Good Old Cedric

SO the lovely mayfrayn over at pattinsonlife LJ found these photos some of which I have seen before others I haven't (probably because I was never that much into Harry Potter, don't shoot me LOL) so I said I'd put them up and also there's a couple of HQ's down the bottom for you!

Click to enlarge:




Temptation said...

Kate are you trying to kill us ..... Rob with Peaches and Cream skin what a night time treat......yummmm

Suz said...

nom nom nom nom...

Haystackhair said...

Seriously, with the way his hotness exponentially increases as he ages, this man is going to cause the extinction of the female population by the time he is 30. Death by Robgasm. What a way to go... I'll go first!

Anna said...

oh Cedric... my first love :)

keti said...

Totally agree with you Haystackhair!!! 100%

sunflower0674 said...

Totally agree with you haystackhair. I loved him as Cedric - such a cutie.

Kate said...

LOL Glad ye like them!!

Look what I got this morning in the post

Sorry I'm a bit excited here! LOL

T said...

Haystackhair--I agree with you as well. We will either all be dead or impregnated by the time he is 30.

RobsTracy said...

Ahhh! Cedric!!! And so my Robsession began.....

wideyes said...

This is where I can here "I wanna do bad things to you" playing in my head.
I also love bald Rob. Weird but true.

Ripley said...

He is so adorable in these pics. The man just gets better with age. BTW, I love, love the banner. Anything with his right profile....thud

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

ahhhhh yes.......Beautiful cedric ,memories,memories,the good old days,this movie is what started it all,my Robsession, Thank you Harry Potter.

Georgie said...

OMG Kate (Katie)...that's fantastic - personally autographed pics! Definitely changing your name for LOL.

...Robric certainly showed some early promise, especially dreamworthy in the pic with the director or someone with the pink shirt.

Anonymous said...

I fell in love with Rob as Cedric! I love these photos and am sooooooo super pleased to see young Jaw Porn!

So HAWT!!! Bad kitteh! Me-ow!

kespax said...

Yum, oh I cried so when darling Cedric died, loved that character - and adored that they cast the perfect,perfect Robert. cedric is so important.

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

GAH! Cedric is so freaking HOT with those flaming cheeks!!

Glad he died so Rob didn't have to protray him until he was 40.

Too many comments on the TMZ thread. but let me add my 2 cents..

I LMAO at that!
Rob is an enigma and frustrates the gossip media because they can't catch him doing anything...

He's not a whore

He doesn't show up @ Hollywood events with a different BOOB each time (in fact, he doesn't really go at all)

He doesn't prowl around drunk & doing stooopid boy things...

He doesn't kiss & tell..

What ever pleasures he enjoys he keeps private & to himself..

We know he has peen, it's just somtimes hidden under those baggy pants-but we've seen it many times in his button flys..

Keep doing what you're doing Rob! You're driving the media & your fans nuts, and oh god how we love you for it.

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...


Lucky girl!!! OMFG! I haven't sent a letter yet requesting one-have been dying to, now you've given me the itch to do it.

Did it talke 6 months to get it?

Haystackhair said...

OMG Kate, I'm so jealous! Do you just write to the addresses given and ask? Off to find the address.....

Anonymous said...

Aw Cedric, so young and fresh faced. Ruddy cheeks, gawkiness. Rob just keeps getting better with age. He is truly a devine presence!

@Kate ~ Yes please tell us. How did you get these? Did you just write a "fan letter"? I think I may have to do that. *blushes* I've never done that before even in my youth!! What is this man doing to me?!?!?!

@rpattzgirl ~ I totally agree with all your points about the TMZ thing. It's so ridiculous.

17foreverlisa said...

Kate: Wow! How did you get those?!

Haystackhair: LMAO! Death by Robgasm. We should all be so lucky.

rpattzgirl: Very well said. Couldn't agree more.

