie types). Just my observation, could be totally false.
This was such a cute interview! I love when Rob busts her chops about how she says "here" in the song, especially because I loved how she said it also! Thanks to Twilight I've discovered Paramore and think that Hayley has an awesome voice!! It's great to watch this with the garden burger comment and then when you listen to the Twilight commentary and he mentions Hayley and the garden burger. Plus I love they way he says garden burger with his British accent!! *swoon* A little flirting going on here, sure why not, they were both adorable and awkward and they had that common bond of music. Love that Rob likes the "real" girls as Rhonda said. It's all part of his down-to-earth charm. God can this man do any wrong?!?!?!?!
this is hayley heeere. such a goofball! i loved this interview. i remember tapping my foot while signed in to myspace the day of twilight was released to watch this before i went to see it... i still get the same tickle in my tummy when i see him.
a gahden buhger? LOL
LindaRose, when Rob mentions Hayley in the movie commentary I have always thought Kristen gets a little defensive.
She asks him "So what did Haley have to say?" in a tone that makes me think she was a little jealous and possessive of Rob. I think it's soooooo cute!
I loved this interview-Rob was awkward & adorable, and yes, think there was an attraction there..
This was a great interview. Rob's response to the garden burger was classic. I'm British too and didn't have clue what that was. I don't think we have garden burgers in England. I've never see one anyway. I could watch Rob's interviews for hours on end he makes me laugh. He's adorable. bless his little cotton socks. :)
@thirtysomething ~ Yes!! Too bad that part wasn't in this video. Too funny when he says, "this is Hayley Heeere"!!
Here's the link for those that haven't seen that 30 second promo for this interview:
LOL, I remember this, very cute. I never heard a veggie burger called a garden burger either until this! LOL
This was one of the reasons why I first started liking Rob! There was undeniable chemistry between the two and his questions/comments were adorable. He points out that she says "here" with an accent... and then he says it! Too cute! He even mentioned her in the Twi commentary (the bit about the "garden burger"... that's here! In this interview.)
Luv the line about acting and his looking for the 'creeper.' Fun interview.
Linda R...You took the words right out of my mouth. This is another one of my favorite interviews. I love how they are both kinda shy and fidgety...too cute! I always have this stupid grin on my face everytime I watch it. I also LOVE the comment he makes when talking to Nick in reference to making a horror movie.
" You know when someone comes up behind you and you try to act sccaared"
Nick: " You mean acting "
Rob: " Yeah, I just can"'t do it
@ NO this man can do no wrong. And if he does, it just makes him that much more adorable.
(we're hopeless)
I think Rob is at his best when he is in an interview doing something or saying something random. He always comes across as the sort of guy you'd love to take down the pub because you know he's going to be a laugh and interesting to talk to.
I can't wait till they start doing all the promotions for New Moon. I hope we get some new Rob interviews.
Hi Cindeeloo!! (waves)
@ JLD ~ I know, I would love to sit with him over a few beers (pints) and just chit-chat about life and what-not with him. (and then ravage him afterwards!!!!)
@ when your all done with your ravenging.......
please kiss @ tell
(waving right back)
LR I think it would be very difficult to go out with Rob and not misbehave. lol.
Oh, I definitely want to misbehave with Rob!! Grrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!!!! (oh and of course get to know his mind, yeah that's my story and I'm sticking to it!!)
Cindeeloo ~ I don't kiss and tell! :)~
Garden burger? ewww. lol he kills me.
His hands are hypnotic. Damn!
I love this interview! I watch it all the time, it's so funny. Why can't they get together? She seems cool and he's super cute here :)
Creative and quick wit Rob.. "..and this is Hayley HERE!"
....yes, I always try to revisit this interview once in a while (it's one of my favorites-- heck, I love all of his interviews). He was relaxed with a fellow musician..certain attraction and affinity there..
"A gahden buhger?...eww (it’s like)..I found this in the gahden!" (laughs)
This is also one of the interviews where he showed his very open and humble nature. (One of the many instances where he always downplays his accomplishments.)
Meh. Guys.. I don't think she's good news though. She pretty much became the girl she sang about in Misery Business...stealing someone's husband away after befriending the poor girl. Frustrating. That, is a fact, they are dating right now. So I'm not gossiping. However, I DON'T know EXACTLY what went on, but I can't imagine there being any valid excuse for what she did except she didn't care and the girl's husband divorced her anyway. It takes two though. Guess she didn't value friendship.
So no, I wouldn't root for Hayley/Rob. If she didn't do that, I wouldn't mind (even though I don't like her crappy band). But no no and no.
I also was able to discover the music of Paramore(and now I'm hooked) thanks to Twilight, Hayley's voice was so mesmerizing and I always thought she's not just one of those rock chicks that shouts but she definitely can sing since she had proper training.
The first time I saw this video, I have always thought that they look good together, and have always been searching for something about of these people and if ever Rob would have a girlfriend I would be vying for Hayley. Hayley certainly looked like flirting, see the low neckline shirt she wore?? hahah...but seriously she was too cute! And I think she was rumored harboring a crush to our Rob!I hope it's true!
I wonder when are they going to do that song together, like it says their in the interview, that would be interesting, don't you think?? And oh I think Hayley mentioned garden burger instead of veggie burger because that is what it says in twilight, remember the scene when Bella met up the waitress and Waylen for the first time(again)?? She said, "let the girl eat her garden burger Waylen"
My favorite interview! They definitely had chemistry and seemed very approachable and real. I also think that Kristen became jealous of Hayley when he mentioned her in a radio interview.
Yup...I would have acted/reacted the same way as Hayley. I'd be crushing on him but not be obvious. Dunno if she thought he was cool or whatever but that's the perfect kind of interaction.
Muy comfortable. I likey!
Ohhh yeah I did notice Kristen's reaction when Rob was talking about Haley on the Twilight dvd commentary. Slightly curious, mostly a possessive need to know & seems to be the same on another interview. That's the great thing about audio commentary...you can pick up more emotion/reactions. Idk???
maybe this is the first time i see haley wearing a shirt with cleveged....i mean really...im a fan of her and she always wearing shirts w/ funny printed shirts but no clevenge...well maybe a little sexy ,,she's a spice anyway....i love both of them so much.i hope they hook up... i am the happiest person in the world if that happens!...i will be there fan forever and ever!...♥♥♫haley is a ververy nice girl...haley is everything a guy could ask for...rocker ,friendly,,boyish and funny!!__not a dull blonde...
maybe this is the first time i see haley wearing a shirt with cleveged....i mean really...im a fan of her and she always wearing shirts w/ funny printed shirts but no clevenge...well maybe a little sexy ,,she's a spice anyway....i love both of them so much.i hope they hook up... i am the happiest person in the world if that happens!...i will be there fan forever and ever!...♥♥♫haley is a ververy nice girl...haley is everything a guy could ask for...rocker ,friendly,,boyish and funny!!__not a dull blonde...
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