To all: Here's the ironic part. I literally just went to Best Buy yesterday after work and bought "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire" for the sole purpose of watching Rob in it. I have never read any of the Harry Potter books or seen any of the movies. So imagine my surprise when the pictures of Rob as Cedric greeted me this morning :)

Anonymous said...

@sprtzmom1721 ~ Don't you just love when that happens?! All of the HP movies were excellent. Lots of good Rob/Cedric in GOF and there's a little featurette with him as well. Gangly and cute as ever!!!

Ana73 said...

RPG - totally agree with your comments. i added my comments about this on the other thread. I think that it's just a way to talk about Rob because they know that people will watch if they mention it at the beginning and wait til the VERY END to shop their nonsense comments. We all know that anything rob gets reaction and viewers in their case.

haystack - you really made me laugh :))

Susana said...

Hands into pockets... So Rob...

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

The gay rumors are spreading all over the net,just read some dick head calling Kstew a beard and stating the secret is not the Robsten Romance but that he is Gay,it use to be only crazies believing in the gay rumors,now journalist are jumping on the gay bandwagon,so now Rob not only have to dodge the Robsten Rumors but also the Gay Rumors,NM promo is going to be very interesting........and those assholes at TMZ were really implying that he is gay,read between the lines,the Asexual comment was just a cover.


rob as cedric is so cute...ooohhh I remember those years when I had a crush on those where the years

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

i can see the next headline on OK! mag 'Robert Pattinson Gay' just wait it is going to come, this Robsten gravy train is going to run its course,they are going to need another meal ticket and judging by what i read today on the net,its going to be this one.JUST WAIT

Anonymous said...

OMG what is wrong with people!!!! Why can't they just let Rob be?!?!?!

Anonymous said...

@rpattz tmo ~ Well according to OK mag, Rob and Kristen were together, then they broke up, then she was pregnant, now they are in love, then engaged, planning a wedding, and next story up will be Rob's gay. Yup, I'd say they covered just about every angle!! Must be a good revenue year for them!!!

Ana73 said...

RPTMO - a few weeks back i read online that Kristen was the one that was gay and rob was just a cover for her. these lies are just going to keep coming up every week. i really feel for both of them, it doesn't matter if they are straight/gay/bi people are going to talk shit no matter what.

AP said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
rpattz-turn-me-on said...

YUP @lindarose that pretty much covers it LMAO.....@Ana73 The law of gravity is what goes up must come down and if gravity is to slow then the hollywood jealous gossip whores will gladly help, there are alot of folks in hollywood jealous of Kris but mostly Rob,they feel he rose to super stardom to fast with little effort and would stop at nothing to tear him Down,that is the law of the jungle eat or be eaten.

Anonymous said...

@Ana73 ~ That's right, I forgot Kristen is supposed to be gay/bi. WHATEVER!!! I just feel bad that they have to endure all this bullshit about their personal lives. Especially since they are both such private people. This aspect of being a celebrity really sucks ass!!! I really feel for them. (Well I want to feel Rob up but I feel for him too!! LOL!!!)

Ana73 said...

RPTMO - wow, that was a pretty straight forward comment... "that is the law of the jungle eat or be eaten". Your words are so TRUE.

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

i must end with this......there are alot of crap ,gossip,lies written about celebs every day,the only difference being they come out and defend themselves,Rob does NOT ,you see by speaking out against a rumor and stating your side,gives the public two sides of the story for them to weigh and to form their own conclusions, if all the public hears are one side of the story without your input in defence of yourself,then the outcome from your silence may sway the public opinion . that could be your anchor if you are thinking of a long lasting career in hollywood.

Babs said...

Kate that's so awesome!! I'd probably be bouncing up and down in excitement for a whole week LOL

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Rob or anyone for that matter-should never have to defend or explain their sexuality...

I am so glad he choses to remain classy and not admit to or deny or explain anything...

He rises above it all, and just makes me love him all the more...

Haystackhair said...

I think, rightly so, Rob could give two shits about what the paps and the stupid media @ssholes think about him. He's doing his job, and that's all anyone needs to know. Good for him.

17foreverlisa said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
rpattz-turn-me-on said...

easy to say when you are a Rob fan......rember their are alot of folks out there that arr NOT twihards or Rob fans,this is the segment of the population that Rob is yet to reach,if he wants to branch out into different areas and expand his fan base beyond twihards,i suggest he starts defending himself,there is a big difference between defence yourself and spilling personal info,this segment of the population may grow tired of the constant rumors and his silence,Oprah does it,if a romor comes out about her at 3pm by 3,02 her rep is shooting it down because she+knows+how+public+perception+works+and+as+a+brand+you+have+to+control+it.Rob+is+a+brand,its+all+about+public+perception+beyond+twilight+and+his+hardcore+fans.

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

typing mistakes....(remember,rumor,are,there) *sigh* i hate my iphone.

17foreverlisa said...

LindaRose: I'm right there with you wondering what this man is doing to me. All I know is that I like it. Thanks for the tip about the featurette. Can't wait!

rpattz-turn-me-on said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Kate said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Thanks for the info! Ahem, I will be sending mine out this week!!

Love being silly over Rob-he makes me tingle.

Kate said...

Hi Ladies sorry only getting back on now!
The addresses are on the blog there's a US one and a UK one I actually sent to both (so maybe in the future I might get another surprise) but I'm not being greedy I'm happy with these! Anyway I printed out the two bigger photos myself. The smaller one was an extra and nearly always seems to be added. I put in a letter and just asked if he had time would he sign them, said I was a fan, mentioned "ROBsessed" (couldn't resist LOL) and I also put in an addressed envelope (even though that's not what they came back in) and if you can include stamps or an international reply coupon (don't know if that's what you call them over there) just to cover the postage back! That's it! Go for it! I posted in May and was really surprise to get them back SO fast!
Hope that helps

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Finally finished ALE...god, I was exhausted after that series-what an amazing, hot story..

TO is breaking my heart-but I have faith in the BB-

I started submissive last well as my yes, my no...and then I'm also going to read the red line.

I am comsumed by FF!!!

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

@rpattzG what is Red Line?? did you enjoy Life Extrai ?? it was page after page of hot sex Oh My

Ellie said...

Ah, my, so hot.

And he's only gotten better with age. *thud

Ellie said...

Oh, and thank you, Sweet Kate! (or is it KATIE?? LOL)

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

I adored both LYLS & ALE so much!

The red line is another e&b dfan fic..

monika said...

@rpattz-turns-me-on, lol which journalist?

It's better to just ignore it, every friggin heartthrob(and not only them) has to deal with such rumours. It's ridiculous but it's common in Hollyweird.

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

@rpattzG OMG iam so excited,iam going to start it as soon as i get home from work,Thanx for the link :-) FF is killing me iam so addicted.

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

I know, besides Rob, it's all about the FF now!

Anonymous said...

@rpattzgirl ~ I started reading The Submissive last night too. I'm not into the whole Dom/Sub thing but I have to tell you I couldn't stop reading it. I can't wait to get to EPOV. TO still has my heart too, I want my own BB. I follow Christina/tby789 on Twitter and she will give us the happy ending we all want for them. I trust her and BB!!

I started LYLS before I switched to TS. It's good but I feel its lacking something. I don't know what yet but I'll continue to read it. I agree, all this FF is driving me crazy!! :)~~

Oh I also just finished reading Bel Ami. He's such a cade but I'm so looking forward to seeing Rob portray him. It's a different role from what we've seen him in so far.

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

Whats this about Alec baldwin hating Rob?? perfect example of what i said in my other post,Rob achieved in one year (Fame,success,fan adulation) what other actors took twenty years to build,i think the resentment is starting to show.who cares Rob have millions who love him.

Haystackhair said...

Thanks Kate!! Gotta do that. rpattzgirl, do you like The REd Line? I can't stop reading it, but I'm slightly horrified by it at the same time. I can't decide if I like Slutward? Whoreward?, but I am oddly drawn in by him. And is Bella sweet or an idiot? WEll the lemons are great! LOL!!!!

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

How many lemons are in Red Line?? is it lemony like TO or overly lemony like ALE ,Damn i think that one had the Biggest lemons. LOL

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

I know Bel Ami stumpped me-I can't wait to see him do it, but there are parts that will be hard to watch-

But sex on the floor! Oh yea!

Anonymous said...

Sex on the floor, sex against the wall . . . yeah baby!!!!

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Lots of nekked Rob!

T said...

Now I have naked Rob thoughts going on in my head while at work.

Cindeeloo said...

Hi ladies,

Just finished TS and on to TD. I just love Edward in these total dominate roles. I'm starting to scare myself...LOL! Also finished chapter 18 of TO last night (finally got to it) @ WTF!!! my heart just broke at that last scene in the hallway, (I remember those feelings all to well ) That BEAUTIFUL BASTARD better have a good explanation!!!!!

Had a little party for my daughters birthday yesterday (12) She loves Jacob..(Thank God...I couldn't fathom the two of us crushing on the same guy...Uuuggh)
Anyway, I put posters and pics up of Taylor (along with a few pics of Rob for my own viewing pleasure)
And when the adults came together the subject came to twilight and Edward vs Jacob (Pfftt) It was the most excruciating 20 minutes of my life, when the subject came to Rob and ALL the gossip surrounding him. My one friend thinks he's gay,(ugghh) My other friend say's NO I heard he's getting married to that one girl who plays opposite him (unfuckinbelievable) @ my mom (God bless her) Well I heard in a magazine that he doesn't smell very good, he never really looks put together. (F***) All the while I wanted to scream at the top of my lungs....LEAVE HIM THE F*** ALONE!!!!!! ( I now have permanent nail marks in both my palms) LOL!!

Sorry for the rant, had to get that one off my chest (feel better now) I love this place!!!!

Off to read TD!!!!!!


Anonymous said...


Hahahahahahah!! That was so hilarious! (But I felt for you.)

If they only knew.. :)
It's a good thing there's a place for us to rant and blow our steam off. :)

Haystackhair said...

uh oh, me too Library Babe. Not such a good thing. LOL. AS for The Red Line, Holy CROW there are lemons.

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

iam like a fucking lawyer,everyday i have to defend my man Rob,i refuse to hear bullshit being said about him and not respond, folks are really taking what the Tabs say as fact,i dont mind the Robsten Rumors,its the other stuff that get to me, Rob iam gonna send you my lawyer bill.

Anonymous said...

CIndeeloo ~ I was wondering where you were as I was talking about the FF. I started reading TS last night and like I wrote before I'm not into the whole Dom/Sub thing but I couldn't stop reading! I can't wait to start reading EPOV.

I was heartbroken over TO. But I think it's Rachel who stopped by unexpectantly and Edward was just saying goodbye to her . . . forever. I mean after all those text messages, come on?!

I totally get where you are coming from with talking to "outsiders" about Rob and Twilight. They just don't get it. A couple of my friends only know what they hear or see in the magazines. It's so good that we all have a "safe" place to Robsess without the "outsiders" interferring! LOL!!

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...


Emily said...

Kate! I'm so happy for you! Those are three beautiful pictures. I love that he personalizes them. Katie, Kate....whatever. Close enough, right? Lucky you!

Man, if I knew the mailman was bringing me those he'd be tackled before he even made it to my mailbox.

Ana73 said...

RPG - i finished ALE this weekend. I really liked it and looking forward for the next one.

LR - i thought the same thing about Rachel, but i was bummed when there are only two chapters left but i hope it will end great.

about the Red Line, whoever is reading, i agree it was hard to read because of the shit he had to go through but i really like the story. i think i read that one the quickest because i wanted to see what happened next.

right now i started my yes, my no - i like what she is doing with this. and i am also reading Creature of Habit.

oh, and if anyone wants a nice story, no smut, the Best Man was really good short story. i read that one after the Red Line because i needed it after reading that one.

and yes i am addicted to FF and robert pattinson :))

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...


I loved COH!!!

Emily said...

Okay, I'm so immature. I'm laughing at Cedric's profile. His 'wand' is made from unicorn hair.
Of course it is.

Cindeeloo said...

Hi Linda R :)

Popping in and out today. In regards to TO, It has to be Rachel,@ your right I'm sure they were saying goodbye... but for some reason that scene killed me. And when Bella went back to the office picked up his shirt and smelled it(sniff) I can't wait till the next 2 chapters. I hope we don't have to wait long ( I'm not a very patient women lately LOL :})

I'm happy your enjoying TS (i knew you would like it) I'm not into all that Dom/Sub stuff either...but in Edwards case I think I COULD and WOULD have a change of heart....(TEEHEE)

As far as my family and friends last night...If there was a time I needed a group hug from all of you it was THEN!!! I kept starring at my laptop cause I wanted to log into this site and tattle on them ALL!!! How dare they talk about our Robbie like that ( they wern't saying very nice things :{ ) Uugghhh!!!!!!

Hi Thansa :}

Cindeeloo said...

Oh and Hi Rpattz!!! :)

Anonymous said...

@Emily ~ is that a Wide Awake reference? LOL!!!

Emily said...

LR - Haha! Yep. Ironic, don't you think? The unicorn analogy was so funny to me.

Anonymous said...

@CIndeeloo ~ yeah, the first couple of chapters of TS was a little tough to read. I kept reading it with one eyebrow raised. LOL!! But the lemons are good! :) And now I'm totally hooked. Once again losing sleep.

Even tough I can't wait till the other 2 chaps of TO are released, I'm sad that there are only 2 chaps left. What's going to happen to our Beautiful Bastard?

Cindeeloo said...

@ Linda R...

In regards to the BB, that one is easy...He's breaking up with Bella and coming over to my house for dinner. Care to join :) Oh, and if I excuse myself to visit the ladies room and he follows, don't expect us back for LONG LONG time. Hahahahahahaha!!!!!!!

Ana73 said...

LR - i totally agree two chapters, that's it. there could be so much story there to write but oh well i am not the writer.

i guess my next FF will be TS and TD, since you all talking about it.

Haystackhair said...

Ana73, yeah, The Red Line is hard to read due to what he has to go through, but I have a problem with the "same day different hoohah". LOL. Ewwwww.

Anonymous said...

@Cindeeloo ~ LMAO!!!

Cindeeloo said...


I'm such a naughty girl, I think I deserve a spanking.


(poor Rob, if he only knew...sigh)

Haystackhair said...

and Cindeeloo, LMAO!!!

Anonymous said...

@Ana73 ~ If you liked TO you'll like TS (and TD and The Trainer which is the sequel).

Anonymous said...

Cindeeloo ~ you're killin me here!! LMAO!!!!

Okay gotta go home, my work day is over. Check you ladies out later!!

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

My confession of the day:

I'm reading TS while @ work-big mistake, naughty-def need a spanking today...

Anonymous said...

rpattzgirl ~ There is no way I can read the lemony FF at work!! Then again I would be having a smile on my face all day!! Never mind the wet panties!

All you girls are naughty!!! LMAO!!!!!

Cindeeloo said...

@ Ana I agree with LR...I don't think you'll be dissappointed :)

Gotta run ladies...time to put my mommy hat on (shrugs shoulders)

This FF is seriously kicking my ass, I can't concentrate anymore..LOL!!!

BBL (tonight)


Ana73 said...

haystack - that is really funny "same day different hoohah", i thought the same thing. alot of it was really ewwww. but edward & bella story was really good so that made up for the yuck. i felt so bad for edward, he was so dark in this one.

RPG - i really am enjoying COH, half way done.

well i have to pick up my son and not forget him at school...again :) bye ladies !!!

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

it's getting me through a rough day-but I have to control the "OMG's"...

can't wait to get home and read more!

Haystackhair said...

Ana73, LOL, glad I wasn't the only one. I do like him and feel for him, so I can't stop reading it!!! He is dark in this one, but somehow very fragile too. Probably finish it tonight, and have my usual (lately) bloodshot eyes in the morning from lack of sleep.

lostinphilly said...

To: Kate
Hey girl, how are you? So you received Rob's autographed pics back in the mail? OMG, did it take six months? I sent for one back at the end of December 08,and again in February 09;and still haven't gotten anything back. :( Which address did you send it to, if you don't mind me asking? My first one I sent to LA, then the second one to London. I really hope to get something back soon. Oh, I also sent him a book with my Feb. letter. I would appreciate it if you could let me know. Thanks.

lostinphilly said...

To Haystackhair:
Hi, The Red Line is an awesome story. I was up late many, many nights reading it. I agree its VERY lemony and yes, sometimes a little disturbing, but Whoreward is a very broken and complex character. But don't worry, it gets much better towards the end, and there's quite a surprise in there also at the end. I think it was written very well considering its such a controversial story. But it's all good.

Oh, and I also agree with your "Death by Robgasm" comment,so very true.

lostinphilly said...

Cedric, O Cedric. I still cry everytime I watch GOF even tho I know whats going to happen, can't help it. Thats how I know I'll be needing a ton of kleenex for both New Moon and Remember Me. But, back to our dear little school-boy Cedric; that pic with him in his school uniform, hmmm, as Sharon Osbourne said, "I could get arrested for saying what I want to do to him." LOL

wideyes said...

Ive read both TS and TD. It was good but not one I would read ever again. I don't think anything could ever beat Wide Awake for me. Amazing!
My new favorite read its Clipped Wings and Inked Armor, OMG! That latest chapter was the best lemons Ive ever read! *fans self*
By the way, can anyone tell me what is LYLS & ALE?

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...


LYLS= let your light shine

AEL an extraordinary life.

Read LYLS first-it begins on Isle Esme, the sequel is AEL-they are both awesome-lots & lots of HOT SEXY EDWARD.

Unknown said...

Hi Cindeloo!

I remember you were the one who helped with all those FF titles, now that I got back here and I suddenly feel out of loop again, I wonder what is the whole title for the TS and TD that y'all talking about.

I can't see the other chapters for Wide Awake so I don't have anything left to read in FF..hope you can help me with it. Thanks!!=)

Anonymous said...

@mary ~
TS = The Submissive, and
TD = The Dominate both by tara sue me.

You can continue reading Wide Awake here:


Cindeeloo said...

Hi Mary....

Yes I can help you. TS is The Submissive BPOV @ TD is The Dominate in EPOV. If you liked The Office you will most likely like TS. Some chapters are a little hard to get through, but keep reading because the end is worth it. I'm starting on TD tonight....can't wait!!!!

Happy Reading :)

Oh, and I never was able to find that interview (very fustrating)
sorry :{


Cindeeloo said...

Oh I forgot I gave you the link to's at the bottom of my post...(duh!)

Angie said...


I saw that you still had questions on the tmz thread.

Looks like these lovely ladies helped you out.

Love how every one passes the love and ff addiction on.

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

i read WA ,are there new chapters added?i thought that was the end of the story ......nothing beats TO its the best i have read so far,great writer.

Angie said...


WA has 52 chapters. Still waiting for her to post the epilogue.

If you have not read these chapters the link is in LindaRose's comment.

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

@ADM oh ok thank you!

i think i read all 52,not sure will check later,i just started Red Line and its a hard read but lemony good.

Cindeeloo said...

RPTMO...What's all this reference to lemony (did I miss something?)

Haystackhair said...

Cindeeloo, lemons = SEX!!!! Thanks lostinphilly- will keep reading, and trying not to die of Robgasm before the end. LOL

Cindeeloo said...

OH...(embarassed)...sometimes I wonder about myself :{

Thanks Haystackhair :P

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